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1、新视野英语2第三版选择题1. Recent research on IQ tests suggests a possible link between IQ score and _.最近的一项关于智商测试的研究表明,智商得分和A. diets B. lifestyle C. parenting D. physical condition饮食习惯,生活方式,饮食习惯,身体状况2. The IQ test in 1932 was special in that _.智商测试在1932是特别的 A. it was the only mass IQ testing performed in the U

2、nited Kingdom B. it was an IQ test especially designed for 11-year-old children C. its results revealed the secrets for IQ development D. it was planned to be repeated 70 years later这是在英国进行的唯一大规模的智力测试。这是一个智商测试,特别是专为11岁儿童设计的。它的结果揭示了智力发展的秘密计划在70年后再进行。3. The old lady interviewed after the test seems to

3、 find the IQ test _.A. very interesting B. quite challenging C. carefully-organized D. scientifically-designed老太太面试测试后似乎发现了智商测试_。A.很有趣 B.很有挑战性的 C.精心组织 D.科学设计4. The researchers in this study are mainly interested in _. A. what makes peoples IQ scores increase as they age B. what causes the individual

4、 differences in peoples IQ scores C. what is the difference between ones IQ score at 11 and that at 80 D. what makes people with higher IQ scores outperform those with lower scores4。在这项研究中研究者感兴趣的主要是_。什么使人们的智商分数随着他们年龄的增长什么导致了人们的智商得分的个体差异一个人的智商在11分和80分之间的差异是什么有较高智商得分的人比那些分数低的人表现好。5. The study shows th

5、at the following factors except _ may have influence on peoples mental ability. A. profession B. education C. smoking D. exercise5。研究表明,以下因素除了_可能对人的心理能力的影响。A.专业 B.教育 C .吸烟 D.运动1. According to the program, Bangkok is an important place for _.A. tourists around the world B. people of Thailand C. templ

6、e lovers D. Buddhists1。根据计划,曼谷是_的重要场所。世界各地的游客 泰国的人民 寺庙爱好者 佛教徒2. To Joanna Lumley, the Masai Mara is so special because _.A. it is a fantastic place for studying animal behavior B. the open spaces and wild animals are impressiveC. the African sky is particularly clear and blue D. the animals there li

7、ve in complete freedom乔安娜Lumley,马赛玛拉是如此特别,因为_。这是一个奇妙的地方,研究动物行为 开放空间和野生动物是令人印象深刻的非洲的天空特别清楚,蓝 动物有完全的自由3. We can learn the following information about Paris except that _. A. people can enjoy the view of the city from the top of the Eiffel Tower B. unlike the fashionable clothing, the food in Paris is

8、rather cheap C. art lovers can visit in the spring and enjoy the art galleries D. it is a very popular and romantic city3所示。我们可以以下信息了解巴黎,除了_。人们可以享受城市的观点从埃菲尔铁塔的顶端 与时尚的服装,在巴黎的食物相当便宜艺术爱好者可以访问在春天,享受艺术画廊 它是一个非常受欢迎的和浪漫的城市4. _ is mentioned as one of the top three places on earth for Eamonn Holmes.A. The Gr

9、and Canyon B. The Masai Mara C. Cape Town D. Paris4所示。_提到作为地球上最优秀的三个地方之一方福尔摩斯。大峡谷 马赛马 开普敦 巴黎5. The word that everyone uses in the video clip when they talk about the Grand Canyon is _. A. fabulous B. Fantastic C. amazing D. awesome5。这个词,每个人都使用的视频当他们谈论大峡谷是_。令人难以置信的 奇妙的 神奇的 太棒了Short conversationsA. Th

10、e man always gets poor grades for his term papers. B. The woman should seek help from the writing center. C. The man had his paper rejected for the third time. D. The woman does not really care about her language problems.那个人总是因为他的学期论文成绩不好。女人应该从写作中心寻求帮助。那人把他的论文给了第三次。女人不关心她的语言问题。A. She has a keen int

11、erest in the French language and culture.B. She wants to speak French as fluently as her grandfather.C. She was forced by her grandfather to change her decision.D. She thinks speaking French is a must for cultured people.她对法国语言和文化有浓厚的兴趣。她想和她的祖父一样流利地讲法语。她被祖父强迫改变决定。她认为说法语是培养人的必须。A. He had a discussion

12、 about abstract theories. B. He talked with some native speakers.C. He had a meeting with Dr. Brown. D. He attended a speech.他对抽象理论进行了讨论。 他和一些讲英语的人交谈。他和棕色博士有一个会议。 他参加了演讲。A. That she gave many wrong answers in the contest. B. That she was not well-prepared for the contest.C. That she lost her chance

13、to enter the contest. D. That she lost her identification card today.在比赛中她给了许多错误的答案。 她没有为比赛做好准备。她失去了参加比赛的机会。 今天她失去了身份证。A. It is one-sided. B. It is objective. C. It is reasonable. D. It is ridiculous.它是片面的。 它是客观的。 这是合理的。 它是可笑的。1.A. It costs less money. B. It offers more privacy. C. It provides more

14、comfort. D. It helps make new friends.1.。花费更少的钱。 它提供了更多的隐私。 它提供了更舒适。 它有助于结交新朋友。2. A. Send these children to school. B. Help clean the tiny, dirty houses.C. Give these children some money and food. D. Have their daughter get to know such a life.2 送这些孩子上学。 帮助打扫小,肮脏的房子。给这些孩子一些钱和食物。 他们的女儿知道这样的生活。3.A. Tr

15、avel alone in safe places in India. B. Follow the Indian culture and customs.C. Wear the same clothes as the local women. D. Choose another place to go instead of India.3.独自旅行在印度在安全的地方。 按照印度文化和习俗。当地妇女穿同样的衣服 .选择另一个地方去,而不是印度。4. A. Whether Jane will take care of her son and dog. B. Whether she can go t

16、o Jane for some advice.C. Whether it is possible to travel with her kid. D. Whether she can drive a jeep in her travel.4简是否会照顾她的儿子和狗。 她是否可以去简的一些建议。旅行是否有可能与她的孩子。 是否她可以驱动一辆吉普车在旅行。5. A. The human nature of dreaming the impossible. B. Traveling between the past and the future.C. The possibility of trave

17、ling back in time. D. The popularity of time travel stories.人类本性的梦想是不可能的。 过去和未来之间的旅行。旅行回来的可能性时间。 时间旅行故事的流行。1. A. She used to take long walks in the hills. B. She got very tired from walking her dog.1她过去常在山上散步。 她很累,带她的狗散步。C. She worked very hard in the woods last week. D. She once wore high-heeled sh

18、oes during a long walk.上周她在森林里工作很辛苦。 她曾经穿着高跟鞋走了很长一段时。2. A. Add more sweets to Coke at the party. B. Have a barbecue party in the backyard.2。在聚会上给可乐加更多的糖果。 在后院烧烤聚会。C. Add flavor to the barbecue sauce with Coke. D. Prepare more Coke for the barbecue party.添加香精香料烧烤酱。 准备更多的可口可乐的烧烤聚会。3. A. $45. B. $50. C

19、. $55. D. $60.4. A. She is too intimidated to speak in front of others. B. She is not very confident in her own figure.4。她太害怕在别人面前讲话了。 她对自己的身材不是很有信心。C. She has started doing exercise at home. D. She is waiting for a class to start now.她已经开始在家里做运动了。 她在等待一个班级现在开始。5. A. She is good at planning weekend

20、activities. B. She has never been on a camping trip before.5、她善于计划周末的活动。 她从来没有去过野营旅行。C. She cannot save herself if she falls into water. D. She has more interest in canoeing than in camping.如果她跌倒了,她就不能拯救自己 。 她已经在皮划艇比野营更感兴趣。1. A. She wanted to tell her fans at a special time. B. She was too happy to

21、keep it a secret.她想在一个特殊的时间告诉她的歌迷。 她太高兴了,不能保守秘密。C. She was too excited to share it with others. D. She wanted her fans to respect her more.她太高兴了,与别人分享。 她想让她的歌迷更尊重她。2. A. She slapped a 20-year-old actress. B. She was no longer admired by teenagers.她打了一个20岁的女演员。 她不再被年轻人欣赏了。C. She was not used to being

22、 admired by her fans. D. She gave no reasons for what she did last year.她不习惯被她的歌迷崇拜。 她没有给出去年的理由。3. A. Because they have beaten a 46-year-old Russian pair. B. Because they have practiced figure skating for 10 years.因为他们已经打败了一个46岁的俄罗斯。 因为他们已经练习花样滑冰10年了。C. Because they have made great efforts to achiev

23、e success. D. Because they won the first gold medal at the Olympic Games.因为他们做出了巨大的努力来取得成功。 因为他们在奥运会上赢得了第一枚金牌。4. A. Shocked. B. Approving. C. Fascinated. D. Critical.震惊。 .批准 着迷 关键 5. A. He should not have yielded to public pressure. B. He has been compelled to take drugs by other swimmers.他不应该屈服于公众的

24、压力。 他被迫接受其他游泳运动员的药物。C. He should do more than just issuing a public apology. D. He has more than once failed to meet public expectations.他应该做的不仅仅是公开道歉。 他有超过一次未能满足公众的期望。1. A. Access to various forms of entertainment. B. Access to efficient public transportation.获取各种形式的娱乐。 获得高效的公共交通工具。C. Access to foo

25、d from various cultures. D. Access to modern conveniences.从不同文化中获取食物。 访问现代便利。2. A. She prefers outdoor parking. B. She often has nightmares at night.她更喜欢户外停车。 她经常在晚上做噩梦。C. She is a very experienced driver. D. She has scratches on her back.她是一位非常有经验的司机。 她背上有划痕。3. A. Many individuals are worried about

26、 house prices. B. Big cities are now gradually losing their appeal.很多人担心房价。 大城市现在正逐渐失去吸引力。C. Tourist attractions are usually very crowded. D. Even more people will move into big cities.旅游景点通常很拥挤 更多的人将进入大城市。4. A. The aging problem emerges earlier than expected. B. Citizens over 60 age more rapidly th

27、an anticipated.老龄化问题的出现比预期的要早。 60岁以上的公民比预期的要快。C. People are anticipated to age earlier and more rapidly. D. The aging problem is not so serious as people expected.人们预计会更早、更迅速地发展。 老龄化问题并不是人们所期望的那样严重。5. A. They have better cultural tastes. B. They are more energetic and vigorous.他们有更好的文化品味。 他们精力充沛,精力充

28、沛。C. They are at greater risk of physical disorders. D. They are more likely to have mental problems.他们有更大的身体障碍的风险。 他们更容易产生心理问题。Long conversation1. A. She impresses the man with her performance. B. She has no difficulty finishing the assignments. C. She often fails to turn in her homework on time. D

29、. She comes late to class from time to time.她给人以她的表演。 她不难完成作业。她经常不按时交作业。 她上课时迟到了。2. A. It improves her performance in other subjects. B. It enables her to help her father in business. C. It makes her lose interest in Spanish. D. It presents great difficulty for her.提高了她在其他科目中的表现。 能帮助她父亲在商业中。这使她失去了兴趣

30、在西班牙。 这给她带来了很大的困难。3. A. He has a good personal relationship with the woman. B. He scolds the woman for challenging his authority. C. He thinks the woman has a gift for Spanish. D. He dislikes giving advice to his students.他和那个女人有很好的私人关系。 他骂女人挑战他的权威。他认为这个女人有西班牙的礼物。 他不喜欢给他的学生们建议。4. A. Engage in creati

31、ve activities. B. Try her best to please her father.C. Work harder in her Spanish class. D. Exercise to strengthen her muscles.从事创造性活动。 尽力讨好她的父亲。在她的西班牙语课上要努力工作。 锻炼加强她的肌肉。1. A. There are so many plants that it is hard to see the sky.1。有那么多的植物,很难看到天空。B. Many plants are sick because of lack of sunlight.由于缺乏阳光,许多植物都生病了。C. The plants are more spectacular than she has ever dreamed.植物比她想象的更壮观。D. The plants struggle hard to see the sun or the sky above.植物很难看到太阳或天空。2. A. They enjoy being so far away from technology.2。他们喜欢远离技术。B. They l

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