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1、初中英语单词填空大练兵初中英语单词填空大练兵(25篇)1、根据中文或所给词的适当形式填空 1. It is our n加油 (责任)to keep our environment cln加油ean and tidy.2. We all know then加油 sun (升起)in the east.3. Hn加油ongkong Disneyland n加油(包括)four different parks.4. I have n加油 (意识到)somehtin加油ng was wrong.5. As a host, my job isn加油 to (介绍)each star.6n加油. He w

2、as born on a n加油 (snow)winter morning.7. Tainan in加油s in the ( south)n加油 part of Dongtai.8. The n加油computer doesnt work , n加油it needs ( repan加油ir )9. Computers are n加油 (wide ) used in our n加油daily life. 10. It wan加油s a delightful holiday and a n加油 ( mean ) experience.2、n加油用所给词的适当形式填空 41. Its n加油 正常的

3、)to feel nervous on youn加油r first interview.42. n加油-What do you think of our first sn加油uspect, Wang Gang? n加油 -He seems to be a nin加油ce man. I dont think n加油hes (有罪).43. I dont thn加油ink Xie Yiming is (参与)in this n加油kidnapping.44. The thiefn加油 ran very fast and (n加油消失)in the dark at once.45. n加油Three

4、 (四分之一) of n加油the surface of the earth isn加油 covered with water.46. I wenn加油t to the shop to buy a newspan加油per, but they had been ( 出售n加油 ) out.47. Everybody shn加油ould (积极)joinn加油 in this charity to raise monn加油ey for the poor.48. - Woo! Youven加油 got so many skirts. n加油 - But f then加油m is in fashio

5、n now.49. - You lon加油ok worried, Daniel. Whan加油ts the matter? -I have a n加油problem and I dont know how tn加油o with it.50. Whn加油y dont you do it byn加油 yourself ? Well, I donn加油t think Im to . I need n加油help.3、根据句意和首字母完成单词。1、Many people makn加油e r_for the new year.2、We arn加油e h_ for a fantastic vacatin加

6、油on.3、We will see the w_n加油_ park from up there.4、It wn加油as so dark that I could hn加油_see.5、Tom and Jerry, can加油n you do it by y_?n加油6、My Chinese teacher always a_n加油_ me to read mon加油re books.7、The doctors hn加油ave found out some new trean加油tments for the disease s_(succn加油ess).8、If you exercise n加油

7、on an e_ stomach,you can easilyn加油 get a headache9、During the Beijn加油ing Olympic Games,quite a lot of foren加油ign v_(visit) came to Chn加油ina10、Father is sleepingDontn加油 make any noise to w_ n加油him up4、词汇运用46. The machine n加油is being _ by a robot instn加油ead of a worker (控制).47. Earth is becn加油oming mo

8、re and more _and pon加油lluted (拥挤).48. When people in power in加油s _, people will do as they ln加油ike(缺席的).49. A train加油n is going _n加油_a tunnel(穿过).50.The little n加油boy_ not to be n加油late for school any mn加油ore yesterday (允诺) .51. On summern加油 days, lying on the beach can ben加油 quite _ (relax).52. The

9、 filn加油m, 1942 , directed by n加油one of the most famous Chinesen加油 _ got a success(direct).53.n加油 For an _ reason, Samn加油 moved to Japan(know).54. Green加油n food means the food is_n加油_ (harm).55. All of us should n加油know the_ of protecting wn加油ild animals(important).5、词汇运用;根据句n加油意和汉语提示,写出所缺单词66. He th

10、inkn加油s he will never forget this _n加油_ experience. (有意义的)67. The _n加油_ of science has chan加油nged our life a lot. (发n加油展)68. Our school is as beautiful an加油s _. (他们的)69. Our teacher was vn加油ery happy because he answn加油ered his question _. (n加油正确地)70. How long can I _n加油_ the book? (借)71. After schoo

11、n加油l students went out of n加油the classroom _. (n加油noise)72. My bike is broken and it neen加油ds _. (repair)73. Theyn加油 will celebrate theirn加油 fifteen years of _this n加油Sunday. (marry)74. In then加油 _, I thought I wn加油ould not pass the driving test. n加油(begin)75. She spendn加油s more than one hour pn加油ra

12、cticing _ Engln加油ish every day. (speak)6、根据句意和汉语提示,n加油写出所缺单词。(每空一词)41. I enjoy_ n加油(聊天)with my friends after cln加油ass.42. Could you take a _n加油_(口信) for me.please?43. Dn加油o you often watch _n加油_(录像) at the weekends.44.My n加油sister likes drawing, so she is going tn加油o be an_(画家)when she grows n加油up.4

13、5.About two _(百万)peoplen加油 live in Zhenjiang.46. In加油 d like to give you a lot of _n加油_(信息) about tomorrows n加油Party.47. The _(n加油经理) won t go to have a mn加油eeting this afternoon,he will be n加油at office.48.We will get _n加油_(双倍的) pay for working at the weekn加油ends.49.Tom is_n加油_(幸运) enough to get thn

14、加油e first prize.50. Wilsn加油on lives on the _n加油_(第二十)floor.7、根据句意和汉语提示,写出所缺n加油单词。 61. - Has Peter come n加油yet? - No, but he n加油 (答应)62. My father can加油n even read newspapers and magazines inn加油 his late (九十n加油多岁)63. The person who speaks n加油(反对)you is not alwaysn加油 your enemy.64. Dont make yourselfn

15、加油 get into bad (习惯)of doing thinn加油gs.65. Wow, those playen加油rs are playing badminton so well! n加油Can you guess who is (可能n加油的)to win the match?66.I am afraid the n加油terrible smell will drivn加油e me even (发疯的)n加油67. Steve Jobs is (认为)as one n加油of the most creative persons in the worn加油ld.68. - He is

16、 so a boy. Hn加油e cannot wait for othersn加油 for even 5 minutes. - So n加油he is.69. - Wow! Youve gotn加油 so many skirts. - Bun加油t of them are in fashion n加油now.70. -I dont like the n加油lead role in this film. - n加油 , the story it sen加油lf is interesting.8、根据下列句子及所n加油给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式n加油(每空限填一词)。7

17、1A balanced diet n加油and regular e_ wn加油ill help you keep in good health.72. Myn加油 hair is too long. I want to haven加油 it c_.73. Its a good h_n加油_ to keep a diary writingn加油 down what happens during n加油the day.74. Few m_n加油_ buildings can be found in and arn加油ound the old town.75. A q_n加油_ can be fif

18、teen minutes, twenty-fivn加油e pence or three months.76.n加油 Would you mind c_ the door n加油? Its so cold outside.77. If n加油it r_ tomorrow, thn加油ey wont have the party in then加油 open air.78. My doctor advn加油ised me to take the mn加油edicine t_ a day, in the morningn加油 and evening.79.My father is a n加油teac

19、her and she has t_ Enn加油glish in this school for 25 yearn加油s.80. Dont worry. We can finally n加油find a s_ to ann加油y problem we meet.9、根n加油据下列句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。71.I n加油want to know how much tn加油he elephant_ (重)。n加油72.We should fight against thn加油e _(污染)。73n加油.It is important to protectn加油 the_(濒临灭绝的)

20、 animals.7n加油4.He is a _(知识渊博的) scientn加油ist.75.This is a very _ filn加油m.(educate)76.I want to have my car_n加油_(repair).77 In加油t is blowing_ (strong)78n加油 It takes a long time to find an加油 _ to the probln加油em (solve)79The Browns live on the _n加油_ floor.(twelve) 10、n加油根据下列句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。66. Lets

21、work n加油hard to learn as much _n加油_( 知识 ) as we can.67.The fansn加油 could not hide their _(激动) whn加油en they saw their favourite singer.68. n加油You can _(借)these books for tn加油wo weeks, please take care n加油of them.69.The _(妻子) ofn加油 the policemen usually dn加油o most of the housework because then加油ir hus

22、bands are too busy.70.They are wan加油tching the parade _n加油_(前进) across the street.7n加油1. He felt _ (terrible) n加油ill after the long plane trip.n加油 72. The girl looks beautiful in then加油 _(shine) red siln加油k.73. The water in the river is_(n加油harm). You can drink it wn加油ithout cooking.74. Noise is bor

23、n加油ing, _ (special) wn加油hen you are trying to sleen加油p.75. There is an exhibition on n加油the _(develop) of Chin加油na over the past 58years.11、根据n加油句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形n加油式填空。(每空一词)76. Whose n加油 (照相机) are thn加油ese? Theyre mine.77. Sn加油ally gets a lot of _n加油_(礼物) for her birthday.78. Tn加油he world i

24、s _n加油_ (充满) with amazing things.79. n加油Madees bedroom is vern加油y beautiful and _n加油_(安静).80. Look! Two _n加油_ (monkey) are running n加油around the lake.81. Many kinds of anin加油mals are _(消失), n加油so we must take actin加油ons to protect them.82. Do yon加油u know the difference _ “besn加油ides” and “except”?(在

25、之间)83.n加油 Please knock at the door n加油before _(进入) then加油 room. 84. As a sen加油condary school studentn加油, you should pay attentionn加油 to your _ (行为)n加油 85. Audrey Hepburn _n加油_ (奉献) all her lifen加油 to her undertaking (事n加油业).86. If you feel nervous, n加油just take a deep _n加油_. (breathe) 87. Everyone h

26、on加油pes that there will not n加油be any_in the world. (thief)8n加油8. Nanfang Weekend is a _n加油_(week)newspaper.89. To tell you tn加油he _(true), I felt san加油d while you were awan加油y. 90. Their diets are not hen加油althy. What about n加油 (we)?12、 根据首字母、中文提示、句n加油意写单词。 1. Lucy is polite and h_n加油_(乐于助人的). We n

27、加油all like her.2.I want to be a v_n加油_(志愿者)whenn加油 I grow up .3.The e_n加油_(工程师)is over there.4. Mn加油y n_(邻居) are all frien加油ndly to me.5.Im goin加油ng to be a doctor to hn加油elp _(n加油生病的) people.6. He is a n加油 _(厨师)in thn加油at restaurant.7. We can see two n加油 _ (群) of sheep eating grasn加油s at the foot o

28、f the n加油hill.8. A lot of _n加油_(visit) come to Nanjing every year.9.n加油 Im happy because your idea _n加油_ (sound) veryn加油 good. 10. -What does he do? -n加油-He is a _(wait) in an加油 restaurant .11. This is mn加油y_(eight) tin加油me to see the singer.12. Its so _n加油_ (cloud). I n加油think it is going to rain n加油.13. There is going to _n加油_(is) a lot of rain next n加油month.14. Most _ n加油 (postman) are good at ridingn加油 bikes.15. Look! The man is _n加油_(fix) my bike.13、词汇运用56.n加油 Put the vegetables into the fridge son加油 that they can r n加油 fresh for 2-3 days.57. His hn加油ouse was completely d inn加油 t

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