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1、译林牛津8Aunit1friends语法知识点提纲译林牛津8Aunit1-friends语法知识点提纲Unit1 Friends 一、重点词组1. have something to drink 喝点东西 11. say a bad word about 说的坏话2. some more food 多一些食物 12. the tallest boy in our class 我们班最高的男生3. plan to do sth.计划去做某事 13. help them with their problems 帮助他们解决问题4. care about 关心,关怀 14. travel aroun

2、d the world 环游世界5.tell lies 撒谎 15. bothand两者都,既又6. one of my best friends 我最好的朋友之一 16. have a smile on ones face 某人面带微笑7. be willing/ready to do sth. 乐意/准备好去做某事 17. play a joke on sb. 取笑某人8. have a good sense of humor 有很强的幽默感 18. be patient with对有耐心9. walk past 走过,路过 19. be friendly to sb.对某人友好10. k

3、nock onto把撞到上 20. in the future 在将来21. be famous as作为而出名 be famous for因而出名comic strip& welcome to the unit 1. Can I have something to drink? 我能喝点什么吗?本句用于征求对方意见,希望能够得到对方的肯定回答。something to drink意为“一些喝的东西”,动词不定式to drink作后置定语修饰不定代词something。翻译:你想要喝点什么吗? 没什么可担心的。2、What about some milk? 来点牛奶怎么样? what/how

4、about + sth./doing sth.?是向别人提出建议时常用的句型,也可以在具体语境中表示对上一个问题的省略。其中about是介词。 表示建议的句型:补充:sb. had better (not) do sth.某人最好(不)做某事 Its best for sb. to do sth.对于某人来说做某事是最好的翻译:你最好休息一下。 夏天学游泳对你来说是最好的。3. What makes your friend so special? 什么使你的朋友如何特别呢?(what作主语) 此处make为使役动词,意为“使,让”,结构为“make+宾语+宾语补足语(无to不定式/adj.)”

5、 翻译:我的礼物使他很高兴。 他的笑话使我大笑。拓展:keep,find,think等也可以接形容词作宾语补足语,eg. We should keep our classroom clean.我们应该让我们的教室保持干净。I found it interesting to learn English.我发现学英语很有趣。4.Can you tell him/her everything about yourself? 你能把关于自己的所有事情都告诉他/她吗? tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事 tell sb. (not) to do sth.叫某人(不要)去做某事 tell sb. a

6、bout sth.告诉某人关于某事 tell jokes/stories/lies说笑话/故事/谎辨析:tell talk say speak 补充:speak有时指演说或正式发言,也可以用于“speak to sb.和某人通电话”翻译:指示牌上写着“禁止吸烟“。 你妈妈能说英语吗? 告诉他晚上别出去? 你们在谈论什么?5. Do you believe what he/she says? 你相信他/她说的话吗? 此句为believe+宾语从句,宾语从句要使用陈述句语序,即“主+谓+其他”,如果是特殊疑问句在宾语从句中应改为“特殊疑问词+主+谓+其他”的语序。翻译:你知道他住在哪儿吗? 那个售

7、货员知道这双鞋多少钱。 我以前并不知道是谁在我生病的时候帮助了我。6. You can trust them because they never tell lies.你能信任他们因为他们从不说谎。 trust 意为“信任,信赖”,多指相信人,是及物动词;believe意为“相信”,多指相信语言或事情的真实性,后可跟宾语从句。原形过去式过去分词现在分词lie(vi.说谎)liedliedlyinglie(vi.躺,位于)laylainlying Reading1. Betty is one of my best friends. 贝蒂是我最好的朋友之一。 one of +复数,之一,one o

8、f +形物/the + adj.最高级+名词复数,意为“最之一”one of the biggest countries最大的国家之一 one of his best paintings他最好的作品之一翻译:李雷是我们班最高的男生之一。 马铃薯是我最喜欢的蔬菜之一。2. She is willing to share things with her friends.她愿意和她的朋友们分享东西。 be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事 share sth. with sb.和某人分享某物杰克乐意帮我打扫房子。她总是和我们分享她的故事书。3. She always gives he

9、r seat on the bus to someone in need. 她总是在公共汽车上把座位让给有需要的人。give ones seat to sb.给某人让座 someone in need 有需要的人(be) in (great) need of sth. (急)需要某物鲍勃经常帮助那些有需要的人。这个贫困家庭急需要钱。 4. She wants to be a singer when she grows up.她长大后想成为一名歌手。 when引导的时间状语从句(if引导的条件状语从句)通常用一般现在时表示一般将来时,主句常用一般将来时,即“主将从现”。如果明天不下雨,他将去钓鱼

10、。爸爸没告诉我他什么时候来。当他来时,我会给你打电话。Grammar1. 形容词/副词的比较等级(1)用法讲解大多数的形容词都有三个级别:原级、比较级、最高级。其中比较级表示“更”,用于两者之间的比较,用来说明“前者比后者更”,比较级前面一般用much, even, a little修饰,其中even, much 只能修饰比较级。最高级表示“最”,用于三者及三者以上之间的比较,用来说明“某人或某物在某个范围内最” 形容词的比较级(-er)和最高级(-est)的构成a. 规则变化之口诀:直接加;去e加;双写加;变y加; more/ most b. 不规则变化原级比较级最高级good / well

11、betterbestbad / illworseworstmany / muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfarther, furtherfarther, furtheroldolder, elderoldest, eldest比较级前的修饰语still, even, any, quite(a bit), almost, nearly, just, rather;a little, a bit;much, a lot, far, many;twice, ten times, one fourth, two pounds, three years形容词的比较等级(2)常

12、见句型 A=B A+ be + as + adj./adv. + as + B (与。一样)He is as tall as I/me. 他和我一样高。He is as good a teacher as his father.他和他的父亲一样是个好教师。 A B A + be+ not + as/so + adj./adv. + as + B (与。不一样)They didnt do as/so much work as you did. 他们干得事没有你多。Ive never seen as/so old a car as this.我从来没有见过像这样旧的车。 A B 或A B A +

13、be + 比较级 + than + B (比。更。)Tom is two years older than his brother. 汤姆比他的弟弟大两岁。Our classroom is bigger than theirs. 我们的教室比他们的大。 表示倍数A + be + twice/four times/ + as + adj./adv. + as + B(A是B的两倍/四倍/)This room is twice as large as that one. 整个房间是那房间的两倍大。The earth is 49 times as big as the moon.地球是月球的49倍大

14、。 表示程度的递增主语 + V + 比较级+ and+比较级 (越来越) 主语 + V + more and more+ +adj./adv. (越来越) The days are getting shorter and shorter.白天变得越来越长了。Our country is becoming more and more beautiful.我们的国家变得越来越美了。 表示两种情况同时变化The+ 比较级+ 主语+ V + ,the+ 比较级+ 主语+ V + (越越) The more we get together, the happier well be.=If we get

15、together more, well be happier.我们聚得越多,我们就会越高兴。The harder you study, the better youll be at English.= If you study harder, youll be better at English.你学习越努力,你的英语成绩越好。 主语+ be +one of the+ 最高级 + n.(pl.) + in/of (是最之一) Beijing is one of the oldest cities in China.北京是中国最古老的城市之一。 主语+ be+ the+ 最高级 + in/of

16、(范围) (最) Ann studies hardest of all the girls in our class.安妮是我们班学习最用功的学生之一。 主语+ be+ the+ 比较级 + of the two (较的) Lily is the taller of the twins.莉莉是这两个双胞胎中较高的那个。 主语+ be+ 比较级 + than + any other +n. (单数) + in (比任何其他的更)主语+ be+ 比较级 + than + any of the other +n. (复数) + in(比任何其他的更)He is taller than any oth

17、er student in his class.他比他班级中其他的任何学生高。= He is taller than any of the other students in his class.= He is the tallest students in his class.杰克是我们班最矮的男孩。这台电脑是这三台中最贵的。我的书比他的书有趣。语法针对性练习 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.This book is not as _(interest)as that one. 2. Betty looks much _(slim) than before. 3. Dad, you are

18、 carrying the _ (heavy) bag of the three. 4. Do you think the film is a good one? -Yes, I think it is the _ (good) film this year. 5. Who is the _ (busy) in your family? -My mother is. She is always as _ (busy) as a bee. 二、单项选择 6. -Our school bus will leave at 8 Oclock tomorrow. Dont be late.-OK. Il

19、l be there ten minutes_.A. sooner B. slower C. faster D. earlier 7. -How _ the song sounds! I have never heard a better one.A. beautifully B. sweet C. well D. bad 8. - I think English is as _ as maths.- I agree with you.A. more interesting. B. most interesting C. the most interesting D. interesting

20、9. My grandpa told a good story, but I told a _ one.A. good B. better C. best D. worse 10. _ careful you are, _mistakes(错误) youll make。A. The more; the fewer B. The fewer; the moreC. The more; the more D. The less; the less 11. Of the two skirts, Id like to choose the _ one to save some money for a

21、cap. A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive 12. Shanghai is bigger than _ in Jiangsu. A. any other city B. any city C. all the other cities D. all the city13.- Tom, what do you think of the school? - Oh, no other school is _ in the city. Its _ one. A. better, a better B. the best

22、, the best C. better, the best D. the best, a better14. -Helen, can I wear jeans and a T-shirt to the school talent show? - OK, but a dress might be _. A. good B. bad C. better D. worse15. - Which girl is your cousin, Jacky? - _ one of the two is my cousin. She is called Betty. A. The tall B. The ta

23、llest C. The better D. A taller16. Boris has a good brain. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _ IQ. A. a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest17.- I really like to watch the TV program I AM A SINGER. - Me, too. Its one of the _ TV programs Ive ever seen. A. more boring B. least

24、 interesting C. most boring D. most interesting18. Mo Yan is one of _ writers in the world. A. famous B. more famous C. most famous D. the most famous19. Which city is_ like Suzhou, Paris, Sydney_ London? A. more; and B. much; or C. most; and D. most; or20. Nanjing isnt so large _ Shanghai. However, its the second _ city in East China. A. like; largest B. as; largest C. like; large D. as; large

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