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1、冀教版小学英语全部句型冀教版小学英语全部句型问候Hi!Hello!Good morning/afternoon/evening!A:How are you?B:Fine,thank you./Very well,thank you.介绍My name is _./I am a student./Im from Canada./This _.Hello!/How are you?/Nice to meet you!/告别Good-bye!/Bye!/Bye-bye!Good night!See you later /tomorrow!感谢Thank you (very much)/Thanks

2、a lot. 道歉Sorry./I am sorry.Thats OK./Its all right.邀请 Sure./No,thanks.请求允许May I go on a trip to Beijing?Yes,you may./No,you may not./Sure./Certainly.Can I use your pencil?Of course ,youcan.祝愿与xxHave a lovely day!/Good luck!/Happy New Year!/Merry Christmas!You,too./The same to you.Happy birthday!Than

3、k you.约会A:Would you like to play with me this afternoon?B:Yes.When?A:At 12:00.B:See you then.打电话Hello!May I speak to Mr.Wood?Yes ,justa moment,please.Hello!Is Kim there?No /Sorry,can I take a message.就医Whats the matter?I hurt my finger.I have a headache /stomache.就餐Would you like something to eat /d

4、rink?Yes.I would like rice and chicken.What would you like?I would like some tea.Would you like some more dumplings?Yes,please./No,thanks /thank you.May I have some more soup?Its delicious.Sure /OK.购物A:Can/May/I help you?B:Yes.I want to buy a dress,please.A:Here you are.B:May I try it on?A:Ok/Sure.B

5、:Its too big/small.A:This one is just right.B:How much is it/are they?A:One hundred yuan /dollars.B:Its too expensive./Itsvery cheap.But I like it.Ill take it.问路A:Excuse me.Do you know where is the_?B:Yes.Go straight down the street.Turn left turn right.提供帮助A:Can I help you?/MayI help you?B:Yes,plea

6、se./No,thanks.询问对方姓名Whats your name?My name is _.Whats his/her name?His /hername is _.Who are you?Im _.询问它在哪Where is the book?It is on the desk.Where is Jenny?She is behind Danny.询问它是什么What is it?It is a marker.询问颜色What colour is the sweater?The sweater is black.询问时间What time is it?Its seven.When is

7、 TeachersDay?TeachersDay is September tenth.询问地址和住址Where are you from?Im from Canada.Whats your address?My address is 111Park Road.Where do you live?I live in an apartment.询问日期What day is today?Today is Monday,June second.What day is tomorrow?Tuesday,June third.What day was yesterday?Sunday,June fir

8、st.Whats the date?Its October 19.询问对方正做什么What are you doing?Im sleeping.What is he/she doing?He /sheis playing.What are they doing?They are learning English.询问对方已经做过些什么What did you do?I went to the gym.What did they do?They played basketball.询问对方将要做什么What will you do?I will fly a kite.What is he goi

9、ng to do?He is going to teach English.询问对方最喜欢的事物Whats your favourite colour /food/fruit /shape/season?My favourite colour is white.询问对方经常做些什么?What do you do in winter?Sometimes I make snowballs and throw them.询问数量How many pencils do you have?I have 10pencils.How many kites can you see?I can see 20ki

10、tes.How many days are there in a week?There are seven days in a week.询问价钱How much is the scarf?Twenty .How much are the runners?The runners are thirty dollars.谈论天气气温A:Hows the weather today?B:Its sunny/cloudy/windy/snowy.A:Whats the temperature?B:Its _degrees.询问年龄How old are you?Im fourteen years ol

11、d.How old is she/he?He/She is twenty .询问身高How tall are you?Im 1.6metres tall.How tall is she/he?She/he is 1.7metres tall.询问事情发生的频率How often do you play basketball?About once a week.How often does my mother clean my bedroom?Twice a day.询问事情发生的长短How long do you watch TV a week?About two hours.How long

12、 does he go to school a day ?Eight hours.询问距离的长短How far from here to Beijing?Its one hundred kiliometres.询问对方感觉怎么样How do you feel?I feel sad.询问对方是谁,问谁在做些什么?Who is this?This is a man.Who is talking?Danny is talking.Who is hungry?Im thirsty.询问这件xx是谁的Whose jacket is this?This is my jacket /mine.询问为什么I

13、like to eat vegetables.Why?Because its good for you.Do you _?Does _(三单)_?Did you _?Are you ready to _?Are these/those_?Is this/that _?May I _?Can I/you _?I am _.You /Weare _.He /Sheis _There is _.These are _.I like _I like to _.This/That is _.These/Those are _.I have _.He /Shehas _.Lets _/冀教版小学英语全部句

14、型1、问候Hi!Hello!Good morning/afternoon/evening!A:How are you?B:Fine,thank you./Very well,thank you.2、介绍My name is _./I am a student./Im from Canada./This _.Hello!/How are you?/Nice to meet you!/3、告别Good-bye!/Bye!/Bye-bye!Good night!See you later /tomorrow!4、感谢Thank you (very much)/Thanks a lot. 5、道歉So

15、rry./I am sorry.Thats OK./Its all right.6、邀请 Sure./No,thanks.7、请求允许May I go on a trip to Beijing?Yes,you may./No,you may not./Sure./Certainly.Can I use your pencil?Of course ,youcan.8、祝愿与xxHave a lovely day!/Good luck!/Happy New Year!/Merry Christmas!You,too./The same to you.Happy birthday!Thank you

16、.9、约会A:Would you like to play with me this afternoon?B:Yes.When?A:At 12:00.B:See you then.10、打电话Hello!May I speak to Mr.Wood?Yes ,justa moment,please.Hello!Is Kim there?No /Sorry,can I take a message.11、就医Whats the matter?I hurt my finger.I have a headache /stomache.12、就餐Would you like something to

17、eat /drink?Yes.I would like rice and chicken.What would you like?I would like some tea.Would you like some more dumplings?Yes,please./No,thanks /thank you.May I have some more soup?Its delicious.Sure /OK.9、约会A:Would you like to play with me this afternoon?B:Yes.When?A:At 12:00.B:See you then.10、打电话H

18、ello!May I speak to Mr.Wood?Yes ,justa moment,please.Hello!Is Kim there?No /Sorry,can I take a message.11、就医Whats the matter?I hurt my finger.I have a headache /stomache.12、就餐Would you like something to eat /drink?Yes.I would like rice and chicken.What would you like?I would like some tea.Would you

19、like some more dumplings?Yes,please./No,thanks /thank you.May I have some more soup?Its delicious.Sure /OK.13、购物A:Can/May/I help you?B:Yes.I want to buy a dress,please.A:Here you are.B:May I try it on?A:Ok/Sure.B:Its too big/small.A:This one is just right.B:How much is it/are they?A:One hundred yuan

20、 /dollars.B:Its too expensive./Itsvery cheap.But I like it.Ill take it.14、问路A:Excuse me.Do you know where is the_?B:Yes.Go straight down the street.Turn left turn right.15、提供帮助A:Can I help you?/MayI help you?B:Yes,please./No,thanks.新标准xx英语重点句型及用法一、Do you ?的用法。(第一模块)如:Do you use chopsticks in England

21、?肯定回答:Yes,we do。否定回答:No,we dont。这个句型是在询问某人是否做某事的情况下用的,在回答这类疑问句时,注意人称和肯定、否定用法就可以了。二、现在进行时态的用法。(第一模块、第二模块)特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+be+主语+动词ing?如:What are you doing?陈述句:主语+be+动词ing。如:Were making a cake。这个时态用于强调正在进行的动作、事情。注意be动词的用法和现在分词的写法就可以了。(现在分词就是动词的ing形式,书第九页上面部分,是对学生已经学习的现在分词的总结)。三、Can 引导的疑问句及陈述句的用法。(第四模块、第五模块

22、)。1、询问他人是否会做某事:Can +主语+do sth?如:Can you run fast?肯:Yes,I can.否:No,I cant。2、询问自己是否可以吃(喝)某xx:Can I have?肯Yes,you can.否:No,you cant。3、Can 引导的陈述句。肯定句:主语+Can+do sth.如:This bird can fly。否定句:主语+Cant +do sth。如:You cant go out。四、完成时态have/has got的用法。(第六模块、第七模块)。1、陈述句。单数第三人称作主语时:主语+has got +sth.如:LIjie has got

23、 a pet。其他人称作主语时:主语+have got +sth.如:I have got a new kite。2、疑问句。单数第三人称作主语时:Has +主语+gotsth?如:Has she got a cold?其他人称作主语时:Have +主语+gotsth?如:Have you got a headache?have/has got表示的是拥有,也表示患了什么病。五、将来时态be +going to 的用法。(第九模块、第十模块)。1、陈述句。主语+be+going to do.如:Im going to run a race.我将要参加赛跑。主语+be+going to be .

24、如:Im going to be a doctor.我要成为一名医生。2、一般疑问句:be +主语+going to do?如:Are you going to go to Hong Kong?肯:Yes,I am.否:No,Im not。3、特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+be+主语+goingto?如:What are you going to do ?答:Im going to 。六、How many 句型及There be 句型的用法(第三模块、第八模块)。1、Thesethose的用法。These 指与自己距离较近的。Those指与自己距离较远的。它们都是指复数名词的,所以后面的名词一定要是复数的。如:These are some ducks。2、How many 句型。用于询问数量的,需注意的是它后面接的可数名词要是复数,如:How many stone aninals are there?There are 24。回答用There be 句型。

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