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1、外研版高一英语必修一全册知识点高一必修一uint1 A重点知识1. senior adj. (地位水平或级别)高的,高级的 n. 较年长的人; (中学或大学)最高年级的学生junior adj. 级别低的; 低年级的 n. 职位较低者senior high = senior high school高中senior citizen老年人junior high = junior high school初中senior本身已含有比较意义,所以它没有比较集合和最高级形式。此外其后用to而不用than表示比较。题: To enjoy the convenience of digital payment,

2、 many senior citizens started to use smart phones.为了享受数字支付的便利,许多老年人开始使用智能手机。 Now that Im in senior high, I can join clubs like the shooting club or the gymnastics club.既然我上高中了,我可以加入射击俱乐部或体操俱乐部。2. curious adj. 好奇的; 稀奇古怪的 curiosity n. 好奇心curiosity adv. 好奇地be curious about 对.好奇be curious to know /see/

3、hear 很想知道/看到/听到It is curious that 真是奇怪out of curiosity 出于好奇with curiosity 好奇地 satisfy ones curiosity 满足某人的好奇心题: In high school, I became curious the computer, and built my first website.在高中的时候,我对电脑很好奇,于是建立了我的第一个网站。 The people in the hall seemed very nosy, keeping their eyes on me .大厅里的人似乎很爱管闲事,好奇的盯着

4、我。 People gathered around, curious (know) what was happening.人们聚集起来想知道发生了什么事。 She picked up the blue envelope and turned it over (curious).他拿起那个蓝色信封,好奇的翻过来看。3. impression n. 印象, 感想imeress vt. 使印象深刻impressive adj. 令人钦佩的,给人深刻印象的make /give an impression给人印象leave a deep /lasting impression on sb给某人留下深刻/

5、持久的印象have /get a good /bad /deep impression of sth /sb对.有好的/坏的/深刻的印象impress sb with sth 某物给某人留下深刻印象be impressed with/ by 对.印象深刻 The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially at work where a good (impress) is a must.这本书对我的日常交流有很大帮助,尤其是在必须给人留下好印象的工作当中。 His inspiring speech left

6、a deep impression me.他那鼓舞人心的演讲,给我留下了深刻的印象。 I want people to have a good impression solar cars.我想让人们对太阳能汽车有个好印象。 After hearing Steves playing, Naomi was deeply impressed his music.听了史蒂夫的演奏后,娜奥米对他的音乐印象深刻。4. tradition n. 传统traditional adj. 传统的traditionally adv. 传统地follow a tradition 遵循传统,change traditi

7、on 改变传统traditional dress传统服装traditional custom传统习俗 Publishers already in business people who were owners of successful papers had a little desire to change the tradition.已经进入商业领域的出版商,也就是那些拥有成功报纸的人,基本不想改变这一传统。 They are learning to do (tradition) dances.他们正在学习跳传统舞蹈。5. moment n. 某一时刻, 片刻 at this/that m

8、oment 就在这时/那时 at the moment此刻,目前 from that moment on从那时起 the moment that 一.就. that moment, I remembered that my father once said.就在那时,我想起了父亲曾经说过. Alicia fell asleep moment she got into bed.艾丽莎一上床就睡着了。 that moment on, we were the best friends.从那以后, 我们就成了最好的朋友。6. eagerness n. 热切,渴望eager adj. 热切的, 渴望的e

9、agerly adv. 热切地, 渴望地with eagerness 热切的be eager to do sth渴望做某事be eager for sth渴望得到某物 The book describes her (eager) for new experiences.这本书描述了他对新体验的渴望。 Some of us were confident and eager (take) part in the class activity; others were nervous and anxious.我们中的一些人很自信渴望参加课堂活动;另一些人则感到紧张和焦虑。7. explore v.

10、考察, 探险, 勘探; 探讨, 探究explorer n. 探险者exploration n. 探索, 探险, 勘探; 研究, 探究explore space探索太空explore new cultures探索新文化explore carefully/fully/deeply仔细/全面/深入探究 oil exploration石油勘探 Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys (hutong) of old Beijing.如果你想去老北京的小胡同里探秘,三轮脚踏车值得一坐。 The possibili

11、ty that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists (explore) outer space.宇宙中其他行星上存在生命的可能性,一直激励着科学家探索外太空。8. a bit稍微, 有点儿; 一点儿,少量; 一会儿; 一小段距离 a bit/a little+adj./adv. 有点儿. a bit of +n. a little+n. 一点儿. not a bit 一点儿也不(=not at all) not a little 很非常(=very) You are driv

12、ing too fast, can you drive a bit/ a little more slowly?你开的太快了。你能开的慢一点吗? You must be Carol. You havent changed after all these years.你一定是卡罗尔。这么多年过去了,你一点儿也没变。9. one by one 依次地,一个接一个的 one after another /one after the other一个接一个地,陆续地 one by one 表示一次一个,强调有序性 one after another /one after the other 强调连续性

13、He explained these questions one by one.他对这些问题逐一作了说明。 The guests came one after another.客人们陆陆续续地来了。10. organise v. 组织整理organisation n. 组织,团体, 机构organised adj. 有组织的,有条理的organize a meeting/party/ trip 组织会议,聚会,旅行organize books on the shelf 整理书架上的书organize ones thought 理一理思绪the World Trade Organization

14、世界贸易组织start /set up an organization 创立一个组织well/ badly organized 组织良好的/很糟的 The workers were not better organized, otherwise they would have accomplished the task in half the time.工人们没有被更好的组织,否则他们用一半的时间就会完成任务。 She started the Ladybug Foundation, an (organize) aiming at getting rid of homelessness.他创立了

15、Ladybug Foundation,一个旨在消除无家可归现象的组织。 I want to work with a well team.我想和组织良好的团队一起工作。高一英语必修一unit1重点知识(3)1. award n. 奖,奖赏,奖品,奖金; v. 授予奖励 win/ get/ receive an award for sth(因某事)获奖 award多指官方颁发的奖品,奖金,强调荣誉prize 多指在比赛竞争或抽奖中获得的奖reward多指对某人的工作或服务等的回报、报酬例:1. He is the first Chinese citizen to win this award.他是

16、第1位获得该奖项的中国公民。2. The gold medal will (award) to whoever wins the first place in the bicycle race.金牌将授予在自行车比赛中获得第一名的人。3. This job is difficult, but the financial rewards are great.这项工作很辛苦,但报酬丰厚。2. opportunity n. 机会,时机have an opportunity to do sth 有机会做某事例:1. Opportunity favors those with a curious min

17、d.机会总是青睐有好奇心的人。2. Students then have an opportunity (improve) their products.那么学生就有机会改进他们的产品。3. view n. 一次观看,观点,看法; 视野,视线; 景色,风景 vt. 看待,参观come into view进入视野,in ones view= in ones opinion在某人看来 把.视为/看作 be viewed as. 被视为/看作former adj. 以前的,从前的; 昔日的,前任的the former US president美国前总统the farmer(两者中的)前

18、者the latter(两者中的)后者例:1. One day I met a former classmate of mine who was making a lot of money running a siideline.一天我遇到了我以前的一个同学,他靠经营副业赚了很多钱。2. Of the two possibilities seems more likely.在这两种可能性中,前者似乎更有可能。 with对付, 应付, 处理; 涉及, 论及, 探讨; 和.做生意 deal with stress应对,压力 deal with a problem处理问题例:1. A m

19、an should learn suitable ways to deal with life.一个人应该学会对待生活的适当方法。5. frightened adj. 受惊的,害怕的 frighten v. 使害怕, 使惊吓 frightening adj. 吓人的, 可怕的 a frightened child受惊吓的孩子例:1. He had tried to coax the dog to him but, (frightened), it had run off.他曾试图哄骗那只狗到他跟前,但由于害怕,它跑掉了。2. When the gorillas and I frightened

20、 each other, I was just glad to find them alive.当我和他星星互相惊吓对方时,我很高兴的发现他们还活着。3. A sudden stop can be a very (frighten) experience, especially if you are traveling at high speed.突然停车可能是一种非常可怕的经历,尤其是你在高速行驶时。6. sight n. 看到, 看见; 视野, 视力; 景象; 名胜 at the sight of 一看见.例: The audience present all rose and appla

21、uded at the sight Li na who was said to have won the match in Melbourne.一看到李娜,在场的所有观众都站起来鼓掌,据说她在墨尔本赢得了比赛。7. figure v. 认为,以为;计算 n. 数字; 人物; 人影; 身材; 塑像; 图形 figure out弄清楚, 弄明白; 计算出 a leading figure 领军人物 keep ones figure 保持身材例: Its difficult to a global population of polar bears and as much of the range

22、has been poorly studied.由于对北极熊活动范围的研究甚少,很难计算出全球北极熊的数量.8. particular adj. 特定的,特指的; 特别的,不寻常的; 讲究, 挑剔 particularly adv. 特别, 尤其 be particular about. 对.讲究挑剔9. in order to . = so as to. 为了. in order to可放在句首或句中, 否定形式是in order not to so as to不可放在句首, 否定形式是so as not to.10.refer to 提到, 谈到; 参考,查阅; 涉及, 关于 refer

23、to .as. 将.称为. refer to ones notes 查阅笔记 refer to a dictionary 查词典 refer的过去式、过去分词均为referred,现在分词为referring例:1. The word business also refers to an organization that provides goods and services. Business这个词也只提供商品和服务的组织。2. The scientist referred to global warming at least three times in his speech.那位科学家

24、在演讲中至少三次提到了全球变暖。11.struggle v. n. 奋斗, 拼搏 struggle with /against 与.作斗争例: He has been struggling illness for years.12. performance (工作或活动中的)表现; 表演,演出 ones performance at school某人在学校的表现 give a performance 演出 go to /attend a performance观看演出 perform well /badly表现的好/差例:1. My good (perform) in the job inte

25、rview left me optimistic about my future.在求职面试中的良好表现,让我对未来感到乐观。2. Inside the theater, they were giving a performance of Bizets Carmen.在剧院里,他们正在表演比才的作品卡门。3. They held a large concerts and (perform) at clubs.他们举办大型音乐会,并在俱乐部演出。13. exchange n. 互访; 交换, 交流; 调换; 兑换 v. 交换; 意见、信息等交流; 调换; 兑换例:1. A group of ex

26、change students from the UK are visiting our school next month.一群来自英国的交换生,下个月将参观我们的学校。2. My little son wants to exchange his toy gun his neighbor a toy car.我的小儿子想用玩具枪与他的邻居换玩具汽车。高一英语必修一unit2重点知识.(1)1. according to据所说,按照根据,according to the latest survey 根据最新调查according to the weather report根据天气预报例:1.B

27、y the end of the century, if not sooner, the worlds oceans will be bluer and greener thanks to a warming climate, a new study.根据一项新的研究,由于气候变暖,到本世纪末甚至更短的时间,世界上的海洋将会更蓝更绿。2. Remember that girls are flexible. They can change circuntances.记住目标是灵活的,他们可以根据情况改变。2. opposing adj. (观点意见等)相反的, 相对立的oppose v. 反对

28、opposed adj. 对立的opposing views对立的观点be opposed to doing sth 强烈反对做某事例:1.Lee Lan, a visiting fellow at the Hudson Institute, takes the (oppose) view.哈德逊研究所的访问学者李.莱恩持相反的观点。2. Many farmers opposed the plan because they feared that wolves would kill their farm animals or pets.许多农民反对这项计划,因为他们担心狼会杀死他们的家畜或宠物

29、。3. His parents are opposed the marriage.他的父母反对这桩婚事。3. behavior n. 举止, 行为behave v. 表现,表现得体good /bad behavior 良好/恶劣行为social behavior 社会行为behave oneself 守规矩,举止得体well behaved表现好的badly behaved表现差的例:1. Knowing these courses can make us examine our behavior, correct bad habits.了解这些原因可以让我们审视自己的行为,纠正坏习惯。2.

30、Students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave (them).应当鼓励学生养成良好的习惯,行为更加规范。4. confusing令人困惑的confuse使困惑, 将.混淆confused 困惑的, 糊涂的confusion困惑混淆confuse A with B 把a和b弄混be confused about对.感到困惑a confused expression困惑的表情in confusion困窘地例:1. They me by asking so many questions. I was tot

31、ally ,standing there in and not knowing what to do next. (confuse)1. She stepped down, looking (confuse).他走了下来,看上去很困惑。2. I always confuse you your sister, you look so alike.5. reflect v. 显示,反映; 映出(影像); 反射,认真思考,反思 reflection n. 反映,映向,反射,深思6. creativity n. 创造性, 创造力 create v. 创造, 创作 creative adj. 有创造力的,创造性的 develop /encourage creativity发展/激发

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