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1、环境工程专业英语翻译30页Un it one Environmen tai Engin eeri ng环境工程What is this book about ?这本书是关于什么的?The objective of this book is to introduce engineering and scienee students to the interdisciplinary study of environment problems ; their cause , why they are of concern , and how we can control them. The book

2、 in cludes:这本书的目的是使理工科的学生了解跨学科间的研究环境问题 ;它们的起因,为什么它们受到关注,以及我们怎样控制它们。这本书包括:Descriptio n of what is meant by environment and environmen tal systems描述环境和环境系统意味着什么In formati on on the basic causes of en viro nmen tal disturba nces关于引起环境干扰基础原因的基本信息Basic scie ntific kno wledge n ecessary to un dersta nd th

3、e n ature of environmen tal problems and tobe able to qua ntify them理解环境问题本质,并能够定量计算它们所必要的基本科学知识Current state of the tech no logy of environmen tal con trol in its applicati on to water , air andpolluti on problems目前适用于水,空气和环境污染问题的环境控制技术的现状Con siderable gaps in our curre nt scie ntific kno wledge of

4、 un dersta nding and con troll ing many ofthe complex in teractio ns betwee n huma n activities and n ature我们目前的科学知识在理解和控制人类活动和自然之间复杂的相互作用的科学知识上存在相当大的缺陷Many en vir onmen tal problems which could be elimi nated or reduced by the applicati on of curre nttech no logy , but which are not dealt with beca

5、use of society s lack of will to do so, or in many in sta nee because of a lack of resources to do so.许多环境问题可以应用现有技术消除或减少,但没有得到处理是因为社会缺乏这样做的意愿,或者像许多例子 那样因为缺乏资源。Some importa nt defi niti ons 些重要的定义Where they are first used in this book , definitions are introduced in block form , as shown here ,or pr

6、in ted in bold type.如果他们是第一次使用这本书,定义介绍采用块形式,像这里显示的一样,或印成黑体字。Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us ; that which we can see , hear,touch, smell ,and taste.环境是围绕在我们周围物质生命的栖息地,在那里我们可以看到,听到,触到,闻到和品尝到。System,according to webster s dictionary , is defined as “a set or arrangemen

7、t of things sorelated or connected as to form a unit or organic whole ; as, a solar system , irrigation system ,supply system ,the world or uni verse ”.系统,依据韦伯斯特的字典,被定义为“一组或一系列能形成一个整体或者有机整体的相互关联的事物 ;比如,太阳系统,灌溉系统,供水系统,世界或宇宙” 。Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in the physical , chemica

8、l , or biologicalcharacteristics of the air ,water,or land that can harmfully affect the health ,survival ,or activities of huma ns or other livi ng orga ni sms.污染可以被定义为有害影响健康,生存,活动的人或其它生物体的空气,水,或土地的物理,化学或生物特性 的不应该有的变化,。Whenthe goal of improving environmental quanlity is taken to be improving human

9、wellbeing ,the word “ environment ” broade ns to in elude all kinds of social , ec ono mic, and cultural aspects. Such broad ness is un workable in many real situati ons and impractical in a text book desig ned for a one semesterIn teract ion of Systems 互动系统A nu mber of differe nt en vir onmen tal p

10、roblems are associated with water, air, or land systems. 许多不同的环境问题都涉及到水,空气,或土壤。Many of these problems will apply only with in one of these systems, justify ing the breakdow n intothese categories. 许多这些问题只适用于在其中一个系统,这为这些种类中的细目分类提供了充分的理由。Such a classification is also useful for easier comprehension of

11、 related problems within one system.这种分类也有助于更容易理解一个系统里的相关问题。Moreover, it is sensible because, for manager and administrative reasons, such subfields as airpollution, water supply, wastewater disposal, and solid waste disposal are often dealt with separately by gover nmen tal age ncies.此外,这样做是明智的,因为是

12、行政管理的原因,空气污染,水供应,固体废物处置和废水处理,往往是由政 府机构分别处理的。Unfortunately, manyimportant environmental problems are not confined to an air, water, or land system,but involve in teractio ns between systems. 很遗憾的是,许多重要的环境问题不只局限于一个空气,水,或土壤系统,更涉及系统之间的相互作用。A current example is the acid rain problem stemming from the emi

13、ssion of sulfur dioxide and nitrogenoxide gases into the atmosphere from the stacks of gen erati ng stati ons, smelters, and automobileexhausts。目前的一个例子是酸雨问题,根源是许多发电站,冶炼,汽车排出的废气中进入大气的二氧化硫和 氮氧化物气体。These gases are the n tran sported by air curre nts over wide regions. 这些气体被气流运送至U广阔的区域。Rai nfall “ washe

14、s them out ”, creat ing acid rain which is harmful to aquatic life, forests, andagricultural crops. 雨水“将它们洗去”,产生了对水生生物,森林和农作物有害的酸雨。 Two examples ofin teract ion betwee n systems that cause major environmen tal disturba nces are prese nted-the buildup of atmospheric carb on dioxide, a global problem,

15、 and the acid rain problem, no rmally of regi onal nature.两个有关于系统间相互作用引起的环境问题有: 空气中的二氧化碳的增加的全球性问题以及具有地域性质的酸雨问题。En viro nmen tal Disturba nces 环境扰舌 LMany major improvements to our standard of living can be attributed to the application of science and tech no logy.我们的生活水平的许多重大改进,可以归因于科学和技术的应用。A few ex

16、amples are no ted here. Can you think of others?这里举几个例子,你可以想到其他例子吗? The product ion of more and better quality food生产更多更好的优质食品 The creati on of hous ing as protect ion from extremes from climates and as livi ng space 创造能避免极端的气候的保护所和生活空间The buildi ng of fast and reliable means of tran sportati on建设快速

17、和可靠的运输方式The inven tio n of various systems of com mun icatio n发明各种通信系统The invention of machines to replace human or animal power发明机器来取代人类或动物体力The supply of safe water and the disposal of wastes安全水的供应和废物处理The elim in ati on of many in fectious diseases消灭多种传染疾病The elim in ati on of most waterbor ne di

18、seases in the developed world through improved water tech no logy 在多数发达国家中通过改善水技术来消除大部分水源性疾病The availability of leisure time through greater productivity, providi ng the opport un ity forcultural and recreatio nal activities通过提高生产力,腾出闲暇时间,为进行文化和娱乐活动提供机会The protecti on from the worst effects of n atu

19、ral disasters such as floods, droughts, earthquakes,and volca nic erupti ons.防止最严重的自然灾害的影响,如洪水,干旱,地震和火山爆发With these improveme nts, however, have come disturb ing side effects, such as lost arable land,disappeari ng forests, environmen tal polluti on, and new orga ni sms resista nt to con trols. 然而,随

20、着(科学技术的)发展,产生了不良的副作用,比如,可耕地丢失,森林消失,环境污染,微生物滋长.Many effects origi nally con sidered to be just nu isa nces are now recog ni zed as pote ntial threats tonature and to huma ns. 起初只是让我们觉得讨厌的许多事物现在被认为对自然和人类存在的潜在威胁。In an agrarian society, people lived essentially in harmony with mature, raising food, gath

21、ering firewood, and mak ing clothi ng and tools from the Ian d. 在农业社会,人们基本上能与自然和谐地相处 ,他们在陆地上种植食物,收集木材,做衣服和工具。The wastes from animals and humans were returned to the soil as fertilizer. Few, if any, problemsof water, la nd, or air pollution occurred. 动物和人类排放的废物作为肥料又返到土地中。很少有水污染、土地污染、和空气污染问题产生。The cit

22、ies of ancient times, particularly those of the Roma n Empire, had systems to supply waterand to dispose of wastes. 在古代的城市,特别是像罗马帝国那类,就已经存在供水系统和处置废物系统。The aqueducts suppl ying the ancient city of Rome (populatio n about 1 milli on) with safe water fromthe Cloaca Maxima, the best known and one of the

23、 earliest sewers to be built, are examples of suchsystems.从一个最早建成之一且最有名的污水管 -古罗马大排泄沟,向古代的罗马城市提供安全的水的渠道,就是这样的系统的例子。The mun icipal tech no logy of ancient cities seems to have bee n forgotte n for many cen turies by thosewho built cities throughout Europe. 古代的城市的市政技术似乎已经被那些在整个欧洲建设城市的人遗忘了许多个世纪。Water su

24、pply and waste disposal were neglected, resulting in many outbreaks of the nineteenth century, it was not realized that improper wastes disposal polluted water supplies with disease-carry ingorganisms.供水和废物处置的忽略,导致爆发了许多疾病,如痢疾、霍乱、伤寒和其它水传染的疾病。The in dustrial revoluti on in nin etee nth-ce ntury Britai

25、 n, Europe, and North America aggravated theen vir onmen tal problems since it brought in creased urba ni zati on. 直至 U 19 世纪中期,人们才意识至 U废物的不正确处置导致引起疾病的微生物污染了供水。Both phe nomena, urba ni zati on and in dustrializati on, were and are fun dame ntal cause of water and airpollution which the cities of tha

26、t time were unable to handle. 19 世纪在英国、欧洲和北美的工业革命带来了工业化和城市化的增加,也加重了环境问题。城市化和工业化在过去和现在都是引起水和空气污染的 根本原因,这在当时的城市还不能够处理。Rapid adva nces in tech no logy for the treatme nt of water and the partial treatme nt of wastewater tookplace in the developed countries over the next few decades. This led to a drama

27、tic decrease in thein cide nee of waterborne diseases. 在接下来的几十年,水处理和废水的部分处理技术在发达国家快速发展,这导致水传染疾病的发生率大量地减少。 Note that all wastes discharge into environment, and thus polluteout water, air, and land system. 注意,所有的废物排放到环境中都会污染我们的水、空气和土地系统。Un it Two Historical Overview of Hazardous Substa nee Disposal in

28、 the USA回顾美国处置危险物品的历史Hazardous substa nee disposal practices in the Un ited States have traveled full circle. 在美国,处理危险物品的做法走过了迂回的道路。Prior to 1978 there were few if any regulati ons regard ing the disposal of these materials. 1978年之前,很少有任何关于如何处置这些物品的法规。Improper disposal of many of these chemicals res

29、ulted in health problems for many citizens, con tami nated water supplies, and destruction of wildlife. 这些化学物品的不当处置使市民陷入健康问题,水供应受污染和野生生物死亡。With the en actme nt of the Resource Con servati on and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1978, manu facturi ng facilities now have an obligati on to acco unt for all waste

30、 materials that are gen erated by the facility. 随着资源回收法(1978年)的颁布,工厂有责任处置生产设施所产生的所有废弃材料 。Impleme ntatio n of RCRA has bee n slow. 但是资源回收法的实施一直进展缓慢。From the very early in dustrial period in the Un ited States, which started about 1920, un til several years after the Second World War, there was little

31、 concern for the proper methods of disposal of waste materials that were gen erated as by-products duri ng manu facturi ng processes. 在美国,从大约1920年开始的早期工业时代,到第二次世界大战结束后几年里,几乎没人关注处理在生产过程中作为副产 品产生的废弃材料的合理方法。 Up until the 1960 s it was quite common to find fresh water rivers andstreams fouled with waste

32、 chemicals from manu facturi ng, salt water from oil producti on wells andwaste acids from steel mill activities. 直到1920年,随处可见被生产过程产生的废化学品、油井排出的盐水和炼钢厂排出的废酸所污染的淡水河流和溪涧。Virtually every con ceivable waste oil, solve nt, or resi n waste could be found in the rivers. 事实上,所有能够想象到的废物如废油、溶剂、废树脂都可以在河流里面找到。The laws of the time were either non-existe nt or not en forced. 然而当时的相关法律要么不存在,要么是没有被实施。The li

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