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1、华师大学英语精读作业答案1第3题Do _you are told; otherwise you will be punished.标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:2第4题The reason were so late is _. the car breaks down to the car breaking down the car broke down the car broke down标准答案:C您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:3第5题No one was aware _Jane had gone. that the place where place标准答案:C您的答案:题目分

2、数:此题得分:4第6题The instruments of the older factory_. as good or better than the new one as good or better than the new one as good as or better than those of the new one as good as or better than those of the new one标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:5第7题The time will come _ man can fly he likes in the universe. . w

3、here . wherever . where . which标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:6第8题_he works hard, I dont mind when he finishes the experiment. soon as well as far as long as标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:7第9题The company official _ I thought would be fired received a raise.标准答案:C您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:8第16题The higher the standard of living,_.

4、greater is the amount of paper is used greater amount of paper is used amount of paper is used is greater greater the amount of paper is used标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:9第17题It makes no difference to me _ he will come or not.标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:10第18题We must do well_the boss assigns us to do.标准答案:B您的答案:题目

5、分数:此题得分:11第19题Young _John was, he was able to swim across the channel within minutes.标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:12第20题She is waiting for the doctor _ I know will not come.标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:13第21题_ we need more practice is quite clear.标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:14第22题_the English examination I would have gone

6、 to the concert last Saturday. spite of for of for标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:15第31题He was willing to speak to the reporters_ he was not identified. condition that case that fear that标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:16第32题The machine is such _I have never seen before.标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:17第33题Students in his class ca

7、nnot understand _. does the sentence mean means this sentence this sentence means is the meaning of the sentence标准答案:C您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:18第34题Women workers wear hats _their hair gets caught in the machinery. case标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:19第35题I wonder how many years ago_. your father retire father retired

8、your father retired father has retired标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:20第36题I recognized her_I saw her. instant (that) not标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:21第2题The human, economic, political, and security cost of environmental change can be cut down at three stages: 1_ ,2 _ and 3 _, each of which operates at two levels:4

9、_and 5 _. It is worth noting, however, that countries with a strong government 6 _ need to be careful to include the population in the 7 _ , rescue and recovery process, otherwise it will end up with a population that is incapable of 8 _ .There exist a wide range of 9 _ capabilities, and some of the

10、 richest countries can learn from a few of the poorest. There are also 10 _ measures that can be taken during the recovery phase to help long-term stability. In a world of environmental change, limiting loss will be just as important as promoting growth.标准答案:参考答案: 您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:22第30题1. The church

11、was completely _ in the last century. 2. Once she stumbled, but somehow she _ her balance and carried on running. 3. Alan _ how he and Joyce had . Widowed in 1949, Mrs. Hayes never _ . 5. The company s land has been _ at million. 6. Please _ and this time you may succeed. 7. Have you _ the alarm clo

12、ck? 8. The children were finally _ with their families. 9. I am sure he would do much better if he were _ . 10. A shot was fired, and the police _ by firing into the crowd.标准答案:参考答案: 您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:23第10题到了巴黎的时候,我迷了路。标准答案:Arriving in Paris, I lost my way.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:24第11题我愿借此机会感谢每一位为这个项目辛勤工作的人。标

13、准答案:I d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:25第12题万一有任何新的进展,我会让你知道的。标准答案:I ll let you know any new developments, if and when they occur.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:26第13题这些年来,科学家们一直致力于改善环境的研究。标准答案:Through the years, the scientists have been working on

14、 the research of improving the environment.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:27第14题钱一旦花光了,我们就回不了家了。标准答案:Once the money has gone, we cannot go back home.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:28第15题我可以向你保证这消息是可靠的。标准答案:I can assure you of the reliability of the news.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:29第23题如果有问题,我们就得面对。标准答案:We ll face that problem if and when it

15、comes along.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:30第24题他整夜躺在床上睡不着,思考着那个问题。标准答案:All night long he lay awake, thinking of the problem.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:31第25题这个系统不但复杂,而且还低效。标准答案:The system was not only complicated but also inefficient.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:32第26题她坐在窗户旁边读报纸。标准答案:She sat by the window, reading a newspaper.您的答案:题目分数:此题

16、得分:33第27题他们向受洪灾地区(the flood-stricken area)的人们提供了食品援助(aids)。标准答案:They supplied the people in the flood-stricken area with food aids.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:34第28题这家公司的任务是向周围的住户供应煤气。标准答案:The task of this company is to supply the homes around with gas.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:35第29题何时才可以了解到情况?标准答案:When will the informati

17、on be made available?您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:36第37题莎士比亚不仅仅是一名作家,还是一名演员。标准答案:Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:37第38题当初他红极一时。标准答案:He was then at the height of his popularity.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:38第39题造成这场事故的原因仍然是个谜。标准答案:What caused the accident is still a complete mystery.您的答案:题目分数

18、:此题得分:39第40题即使在小公司里,计算机也是必不可少的工具。标准答案:Even in small companies, computers are essential tools.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:40第41题我们得不到的似乎比我们拥有的好得多。标准答案:What we can t get seems better than what we have.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:41第42题在伦敦住过多年,我几乎对每个地方都很熟悉。标准答案:Having lived in London for years, I almost know every place quite w

19、ell.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:42第43题我可以给你许多不去的理由。标准答案:I could give you a number of reasons for not going.您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:43第1题(1) Write a composition based on the topic Positive and Negative Respects of Sports and the following outlines. 1. 体育运动的好处。 2. 体育运动可能会带来的副作用。3. 我参加体育运动的体会。标准答案:Positive and Negative Resp

20、ects of Sports Sports benefit us in many respects. When taking part in sports, we get the chance to train almost all parts of our bodies. There is no doubt that proper sport activities can keep us physically fit. Furthermore, sports can enrich our life and maintain our psychological health. Through

21、participation, we learn on the playground that we not only struggle for ourselves but also fight for our team. Sports teach us about consideration, cooperation and optimism in the face of failure. But sports can harm those who dont plan their activities properly. Excessive training may hurt their bo

22、dies, exhaust their vigor, and even cause them to be sick. In general, I love sports, and I enjoy sports. I feel that I gain a well-balanced life through participation in sports, and get more chances to be closer to nature as well. Sports activities add happiness to our everyday life when done in a

23、balanced way.您的答案:题目分数:1第2题Do _you are told; otherwise you will be punished.标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:2第3题You cant imagine_ when they received these gifts. they were excited excited they were excited they have were how excited标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:3第4题Do you know _? does the party start the party starts t

24、ime the party starts the party starts标准答案:C您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:4第5题_ the old mans sons wanted to know was _ the gold had been hidden. . what . where . that . where标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:5第6题It happened _ Lisa wasnt there at that time.标准答案:C您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:6第7题The water gives up energy and becomes cooler_the

25、 ice receives energy and melts.标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:7第8题Mary is the only one of the team members_to be transferred. is going are going have been going has been going标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:8第9题The crime was discovered till 48 hours later, _gave the criminal plenty of time to get away.标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:此题

26、得分:9第10题The two elements _water is made are the oxygen and hydrogen. which which标准答案:C您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:10第11题Is this museum _you visited a few days ago? which one标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:11第26题I have not found my book yet. In fact, Im not sure _ I could have done with it.标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:12第27题He was

27、willing to speak to the reporters_ he was not identified. condition that case that fear that标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:13第28题I doubt_he will lend you the book.标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:14第29题This is _ I want to tell you.标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:15第30题It makes no difference to me _ he will come or not.标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:16第31题Well visit Europe next year _we have enough money.标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:此题得分:17第32题Most of the stones are_ a man and w

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