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美丽中国 成都之夜宣传推介活动上的致辞 英文 Sarah.docx

1、美丽中国 成都之夜宣传推介活动上的致辞 英文 Sarah在联合国世界旅游组织第22届全体大会主办国欢迎晚宴“美丽中国成都之夜”活动上的城市形象推介辞The City Image Promotion Remarks at the welcoming banquet entitled “Beautiful ChinaNight of Chengdu” by the host country of the 22nd Session of the UNWTO General Assembly 罗 强Mayor Luo Qiang(2017年9月12日)尊敬的瑞法依秘书长,李金早局长,尊敬的尹力省长,M

2、r. Rifai, Secretary-General of the UNWTO, Mr. Li Jinzao, Director of the China National Tourism Administration Mr. Yin Li, Governor of the Peoples Government of Sichuan Province各位嘉宾,女士们、先生们:Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen大家晚上好!Good Evening蓉城金秋,在这收获希望、孕育未来的美好时节,我们共同迎来联合国世界旅游组织第22届全体大会。在此,我

3、谨代表成都市政府和1600万成都市民,向联合国世界旅游组织、国家旅游局,选择成都作为此次大会举办城市,表示衷心的感谢!向远道而来的各位嘉宾、各位朋友,表示热烈的欢迎!向长期以来关心支持成都经济社会发展、特别是旅游事业发展的各界人士,致以崇高的敬意!The golden autumn is a season for hope and the future. In this lovely weather, we gather together for the august occasion of the 22nd Session of the UNWTO General Assembly in t

4、he beautiful city of Chengdu. Hereby, on behalf of the Chengdu municipal government and 16 million local people, Id like to extend my heartfelt gratitudes to the UNWTO and the National Tourism Administration for selecting Chengdu as the host city. My warm welcome goes to all our guests and friends w

5、ho have travelled a long way to be with be us. I also wish to pay high tributes to people who has been supporting the economic and social development of Chengdu, tourism in particular. 知之深,爱之切。首先,我很荣幸地向大家介绍成都这座美丽的城市。成都,地处中国西南腹地,是四川省省会,拥有1600万常住人口和1.43万平方公里幅员面积。成都,历史古韵与现代文明并存、创新活力与时尚魅力兼具,被誉为“一座来了就不想离

6、开的城市”。As the saying goes, if you know her deeply, youll love her dearly. First and foremost, Im truly honored to introduce to you my beautiful city, Chengdu. Located in the hinterland of southwestern China, Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan province, home to 16 million permanent inhabitants, and cov

7、ers an area of 14,300 sq km. With an interesting mixture of historical charm and modern civilization, the innovative vigor and fashionable vogue, Chengdu is known as the city that you never want to leave once you set your foot in. 成都自然条件优越、历史文化深厚,是全球唯一拥有原生大熊猫的特大城市。这里风景优美、沃野千里,冬无严寒、夏无酷暑、水旱从人,自古享有“天府之

8、国”的美誉。成都是中国“十大古都”之一,拥有4500多年文明史,2300多年来城名未改、城址未迁。Chengdu, boasting favorable natural conditions and a profound history and culture, is the only metropolis in the world that is also the native home of the giant pandas. Endowed with beautiful landscapes, a vast and fertile territory, and a mild climat

9、e, Chengdu is free from flood or drought. It has been referred to as the “Land of Abundance” since ancient times. It is one of the “Top Ten Ancient Cities” in China and has a civilized history of more than 4500 years. The name and location of Chengdu has remained unchanged for the past 2300 years. 千

10、百年间,本土文化兼容并包、绵延不断,外来文化和谐交融、枝繁叶茂,共同孕育了都江堰青城山等世界自然文化遗产,留下了武侯祠、杜甫草堂等多处国家文化遗产,传承了蜀锦、蜀绣等流光溢彩的非物质文化遗产。成都出土的约3000年前的“太阳神鸟”图案,被选为中国文化遗产标志。最值得一提的是,成都有全球最大人工繁殖和野外栖息大熊猫种群,是名副其实的“熊猫故里”。Over thousands of years, the inclusive and all-embracing local culture has been cross-breeding with foreign cultures. Combined,

11、 they have given birth to the World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites such as Dujiangyan and Qingcheng Mountain, and the National Cultural Heritage Sites such as the Temple of the Marquis and the Du Fu Thatched Cottage Museum and a lot of fascinating intangible cultural heritage, including Shu Bro

12、cade and Shu Embroidery. The emblem of the “Golden Sun Bird” (or the Sun and the Immortal Birds), with a history of around 3000 years, was unearthed in Chengdu and selected as the logo of the Chinese cultural heritage. It should be noted that Chengdu owns the largest population of artificially-bred

13、and wild giant pandas in the world. Consequently, it is well worthy of the reputation of the hometown of the giant panda. 成都综合实力雄厚、发展态势好,经济总量位列中国省会城市第二。自古以来,成都一直是中国重要的商贸中心,秦汉时期就是五大都会之一,到唐代更享有“扬一益二”的美誉,繁荣的经济催生了发达的金融业,在北宋时期成都就诞生了世界上最早的纸币交子。Chengdu enjoys great strengths and good momentum of developmen

14、t, with its GDP ranking 2nd among the provincial capitals in China. Since ancient times, Chengdu has been one of the major commerce and trade centers in China. In the Qin and Han Dynasties, it was one of the “Five Capitals” in China. In the Tang dynasty, it became one of the countrys Top Two cities

15、economically, with the other being Yangzhou. A sophisticated financial industry emerged out of the flourishing economy in Chengdu. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Chengdu saw the birth of the worlds first paper money, called “Jiaozi”. 特别是近年来,在全国经济持续稳定增长、四川省经济总量跃升全国第六的良好形势下,成都的经济持续发展、实力不断壮大。去年成都GDP总量达1

16、.2万亿元人民币(1844亿美元),成为众多国内外企业投资中国、掘金西部的首选地,英特尔、西门子、德州仪器等近7000家外资企业相继落户成都,世界500强企业已入驻281家,是世界银行发布的中国内陆投资环境标杆城市,被福布斯杂志评为未来10年全球发展最快城市之一。In recent years, China has enjoyed sound and stable economic growth while Sichuan province has jumped to the sixth place nationwide in terms of the aggregate economic o

17、utput. Under such context, Chengdu has witnessed sustained economic development and increased comprehensive strength. For instance, The GDP of Chengdu reached 1.2 trillion RMB (or 184.4 billion dollars) last year. Chengdu has become the first choice for companies both at home and abroad when it come

18、s to investment in West China. Nearly 7000 MNCs including Intel, Siemens, and Texas Instruments have set up shop in Chengdu, and 281 of the Fortune 500 have been present in Chengdu. This has made Chengdu “the Benchmark City for Investment Environment in Inland China” announced by the World Bank and

19、one of “the Ten Fastest-growing Cities in the World for the Next Decade” rated by Forbes. 成都国际交往密切、开放水平高,是中国内地“领馆第三城”。近年来,成都对外交流合作日益频繁,美国、法国、德国、澳大利亚等16个国家在蓉设立领事机构,领事机构数仅次于上海、广州;蒙彼利埃、谢菲尔德、亚特兰大等84个城市与成都结为友好城市和友好合作关系城市;Chengdu, with a high degree of opening-up, works closely with the international comm

20、unity. In recent years, Chengdu has conducted increasingly frequent cooperation with foreign countries. 16 countries, including the USA, France, Germany, Australia, and many others, have launched their consular missions in Chengdu, making it the city with the third largest number of consulates in Ch

21、ina, next only to Shanghai and Guangzhou. 84 cities worldwide, including Montpellier, Sheffield, Atlanta and others, have sister-city or friendly and cooperative relations with Chengdu. 财富全球论坛、G20财长和央行行长会议、金砖国家友好城市暨地方政府合作论坛等重大国际性会议相继在成都举办,中德、中法、中意、中古和新川等高层次开放合作平台先后落户成都。今年4月,中国(四川)自由贸易试验区正式揭牌,将进一步推动成

22、都加快形成全方位开放新格局。Major international gatherings, such as the Fortune Global Forum, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, and the BRICS?Friendship?Cities?and?Local?Governments?Cooperation?Forum, were held in Chengdu. High-level Cooperative platforms, such as the China-Germany Inn

23、ovation and Technology Exchange Center, the France Chengdu Ecological Park, the China-Italy Cultural Entrepreneurship Park and the Singapore-Sichuan High-tech Innovation Park, were established in Chengdu. In April 2017, China(Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone was officially launched in Chengdu, which f

24、urther promoted the all-dimensional opening-up pattern of Chengdu. 成都对外交通发达、枢纽功能强,是中国航空“第四城”。成都双流国际机场开通国际(地区)航线102条,年旅客吞吐量达到4600万人次,居中国第四。成都天府国际机场建成后,将成为继北京、上海之后中国第三个同时拥有两座国际机场的城市。Chengdu is a well-developed transportation hub with strong connectivity. The Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport has

25、 launched 102 international (and regional) air routes, receiving over 46 million passengers annually, and ranking fourth in China. Once the construction of the Chengdu Tianfu International Airport is completed, Chengdu will be the third city with two international airports in China, after Beijing an

26、d Shanghai. 未来,成都航空将达到每年1.5亿人次、300万吨的旅客和货物吞吐能力,成为国家级国际航空枢纽。同时,我们深入实施“蓉欧+”战略,蓉欧快铁已实现“天天有班列”,形成了中线至波兰罗兹、德国纽伦堡、荷兰蒂尔堡,北线至俄罗斯莫斯科,南线至土耳其伊斯坦布尔的“一主多辅、多点直达”国际班列体系,成为成本最低、速度最快、开行最稳定的中欧直达班列之一In the future, the annual passenger and cargo capacity in Chengdu will reach 150 million visits and 3 million tons respe

27、ctively, making the city a national and international aviation hub. Simultaneously, thanks to the full implementation of the “Chengdu-Europe plus” strategy, the Chengdu-Europe Express Railway has already seen daily cargo trains that travel to Lodz of Poland, Nuremberg, of Germany and Tilburg of Holl

28、and on the central line, to Moscow of Russia along the north line, and to ?stanbul of Turkey on the south line. With one backbone line, many supporting lines and multiple direct arrivals, the China-Europe Express Trains have become the cheapest, fastest and most stable direct trains between the two

29、sides. 同时,成都也是魅力无限的旅游名城,旅游资源得天独厚,旅游产业蓬勃发展。作为联合国世界旅游组织和国家旅游局联合命名的“中国最佳旅游城市”,成都拥有大熊猫栖息地等2处世界自然文化遗产,以及金沙遗址、青羊宫、文殊院、西岭雪山等众多名胜古迹和自然景观,有4A级以上旅游景区43家。Meanwhile, Chengdu is also known as a fascinating tourist city, benefiting from its rich natural resources and vigorous tourism industry. As the “Best City t

30、o Visit in China” co-named by the UNWTO and the National Tourism Administration, Chengdu boasts two World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites, one of which is the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries. Besides, it has numerous other places of historic interest and natural beauty including the Jinsha Site

31、Museum, the Qingyang Palace, the Wenshu Temple, and Xiling Snow Mountain. There are 43 scenic spots with the national Quadruple-A status or above. 作为“宜居休闲之都”,成都既有现代都市的快节奏,又有休闲城市的慢生活;既有传统文化的优雅从容,又有现代文明的前卫时尚;既有崇尚创新的基因,又有兼容并蓄的气度,打造了历史古韵与时尚潮流交相辉映的宽窄巷子、锦里、太古里等特色街区,让人流连忘返。As one of the most livable and le

32、isurely cities, Chengdu embodies both the fast tempo of a modern city and the slow pace of a laid-back city. It represents both the elegance of the traditional culture and the avant garde of modern civilization; it is embedded with both the innovation gene and the inclusive zeitgeist. Inspired and encouraged, the city has built attractive street blocks with unique Chengdu characteristics such as the Wide and Narrow Alleys, the Jinli Ancient Street, and Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li, mixing a cocktail of historical charm with modern fashion. 作为联合国教科文组织授予的“世界美食之都”,成都创造了享誉海内外的美食文化,成都的川菜美食品种多达6000多个,且一菜一格

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