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1、1浙江省专升本英语模拟试题浙江省专升本英语模拟试题 I请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂写在答题纸上。选择题部分注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名和准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。2. 每小题选出答案后, 用 2B 铅笔吧答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。Part I Reading comprehension (60 marks, 60 minutes)Section AFormat IDirections: There are four passages in this part. Each p

2、assage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1.(2*20=40 marks)Passage OneQuestion 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

3、 The moment two humans lay eyes on each other has incredible. The first sight of you is a brilliant holograph. It burns its way into your new acquaintances eyes and can stay printed in his or her memory forever.Artists are sometimes able to capture this quicksilver, short emotional response. I have

4、a friend, Robert Grossman, an accomplished artist who draws regularly for Forbes, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, Rolling Stone, and other popular publications. Bob has a unique gift for capturing not only the physical appearance of his subjects, but zeroing in on the essence of their personalities. T

5、he bodies and souls of hundreds of figures radiate from his sketch pad(素描侧). One glance at his pictures of famous people, you can see, for instance, the insecure of arrogance of Madonna, the boyishness of Clinton, the awkwardness of George Bush.Sometimes at a party, Robert will do a quick sketch on

6、a cocktail napkin of a guest. When hes finished drawing, he puts his pen down and hands a napkin to the guest. Often a puzzled look comes over the subjects face. He or she usually mumbles some politeness like, “Well, er, thats great. But it really isnt me.” The crowds convincing echo of “Oh yes it i

7、s!” drowns down the subject, who is left to stare back at the worlds view of himself or herself in the napkin. Once I asked Robert how he could capture peoples personalities so well. He said, “Its simple. I just look at them.” Almost every fact of peoples personalities is evident from their appearan

8、ce, their posture, the way they move. First impressions are indelible. Because in our fast-paced information-overload world, multiple stimuli bombard us every second, peoples heads are spinning. They must form quick judgments to make sense of the world and get on with what they have to do. Whenever

9、people meet you, they take an instant mental snapshot. That image of you becomes the data they deal with for a long time.1. People usually get the first impression of a person through _.A. reading an article about him or her in a famous magazine B. getting acquainted with his or her beat friendsC. t

10、aking a brief look at his or her appearanceD. studying his or her personality carefully2. Why does the author say that Robert has a unique gift?A. He can draw the subject carefullyB. He can memorize the names of people instantlyC. He can illustrate the subjects characteristicD. He can communicate wi

11、th the famous people effectively3. What does the phrase “zeroing in on” most probably mean?A. relying onB. responding onC. acknowledging onD. grasping4. The puzzled look on the subjects face suggests that _.A. the artists drawing is out of subjects expectationB. the crowd treated the subject rudelyC

12、. the artist failed to show his respect for the subjectD. the image of the drawing was too real to believe5. We can conclude from the passage that _.A. one should never trust a person by his or her appearanceB. the first impression usually has a long lasting influenceC. the judgment based on the fir

13、st impression is always reliableD. we can no longer make any sense of the information an handPassage TwoQuestion 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:My dad was a plumber for the public works department in our town, so from time to time he came into my school. Can you imagine sitting in class

14、and seeing your dad peek through the door of your classroom and wave at you? In junior high?One girl in our class always made fun of me because my dad was a plumber and hers was a lawyer, and she would say things like, “that is gross!” I must admit I was sometimes embarrassed by what my dad did, esp

15、ecially in my early teens, when the only thing I really cared about was what the other girls thought.The girl lived a few streets away from us, and a winter day-the day her elder sister got married-the toilet in their main upstairs bathroom cracked and there was water everywhere. Her father called e

16、very plumber in the yellow book but nobody would come out because of the major snowstorm. His daughter told her father that my father was a plumber, and he called. My dad went over and took me with him(maybe he was hoping that the lawyers daughter would be nicer to me.)My father fixed the toilet, he

17、lped to clean up everything, and didnt take a dime for the trouble. But as we were leaving, he told the girl “If I ever need a lawyer, Ill be happy to call your dad.”As we walked to our car, he said to me, “Do you believe he didnt know where the main shut-off valve was? What a dumb ass!”From that po

18、int on, her dad was known in school as Attorney Dumb Ass.When my husband and I bought our house, the first thing my dad showed him was the main shut-off valve.I have always been proud to say that Im a plumbers daughter.6. When her father came to her school and peeked through the classroom door, the

19、writer might feel _.A. pleased B. embarrassed C. disappointed D. proud7. The girls attitude towards the writer can be best described as _.A. unfriendly B. doubtful C. kind D. gross8. In her early teens, the only thing the writer care about was _ .A. her study B. her appearanceC. what her father did

20、D. what the other girls thought9. Why couldnt the lawyer find anybody to fix the toilet on that winter day?A. He had little moneyB. All the plumbers were too busy to comeC. There was a major snowstorm and nobody would come outD. One of his daughters was getting married and the house was in a mess10.

21、 What might the writers father think of the lawyer?A. Generous B. Intelligent C. Stupid D. RespectfulPassage ThreeQuestion 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:Imagine a guitar so tiny that you cant see it with the human eye, but you can hear sound when its strings are pulled. Some people say

22、 the future is big, but when it comes to technology, the world is getting smaller. Nanotechnology(纳米技术)is the science that deals with doing things in a very small way, and it is being studied and developed all over the world. Micro-machines too small to been seen by the eye are being designed to do

23、many things. And these machines no larger than in diameter than a human hair, are extremely powerful. Many scientists say nanotechnology will produce the next industrial revolution(工业革命).Nano comes from the Greek word dwarf. A nanometer is one-billion of a meter, The period of the end of this senten

24、ce can contain about 100 micrometers, which in equal to 100,000 nanometers. To understand this new technology, we have to get rid of the normal ideas of size and strength.Minute( 微 小 的 ) robots , called “nanorobots” are being developed in the revolutionize manufacturing. Instead of cars being produc

25、ed on assembling line, for example, scientist predict that cars can be built in a giant container into which raw material and machines have been placed. Thousands of nanorobots will direct the process and tell the machine what to do. Micro-machines can also be used to make our environment safer. Tod

26、ay, poison chemicals are stored in containers or transported by trucks or trains. This is sometimes result in dangerous spills. But with nanotechnology, manufacturers could have their own tiny chemical factories. The produce would be no bigger than a sugar cube and would manufacture exactly the amou

27、nt of chemicals needed at the moment. No chemicals would need to be stored. The workplace would be safer, and the environment would be cleaner.11. The author mentions guitar at the beginning of the passage in order to _.A. introduce the knowledge of guitar B. introduce the topic of nanotechnologyC.

28、show his or her own interest in musicD. describe the craft of making musical instruments12. According to the passage, why does the nanotechnology lead to the next industrial revolution?A. Micro-machines are tiny but beautifulB. Micro-machines are strong but smartC. Micro-machines are small but power

29、fulD. Micro-machines are cute and varied13. The word dwarf in is closest in meaning to _?A. clever B. slow C. quick D. minute14. With nanotechnology, where will cars probably be produced _?A. On assemble line B. In huge containersC. Inside the micro-machines D. Inside the nanorobots15. Which of the

30、following is NOT the causes leading to cleaner environment by adopting nanotechnology?A. There will be less dangerous spills.B. The amount of produced chemicals can be precisely controlled.C. Micro-factories need not store chemicals.D. The factories will be of large size.Passage FourQuestion 15 to 2

31、0 are based on the following passage:When Caroline heard the phone ring late in the evening, she knew it was something important. She listened as a park ranger explained the situation. Seven children were lost in the Pennsylvania wildness. Caroline pulled on the red jacket that said Rescue on it and

32、 called on her dog, Aly, a shepherd. She and Aly raced to their rescue truck and climbed in. Then Caroline put on the emergency light and stepped on the gas. She knew they had no time to lose.In the dark Pennsylvania wood, Caroline and Aly walked for hours to looking for sigh of children. It was a fierce autumn night, and she became cold and exhausted. Suddenly, she saw footprint ahead. In

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