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1、全国创新作文大赛题目全国创新作文大赛题目 历届大赛初、复赛试题 第一届大赛 初赛试题: Topic: High School Students Go Abroad for College Education Directions: In China today, there is an increasing trend that high school student go abroad for study. Please write a position about this phenomenon in no less than 600 words with your creativity.

2、 Writing of any style is wele. 注:答题纸请统一用A4纸(21cm*29.6cm)手写或打印。试卷上方留出两行写明考生所属省、市、区(县)及学校班级,写明姓名。作文标题根据要求自拟。 备注:因“非典”之故,未举办复赛。 第二届大赛 初赛试题: Topic: What do you think are the symbols of suess in todays China? Directions: The answers of what suess means vary from person to person and change time to time.

3、What do you think are the symbols of suess in todays China? Please write a position in no less than 600 words with your creativity. Writing of any style is wele. 复赛试题: Upward or Outward? Directions: At present, large crowds of people move into cities, making them bigger and bigger. Every city faces

4、the problem whether it should expand upward or outward. You are allowed 60 minutes to write a position on the topic: Upward or Outward? You should write from 300 to 500 words, and base your position on the following outline. 1. Description of the city you live in 2. Arguments on the expansion 3. You

5、r opinion and reasons 写作要求:目前大量人口涌入城市,使得城市规模越来越大。各城市都面临着应该向上发展还是向外发展的难题。请你在60分钟内,根据你居住的城市的特点,些一篇300500字的作文,按下面提纲阐述你的观点及理由。 1. 描述你居住的城市状况 2. 城市发展方向上的争论 3. 你的观点及理由 第三届 初赛试题: Directions: Some people argue that English has been overemphasized in China. It seems that almost everything from entering a hig

6、h school or university to finding a job or getting a promotion depends on ones mastery of English. This has misled students at schools and universities to spend too much of their time on English rather than on other subjects or their major area studies. Do you agree with this view? Write an essay of

7、 approximately 300 words to support your view. 复赛试题: Directions: Write a position of 300 words within an hour aording to the following graph. Your position should cover the following points: A. Difference in annual ine between teachers and businessmen; B. Difference in annual ine between inland citi

8、es and coastal cities; C. These differences greatly influence peoples choice of profession and home; D. Its economic interest that counts. $6000 $3000 Inland Cities Coastal Cities Note: 1. $ refers to US dollars. 2. refers to teachers. 3. refers to businessmen. 4. The above graph is a contrast of an

9、nual ine between teachers and businessmen in the early 90s China. 第四届 初赛试题: Topic: Nowadays puters have bee an important part of our lives. With the development of the Inter, puters can be used for studies, munication, news and entertainment. Give your opinions on how puters may affect your studies

10、in the future. 复赛试题: You are to write an essay at about 300 words in 60minutes on the following situation. You may supply a topic of your own. Aording to a recent report from the United Nations, the world population is aging rapidly. Take China as an example, the population 60 and older has reached

11、134 million (aounting for 10% of the Chinese population), 70%of whom are located in the countryside. How would we respond to this social problem, in the next 20years in particular? 第五届 初赛试题: Write a position of 300 words on the following topic: It is true tourism will certainly bring benefit to a na

12、tion. However, some people claim that it will also cause problem to environmental protection and cultural integrity. To what extent to you agree or disagree with this opinion? 复赛试题: Writing Topic for Semifinals We can be sure that most people have experienced failure and suess. Most often, when we a

13、re suessful we can give some example and facts to support your opinion. You can give some examples and facts to support your opinion. Your essay should be written in English with on less than 300 words within 60 minutes. 第六届 初赛试题: Directions: Read the following paragraph and then write an essay at a

14、bout 300 words on the following topic: The Inter in My Life Aording to a report from the Digital Future Project in the U.S.,the overall Inter aess has risen to its highest level in the last four years; about three-quarters of Americans go online. The number of hours online continues to increase-risi

15、ng to an average of 12.5 hours per week-the highest level in the study so far. What do people do online? Both very experienced users and new users spent by far the largest percentage of their time online dealing with e-mails; followed by general Web browsing, work at home for their jobs, reading new

16、s, etc. In terms of who are online, the report reveals that three quarters of the Inter users are aged 55 and under. Are you an Inter user? If yes, how long are you online each week? How do you connect the Inter? What do you gain by using it? If not, why not? What do you miss by not using it? 复赛试题:

17、Directions: Some people maintain that universities are the best place for young people to receive higher education; other people believe that young people can be equally educated by taking correspondence courses or going to evening classes and open universities in their spare time. Write an article

18、of about 300 words in which you pare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of formal university education and informal higher education. Which do you think is more effective and desirable? Support your argument with appropriate examples or illustrations. 第七届 初赛试题: Value of Exams in Schools D

19、irection: Students have experienced a lot of exams all through their school years. They may have a lot to say about the present exam systems. You are allowed 60 minutes to write a position on the topic: Value of Exams in Schools. You should write about 300 words, and base your position on the follow

20、ing outline. Role of exams Your experience of failure at one exam Suggestions to better exam systems 复赛试题: Directions: With the development of puters, more and more people are working with puters. But, we know that puters are harmful as well as useful and helpful .Here, you are asked to write an ess

21、ay on the topic “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers”. You can give some examples and facts to support your opinion. Your essay should be written in English with no less than 300 words within 60 minutes. 第八届 初赛作文试题: Read the following paragraph and write a position as stated at about 300 w

22、ords in 60 minutes. Your position will be graded aording to clarity, auracy and meaningfulness. Some experts claim that parents attitudes toward solving teenage problems are crucial determinants of child personality development. Do you agree or disagree? What role does parental attitude play in chil

23、d rearing and personality development? You writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion. 复赛试题: Directions: Read the following paragraph and write a position as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes. Your position will be graded aording to clarity,

24、auracy and meaningfulness. In aordance with CRI news, the spirit of Chinese volunteers, from responding to the May 12 earthquake to the xx Bei * g Olympic Games, not only touched the Chinese people, but also generated worldwide attention. Official statistics show that china has aumulated about 8 bil

25、lion hours of volunteer work from 380 million volunteers since 1993 and is going to have more and more volunteers, especially the youth. How do you understand volunteer work? In what way(s) is it important to promote the well-being of individuals, families, munities and the world at large? Your writ

26、ing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion. 作文命题思路和评分细则: 该作文题目就我国近年来越来越受重视和各认同的志愿者工作,对考生的观察能力、思维能力和社会体验能力进行考察。通过该题目的写作,检查考生的语言逻辑组织能力和语言表达能力。考生可以在所给题目范围内自己命题进行写作。 作文评分大致分为四等: 99-90分: 1.对作文题目有独到见解,并有很强的创新能力; 2.语言流畅,思路清晰,有较强的英语写作能力; 3.词汇和语法使用恰当,错误较少。 89-8

27、0分: 1.对作文题目有合理的理解,并有较强的创新能力; 2.语言比较流畅,思路比较清晰,有较好的英语写作能力; 3.词汇和语法使用比较恰当,错误较少。 79-70分: 1.对作文题目有正确的理解,并有一定的创新能力; 2.语言通顺,英语写作能力一般; 3.有常见词汇和语法使用错误。 69-60分: 1.对作文题目理解尚可,创新能力比较一般; 2.语言不太通顺,英语写作能力较差; 3.词汇和语法错误较多。 【初赛题目】第十一届全国中小学生创新作文大赛暨首届全国中小学生阅读能力大赛初赛题目(重庆赛区除外) xx-11-02 一、阅读能力测试(100分) 请选择一本你最喜欢的书,说一说你喜欢它的哪

28、些地方;再选择一本你最不喜欢的书,写下你讨厌它的理由。格式如下,不限条数,内容越具体、越充分越好。 我最喜欢的一本书是:_,它的作者是:_。 我喜欢它的地方一:_。 我喜欢它的地方二:_。 我喜欢它的地方三:_。 我最不喜欢的一本书是:_,它的作者是:_。 我不喜欢它的理由一:_。 我不喜欢它的理由二:_。 我不喜欢它的理由三:_。 二、创新作文写作(100分) 在生活中,我们常常期待某种事物的到来 生日到来,我们就可以吃蛋糕了! 暑假到来,我们就可以痛快地玩儿了! 新书到来,我们就可以尽情地阅读了! 在生活中,也有一些“不速之客”并不那么受欢迎 台风到来,给大家的生命财产造成了损失。 感冒到

29、来,学不好吃不好睡不好。 家访到来,让我们惴惴不安。 请你联系生活实际,以“_来了”为题(请将题目补充完整),写一篇不少于600字的作文。 初中组初赛题目 一、阅读能力测试(100分) 请阅读下面的材料,按要求进行阅读能力测试。 小王子走啊走啊,穿沙漠、翻山岩、过雪地,经过了长途跋涉终于发现了条大路。 这里条条大路都通向人们居住的地方。 “你们好。”小王子说。 这是一个玫瑰盛开的花园。 “你好。”玫瑰花们说道。 小王子瞅着这些花,发现她们全都跟他自己那朵花一模一样。 “你们都是什么花?”小王子惊得发呆,问她们道。 “我们是玫瑰花。”玫瑰花们说道。 “啊!”小王子说。 他感到自己十分不幸。他的那

30、朵花曾对他说过,她在宇宙间是独一无二的一种玫瑰花。可是现在,仅此一处花园里,就有五千朵和她一模一样的花! 小王子自言自语道:“要是她看到这些,她定会很生气的她会咳嗽得非常厉害,甚至装死,以免别人耻笑。而我呢,就不得不装出照料她的样子,因为不这样的话,她就叫我丢脸,也许真的会死去” 接着他又自语道:“我一直以为自己拥有一朵独一无二的花,其实我有的仅是一朵普普通通的玫瑰花。这朵花,连同那三座高不过膝的火山,而且其中一座也许是永远熄灭了,这一切都不会使我成为一个极其伟大的王子”想到此,他一头扑在草地上哭了。 这时来了一只狐狸。 “你好。”狐狸说。 “你好。”小王子彬彬有礼地回答。他转过身子,但什么也没有看到。 “我在这儿呢,在苹果树底下”那声音说。 “你是谁?”小王子说,“你真漂亮” “我是一只狐狸。”狐狸说。 “来跟我一起玩吧,”小王子向狐狸建议说,“我苦恼极了” “我不能跟你一起玩,”狐狸说,“我还没有被你驯养呢。” “啊!对不起。”小王子说。 但是他思索了一阵子,又说道, “驯养是什么意思?” “看来你不是此地人,”狐狸说,“你来寻找什么呢?” “我来找人。”小王子说,“驯养是什么意思?” “人,”狐狸说,“人有枪,他们打猎,这可真讨厌!他们也养鸡,这是他们唯一关心的事,你也找鸡吗?” “

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