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高中英语 单元小测4 新人教版必修2.docx

1、高中英语 单元小测4 新人教版必修22021年高中英语 单元小测4 新人教版必修2.在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1More than a hundred firemen are still trying _ (contain) the fire at the plant.2Id appreciate _ if you could let me know in advance whether or not Mr Jones will be ing.3Due to the destruction of the environment, the number of the

2、 tigers _ (decrease)4The parents suggested _ (sleep) in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip.5It is known to all that teenagers have a great ability to imitate(模仿), and thus being the most likely _ (affect)6While I admire his energy, I wish it _ (employ) in a better

3、 cause.7Now various animals _ (hunt) overly, and some of them are being extincted animals.8It is clear that the primary duty of parents is to provide _ (protect) for their children.9Im sorry to say that table _(reserve)What about the table near the window?10Those aircraft _ (inspect) over the course

4、 of the next several days at five locations.阅读理解 Last week I did something that scared me.I stood in front of nearly 200 financial planners and I talked to them about why financial blogs are a good thing.Im a confident writer.Ive been doing this long enough that I know my strength and my limitations

5、.Im less confident as a speaker.I dont have time to pause to collect my thoughts.Im not able to edit.Im afraid of being trapped in a corner without being able to talk my way out.Basically, Im scared to speak.It would be easy to simply refuse the chances that e my way.When somebody asks me to speak i

6、n front of a group, I could say “no”When radio and television stations call for an interview, I could say “no”But for the past two years, Ive been following my_own_policy to say “yes” to new chances.To say “yes” is to live in fear.My goal is to continually improve myself to bee better than I am toda

7、y.One way to do that is to do the things that scare me, to take them on as challenges, and to learn from themeven if I fail.In midNovember, a local station asked me to appear on live television.“I realize its short notice, ” the producer wrote, “but wed love to have you on the show if youre availabl

8、e tonight.” I was frightened.I thought about recent taped television interviews that I had hated.I was afraid of what might happen.But I also thought about the things that had gone right.I thought of how my speaking skills had improved over the past year.And then I thought of the book I was reading,

9、 a book that I had bought for $1.29 at the local store.The Magic of Thinking Big was a huge bestseller during the 1960s.Written by Dr David Schwartz, a professor at Georgia State University, the book contains dozens of practical tips on how to take risks to achieve big goals.Schwartz argues that nob

10、ody will believe in you until you believe in yourself.So when the television producer asked if I wanted to appear on his show, I thought big.“Sure, ” I said.“Ill do it.” I acted confidently, but on the inside I was frightened.What I needed was techniques to build up my confidence and to overe my fea

11、r.1Why is the author afraid of speaking in public? AHe is aware of his potential.BHe has few chances to talk.CHe is not able to edit what he says.DHe likes writing better.2The underlined words “my own policy” in Paragraph 3 probably mean “_”Aselfimproving through challengesBhesitating before chances

12、Cturning down the invitationsDsaying yes to fear3The author mentioned the book The Magic of Thinking Big mainly because _Ait was inspiringBit was a bestsellerCits author was famousDits price was attractive4What is the authors purpose to write the passage? ATo analyze his strength and weaknesses.BTo

13、give practical tips on speaking in public.CTo persuade people to follow his example.DTo share his experiences of overing fear.完形填空Once an old villager was reading the Ramayana(罗摩传)while sitting in a railway station waiting for the train to e.A young man with his _1_ was standing nearby and said to t

14、he old man, “You old fashioned people read only the Ramayana all the time.Dont you have any other book to _2_ ? What is so great in the Ramayana?”The old man continued to read and smiled without any _3_ to the young man.Soon, the train _4_Everyone, in a hurry, rushed in to get a seat.It _5_ that the

15、 old man and the young man were _6_ next to each other in the train.And the old man _7_ to read the Ramayana.Suddenly the young man _8_ that his wife was missing! He shouted anxiously, “My wife! _9_ is she? I think she has been left behind on the platform!”The old man said to him _10_, “If you had r

16、ead the Ramayana, you would never have made this _11_”“What?” said the young man.The old man _12_ :“It is said in the Ramayana that when Ram Chandra, Sita and Lakshmana were standing on the _13_ of the Ganga(恒河) and the boatman came with the _14_, Ram Chandra asked Sita to get in the boat first and

17、only after that did he _15_ the boat himself!”“So why are you _16_ me what is good about the Ramayana when you do not even know how to _17_ your own wife and see that she gets onto the train first?”“You see, the Ramayana tells you even this!” True enough, any time you are _18_ and cannot decide what

18、 your duty is, just read the Ramayana and you will find the _19_ to all your doubts!Treat with respect all the things held sacred(神圣的)to others, _20_ you understand these things or not.1A.wife Bson Cfriend Dmother Bsee Chear Dwrite 3A.key Breply Cattention Dfeeling 4A.reached Barrived Cgot D

19、entered 5A.turned on Bturned up Cturned out Dturned off 6A.visited Bdivided Cwaken Dseated 7A.continued Bdecided Cwanted Drefused 8A.felt Bexperienced Cunderstood Drealized 9A.How BWhen CWhere DWhy10A.luckily Bsadly Chappily Dcalmly11A.mistake Bplan Cface Dprogress12A.answered Bexplained Cintroduced

20、 Dshowed 13A.middle Bbank Ccoast Dland Bropes Cboat Dgoods 15A.get up Bget off Cget down Dget in 16A.advising Basking Ctelling Dbegging 17A.take charge of Btake hold ofCtake care of Dtake advantage of 18A.confused Bsurprised Csatisfied Ddelighted 19A.reasons Bstories Canswers Daims 20A.unle

21、ss Bonce Cthough Dwhether.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Have you ever heard “Tuhao, lets be friends?” Are you puzzled, wondering 1._ it means? Then youre possibly out of date.Nowadays, the Chinese words “Tuhao” and “Dama” have bee 2._ familiar to many Chinese people that they often play jo

22、kes on each other when 3._ (chat) about the daily life.For example, if you take out your new 4._ (fashion) mobile phone, your naughty friends may call you “Tuhao”, laughing loudly and happily.Amazingly, the two wildly popular words have bee hot words in English too.Recently, the BBC 5._ (produce) a

23、programme to introduce “Tuhao”On the Internet, “Tuhao” can be translated into “new money (暴发户)” in English.Besides, The Wall Street Journal has also borrowed “Dama” from the Chinese pinyin 6._ (describe) bargainhunting middleaged Chinese women, calling 7._ “a force in the global gold market”Experts

24、say the Chinese languages influence 8._ English will continue during the entire 21st century, 9._ it is expected that “Tuhao” will be weled by the Oxford University Press to appear in 10._ new word lists.参考答案单元小测(四) be affected6were employed7.are being h

25、unted8.protection9.has been reserved10will be inspected.【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。本篇文章中作者告诉我们他是一个自信的作家,但是他害怕在公众面前讲话。作者试图改变这一现状,敢于接受挑战。在电视台邀请他做电视采访时,他起初害怕,后又鼓励自己克服恐惧心理接受电视采访。1C细节理解题。根据第二段“I dont have time to pause to collect my thoughts.Im not able to edit.Im afraid of being trapped in a corner without being a

26、ble to talk my way out.”的描述可知,作者害怕当众讲话的其中一个原因就是他不能编辑他说的话。选项A、B、D都与本句描述不符。故选C项。2A词义猜测题。联系后半句“to sayyesto new chances.”可以猜测my own policy指的是通过挑战以获得自我提升。故选A项。3A细节理解题。根据第六段的“And then I thought of the book I was readingthe book contains dozens of practical tips on how to take risks to achieve big goals.Sc

27、hwartz argues that nobody will believe in you until you believe in yourself.”的描述可知,作者起先害怕电视采访,但后又想到了The Magic of Thinking Big这本书以及这本书给他的要敢于冒险以实现目标的建议,所以最终他接受了电视采访。由此可知作者提到The Magic of Thinking Big这本书主要是因为它是鼓舞人心的。故选A项。4D主旨大意题。作者告诉我们他是一个自信的作家,但是他害怕在公众面前讲话。作者试图改变这一现状,敢于接受挑战。在电视台邀请他做电视采访时,他起初害怕,后又鼓励自己克服

28、恐惧心理接受了电视采访。由此可知作者写这篇文章是想与我们分享他克服恐惧的体验。故选D项。.【文章大意】 文章主要讲述了一个发生在火车上的故事。一位老人在看罗摩传,旁边的年轻人认为老人在看没有用的书。当男子发现妻子未能和他一起上车时,老人建议年轻人看一看罗摩传。在生活中,无论我们对他人正在做的事情是否了解,我们都应该尊重他们的选择。1A根据第四段的“that his wife was missing!”可知,年轻人是和妻子一起在候车,故选A项。2A此处表示其他可以看的书,不定式作定语修饰book,故选A项。3B根据“continued to read and smiled”可知,老人只是笑了笑又

29、继续看书,并没有回答年轻人的问题,故选B项。4B火车很快就到了。reach后需跟宾语,排除A;enter是及物动词,后需跟宾语,排除D;arrive到达。故选B项。5C结果老人和那个年轻人的座位是挨着的,故选C项。turn on打开;turn up调高,出现;turn out结果是,证明是;turn off关闭。6D老人和年轻人的座位是挨着的。be seated表示坐着的状态,故选D项。7A在座位上坐下之后,老人继续看罗摩传。continue to do sth“继续做某事”,故选A项。8D年轻人突然意识到(发现)妻子不见了,故选D项。feel感觉;experience经历;understan

30、d理解;realize意识到。9C根据上句“his wife was missing!”可知,年轻人的妻子不见了,年轻人是在找她,因此年轻人问的是“我的妻子在哪里”,故选C项。10D老人心平气和地对年轻人说:“如果你看过罗摩传”,其他三项与语境不符,故选D项。luckily幸运的是;sadly不幸地,遗憾的是;happily开心地;calmly冷静地,心平气和地。11A老人说那个年轻人如果看过罗摩传的话,他就不会犯这个错误了。make a mistake“犯错误”,故选A项。12B根据“What? said the young man.”可知,年轻人很不解地问老人,根据“It is said

31、in the Ramayana that”可知,老人是在向年轻人解释,故选B项。13B此处指在恒河岸边,故选B项。14C根据“Ram Chandra asked Sita to get in the boat”可知,船夫把船划了过来,Ram Chandra让Sita先上船,故选C项。15D等Sita上了船之后,Ram Chandra才上船。get in the boat“登上船”,故选D项。16B根据第二段“Do you not have any other book to”可知,这里指的是年轻人在候车时问老人为什么一直在看罗摩传,故选B项。17C男子不知道如何照顾妻子,因为他应该先让妻子上车,故选C项。18A

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