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1、英语警句格言摘抄大全英语警句格言摘抄大全导读:本文是关于格言大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、很多失败不是由于才能有限,而是由于没有坚持到底。Many failures are not due to limited abilities, but to failure to persevere in the end.2、向今天献出自己的人,没有哪一个昨天是给浪费掉的。No one who dedicates himself to today is wasted yesterday.3、糊口的悲剧主要不在于人们受多少苦,而在于人们错过了什么。The tragedy of life i

2、s not so much what people suffer, but what they miss.4、逆风的方向,最适合飞翔。不怕被万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。The direction against the wind is most suitable for flying. They are not afraid of being blocked by thousands of people, but of surrendering themselves.5、耐心之树,结黄金之果。The tree of patience bears the fruit of gold.6、当你正在放下

3、那个人的时候,就真的一身轻松了。When youre putting that person down, youre really relaxed.7、拥有了一颗赤城的心,便拥有了朋友;拥有了一颗善良的心,便拥有了友爱。If you have a heart in Chicheng, you will have friends; if you have a good heart, you will have friendship.8、永远不要埋怨你已经发生的事情,要么就改变它,要么就安静的接受它。Never complain about what has happened to you, ei

4、ther change it or accept it quietly.9、当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的。When you do your best, failure is great.10、乐观本身就是一种成功,乌云后面依然是灿烂的晴天。Optimism itself is a success, and behind the dark clouds is still a bright sunny day.11、心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是流浪。If the heart does not have a place to live, everywhere is a vagrant.

5、12、坚持是一种信念,坚持是一种理解,坚持是一种责任。Persistence is a belief, insistence is an understanding, and insistence is a responsibility.13、只要你勇敢地说出再见,生活一定会赐予你一个新的开始。As long as you bravely say goodbye, life will give you a new beginning.14、我死了吗?没有,所以我不能活得像死了一样。Am I dead? No, so I cant live as if I were dead.15、最容易通向惨

6、败之路的莫过于模仿以往英雄们的计划,把它用于新的情况中。The easiest way to fail is to imitate the plans of past heroes and apply them to new situations.16、只有傻瓜才会千方百计去讨好所有的人。Only a fool will try his best to please everyone.17、做一个花开不败旳女人,像仙人掌一样旳坚强。Be an invincible woman, as strong as cactus.18、时间告诉你什么叫衰老,回忆告诉你什么叫幼稚。Time tells yo

7、u what aging is, and memory tells you what childishness is.19、你用一百分的努力和成功做交换,没有不成交的。You trade a percentage of your efforts for success, and theres nothing wrong with that.20、人往往年轻时用健康换财富,老时用财富换健康。People often exchange health for wealth in youth and wealth for health in old age.21、人生就像一段旋律,在跳动的音符中完成生

8、命的过程。Life is like a melody, in beating notes to complete the process of life.22、一个人的价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。The value of a person should depend on what he contributes, not on what he obtains.23、勤劳盈有财富,知识蕴含成功。Diligence is wealth, knowledge is success.24、把一切平凡的事做好就不平凡;把一切简单的事做好就不简单。It is not trivial to

9、 do all the ordinary things well; it is not easy to do all the simple things well.25、时间是不可占有的公共财产,随着时间的推移,真理愈益显露。Time is a public property that cannot be possessed. As time goes on, the truth becomes more and more obvious.26、你瞧,通过努力,你成功了,祝贺你!You see, through hard work, you have succeeded. Congratula

10、tions!27、改变自己,是自救,影响别人,是救人。To change oneself is to save oneself, to influence others and to save others.28、青春如梦,又如一个美好的瞬间,让我们共同努力,开创更美好的未来。Youth is like a dream and a beautiful moment. Lets work together to create a better future.29、郑宏岑,反是不思去后悔,而是为前进铺路。Zheng Hongcen, on the contrary, did not want to

11、 regret, but paved the way for the future.30、只要比别人更努力,相信自己一定会成功。As long as we work harder than others, we believe that we will succeed.31、用平常心来生活,用惭愧心来待人。Live with an ordinary heart and treat others with shame.32、人生就像一幅画,应该多一些亮丽的色彩,少一些灰暗的色调。Life is like a painting. It should have more bright colors

12、and less gray tones.33、穷人缺的是钱而不是时间,富人缺的是时间而不是钱。The poor lack money, not time, while the rich lack time, not money.34、给自己多一点疼爱,对生活多一点信心。爱每分每秒的自己。Give yourself more love and more confidence in life. Love yourself every minute.35、家!甜蜜的家!天下最美好的莫过于家。Home! Sweet home! The best thing in the world is home.3

13、6、勇气是控制恐惧心理,而不是心里毫无恐惧。Courage is the control of fear, not the absence of fear.37、人的价值,在遭受诱-惑的一瞬间被决定。The value of man is determined in the moment of temptation and confusion.38、时时好心,就是时时好日。Good intentions are good days.39、人的品格可能在重要时刻才表现出来,但绝对是在无关紧要时形成的。Personality may be displayed only at important m

14、oments, but it is absolutely formed at irrelevant moments.40、有一个名字,它不在我心里,在所有不甘的悲伤的混乱的青春的终点。There is a name, which is not in my heart, at the end of all unhappy sad chaotic youth.41、除非你自己低头,没有人会让你感到自卑。No one will make you feel inferior unless you bow your head.42、无论你觉得自己多么的不幸,永远有人比你更加不幸。No matter ho

15、w unfortunate you feel, there will always be someone more unfortunate than you.43、当我们还买不起幸福的时候,我们绝不应该走得离橱窗太近,盯着幸福出神。When we cant afford happiness, we should never walk too close to the window and stare at happiness.44、钱是好东西,但是不要为钱活着。那样生活没有意义了。Money is good, but dont live for it. Life is meaningless

16、in that way.45、用心观察成功者,别老是关注失败者。Watch the winner carefully, dont always focus on the loser.46、如果我想要,我就一定能。If I want, I can.47、人生没有彩排,只有现场直播,所以每一件事都要努力做得最好!There is no rehearsal in life, only live broadcast, so everything should be done best!48、人既不是天使,又不是禽兽;但不幸就在于想表现为天使的人却表现为禽兽。Man is neither an ange

17、l nor a beast, but unfortunately he who wants to be an angel is a beast.49、生活就是一种态度,倒霉也是一种另类人生。Life is an attitude, and bad luck is an alternative life.50、握手不一定是友谊,指责不一定是敌对。A handshake is not necessarily a friendship, and blame is not necessarily hostile.51、生活的智慧,大概就在于遇事问个为什么。The wisdom of life prob

18、ably lies in asking why.52、人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走。Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep balance, you have to go ahead.53、人生就像一个空荡荡的巨大的坑,我们把时间丢进去,丢完了就完了!Life is like a huge empty pit. We throw time in it and its over!54、本性的苏醒,往往在遭遇真实之后。The awakening of nature is often after encountering real

19、ity.55、回忆也许能给人以力量,但个人不能光靠回忆来生活。Memories may give people strength, but - individuals can not live by memories alone.56、人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西。The reason why people suffer is to pursue the wrong things.57、行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。Action is the ladder of success. The more actions you take, the higher you climb.58、

20、世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。The world abandoned me, but basketball accompanied me.59、学习有如苦咖啡,先苦后甜。只有尝过了的苦涩,才会收获成功的喜悦。Learning is like bitter coffee, bitter before sweet. Only after tasting the bitterness, can we harvest the joy of success.60、浪花愈大,凝立的磐石在沉默的持守里,快乐也愈大。The bigger the spray, the more happy the stand

21、ing rock is in silence.61、我主要关心的,不是你是不是失败了,而是你对失败是不是甘心。My main concern is not whether you fail, but whether you are willing to fail.62、青春一往不复返,事业一纵永无成。Youth never returns, career never succeeds.63、不向前走,不知路远;不努力学习,不明白道理。If you dont go forward, you dont know how far it is; if you dont study hard, you dont understand the truth.64、希望下节课,你是第一个回答问题的人!Hope next class, you are the first person to answer the question!65、生活中,很多时候都需要我们要耐心,耐心做人,耐心做事,更要耐心生活。In life, we need patience, patience in life, patience in doing things, and patience in life.

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