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1、新视野大学英语第二册Un新视野大学英语第二册Unit-1Uint 1Section A. Time-Conscious Americans Introduction: This is an expository essay. The author explains a social phenomenon in the U.S. -Americans are time-conscious. He presents why and how Americans save time carefully by using examples and cause-effect analysis. In so

2、me paragraphs, the authors statement is presented at the beginning and supported with specific details, and then the reason is given briefly. The article can be divided into 3 parts:Part 1 (Para 1-2) Americans save time carefully and treat it as if it were real a precious resource.Part 2 (Para 3-7 )

3、 Why & how Americans work hard at the task of saving time.Part 3 (Para 8) It is taken as a sign of skillfulness or being competent to solve a problem or fulfill a job with speed in the U.S.I. New words1. budget n. 预算,拨款搭配:balance ones budget 平衡预算within / below budget 低于预算a family budget 家庭预算v.(for)做

4、预算,盘算,安排e.g.: He budgeted for buying a housea. 便宜的,合算的e.g.: a budget dress 便宜的服装budgetary (budget + ary) a. 预算上的2. acute 灵敏的,敏感的e.g.: Dogs have an acute sense of smell.严重的,剧烈的搭配:acute pain 剧痛an acute lack of water 严重缺水acuteness n. 敏锐辨析:acute, sharp, keenacute指五官,感觉,智力的敏锐sharp有刃的,锋利的,也指思想敏锐,语言尖锐e.g.:

5、 a sharp knife 一把锋锐的小刀 a sharp tongue 刮嘴keen锋利的,敏锐的与sharp与acute的意思相同还可表示热心的、着迷的3. replace vt. 把放回原处,取代e.g. She replaced the book on the shelf.vt. 取代,替代 (take the place of)e.g.: He has replaced Mr. Brown as President. 他取代布朗先生当了董事长。辩析:substitute, replace动词substitute A for B = replace B with/by A名词subs

6、titute of A for B = replacement of B by/with Ae.g.: She substituted honey for sugar. She replaced sugar with honey.她用蜂蜜替代糖。4. abrupt a. 突然的,意外的e.g.: The meeting came to an abrupt end an abrupt change of policy 突然改变政策a. (举止、言谈等)粗鲁的,鲁莽的e.g.: When l asked her about her new job, she was quite abrupt wit

7、h me.辩析abrupt. Rude(1) rude 指别人态度粗鲁,缺乏必要的礼貌用语,称呼或温和的态度等;(2) abrupt 则侧重指由于过于突然或缺乏事先考虑而表现出来的不够礼貌。5. brief n. 摘要in brief (to be brief) = in short; in as few words as possible 简要言之the news in brief 新闻提要v. 向做简介a. 简洁的,短暂的e.g.: His explanation was brief and to the point 他的说明既简洁又切题。briefly ad 简单地说brevity n.

8、 简短briefcase n. 文件箱,公文包6. opening a. 初始的 opening words/remarks 开场白n. 开始;职位,空缺e.g.: the opening of a book, speech, film, etc书(讲语或电影的开头)There are few openings in publishing for new graduates出版社能为新毕业的大学生提供的空缺职位极少。7. interact n. 交流;相互作用(影响);合作inter(之面) + action(作用)interaction human computer interactirn

9、人机对话,人机交流搭配:interaction with e.g.: Increased interaction between the police and forces world improve the rate of solving crimes.警民之间加强合作,将有助于提高破案率。interact v.interact with / against 相互作用;互动8. convention h. 会议,惯例;公约;习俗。-al. adj.搭配:an international convention 一项国际协定(惯例)according to the convention 照惯例a

10、 conventional greeting 客套的问候e.g.: Its the convention for men to wear suits on formal occasions.男子在正式场合穿西装是一种惯例。9. leisure n. 空闲,悠闲搭配:at leisure 有空,闲暇时,从容地 at ones leisure 当某人空闲时e.g.: They are seldom at leisure 他们很少有闲暇的时候 Ill take the report home and read it at my leisure. 我要把报告带回家,有空时读。10. assess vt

11、. 估价,估计 assessment n. 估价,评价 self-assessment 自我评价 e.g.: He is so lazy that its difficult to assess his ability. 他懒得很,很难对他的能力作出评估。 It is too early to assess the effects the new law. 要评价新法令的效果,现在还为时过早。辩析assess, access, excess assess v. 估价,评估 access n. 接近,入口,通道 excess n. 超时,过量,过剩11. surroundings (pl.)n.

12、 周围的事物,环境 e.g.: Animals in zoo are not in their natural surroundings.动物园的动物没有生活在它们的自然环境里。 辩析surroundings, environment, circumstances (1) surroundings 以复数形式出现,指周围具体的,特质性的东西。 (2) environment 不用复数,是环境的复称,指特定的,能对人的发展产生影响的自然环境或生活的环境条件。 (3) circumstances 常为复数形式,强调动作或事情发生的环境或情况。12. electronic adj. 电子的,和电子设

13、备有关的。 (搭配)an electronic calculator 电子计算器 electronic music 电子音乐 electronic engineer 电子工程师 electronic mail = E-mail 电子邮件 electronics 电子学 electricity 电13. conduct v. 指导,引导,传导(电、热等)e.g.: The manager conducted his business carefully. Plastic and rubber wont conduct electricity, but copper will.塑料和橡胶不导电,但

14、是铜能导电。 n. 行为;经营,管理(搭配)good (bad) conduct 好(坏)品行under the conduct of 在引导下the conduct of state affairs 国事的处理 派生词 conductor 管理人,指挥,售票员conductive 有传导力的14. obtain vt. 获得,得到e.g.: He always manages to obtain what he wants.他想要的他怎能得到。Ordinary people will then be able to use the Internet obtain valuable infor

15、mation.到那时普通老百姓将能使用因特网去获取有用的信息。辩析:obtain, achieve, get, acquire, gainobtain 表示经过艰苦努力,得到期望已久的东西。achieve 指经过努力获得成功等。get 得到,买到,获得可以用在各个方面,是个常用词。acquire 多用于通过不断地“学”、“问”等获得“学问、技术”等较抽象的东西。gain 含义较obtain更进一层,表示付出更大努力才能获得的常译为“赢得”。15. whereas conj 反之,却,然而(while), 引导对比或对立的从句。e.g.: He was poor, whereas his bro

16、ther was rather rich. We thought she did not like us, whereas in fact she was very shy.我们以为她不喜欢我们,然而事实是因为她很害羞。16. competent a. 有能力的,能干的,胜任的搭配辩析: be competent for sth to do sth be capable of (doing) sth 有能力做be able to do e.g.: She is competent for the task.她能胜任这项工作。He is not competent to look after y

17、oung children.他不会照管孩子。. Phrases & Expressions1. result in 导致,致使,造成的结果-The talks resulted in reducing the nuclear of missiles.这些会谈的结果导致了导弹数额的减少。-Our efforts resulted in failure. 我们的努力以失败告终。2. nothing but 只有,除了以外什么也不-I want nothing but the best for my children.我只想给我的孩子们最好的。-He is nothing but a liar.他只

18、不过是个骗子。Cf. anything but -He is anything but a liar.他决不是个骗子。3. account for 说明,解释-He couldnt account for his absence from school.他不能对自己的旷课做出解释。(指数量)占-The production of raw materials amounts for a considerable proportion of the national economy.原料生产在国民经济中占相当大的比重。4. in a rush 匆忙的-Why is she always in su

19、ch a rush?-In modern society, everyone is in a rush.5. under pressure-He said that he made his statement to the police wander pressure.他说他是被迫向警方作此声明的。6. go with 与相配,与协调,与和谐-These shoes dont go with the dress. 这双鞋子对这身服装不相称。同是发生,伴随,是的结果-Money does not always go with happiness.钱不一定幸福。7. work at 工作,从事于,

20、钻研-She works hard at keeping herself fit.她努力保持身体健康。-You will never become good at tennis, unless you work at it.除非你下功夫,否则你将打不好网球。8. save for 储蓄,储存-Ill save some money for later use.我存些钱以备用。-Save your strength for the hard work youll have to do later.留着点劲,你一会儿还得干重活。除以外-The curtained stage was empty s

21、aving for a few pieces of furniture.落下帷幕的舞台上空荡荡的,除几件家具外什么也没有。9. at hand 正考虑的The question was not related to the matter at hard.这个问题与正在考虑的事情无关。10. in person 亲自,亲身-You had better go and speak to him in person.你最好还是亲自去跟他说。11. due to 由于,因为-The teams success was largely due to her efforts.-Due to the rai

22、n, the game was put off.12. be worthy of 值得的,配得上的-He is not worthy of her.他配不上她。-That is very worthy of our attention.那件事很值得我们注意。. Sentences:1. no one stands still. (L1)Meaning: No one keeps motionless, everyone moves and advances.(美国没有人会停止不前)一些表示动词,如“stand”、“sit”、“lie”等可用作系动词,后接形容词做主语补足语。e.g.: -The

23、 house has stood empty for months.-She stood there calm and quiet, waiting for their decision.-The valley lay peaceful in the sun.2. We are slaves to nothing but clock. (L5)Meaning: We are only under the control of time.只有时间才能支配我们。slave to sth 生活方法受支配的人a slave to drink 金钱的奴隶a slave to money 酒鬼3. We

24、budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, amount for it; we also charge for it. (L6-7)Meaning: We deal with time in various ways as if time were something of real value.本句中的“it”均指时间,作者是在宾语it(time)前连续用几个动作动词来说明时间是“some thing real”,是现实生活中最重要的东西。kill time 消磨时间e.g.: My flight has delayed,

25、 so l killed two hours by reading a book.charge for 要价e.g.:-How much do you charge for mending shoes?-We charge $2oo for a single room one night.4. We want every minute to count.Meaning: We want every minute to be put into good use (since it is precious).Count vi 有价值,有重要性的e.g.: -Every penny counts.

26、-Her opinion counts because of her experience.5. Normally, Americans do not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over extended small talk; much less do they take them out for dinner, or around on golf course while they develop a sense of trust. (L27-29)extended a 延长的,长时间的small talk lig

27、ht conversation on unimportant or non-serious subjects.轻松的闲聊。much less and even less likely; still less 更不用说。(much less引导句子要倒装)-The old man can hardly walk, much less run.-I couldnt agree to such proceedings, much less could I participate in such proceedings.6. We communicate rapidly through faxes,

28、phone calls or emails rather than through personal contacts, which (L33-34)1)rather than 胜于,而不足-He resigned rather than take part in such a dishonest transaction.他宁愿辞职也不参与这种欺诈行为。-He rather than you is responsible for the loss.是他而不是你,要对这损失负责。(rather than 连接两个主语时,谓语动词和第一个主语一致)。2)非限定性定语从句whichtake long

29、er修饰personal contacts, 从句中包含两个状语:though pleasant; especially given our traffic-filled streets.3)given (prep. ) taking into account 考虑到-Given her interest in children/Given that she is interested in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her.-Given their inexperience, theyve done a good

30、 job.7. Unless a certain amount of time is allowed to elapse, it seems in their eyes eyes as if (L49-50)1)in ones eyes 在看来-In her fathers eyes she can do nothing wrong.-The expert is always right in the eyes of everybody.2)as if 引导的从句中用了虚拟语气,用过去时表现在,即the task were insignificant.8. Usually, the more

31、important a task is, the more capital, energy, and attention will be poured into it in order to “get it moving”.the more , the more 越,越get sth/sb, doing(sth) 使某人/某事做-Can you get the old car going again?-Its not hard to get the boy talking; the problem is stopping him.Section B Culture shock Introduction: This expository article begins with a rhetorical question to arous

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