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1、英语四级高频词汇26天速记四级必备词汇第一天 出现24次 consumer 消费者 出现 23次 social 社会的,交际的 product产品,乘积 likely可能的,适合的 出现19 次 system系统,制度,方法,身体 activity活动,活跃 出现18 次 reward报答,报酬 出现17 次 stress压力,强调,重音 expert专家,熟练的 concern关切的是,关心,关系,公司,涉及 出现 16次 university大学 Individual个别的,独特的,个人 出现 15次 view看法,观察,景色 opportunity机会 hunt打猎,搜寻,驱逐 chal

2、lenge艰巨的任务,怀疑,挑战,质疑出现 14次 process过程,工序,程序 出现13 次 project n.方案,课题,工程; v.投射,伸出amount量,总额,合计,等同 ability能力,才能 rate速度,比率,价格,估价,定级,值得radiation放射物,辐射 feature特征,面貌,特写,故事片,突出February二月 environment环境 create创造,引起 crash碰撞,发出撞击声,垮台 advertise做广告,宣传,公告,登广告 出现11 次 writer作者 tend意于,趋向,照管 status地位,情形 reader读者,读物 per每,

3、每一 local地方性的,局部的,当地人 highway公路 brand商标,特殊类型,打烙印于,谴责assume假定,承担,呈现 出现 10次 physical身体的,物理的,物质的,体检incident立即的,紧急的,速溶的,瞬间focus聚集,焦点,中心 fashion方式,流行款式 expand扩大,膨胀 effective有效的,给人印象深刻的,实际的decline下降,衰落,谢绝 benefit益处,救济金,有益于 adult成年人,成年的,适宜于成年人的 第二天 出现9 次 affect影响 compete竞争 global全球的,总的 policy政策,保险单 account记

4、数,帐,说明原因,在数量上占foundation地基,基础,基金会,建立involve包含,卷入 lightning闪电 technology工艺 leak漏,泄漏,漏洞 competition竞争 behavior行为,运转情况 community社区,团体,群落 出现 8次 range一系列,幅度,射程,山脉,靶场,变动 maintain 维持,维修,坚持,赡养 action 行动,已做的事,作用,情节primarily只要地 appeal呼吁,吸引力,申诉,诉诸 detail细节,支节,详述 decade十年 pollution污染 advantage优点,利益 culture文化,教养

5、,培养,培养军autobiography自传 leader领袖 accordingly照着,因此 plastic塑料,信用卡,塑料的 approve赞成,批准 performance演出,履行,工作情况recognize认出,承认,赏识 factor因素 enormous巨大的 avoid避免 shift移动,改变,转换,换班 source源泉,来源 fulfill履行,满足 moral道德上的,道德,寓意 rank军衔,社会阶层,行列,评定等级replace代替,归还,放回原处 complex有许多部分组成的,综合体,情节 第三天频率为7次的单词 injure outcome insuran

6、ce impression household claim personality personnel employee reserve approach capacity generally automobile male regardless contact(n.) contact(v.) wealthy estimate incident device error private relationship recently scale union climate available criticism diet civilian ground liberal establish indi

7、cate accomplish finally spot 第四天频率为6次的单词 potential professional ideal reflect considerable influence trace attitude chemical network positive territory engage witness welfare career attach profit musician purchase competitive particularly assign response pace complaint identify arise victim sample m

8、odify property structure target belief Day Five 频率为6次的单词(二) 1. Minority;少数,少数民族 2. resistant;抵抗的 3. theory;理论,学说 4. signal;信号,标志,发信号,标 志着,显著的 5. bloom;花,开花,青春焕发时 期 6. Cheat;欺骗,作弊,骗子 7. Instance;例子 8. transfer;搬,调动,转让,迁移 N转车 9. bacterial;细菌 10. threaten v.威胁,预示(危险)要来 临,可能发生 11. Abroad;到国外,在传播 12. Aud

9、ience;听众 13. scan v.审视,浏览 v/n 扫描 14. corporation公司 15. threat n.威胁,凶兆 16. flash v,闪光,飞驰 n.闪光灯 17. Gas气体,煤气,汽油,毒气 18. promote促进,提升,宣传 19. style风格,式样,流行式样, 设计 20. grant拨款,授予 21. apply 申请,适用,使用,敷 22. extend程度,广度 23. Install安装,任命 24. impact影响,冲击 25. function 功能,重大聚会,函 数,工作 26. industrial工业的 27. user用户 2

10、8. propose v.提议,提名,打算, 求婚 29. alter改变 30. agency代理行,专业行政部门 31. contribute 捐款,有助于,投稿32. educate教育 33. absent缺席的,缺乏的,心不在 焉的,出神的 34. poison毒物,毒害 35. airline航线,航空公司 36. possibility可能,可能的事 第六天 频率为5次的单词(一) 1. nuclear核子的,中心的 2. nucleus 原子核,核心 3. raw 未加工过的,生的,未经训练 的 4. extensive 广大的,大量的 5. military 军事的 6. d

11、irectly直接的,正好的,立即 7. deny否认,拒绝给予 8. absorb吸收,使全神贯注,同化 9. committee 委员会 10. complain 抱怨,投诉 11. aid帮助,助手 12. protein蛋白质 13.statement 声明,结算单 14.Institution社会公共结构,习俗,创立 15. route 路线 16. associateV联系在一起,联合,交往 adj.伙伴,副的 17.growth增长,增长量,生长,生长物 18. convince说服 19.liberate解放,放出 20. cell 细胞,小牢房;电池;小组 21.publis

12、h出版,发表 22.youngster青年 23. failure失败,失败的人,故障 24. faint 不清楚的,无力的,眩晕的,昏厥 25.rob 抢劫,使丧失26.resident居民,住院医生,居住的,住校的 基金,储备,存款,拨款 28.appearance 出现,外观 29.portable轻便的 30.efficient效率高的 31.preference喜爱,偏爱的事物 32.solution 解决,解答,溶液 33.confidence 信任,信心 34.treatment 治疗,对待 35.adopt 收养,采取,批准 36.skilled熟练的,需要技能

13、的 37.cultivate耕作,培养 第7天频率为5次的单词respond vary exit survey vehicle constant speaker atmosphere latter reform economy primary differ capable distinct define resist argument transform despite strengthen distinguish emotional data achievement strategy sufficient ban poverty wage wisdom assemble predict ac

14、curate adapt risk liquid thunder 第8天频率为4次的单词virtue female recommend equality economic economics emit bar arrange conference improvement previous sensible exchange consumption intelligence debate criticize rail reveal spray investment reinforce cope exceed confuse aware superior emphasize region pop

15、intensity appreciate colleague transportation everyday fame familiar urban span essential 第9天频率为4次的单词inhabitant weapon accumulate eliminate remarkable remedy mislead whale cliff discard aspect shortage movable crime relax fleet display mask reverse security emphasis lucky significant aircraft cease

16、transmit gasoline conduct abandon stimulate bind pressure characterize cycle enable craft consist vital powerful navy disappear 第10天频率为4次的单词authority shrink rid surround alike arouse excessive dispute behave electrical highly select contrast contrast infant athlete overseas elevator apart reality co

17、mmitment gaze tough expense sensitive anxiety evidence image journal immigrant delivery commit advertisement coordinate urgent talent peculiar handle handsome represent exception specific 第11天频率为3次的单词indoor release increasingly forbid inspire usage distress communicate appoint reaction salad interna

18、l prior generous fundamental version guy appointment definite cabinet aluminum always item code prosperous responsibility analyze interfere generate equip worldwide mission specialize employ switch observe negative invention humor inferior typical confirm intelligent 第12天频率为3次的单词lbel pigeon ancient

19、slight domestic vacant convert force relate disturb engine slice navigation electronic electronics parliament parlor necessarily emerge numerous construct construct annoy character strain obtain necessity proportion loyalty lubricate insert violence naturally export tender absence classify mood cris

20、is comprehension discipline tax influential inform original management reluctant housewife expose Day 13频率为3次的单词(三) Entitle(The Freedom of Information Act entitles you to request your FBI file) envy tendency commission register media county reproduce neighborhood disposal curiosity passive(active) g

21、ap dump rarely suggestion locate interaction undoubtedly somewhat sum rack transmission external crack convenience adequate(she was adequate to the job,an adequate income) volunteer phenomenon comparison typewriter channel sophisticated conclude(We concluded that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a

22、 house. Include?) section stripe participate depression queue vice launch manner exhaust Day 14 频率为3次的单词(四) undertake motivate proposal tremendous perspective(consider what follows from the positivist perspective) aggressive academic lag application distribute(his letter is being distributed among t

23、he faculty) contrary comprise element unlike mostly motel background visual refine responsible petroleum legal civilization pump quote outward decrease fatal cue accuse accustomed objective conservation optical delicate mechanic mechanics scholarship carpenter fluent swallow episode attraction orbit

24、 mixture screen administration abuse Day 15 频率为3次的单词(五) omit accommodation acceptance conflict soda scheme conservative leisure retire mere salary preserve overall ensure unfortunately evolution identical joint intention fee debt advisable sequence court percentage considerate illegal largely intell

25、ectual senior mature interval introduction competent federal temper output drum cautious rude grasp impose.on comment on access to. Day 16 频率为2次的单词(一) elect stir durable medium horizontal horn philosophy appropriate faulty genius downward executive surplus librarian stretch handy delib

26、erate capture phrase handful award incline cancer collection glimpse demonstrate skim instruct constitution manufacture drama relief agent uptodate trail connection mill commander insight into alternative to 第17天出现频率为两次的单词 Leadership Creature Instrument substitute chin steady specialist adjust enfor

27、ce organ grocer creep cooperate sympathetic storage depart render privilege teenager contribution feedback acquisition so-called existence explore wax mess prince generator facility fatigue accompany rural honey attain billion uncover locomotive trap association spite interview 第18天出现频率为两次的单词 Pessim

28、istic bark devil universe reduction psychological invade identity permanent screw interpretation editor guarantee classic pose delegate artificial cassette romantic annual apartment deposit fantasy mud author assure correspond outlet topic rival initiative slide extreme misunderstand evident casual

29、routine trumpet ancestor staff Day 19 频率为2次的单词(四) notion counter fabric occasion lump hopeless document precaution intend cash hardware tidy resolve protective quit severe extension trial expectation telescope passport exploit democracy requirement file neglect exaggerate thirst overnight plot estat

30、e liter variation copper devise principle sportsman creative former unity similarly assumption reception 第二十一天 频率为2次的单词(六) Limitation stream cancel evaluate enthusiasm conversely Profession destination nuisance editorial rust widespread affection Laundry prospect/prospect planet mount combination medal Principal sting consequently experimental spacecraft acquire Resource contract/contract scarce resort depress gesture protection Mysteri

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