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1、完整版常用处方缩写词常用处方缩写词每日 3 次) q.i.d. (每日 4 次)q.d. (每日 1 次) b.i.d. (每日 2 次) t.i.d.每六小时 1 次)q.h. (每小时) q.m. (每晨) q.n. (每晚) q.6h.q.2d (每二日 1 次) a.c. (饭前) p.c (饭后) h.s. (睡前)a.m.(上午) p.m. (下午) p.r.n.(必要时)s.o.s(需要时)star.! (立即) cato! (急速地) i.d.(皮内注射)i.h.(皮下注射)i.m. (肌内注射) i.v. (静脉注射) i.v.gtt. (静脉滴注)p.o. (口服)Rp.(

2、取) co. (复方的) sig. 或s. (用法)lent! (慢慢地)U (单位) IU (国际单位) Amp.(安瓿剂)Caps.(胶囊剂)Inj.(注射剂) Sol. (溶液剂) Tab. (片剂)Syr.(糖浆剂)Sig 标记/ 用法用是可选的版式风格。列表中不包含处方中常见的药品的缩写。列表中红色条目是在美国不建议使用,褐色条目是其他组织不建议使用。处方缩写词列表1缩写拉丁文中文英文注释aaana每,各of eachAAA用于治疗部位apply to affectedareaa.c.ante cibum饭前before mealsa can be mistake n as an a

3、uris 亠讨a.d. 右耳 right ear o which could readdextrao.d., meaning right eyead lib. ad libitum随意,任意量use as much as onedesires; freelyadmov.admove用于applyagitagitastir/shakealt. h.alternishoris每隔1小时;每2小时every other hour也写作 manu medicaeat doctors handa.m.ante meridiem上午morning, before noonamp安瓿

4、ampuleamt数量amountaqaqua水watera.I., a.s.auris laeva, a can be mistake n as anauris 左耳 left ear o which could read o.s.sini stra or o.l, meaning left eyeA.T.C.昼夜不停,24小时连续around the clocka.u.auris 卄厂 a can be mistake n as an双耳 both earsutraque o which could readbisbis两次twiceb.d./b.i.d.bis in die每天两次twi

5、ce dailyB.M.排便bowel moveme ntBNF英国国家药典British Natio nal Formularybol.bolus大剂量给药(通常是静 脉注射)as a large sin gle dose (usually in trave no usly)B.S.血糖blood sugarB.S.A体表面积body surface areasb.t.就寝时间, mistake n for b.i.d,、, bedtime临睡刖 meaning twice dailyBUCCbucca颊内in side cheekcap., caps.capsula胶囊capsulec,

6、c.cum与.(常写作c)with (usually writte n with a bar on top of the c)cib. cibus食物foodcc入厶 , mistake n for U, mea ning与食物(也 y+ 亠 with food, (but also un its; also has ancum cibo 用作表示毫屮、 cubic centimetre) ambiguous meaning; use升)mL or milliliterscf与食物with foodcomp.复方compo undcr., erm乳膏;霜剂creamCST继续同样治疗Con t

7、i nue sametreatme ntD或d十 亠玉 s ambiguous meaning, write大,或者 剂 days or dosesout days ordosesD5W5%葡萄糖 溶液dextrose 5% soluti on(sometimes written as D 5W)D5NS含5%葡萄 糖的生理盐dextrose 5% in normal sali ne (0.9%)o.u., mea ning both eyes水D.A.W.按所写(医嘱)配药dispense as written (i.e., no gen eric substituti on)de, D/C

8、, disc中断或排 discontinue or山 ambiguous mea ning出 dischargedieb. alt.diebus alternis每隔一天;每2天every other daydil.稀释的dilutedisp.配药dispersible or dispe nsediv.分次.(服用)dividedL分升deciliterd.t.d.den tur tales doses给予同剂量give of such dosesDTOcan easily be con fused with diluted tincture of opium, which is 1/25th

9、 去味鴉片酊 deodorized tincture the stre ngth of deodorized劑 of opium tin cture of opium; deathshave resulted due to massive morph ine overdoseD.W.蒸馏水distilled waterelix.酏剂elixire.m.p.ex modo prescripto按照指示, 按处方处理as directedemuls.emulsum乳剂emulsi onetet并且andeod母隔天every other dayex aqex aqua水中in waterfl.,

10、fld.液fluidft.fiat任其发生, 顺其自然make; let it be madeg克gramgr格令graingtt(s)gutta(e)滴drop(s)H皮,皮下注 射hypodermich, hrhora小时hourh.s.hora somni就寝时at bedtime睡眠时 或 hour sleep orh.s ,十、 ambiguous meaning半强度 half-stre ngthID皮肤的in tradermalIJ, injinjectio、小 mistake n for IV,注射 injecti onmeaning in trave no uslyIM肌肉注

11、射in tramuscular (with respect to inject ions)INmistaken for IM,mea ning in tramuscular, or 畀内 intran asalIV, mea ningin trave no uslyIP腹膜内的in traperit on ealIU国际单位制en:i ntern ati onal un itmistaken for IV or 10, spell out i ntern ati onal unitIV静脉治疗in trave nousIVP静脉推注in trave nous pushIVPBin trave

12、nous piggybackkg千克kilogramL.A.S.label as suchLCD煤焦油coal tar soluti onlinlin ime ntum搽剂linimentliqliquor溶液,液体soluti onlot.洗剂loti onMAE活动四肢Moves All Extremitiesmanemane晨时in the morni ngM.misce混合mixm, minminimum最小值a mi nimummcg微克en:microgramRecomme nded replaceme nt for gkwhich may be con fused with mg

13、m.d.u.more dictoute ndus按照指示使 用to be used as directedmEq毫当量milliequivale ntmg毫克milligrammg/dL毫克/分升milligrams per deciliterMgS04硫酸镁en: mag nesi um sulfatemay be con fused with MSO4, spell out mag nesium sulfatemist.mistura混合mixmittemitte发送sendmL毫升millilitreMS硫酸吗啡 或硫酸镁en:m orph inesulfate oren:magnesi

14、 um sulfatecan mean either morph ine sulfate or magn esium sulfate, spell out eitherMS04硫酸吗啡en:morphine sulfatemay be con fused with MgSO4, spell out morph ine sulfatenebulnebula喷雾a sprayN.M.T.不超过not more tha nnoct.nocte夜里at ni ghtnon rep.non repetatur不重复no repeatsNPOnil per os禁食,禁饮水nothing by mouth

15、NS生理盐水normal sali ne (0.9%)1/2NS半浓度生理盐水half no rmal sali ne(0.45%)N.T.E.不超过not to exceedo_2双眼both eyes, sometimes writte n as02odomne in die每天every day/once daily (preferred to qd in theUK2)odo can be mistake n as ana which could read oculus右眼 right eye a.d., meaning right ear,dextercon fusi on with

16、 omne indieomomne mane每天上午(晨时)every morningonomne nocte每夜every ni ghto.p.d.每天一次once per dayo.s.o can be mistake n as an oculus左眼 left eye a which could readsin istera.s., meaning left earo.u.o can be mistake n as an oculus双眼 both eyes a which could readuterquea.u., mea ning both earsoz盎司en:ounceperp

17、er经;通过by or cibum饭后after mealspig./pigm.pigme ntum涂剂pai meridiem下午与晚上evening or afternoonp.o.en: per os经口,口服by mouth or orallyp.r.per rectum经直肠by rectumPRN, prnen:pro re n ata按需as neededpulv.pulvis散剂powderPVper经阴道via the vagi navagi namqquaque每,各every, perq.a.d.quaque alte

18、rnis die母隔天every other dayq.a.m.quaque die ante meridiem每天午前every day before noonq.d.s.quater die sume ndus每天四次four times a daycan be mistake n for qd(every day)q.p.m.quaque die post meridiem每天下午或每晚every day after noon or every eve ningq.h.quaque hora每小时every hourq.h.s.quaque hora somni每夜就寝时every ni

19、 ght at bedtimeq.1 h, q.1 quaque 1 hora每小时(可 用其它数字替换1)every 1 hour; (ca n replace 1 with other nu mbers)q.d., q1dquaque die每天every daymistake n for QOD or qds, spell out every day or dailyq.i.d.q4PMcan be mistake n for qd quater in .m ,母天四次 four times a day or qod, write out fourdietimes a daymistak

20、e n to mea n every 下午4时 at 4pmfour hoursq.o.d.每隔一天;每两天every other daymistaken for QD, spell out every other dayqqhquater quaque hora每四小时every four hoursq.s.qua ntum sufficiat足够量a sufficie nt qua ntityQWK每周every weekR直肠rectalrep., rept.repetatur重复repeatsRL, R/L乳酸林格氏液en:Rin gers lactatessi ne没有.withou

21、t (usually written with a bar on top of the s)s.a.secundum artem按常规accord ing to the art (accepted practice); use your judgeme ntSC can be mistake n for SC, subc, SL, meaning subli ngual;subcut, subq, 皮卜 subcuta neous SQ can be mistake n forSQ 5Q meaning five everydoses.i.d/SIDsemel in die每天一次once a

22、 dayused exclusively in veteri nary medici nesigsig nawrite on labelSL舌下subli ngually, un der the ton guesolsolutio溶液soluti ons.o.s., si op.sitsi opus sit需要时if there is a n eedssSSI, SSRIone half or slidi ngsemis mistake n for 55 or 1/2scalemistake n to mea nsliding scale insulin strong en:solution

23、of en:ior sliding scale odine or en:selectiveregular en:insulin serotonin reuptakeinhibitor SNRI(an tidepressant)5-羟色胺/去 甲肾上腺素 再摄取抑制 剂(抗抑郁)Serotonin -norepinep hrine reuptake in hibitorSSRI(an tidepressant)抗抑郁的选 择性5-羟色 胺再吸收抑 制剂selective serot onin reuptake in hibitor (a specific class of an tidepres

24、sa nt)statstatim立即immediatelySubQ皮下subcuta neouslysuppsuppositori um栓剂en: suppositorysusp混悬剂suspe nsionsyrsyrupus糖浆剂syruptabtabella片剂tablettai., ttalussuchtbsp汤匙en:tablespo ontrochetroehiseus锭剂loze nget.d.s.ter die sume ndum每天三次three times a dayt.i.d.ter in die每天三次three times a dayt.i.w.每周一次 three t

25、imes a week mistake n for twice a weektop. 局部的topicalT.P.N. 全肠外营养en:total pare nteral nu triti ontr, tine., tinct.酊剂tin cturetsp1茶匙(约5 毫升)en:teaspoonU度量单位un itmistaken for a 4, 0 orcc, spell out u nitu.d., ut. diet.ut dictum作为指示as directedun g.un gue ntum软膏oin tme ntU.S.P.美国药典en:Uni ted States Pharmacopoeiavag阴道的vagi nallyw与withw/a醒时while awakewf与食物with food (with meals)w/o没有.withoutX次数timesY.O.年龄years old g. mistake n for mg,微克 en:microgram口 meaning en:milligram

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