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1、广州四年级上册英语知识点归纳 广州四年级上册英语知识点归纳话题 主要任务 主要学习语言点 Module 1 Clothes 1.能用英语说出服装的名称; 2.能谈论服装; 3.能谈论物品的归属。 1。 Whose is? Its 2。 Whos /are? Theyre 3。 Can I help you? 4。How much is/ are? Its / Theyre 5。 Id like to buy Module 2 People 1.能描述亲属和朋友; 2。能谈论人的外貌。 1. Hes/Shes wearing 2。 The man/womanis (thin/ tall/)。 3

2、. Whos your hero/heroine? Module 3 Occupations 1。能用英语说出一些职业的名称; 2.能说出自己长大想当什么; 3。能谈论自己家庭成员的职业. 1。 Whatss job? Hes/ Shes 2. What does he/ she do? Hes/ Shes 3。 What do you want to be When you grow up? I want to be Module 4 People Who Help Us 1。能用英语说出能帮助我们的人的职业; 2.能谈论某人的能力. 1。 Do they? Yes, they do。 No

3、, they dont. 2. What can he/she do? He/ She can 3. Can you? Yes, I can。 No, I cant. 4。 Could you? Of course。 Module 5 Time 1.能用英语说时间; 2.能用谈论用餐时间; 3.能说出工作的安排; 4。能谈论早餐常吃什么。 1。 What time is it? Its 2。 When/ What time do you (usually/ often)? 3。 I/ We /They often/ usually on (Sunday/ Monday)。 4。 I/ We/

4、They (do) from to 5. Do youafter school Yes, I do. No, I dont。 6. What do you usually have for breakfast? I usually have Module 6 Days of theWeek 1。能用英语说出一周的七天; 2.能谈论课后常进行的活动。 1。 What day is it today? Its 2. What do you usually do after school? 3。 I usually/ often 四年级上册单词、短语、句子归纳班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_一、服装类:

5、1、衣服 clothes 10、帽子(有舌的)hat2、女衬衫blouse 11、帽子(周围有檐)cap3.。衬衫shirt12、运动鞋sport shoe3、T恤 T-shirt 13、鞋shoe4、大衣coat 14、袜子sock5、毛衣sweater 15、 牛仔裤jeans6、夹克 jacket 16、短裤shorts7、裙子 skirt 17、长裤trousers8、连衣裙dress9、裤子trousers 服装: “四会” shoe, dress, Tshirt, shirt, blouse, skirt, coat, sock, sport shoe, cap, hat “三会

6、clothes, trousers, jeans, sweater, jacket, 二、数字类:一、one十、ten 十一、eleven二、two十二、twelve 二十、twenty三、three十三thirteen 三十、thirty四、four 十四、fourteen 四十、forty五、five十五、fifteen五十、fifty六、six十六、sixteen六十、sixty七、seven十七、seventeen七十、seventy八、eight十八、eighteen八十、eighty九、nine十九、nineteen 九十、ninety一百One hundred三、职业人物:(男)

7、英雄 hero 教师 teacher(女)英雄 heroine 工厂工人 factory worker影星 movie star银行经理 bank manager父、母亲 parent 士兵 soldier独生子女 the only child 农民 farmer邻居 neighbour 牙医 dentist朋友 friend 厨师 cook病人sick people 救护车驾驶员ambulance man售货员 shop assistant 医生 doctor司机 driver 护土 nurse 警察 policeman消防员 fireman运动员athlete服务员(男) waiter服务

8、员(女)waitress 清洁工 cleaner邮递员postman 律师 lawyer职业:“四会” job, cook, policeman, nurse, doctor, farmer, soldier, teacher, factory worker, “三会 movie/sport star, (bank) manager, postmen, fireman, athlete, cleaner, waiter, waitress, lawyer, clerk, dentist, ambulance man, 人物:“四会 father, mother, grandfather, gr

9、andmother, brother, sister, man, uncle, aunt, women, boy, girl, baby, sick people, nieghbour, friend“三会” sir, madam, parent(s), cousin, the only child, hero, heroine, 四、外表和品质:金色(头发的)blonde 高的 tall瘦的 thin 矮的 short肥的fat 年轻的 young重的 heavy 友善的 kind努力工作的hardworking 老的 old真实的true 有趣的 funny英俊的handsome耐心的 p

10、atient丑陋的ugly诚实的 honest瘦弱的weak伟大的 great强壮的strong 美丽的 beautiful漂亮的pretty友好的 friendly形容词: “四会” great, thin, heavy, young, kind, funny, sick, tall, short, cute, strong, friendly, beautiful, Chinese, American, British“三会 true, hardworking, patient, handsome, honest, slim, ugly, weak, pretty, dangerous,

11、Japanese, German, Australian, French五、动作及动词词组:学习英语 learnEnglish 扑灭 put out想 think 下来 get down抓罪犯catch criminals 谈及 talk about检查牙齿check teeth起床 get up上学go to school 上课 have a lesson回家go back home吃早餐 have breakfast吃午餐have lunch吃晚餐 have dinner玩play 在早上跑步 run in the moring游泳swim跳 jump跳绳skip 买衣服 buy clot

12、hes帮助help 穿(衣服) wear去睡觉go to bed清洁 clean up做家务do housework 做作业 dohomework投递deliver服务、提供 serve驾驶drive移动、迁移 move成长grow up喂养 feed 六、学科类:(都是四会词)语文 Chinese数学 maths英语English 音乐 music体育P。E。艺术 art七、球类及游戏:乒乒球table tennis 羽毛球 badminton足球football篮球 basketball网球tennis 卡、扑克 card象棋chess游戏 game “三会” table tennis,

13、tennis, badminton, chess八、星期类:天、日day星期一 Monday星期二Tuesday星期三 Wednesday星期四Thursday 星期五 Friday星期六Saturday星期日 Sunday星期、周 week九、食物类:面包bread牛奶 milk鸡蛋egg饮料 drinks食物 food食品:“四会” food, bread, egg, “三会” cookie, 饮料:“四会” drinks, milk, “三会” juice, 十、地方“四会” shop(商店), factory(工厂), farm(农场), school(学校), kitchen(厨房)

14、toilet(厕所)canteen(饭堂)“三会” apartment(公寓), bank(银行), library(图书馆), park(公园), playground(操场), headmasters office,(校长办公室) teachers room(教师办公室), clinic(诊所) 十一、时间:“四会” time(时间), day(天), today(今天), morning(早上), afternoon(下午), evening(晚上), (seven) oclock(点钟), Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fr

15、iday, Saturday, 十二钱币“四会” yuan(元), pound(英镑), 十三日常用品、家具:“四会 lamp, clock, fridge, cup, glass, stamp, map, TV, desk, table, bed, stool“三会” tissue, shelf, wardrobe, 十四颜色:“四会” red, yellow, blue, green, purple, white, black, pink, grey, orange, “三会 blonde十五动物:“四会” cat, dog, pig, cow, horse, sheep, goat, r

16、abbit, duck, chicken, goose, fish, “三会 bull, turtle, frog, guinea pig, goldfish, spider十六、表示“频率”的副词:“四会” usually(通常), often(经常), 十七、连词:“四会 or(或者), but(但是), when(当时候) “三会” because(因为)十八、其他词组“四会” Its time to (get up/go to school/go back home/), from (one) to (ten), “三会” at the top of the house(在房顶), c

17、atch crimina(抓罪犯)l, put out fires(灭火), drive ambulance(驾驶救护车), at home(在家),at school(在学校)其他单词:早上 morning因为 because下午 afternoon谁的 whose今天 today 危险的 dangerous 为什么 why在、的顶部 at the top of必须 must问他 ask him意思是 mean想;要 want两者都 both 当、什么时候 when 在家 at home时间 time通常 usually 经常 often有时 sometimes也、太 too迟too 再见

18、goodbyeSee you到、什么的时候了Its time to钟 clock大约about点钟 oclock每一样事情everything放学后 after school公寓apartment 火 fire不能 cantPlay短语: play football(踢足球), play basketball(打篮球), play cards(玩扑克牌), play chess(下棋), play badminton(打羽毛球), play tennis(打网球), play table tennis(打乒乓球) , play ball games(玩球类游戏), play computer

19、games(玩电脑游戏),have 短语:have breakfast(吃早餐) , have lunch(吃午餐), have dinner(吃晚餐), have a good time(过得愉快), have an English lesson(上英语课) , have an art lesson(上美术课) ,have a P。E lesson , have a maths lesson(上数学课), have a Chinese lesson(上语文课)go 短语: go to school(上学), go to bed(睡觉), go back home(回家), go swimmi

20、ng(去游泳), go out(出去), go shopping (去购买) do 短语: do housework (做家务), do gardening(做园艺), do homework(做功课) 其它短语: wash clothes(洗衣服), wash my car(洗车), feed our pets(喂宠物) , watch TV(看电视), get up(起床) ,sleep late(睡得晚) , cook for my family(为家人煮饭), sweep the floor(扫地板), clean the house(清洁房子), skip (跳绳), run (跑步

21、)make cakes(做蛋糕) ,every day (每天), help my mother with housework( 帮妈妈做家务),get down(下来) ,sick people(病人),clean up everthing(扫除每件东十九:句型1.Can I help you? Yes, please。 /Sorry.2.How much is the coat? Its five yuan.3.How much are the jeans? Theyre fifty pounds.4.Id like to buy that blouse.5.Ill take it。 Il

22、l take them.6.What can I do for you? Id like to buy that blue dress。7.Here you are.8.Thats all right.9.Whose Tshirt is it? Its Xiaolings。10.Whose shoes are they? Theyre Yongxians.11.Whos the boy/girl? Hes /Shes 12.The boy with a black cap. 13.Hes wearing a pair of black jeans。14.Thats an American/Au

23、stralian boy.15. The tall girl in a red coat。16.What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a teacher。17.Thats a good job.18.Whats the young mans job? Hes a doctor。19.What does he/she do? Hes /Shes a farmer.20. My dad has got a new job。21.Why dont you come to my apartment after school? Tha

24、nk you !22. See you after school23. Do you help sick people? Yes. /No.24. At the top of the house.25. It cant get down。26. Lets help the cat。27. Lets go and ask him。28. Could he help? Of course.29.What do cleaners do? They clean up everything。30.What time do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at a

25、bout eight oclock。31.Lets go and have breakfast.32.What time is it? Its eight ten。33. Its time to go to school.34. Heres your breakfast.35. Ive no time for breakfast.36. What day is it today? Its Monday。37.What do you usually do after school on Monday? I often play football with my friends.38. Somet

26、imes we play chess, and sometimes we play cards.39.What housework do you do ? I clean the house and wash the clothes. 40.What do you do on Saturday and Sunday? We go out and we have a good time。 四年级句型练习一、以下疑问词是用在提问什么的呢?请用中文写在横线上。1. What _2. Where _3。 When _4。 What time _5. Who _6。 Whose _7. How many _二、请按实际情况回答问题1。 Who is your hero and heroine?_2。 Is your mother hardworking?_3. Is your father tall and strong?_4。 Is your maths teacher kind and patient?_5. Whats your fathers job?_6. What does your mother do?_7. What do you want to be when you grow

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