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初中九年级英语第二单元Unit 2 Section A学案.docx

1、初中九年级英语第二单元Unit 2 Section A学案初中英语新课程标准教材英 语 教 案( 2019 2020学年度第二学期 ) 学 校: 年 级: 任 课 教 师: 英语教案 / 初中英语 / 九年级英语教案九年级英语第二单元Unit 2 Section A学案教材简介:本教材主要用途为通过学习英语的内容,提高学生的语言技能,增加一项语言能力,有利于国际化的日常交流、生活、工作等,本教学设计资料适用于初中九年级英语科目, 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。本内容是按照教材的内容进行的编写,可以放心修改调整或直接进行教学使用。九年级英语第二单元unit 2 section a学案人教版u

2、nit 2section a(1a-2c)学习目标1.掌握描写人物的技巧和词汇。2.掌握下列知识点:重点词汇:sure,used重点短语:used towait a minuteplay the pianobe interested inon the swim team重点句型:mario,you used to be short,didnt you?dont you remember me?语法:used to句式的用法预习导学.英汉短语互译。1.过去经常2.on the swim team3.弹钢琴4.wait a minute5.对感兴趣.预习section a(1a-2c)部分,完成下

3、列句子。6.i(过去)be short,but now i am sister used to(害怕)the dark.8.he used to be quiet,(是吗)?合作研讨一、重点单词与短语1.sure adv.的确【拓展】(1)be sure一定要;务必(2)make sure弄清楚;确保【跟踪训练】(1)人的确在变化。 the piano弹钢琴【精解】play与乐器类名词连用时,名词前要加定冠词the,而与球类名词连用时,名词前不要加定冠词the。例如:play the violin拉小提琴;play soccer踢足球【

4、跟踪训练】(2)她在四岁时学习弹钢琴。she learned toat the age of interested in对感兴趣,后跟名词、代词、动名词或从句。【拓展】其同义短语为take an interest in【跟踪训练】(3)我对他说的话感兴趣。iwhat he said.二、重点句型与语法句型mario,you used to be short,didnt you?玛利奥,你过去个子矮,是不是?【精解】used to意为“过去经常;以前常常”,后跟动词原形,“used to do sth.”这一结构表示“过去常常做某事”,暗指现在不再做了。【跟踪训练】(4)他以

5、前放学后常常踢足球。heplay soccer after schoo1.【辨析】used to do/be(get)used to doing/be used to do/be used for/be used bybe(get)used to doing意为“习惯于”,短语中的to为介词,后跟动名词。be used to do意为“被用来做某事”;be used for意为“被用于做某事”,后跟动名词;be used by意为“被使用”,后跟动作的执行者。三个短语都是use的被动语态。【跟踪训练】(5)我爸爸以前常常晚饭后看电视,现在他习惯于散步。myfatherwatch tv aher

6、 hetaking a walk.(6)刀被用来切东西。knivescutting things。语法used to结构used to的用法used to表示“过去经常;以前常常”,指过去的习惯性动作或状态,现在已不再存在,其中to是动词不定式符号,后接动词原形。例如:mother used to get up early.我妈妈过去经常起得很早。一般疑问句:used或did sb.use to.否定句:used to的否定形式为didnt use to或usednt to,口语中常用usednt to。【跟踪训练】(7)he used to be outg

7、oing;(变为否定句)hebe outgdng.反意疑问句:含有used to的句子,其反问部分用didnt或usednt。【跟踪训练】(8)他过去吸烟,是吗?he used to smoke,?there used to be意为“过去曾经有”。【跟踪训练】(9)这座房子前面曾经有一棵大树。a tall tree in front of the house.当堂检测i.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.she is o.she 1ikes making wang is very s.he never 1aughs.3.mario,you used to be sho

8、rt,dyou?4.harry potter is an i book for childten,but my little brother isntiin sour team will win.根据汉语提示完成句子6.请等一会儿,汤姆马上来。p1ease.tom is coming at once.7.难道你不记得我的名字了吗?youmy name?8.我喜欢游泳,我在游泳队。i 1ike swimming and i alm.9.你过去常常踢足球吗?youplay football?课后练习.单项选择( )1.shein a toy factory,but now she

9、has a shop of her used to work b.was used to wotk c.used to working d.used to work( )2.the electrk fan canblow away the ter-rible smell in the room,can it?it is hard to say,but you may have a try.a.easily b.hardly c.quickly d.finally( )3.therea swimming poo1 here.a.used to have b.was used t

10、o be c.used to be used to having( )4.dont you like playing soccer? .i often play after schoo1.a.yes,i do,i dont c.yes,i dont,i do( )5.i used to go out for a walk after supper. do i did i can i am i.完形填空sixty years ago,guangzhou was a small and poor clty.people in

11、the clty 1ived a 6 life.people 7 o1d c1othes and the co1or of their clothes was very single.people always ate fish and vegetables because they were 8 they ate other meat only at the 9 .the buildings in guangzhou 10 o1d and 11 years has passed.peoples 1ife has changed 12 .when you walk on t

12、he street,you can see many tall buildings.many of them are more than twenty13 .the people there wear co1orful and beauuful clothes,and they also wear c1othes made 14 the wotld.they can also eat many kinds of foreign food.they can eat a11 kinds of meat 15 any time when they 1ike.who has made these ch

13、anges a11 a-bove? our great government! the government always puts people in the first place when making po1icy(政策).( )6.a.hard c.happy d.good( )7.a.put b.wore c.made d.bough( )8.a.dear b.poor d.beautiful( ) b.night c.morning d.festival( )10.a.were b.are d.was( )11.a.twent

14、y b.sixty c.fifty d.thirty( )12.a.a few b.kinds of c.a lot d.lots of( ) d.floors( )14.a.a11 over b.more than c.over there d.too many( )15.a.on d.ofunit 2section a(3a4)学习目标1.运用used to结构,谈论自己的过去和现在。2.掌握下列知识点:重点词汇:airplane,terrify,on重点短语:be terrihed ofgo to sleepbe a

15、lonebe afraid of重点句型:i go to sleep with my bedroom 1ight on.预习导学.预习单词:根据旬意及汉语提示完成句子。1.i dont 1ike traveling by(飞机).2.are you(害怕)of the dark? partner is still of speaking(在前面)a group.预习section a 3a的内容,写出你、你的同桌或你的家人过去害怕的东西或事情。4.i used to be afraid deskmate used to.合作研讨一、重点单词与短语1.terrify .使

16、害怕;使恐惧例如:dont terrify the lmle boy with ghost stories.不要用鬼故事吓唬这个小孩。【拓展】be terrified of意为“非常害怕的;极度恐惧的”,后跟名词、代词或动名词。其同义短语为be afraid of。【跟踪训练】(1)she used to be afraid of snakes(同义句转换)she used to snakes.2.alone adj & adv.独自;单独例如:the o1d man liyes alone.那位老人单独居住。【拓展】短语1eave/1et sb.alone意为“别打扰某人”。【拓展】辨析:a

17、lone/1onelyalone意为“独自;单独”,不含有感情色彩;10nely指人孤独、寂寞,有浓厚的感情色彩。【跟踪训练】(2)尽管我独自居住,但我并不感到孤独。although i 1ive,i dont feel.二、重点句子i go to sleep with my bedroom light on.我开着卧室的灯睡觉。【精解】go to sleep意为“入睡;睡着”,指渐渐睡着的过程。【辨析】go to bed/go to sleep/sleep/asleepgo to bed指“上床睡觉;就寝”,强调动作;go to sleep指“入睡”,强调过程;sleep v.意为“睡觉”,

18、be sleeping正在睡觉;asleep adj.意为“睡着的”,强调“睡着的”状态,短语:fdl asleep入睡;be asleep睡着。【跟踪训练】(3)dont rum on the sleeping b.will sleep c.slept d.sleeps【精解】with my bedroom light on意为“开着卧室的灯”on为形容词,意为“开着的;接通的;工作着的”。【拓展】turn on打开(电器、电源等);on tv通过电视;on the swim team在游泳队;on monday morning在星期一早上【跟踪训练】(

19、4)房间的灯亮着,我想他可能在家。the light isin the room.i think he might be at home.【拓展】“with+名词+介词/形容词”结构,在句中作状语,表示伴随状况。【跟踪训练】(5)夏天我喜欢开着窗子睡觉。i like to sleep the window in summer.(6)老师手里拿着一本书走进了教室。my teacher went into the classrooma bookhis hand.当堂检测.根据旬意及首字母提示完成单词1.he uto be late for schoo1,didnt he?2.little tom

20、is very iin 1ike music.what about(she)?.用所给单词的适当形式填空4.hes afra(swim)in the river.5.lucy was(terrify)by what i said just now.6.are you afraid of(be)alone?.根据汉语提示完成句子 ,7.他以前经常在电视上观看nba比赛。he used tonba games.8.我喜欢开着卧室的灯睡觉。i 1ike to sleepmy bedroom light.9.你过去常常留长发吗?youto have long hair?10

21、.larry现在仍然害怕在众人面前说话。larry is stillspeaking in iront of a group课后练习.单项选择( )1.i dont 1ike to go to sleepthe 1ight c.with d.and( ) teacher often tells us not to be afraid b.doing c.make d.making( )3.his brother is good at football,and he ishis schoo1 c.on

22、 d.of( )4.i used tolate,but nom i am used toearly.a.get up;get up b.get up;getting upc.getting up;get up d.getting up;getting up( )5.oh,steve.overhere.dont yon remember me? .yonre paula,arent you?a.yes,i didnt b.yes,i do,i do,i did( )6.the o1d man 1ives,but he never feels.a.alone;a1one b.l

23、onely;1onely c.1onely;a1one d.alone;lonely( )7.david hardly has time for party,he?a.dont b.doesnt c.does ) computersin both cities and towns.awere using b.are used c.were used d.are using( )9.mrs whitea reporter.she has retired.a.used to be b.uses to be used to be d.used to( )10.we

24、in this pool when we were young,but now isfish.a.are used to swim;used to b.are used to swimming;is used to keepc.used to swinn;used to keep d.used to swim;is used for keeping.用所给单词的适当形式填空mr turner used 11 (go)hshing in the countryside every was his favorite sport.he often fished for several

25、 hours without 12 (catch)anything at a11.but this didnt worry him.he always went with an empty bag.“you must give up 13 (fish),”his friends said.“its a waste of time.”“but they dont realize onet hing.i only enjoy 14 (sit)in a boat and doing nothing at can make me 15 (forget)the noise of

26、the city and 1ive quietly for some time.“he always said to himself.阅读理解i used to travel by air a great deal when i was a parents used to 1ive in sourh america and i used to fly there from europe in the ho1idays.a flight attendant would take charge of me and i never had an unple

27、asant experience.1 am used to traveling by air and only on one occasion have i ever felt frightened.after taking off,we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height,when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. while we were waiting to land,aflight attendant to1d us t

28、o keep calm and to get off the plane quickly as soon as it had touched down.eve-ryone on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened.later we learnt that there was a vety im-portant people on board.the po1ice had been to1d that a bomb had been planted on the plane.after we ha

29、d 1anded,the plane was searched thoroughly(彻底地).fortunately,nothing was found and five hours 1ater we rere able to take off again.根据短文内容,判断正(t)误(f)( )16.the writer used to take the bus when he was a boy.( )17.the writers parents used to 1ive in south afdca.( )18.while they were waiting to 1and,an airhostess to1d them to be calna.( )19.nothing was found

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