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1、大学实用英语视听说1视频文稿大学实用英语 (新风尚 ) 视听说教程 1 视频文本Unit 1 Campus life A .2.5.Unit 2 Culture and Recreation.5.6.Unit 3 Social Etiquette8.8.9.Unit 4 Food Culture1. 5 Festival and Customs1.5.1.6.Unit 6 Romance and love. 7 Figure and Legend A . Unit 8 Philosophy of Life

2、 2.7 A 2.7 .2.8 Unit 1 Campus lifeAReporter: Autumn rings in a season of possibilities for new college students. Many, including 18-year-old Emily Bishko, will be leaving their parents for the very first time.Emily Bishko: I honestly, like, feel like I am old.Father: Yeah?Emily Bishko: And that I -

3、but I also feel like I dont belong here, like Im too young to be here.Reporter: Her parents listen to their grown-up little girl with a bittersweet mix of emotions.Mother: Its such a range from the happiest feeling to the saddest feeling. Happiness for her because shes gonna go, and happiness for us

4、 because were gonna move into this next phase. But then, oh, my gosh, shes gonna go.Reporter: The Bishkos travel halfway across the country, from Atlanta to St. Louis.Emily Bishko: Thats everything out of the trunk, right?Reporter: To help Emily get settled in at Washington University.Mother: Do you

5、 need batteries?Emily Bishko: No.Reporter: There are lots of adjustments in store, and its just the moment for a healthy dose of sarcasm.Father: Theres plenty of room in here, dont you think, for two people and all their clothing, books, and computers? And it shouldnt be any problem at all.Reporter:

6、 Its a far cry from the spacious home where Emily grew up. Shell have to hold on tight to the memories of her favorite meals with her parents and big brother, Jack.Emily Bishko: You said you had some advice for me when I go off to college.Reporter: And evening romps with the two family dogs.Emily Bi

7、shko: Im gonna miss this guy.Reporter: And for mom and dad, its time now to let go.Mother: We started with a newborn baby, and its 18 years later, and shes been very successful, and were very proud to see where she started to where she now has ended up.Father: At some point in a childs life, you hav

8、e to let them become the adult and mature into the adult. And I think, you know, its this letting go thats hard to do, but its very important to do.Reporter: And so begins the process. Back at school, there is advice for all concerned.Reporter: Like many colleges across the country, Washington Unive

9、rsity offers orientation programs not just for nervous freshmen but for the parents who leave them behind. The sessions are held separately to cushion the blow of letting go. The one Emilys parents attend features a skit with students who reenact the first phone call home.Actor: Hello, mom? Hi. You

10、remember that credit card you gave me just for emergencies?Well, I was at the bookstore and - hi, dad. Now Im talking to both of you.Reporter: Also on hand to offer insights, Wash Us Karen Coburn. She wrote the book Letting Go. Karen Coburn: I think that a lot of parents find it very confusing. Beca

11、use one minute their child wants them to be with them and says, Are you coming here with me? and the next minute, their child is practically running ten steps ahead of them so that the parent doesnt seem to be associated with them at all.Reporter: After all, there are new friends, new experiences, n

12、ewfound freedoms.Karen Cohurn: The most important thing is to acknowledge the changes that are taking place in your child, to see your child for who he or she is becoming, not for some image that you hold in your head of what this child is supposed to be, and to support those changes and to enjoy it

13、.Reporter: Enjoy it, because all too soon, all across the campus.Mother 2: I feel as though a piece of my heart is missing.Reporter: Its time to blink back the tears.Mother 2: God bless you, baby. Joy. Joy and sorrow together, because hes my running mate. Doing things for mommy all the time, and Ill

14、 miss that.Reporter: And say goodbye. Mother 3: Bye, Joel. Well miss you. Student 2: Bye, mom.Mother 3: Say goodbye to Joel.Brother: Bye, Joel.Mother 3: Give Joel a hug. Give Joel a hug. Father 2: See you, Joel.- (Waiter) Happy New Years, ladies.- Gabby, its New Years Eve.Enough reading.- But, Mom,

15、Im almost done.- The teen party? Ive laid out your best clothes.Come get ready.- Can I have my book back?- Thank you.- Come on.(ball bounces)- Keep working left, Troy,Got a guard in the championship game were expectin. Youll torch em!-Am I going left?- Yeah,- He looks middle, you take it downtown,- OK, like this?- Whoo! Thats it, man. Sweet.I.ets see that in the game.- Boys?- Dont worry about me.- Did we really fly all this way to play more basketball?- Yeah.- Its the last night of vacation.The party, remember

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