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1、最新初中英语从句全名词性从句分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。宾语从句1.语述问题跟随陈述语序如:They want to know where he was born. What is wrong with you? = what is the matter with you?这个句子不变语序。 I just wander what it is that makes him so excited.2.时态(tense) 如果主语是现在时态,从句的时态可以根据实际情况而定She tells me that she will come tomorrow.She tells me th

2、at she won the first prize yesterday. 主语为过去时态,从句的时态一定要用相对应的过去的某种时态。She told me she would won the first prize next year.(过去将来时She told me she had been in Beijing for 3 years.(过去完成时) 从句为客观真理、定义、公理、定理时,用一般现在时The teacher said that the earth travels around the sun.3.连词1.that:在句子中不作为成分的时候,可以省略。但是有些情况下that

3、不能省略: 当动词后,宾语从句不止一个时,第二个起that不能省略。They know (that) he was honest and that he had no money. 当that从句被短语或者词组与谓语动词分开时不能省略。I noticed ,for the first time, that our teacher was wearing a hat. It 作形式宾语,that 从句做真正宾语时He finds it necessary that he should learn foreign languages. 在wonder/doubt/be sure /certain

4、之后不能省略I wander that he failed.(我很惊讶他失败了)2.where和if之间的区别I dont know whether or not we will have an examination this week.I dont know whether/if we will have an examination or not this week. 介词后面的宾语从句不能用if当whether 后面紧跟着or not 时只能用whether. 在动词discuss /doubt后面只能用whether.They are discussing whether the m

5、eeting should be held.3.what引导The modern city was beautiful in what was a waste land ten years ago.4.否定转移由think ,believe ,imagine ,suppose等词引导的时候,要将宾语从句中的否定形式转移到主句中去。5.例句We must pay attention to (A) makes mistakes.A.whoever B.whomever matter who matter whom表语从句1.可以连接表语从句的系动词有be,look ,feel

6、,sound ,seem ,spear.2.that 在表语从句中没有任何意义,但是不能省略。The reason is that.3.在表语从句中不能用if作为连词。但是可以用whether和as if 引导。The question is whether he is able to do it .It looks as if it would rain.(使用了虚拟语气) is/was because +原因It is because the weather was is/ was why +结果It is why he was failed.6.特殊的表语从句J

7、ane is no longer what she was four years ago.主语从句 主语从句中that不能省略。1.常用句型Its a pity that.Its likely/possible thatIt seems/happened/spears that.It is said/known/believed/hope that2.例句Its believed that God created the people.Whether God created the world remains to be seem.同位语从句1.定义当两个指向同一事物的句子成分放在同等位置时,

8、一个句子成分可被用来说明或解释另一个句子,后者就叫前者的同位语。Lets you and me go for a walk.2.标志词Fact, idea ,news ,question ,saying ,possibility ,truth ,belief ,hope promise ,suggestion ,advice He got the news from Mary that the meeting was put off. I have no idea at all where they are spending their holidays.有时同位语从句可以不紧跟在它所说明的名

9、词后面,而是被别的词隔开。3.连接词1.that(不能省)The idea that the earth is around is not a new one.2.thetherHe must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not.3.疑问词Next comes the questions what you want to put in the box.Nobody can explain the mystery why he suddenly disappeared.My question how I shall get in

10、touch with him has not been answered.其他从句还有定语从句(关键),状语从句。定语从句:一、结构先行词+关系词+从句二、关系词关系词分为关系代词和关系副词关系代词:that ,which ,who ,whom ,whose关系副词:where (=in/on/at which) ,why (= for which) ,when (=in/on which)例句:1. The man who/that is standing here is Tom.2.The man that/who/whom/或者省略 he is talking to is Tom.3.

11、The man to whom he is talking is Tom.(介词后必须加宾格并且不能省略)4. The man , whose father is a teacher went abroad.5.The man ,the father of whom is a teacher went abroad.6.The man, of whom the father is a teacher went abroad.总结:., whose +n.和., the n of which(指物)/whom(指人)以及, of which/whom the n 这三个句型可以相互转换。三、只能

12、用that不能用which的情况1.既有人又有物:the teachers and the schools that.2.有不定代词或者有不定代词修饰时:I will tell you everything that.I will tell you all the things that.3.最高级修饰或者序数词修饰时:The most beautiful flowers that.The first man that4.避免重复Who is the man that is standing here?Which is the book that I like?5.有only/very/jus

13、t then 修饰时He is the only one that/who is fit for This is the only book that I want to buy.6.先行词充当表语时Tom isnt the boy that he used to be.(定语从句,先行词boy在句子中作为表语)Tom isnt what he used to be.(表语从句)四、只用which不能用that的情况1.非限制性定语从句(用逗号隔开的一般是非限制性定语从句)These apple trees,which I planted three years ago,have not bo

14、rne any fruit.2.介词后用whichThere are 30 chairs in the small hall, most of which are new.3.避免重复The clock is that which tells the time.五、只用who不用that1.先行词为指人的代词:those , all ,one ,ones ,someone ,anyone ,no oneThose who win the game will get the prize.All who went there spoke highly of the park.2.there be

15、中先行词为人是只用whoThere is an old man who wants to see you.六、特殊的关系词 引导限制性定语从句时,一定充当主语或宾语或者表语。She wear the same coat as her sister usually does.It is such an interesting film as we all like to see.(定语从句不完整,as充当宾语)It is such an interesting film that we all like to see it.(从句结构完整,这是状语从句)2.as引导非限制性定语从句A

16、s was expected ,he finished the task perfectly.The earth is around ,as we all know.The earth , as we all know , is around.As is often the case,.(情况往往是这样的)As is natural,.(很自然的)这些短语可以用于议论文写作。七、特殊句型先行词充当主语时,注意主谓一致。1.the number of the people who own cars is increasing.2.he is one of the students who hav

17、e passed examination.He is the one of the students who has passed examination.3.i have two sisters, neither of whom are teachers.I have two sisters and neither of them are teachers.I have two sisters, neither of them teachers.4.there are some people in the garden ,whose owner was seated/sitting.ther

18、e are some people in the garden ,its owner seated/sitting.there are some people in the garden and its owner was this the factory that/which/或者省略 you visited yesterday?Is this the factory to which you paid a visit?Is this the factory where you worked?Is this the factory, the one which/tha

19、t/可以省略 you visited?Is this the factory, the one to which you paid a visited?Is this the factory, the one where/in which you worked?6.the house whose roof was damaged has been repaired now.The house , the roof of which was damaged has been repaired now.The house of which the roof was damaged has been

20、 repaired now.7.This is the reason why/for which I did it.This is the reason that/which he told me.8.I hate the way in which/that/可以省略 he spoke to his father.(way句子中作状语)Thats the way which/that/可以省略 you told me.(way句子中作宾语)He gave me the way which/that is not practical.(way在从句中作主语)9.she is so clever

21、a girl that she learns everything quickly.She is so clever a girl as learns everything quickly.状语从句一、时间状语从句When/while/as 都可以跟持续性动词As/when/while I was walking down the street, I meet my friend.各个连词的区别:1. when 从属连词,可以引导持续性或者短暂性动词,表明主句、从句动作同时发生或者从句动作在主句之前。When I lived there ,I used to go to the seaside

22、.(主从句动作同时发生)When the film ended , people went home.(从句动作在主句之前) 并列连词Be doing.when.Be about to do. When.I was doing homework when the light went off.I was about to jump into the river when he stopped me. 表示原因、作“既然”的意思How could you expect to learn anything when you didnt listen in class.It was foolish

23、of you to take a taxi when you could easily walk there in 5 minutes.2.while 只引导持续性动词Dont talk too aloud while others are working. 并列连词,作“而,却”的意思He likes pop music while I am fond of folk music. 作“尽管,虽然”的意思While I admit there are problems, I dont agree that they cant be 主句从句动作同时发生或者交替发生,作

24、“一边。一边。”,“随着。”的意思As time goes on,.He hurried home, looking behind as he soon as=the moment=the minute=the instant=immediately=directly= instandlyIll tell him the news as soon as he soonerthan=hardly/scarily/barelywhen倒装句,主句用had done过去完成时。No sooner had he arrived at the station t

25、han the train left.他刚到火车站,火车就离开了。6.notuntilHe didnt go to bed until he finished his homework.=Not until he finished his homework did he go to bed.(倒装句)=It was not until he finished his homework that he went to bed.(强调句)7.since“自从.以来“ 从句是短暂性动词It has been ten years since I graduated.It is 3 years sinc

26、e he smoked.=It is 3 years since he stopped smoking.(不抽烟已3年了)8.before “多久以后才。”They had walked 4 days before they arrived. “还没来得及。就。“The house had fallen down before they could run out. “趁还没有。就。”Write it down before you forget.It is/has been+一段时间+sinceIt will be /was+一段时间+before9.the first timeI like

27、 the book the first time I saw it.10.every time=each timeI visited the teacher every time I went home.二、地点状语从句连词:where、whereverYou are free to go wherever you like.Where there is a will, there is a way.(有志者事竟成)fall 掉落 fell fallen三、原因状语从句lie 躺 lay lain连词:because:直接因果关系,语气强,回答why问句。 Since:“既然”,位于主句前。k

28、eep 保持 kept kept As:“由于”,位于主句前或者后面 For:位于主句后,表示补充说明或者推测原因。undo 撤消 undid undoneSince anyone is here, lets begin.catch 捕捉 caught caughtAs it is raining, we will not go 建造 built builtIt must be rained last night, for it is wet all over.四、目的状语从句tell 告诉 told told连词:so that. 一般放在主句后。 In order th

29、at. 主句前或者后都可以,语气更加正式。bear 忍受 bore born这两个句型从句中往往有can /could/might5. 含有双写字母的词,将双写改为单写,在词尾加t。如:keepkept, sleepslept, feelfelt, smellsmeltI will speak slowly so that you can understand me.spend 花费 spent spentIn order that you can see the sun rise, we started early. For fear that.和in case that 类似,从句中往往有

30、should.The boy hid himself behind the tree for fear that his father should see him.Take you raincoat incase that it should rain.五、结果状语从句连词:So +adj + that/such+n+that: 表示如此。以至于。还可以表示为so+adj+a/an+n+thatIt is so big a room that it can hold 200 people.It is such a big room that it can hold 200 people.特殊

31、句型:They are such little boys that they didnt know anything about it.There are so little water that we have none to drink.第一句中little的意思是小。第二个句子中little的意思是少,之后的名词只能跟不可数名词。六、方式状语从句1、although/though/even if/even thoughHe is unhappy although he has much money.Even if it is raining, we will go there.2.though/as 用于倒装句Although he is a child, he k

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