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1、新广州版八年级上册U4Inventions精讲精练Unit 4 InventionsStep 1 课内知识巩固【必记单词】funny【 】 create 【 】 telephone【 】 comfortable 【 】century【 】 invent【 】 since【 】 anytime【 】develop【 】 special【 】 wing【 】 introduction【 】【短语归纳】1.light bulb 电灯泡 history 在历史上 the start of 在初期 4. since then 从那以后5. each other 彼此 6.millons

2、 of 数百万的 phone 手机 8.keep in touch with 与保持联系 the daytime 在白天 10.make noises 制造噪音11.keep off 使远离 front of 在的前面 the same time 同时 a shorter time 在较短时间内15.throw away 扔掉 16.turn into 变成 the future 在将来 18.right now 现在19.all the time 一直 20.make a mess 弄得一团糟21.lead to 导致,引起

3、 22.with the help with 在的帮助下【知识点讲解】1、advertisement 广告 ad 缩写 Miss White recently placed an in the local newspaper. 怀特小姐最近在当地报纸上刊登了一则广告。2、funny 可笑的;滑稽的 adjYoure an extremely funny man. 你是一个非常滑稽的人。*区分fun 与 funny1)fun 与 funny都可以作形容词,但fun还可以作名词。例如:玩的开心_ _ _ _ 或者_ _2)fun 有趣的;令人愉快的。 近义词:interesting。Jane is

4、 . 简是一个很有意思的人。3)funny 滑稽的、古怪的。Jane is . 简是一个很滑稽的人。3、create 创作;创造 v拓展: creation 创造物 ,作品n creator 创造者 ncreative 有创造力的adjcreativity 创造力 n试翻译:这个创造者创作了这个作品,他很有创造力。The _ _ the _ ,he is _.【辨析】 create 和 make create创造,创作创造出原来并不存在的东西make创造,制作通过工作制造出某种东西例如:(1).谁创造了世界?Who _ the world?(2).他制造了这块手表。He _the watch.

5、4、telephone 电话 n 给打电话v 其缩写形式是_, 移动电话,手机是_.给某人打电话的表达:telephone /phone sb call sb (up)give sb a callmake a telephone call to sb I felt so bad that I my friend ./ 我心里实在难受,于是打电话给欧文。I _ my father _ _ yeaterday.昨天我给爸爸打电话了。I _ _ _ _ to Lucy last night.昨晚我给Lucy打了个电话。fortable 舒适的 adj,其比较级是_ _. comfortably 舒适

6、地 adv uncomfortable 使人不舒服的 adj A home should be and friendly. 家应该让人感觉到舒适、亲切的。6.century 世纪 n in the early 19th century = at the start of the 19th century. 在19世纪初in the late 19th century = at the end of the 19th century. 在19世纪末He was the most famous writer in 19th . 他是19世纪最著名的作家。7.invent 发明 v发明家 n : 发

7、明 n : 辨析:invent 与discoverinvent发明客观上没有,发明以前未曾有过的东西;如发明新的使用工具、方法。discover发现发现客观已经存在,但不为人知的东西或者事物。1.爱迪生发明了电灯。Edison _ the electric light bulb.2.我在树下发现了一块很漂亮的石头。I _ a beautiful stone under the tree.8.practical 有用的 adjOur clothes are lightweight, fashionable and for holidays.我们的服装轻便、时尚,并且很适合度假穿。拓展:pract

8、ice 练习 n practise 练习 v现在我们正在做一些练习。Now we are doing some _.9.distance 距离 n Its no . = Its no far. 路不远。【拓展】at a distance隔一段距离, 距离稍微远一些in the distance 在远处from the distance 从远处这只小猫从远处回来了。The cat came back _ _ _.10.lamp 灯 n candle 蜡烛 n bright 明亮的adjturn off 关灯 turn on 开灯 请打开灯。Please _ _ the _.11.develop

9、v 开发、研发 (与invent发明不同,是在原有基础上进一步提高、改进)We need to _ solar energy.我们需要开发太阳能。拓展:development 发展 n developed 发达的 adj developing 发展中的 adj发达国家:a country 发展中国家:a country sb do sth 帮助某人做某事, help 后跟省略to的不定式,类似的用法还有,使某人做某事 make sb do sth I _ him _ his wallet. 我帮助他找到了钱包。The boss _ the workers _ more than

10、 10 hours every day.这个老板让工人每天工作超过10小时。13.They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere.它们容许人们在任何时候,在任何地点彼此保持联系。(1)allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事他们允许孩子们去公园。They _ their children _ go to the park.(2)keep in touch (with) sb 与保持联系 与stay in touch with同义Do you still_ in _ _your parents

11、regularly after you leave them?你离开父母以后还经常与他们保持联系吗?14.With sunlight, air and water, we can be alive on Earth. 有了阳光、空气和水,我们才能在地球上生存。with 有 without 没有 没有水,我们无法存活。We cant live _ _.15.The new cars made loud noises and frightened them.这些新汽车发出很大的噪音,让他们感到害怕。make noises意思是:发出噪音,弄出生音;也可以用make a noise 例如:不要弄出声

12、音,你爸爸正在睡觉。Dont _ _ , your father is sleeping .辨析:noise ,voice, soundnoise指吵闹、喧哗声,往往是不和谐,不悦耳的声音voice多指人和动物特有的声音sound指人所能听到的自然界中的一切声音(1)请不要在课堂上制造噪音。Please dont _ _ in class.(2)她经常小声说话。She often talks in a low _.(3)在空气中光比声音传播的速度快。Light travels faster than _Step 2 语法知识讲解大部分形容词的比较级和最高级是通过变化词尾来实现的,属于规则变化,

13、但也有少数是不规则变化。(1)不规则变化 原级 比较级 最高级good better bestbad worse worstlittle less leastmuch/many more mostfar farther/further farthest/furthestold older/elder oldest/eldest1.比较等级中的典型句型(1)两者程度相同的比较as+ adj.原级+as 和一样他和Mike一样高。He is _ _ _ Mike. 否定句中,用not asas或者not so as 不及他没有Mike高。He is _ _ _ _ Mike.1若第一个as后的ad

14、j.作定语修饰n.,应将该n.及有关修饰语都放在第一个as之后My sister doesnt make as much money as my brother does.(2)高于或低于另一方的比较最基础的用法是A+ 比较级+than +B她比我大。She is _ _ me .如果要表达更具体的比较,如:她比我大3岁,可以在形容词比较级前面加上具体的数。She is 3 years older than me3另外还有表示大几倍的,同样是在形容词的比较级前加上具体的倍数。例如:他的房间比我的大两倍。His room is bigger than mine.His room is three

15、 times bigger than mine.(3) “越来越”单音节的就用“比较级+比较级”例如:越来越高 _ _ _越来越大 _ _多音节的就用more and more +多音节的形容词例如:越来越漂亮_越来越流行_(4)the+比较级,the +比较级 “某人越,(就)会越”例如:越多,越好。The _, the _.你吃的越多,你就会越胖。The _ you eat ,_ _ you will be.你锻炼的越多,你就会越健康。_,_.你锻炼的越少,你就会越不健康。_,_. 注意:比较级的修饰语 much, even 甚至, (by) far 大大地, a little 有点, a

16、 bit 有点, still, yet, a lot 很, a great deal 大大地, twice, five times, many times, two-fifths, 20%2.最高级的用法(1)最高级是表示在三者或更多者中程度最高的比较方式。此时运用adj.的最高级,句式为: the+ adj.最高级+n.+表示范围的短语或从句 (in/of+范围) 如:Lucy is _ girl_ her class.Lucy是 班里最漂亮的女孩。 Jim is _ boy _the three studentsJin是这三个学生中中最瘦的男孩。特别注意: 介词in和of引导的短语用于比较

17、结构时所表达的范围有所不同: 如果在一定的地域空间内进行比较用in 如果是在同一类事物范围内进行比较用of(2)“最“的其他表达方法1运用比较级表达最高级概念Ann is taller than any other girl in her class.Ann is taller than the other girl in her class.Ann is taller than the rest of girl in her class.2否定句中用“a/an+比较级”表示最高级概念I have never read a better book than this.注: 最高级的修饰语 序数

18、词,(by)far,nearly 几乎,almost 几乎Africa is the second largest continent.Of all the students, Amys writing is almost the best.Yaoming is by far the most active member in their team.(3)表达“最之一” one of +形容词的最高级+名词的复数形式鲁迅是最伟大的作家之一。Luxun is _ _ _ _ _.语法专练一、写出下列词语的比较级和最高级1. good_ _ 2. well _ _3. bad_ _ 4.badly

19、_ _5. far _ _ 6. little _ _7. many _ _ 8.much_ _二、单项选择( )1. You must eat _ meat and take _ exercise if you want to be healthier.A. less, less B. more, more C. less, more D. more, less( )2. Who did it just _ Nancy? -I think Susan did just _ Nancy.A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as D. more ba

20、dly than( )3. _ animals are in danger and there will be _ space for them if we dont protect them.A. More and more, more and more B. Less and less, less and lessC. More and more, less and less D. Less and less, more and more( )4. Guangzhou is _ Beijing.A. as not large as B. not as large as C. as not

21、larger as D. not as larger as( )5.-Which do you want to choose? -If I had to choose, the larger one would be _ choice.A. good B. better C. the better D. the best( )6. John jumped _ of all, so he won the game.A. far B. farther C. the farthest D. farer三、完成句子1. 我的电脑不如你的贵重。My computer is _ _ _ _ yours.2

22、.医生对他说:“你要尽可能地多喝水。”“Drink _ _ _ _ you can,” the doctor said to him.3. 这本书和那本书一样有趣。This book is _ _ _ that one.4.我们种树越多,我们的环境就变得越好。_ _ trees we plant, _ _ our environment will be.5. 我的书你想要借多久就多久。You can keep my book _ _ _ you like.(4)能力提升:一、单项选择1.Im fourteen. My friends is sixteen. Son Im _ him.A. as

23、 old as B. not younger than C. not so young as D. two years younger than2.The experts think Indias population may be _ than Chinas by 2020.A. more B. less C. larger D. small3.Its _ to teach a man fishing than to give him fish.A. more B. better C. good D. best4.Tom is terribly ill. Wed better send hi

24、m to hospital as _ as we can.A. slowly B. quickly C. quietly D. easily5.My father _ me _ watch TV tonight.A. allow , to B. allows,with C. allowing ,on D. allows , to6.I do _ in physics of all the subjects.A. badly B. most badly C. worse D. worst7.Which dress do you prefer, the blue one or the pink o

25、ne?The pink one. It feels _.A. comfortable B. as comfortable C. more comfortable D. most comfortable8.We brought some flowers _ a comfortable house.A. create B. created C. to create D. creating9. Your invention is not _. It is not useful for people.A. funny B. comfortable C. popular D. practical10.

26、Thank you so much for the book you sent me._.A. No, thanks B. Im glad you like it.C. Please dont say so. D. No, it is not so.二、语法选择 There are popular programs about the work of the police on TV. People like them because they are _1_ and useful. In London theres a TV program _2_ Police Five. It last for five months _3_ a week. A TV reporter talks about crime (犯罪) in London. He asked people _4_ information.During the program the TV reporter shows pictur

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