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1、上海高考英语翻译倒装句专项复习上海高考英语翻译倒装句专项复习倒装句复习Only 引导的句子Only+状语 by reciting words, when she learned the news, 倒装. then,1. 只有政府采取严厉的措施,我们才有希望看到空气质量的真正改善。(Only)_.2. 只有通过广泛阅读,才能掌握知识,成为竞争激烈的21世纪所需要的人才。(Only)_.3. 任何人仅凭记单词是不可能考出好成绩的,更不用说具有和外国人交流的能力了。(Only)_.Keys:1. Only when the government takes serious measures can

2、 we expect the real improvement in air quality.2. Only through reading widely can one master knowledge and become a talent that the competitive 21st century calls for.3. Only by reciting words is it impossible for anyone to get a good grade in the exam, not to mention the ability communicate with fo

3、reigners.Not until引导的句子注意:Not until+his graduation/he graduated, 倒装.1. 直到21世纪末中国运动员才开始以在奥林匹克运动会上的出色表现令世界惊讶。(Not until)_.2. 获悉自己被一所理想大学录取时,他才松了一口气。(Not until) Never did it occur to somebody that.某人从未想到,想过.1. 人们从来没有像今天这样如此关注食品安全问题。(Never)_.2. 有些家长从未意识到,做家务可以培养孩子的责任心。(Never)_.3. 他从未想到保护水资源的文化和社会因素也应被列入

4、考虑范围。(Never)_.Keys:1. Never have people been so concerned about the problems of food safety as it is today.2. Never have parents been aware that doing housework can cultivate childrens sense of responsibility.3. Never did it occur to him that the cultural and social aspects of protecting the water r

5、esource should be taken into account.Hardly.when引导的句子 Hardly had somebody done something when somebody did. Scarcely had somebody done something when somebody did. No sooner had somebody done something when somebody did.1. 专家们一入座外语节的演讲就在王校长的主持下开始了。(Hardly)_.2. 她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(No so

6、oner)_.3. 她一到机场就发现把机票落在家里了。(Scarcely)_.Keys:1. Hardly had the experts sat down/got seated/seated themselves when the speech contest of the Foreign Language Festival hosted by Principal Wang started.2. No sooner had she watched the TV program on the extinct species than she made up her mind to join t

7、he wildlife protection organization.3. Scarcely had she arrived at the airport when she found she had left her ticket at引导的句子形容词/名词/动词 as/though. 例句:Child as he is, he has to make a living.1. 尽管他们年纪小,他们积极报名参加环保志愿者的工作。(as)_.2. 尽管她孤身一人,但是她忙于妇女权利方面的工作,所以一点也不感到孤独。(as)_.3. 我虽然失分崇拜他的勇气,但我认为

8、他处理这件事情的方式仍然不是很明智。(as)_.Keys:1. Young as they are, they still take an active part in the volunteer work of environment protection.2. Alone as she was, she was busy with the work of womens right, so she felt anything but lonely.3. Much as I admired his courage, I dont think the way he deals with the

9、problem is引导的句子1. 这个年轻科学家对他的研究如此专注以至于每晚很迟才睡觉。(So)_.2. 得知自己被那所梦寐以求的大学录取时,她是如此激动以至于彻夜未眠。(So)_.3. 商场间的竞争如此积累,许多商品都打折促销。(Such)_.Keys:1. So devoted is the young scientist to his research that he goes to bed very late every night.2. So excited was she that she failed to fall asleep the whole

10、night when she learned that she had been admitted to the university she had been dreaming of for a long time.3. Such fierce competition between department stores is there that many products are on sale.否定副词或表否定的介词短语至于句首under no circumstances/by no means/in no way/no longer/rarely/seldom/nor等1. 自从出国留

11、学后,她就不再和我们保持联系了。(No longer)_.2. 我们被告知在任何情况下都不可以使用办公室的电脑处理私人问题。(Under no circumstances)_.3. 人们很少由于城市的过快节奏而决定离开它。(Rarely)_.Keys:1. No longer has she kept in touch with us since she went abroad for further study.2. We are told that under no circumstances can we use the phones in the office to deal with personal affairs.3. Rarely do people decide to leave the city because of its too fast pace of life.

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