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1、Isilon的安装和维护手册XXXXIsilon 集群安装和维护手册1. XXXX安装设定总览表集群部分Isilon 集群概括安装节点5个保护级别全局N+2:1每节点裸容量(1000为单位)12TB每节点裸容量(1024为单位)集群裸容量(1000为单位)60TB集群裸容量(1024为单位)54TB对外千兆以太网接口20网络设定部分内部网络Infiniband内网地址A内网地址B内网Failover地址外部网络使用网络接口5个节点的共个20千兆接口对外子网1其他对外子网无DNS服务器地址网关地址非飘移管理地址SmartConnect VIP客户端连接Zone名称文件共享部分CIFS(Windo

2、ws文件共享)设定导出/ifs/data/jsb/ifs/data/test其他设定值domain usersNFS设定共享无FTP设定FTP服务开启HTTP设定HTTP文件共享开启2. Isilon 的硬件安装2.1. 前面板和铰链的安装安装左,右铰链支架到机器上将前面板和左右铰链支架用螺丝固定连接显示线缆和前面板的PC板2.2. 滑轨的安装抽出滑轨最内侧的轨道将内侧滑轨安装到Isilon 节点上将导轨固定在机柜上安装Isilon 节点到滑轨上给Isilon 节点加电3. 构建Isilon 集群3.1. 配置集群初始节点用串口线连接一台电脑和Isilon 节点的管理端口在电脑上打开“超级终端

3、”程序配置串口连接的设置Transfer rate: 9600 bps IQ 1440/2250 models 115,200 bps IQ 1920/3000/6000/9000 and IQ Accelerator models 115,200 bps IQ 1920x/3000x/6000x/9000x Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 Flow control: Hardware提示符下创建root和admin账户和密码接下来,将被询问是否收集报警信息“Would you like to allow Isilon Systems, Inc.

4、to receive critical alerts from this cluster no”Isilon 的配置向导自动打开Do you wish to 1 create a new cluster. 2 join an existing cluster. 3 exit wizard and configure manually. Wizard 创建集群Do you wish to 1 create a new cluster. 2 join an existing cluster. 3 exit wizard and configure manually.Wizard 1 1 creat

5、e a new cluster.按提示配置集群1)Type a new name for the cluster.Set Name isilonCluster name set to isilon2)Cluster Encoding: 1 Windows-SJIS 2 Windows-949 3 Windows-1252 4 EUC-KR 5 EUC-JP 6 EUC-JP-MS 7 UTF-8-MAC 8 UTF-8 9 ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) 10 ISO-8859-2 (Latin-2) 11 ISO-8859-3 (Latin-3) 12 ISO-8859-4 (La

6、tin-4) 13 ISO-8859-5 (Cyrillic) 14 ISO-8859-6 (Arabic) 15 ISO-8859-7 (Greek) 16 ISO-8859-8 (Hebrew) 17 ISO-8859-9 (Latin-5) 18 ISO-8859-10 (Latin-6) 19 ISO-8859-13 (Latin-7) 20 ISO-8859-14 (Latin-8) 21 ISO-8859-15 (Latin-9) 22 ISO-8859-16 (Latin-10) Enter Use default encoding: UTF-8Set Encoding 3)Co

7、nfigure interface int-a: 1 Configure Netmask 2 Modify IP Ranges Enter Keep the current configuration: Netmask: unset IP Ranges: No ranges set.Configure Interface int-a 14)Type a new netmask.Set int-a Netmask Netmask set to 5)Configure interface int-a: 1 Configure Netmask 2 Modify IP Ranges Enter Kee

8、p the current configuration: Netmask: IP Ranges: No ranges set.Configure Interface int-a 26)Manage cluster IP ranges 1 Add an IP range. 2 Delete an IP range. Enter Keep current IP ranges: No ranges set.Modify int-a IP Ranges 17)Enter the low IP address of the range to add.Low IP Address (Add) the hi

9、gh IP address of the range.High IP Address (Add) range added.8)Manage cluster IP ranges 1 Add an IP range. 2 Delete an IP range. Enter Keep current IP ranges: Modify int-a IP Ranges int-a IP ranges configured.9)Configure interface int-a: 1 Configure Netmask 2 Modify IP Ranges Enter Keep the current

10、configuration: Netmask: IP Ranges: Configure Interface int-a 10)Select the internal interface to configure. 1 int-a - Primary Internal Interface 2 int-b - Secondary Internal Interface (Failover) Enter Finished with internal interfacesConfigure Internal Interfaces 11)Configure External Subnet 1 Confi

11、gure ext-1 Enter Finished configuring External SubnetConfigure External Subnet 112)Configure ext-1Configure ext-1 settings 1 Set Netmask 2 Set MTU 3 Set IP Ranges Enter Keep the current settings: Netmask: unset MTU: 1500 IP Ranges: No ranges setConfigure ext-1 settings 113) Set Netmask for ext-1Type

12、 the netmask:ext-1 netmask Configure ext-1 settings 1 Set Netmask 2 Set MTU 3 Set IP Ranges Enter Keep the current settings: Netmask: MTU: 1500 IP Ranges: No ranges setConfigure ext-1 settings 315) Set IP Ranges 1 Add an IP range 2 Delete an IP range Enter Keep current IP ranges: No ranges setSet IP

13、 Ranges for ext-1 116) Add an IP rangeType the low IP address of the range to add: the high IP address of the range to add: Set IP Ranges 1 Add an IP range 2 Delete an IP range Enter Keep current IP ranges: - IP Ranges for ext-1 18)Configure ext-1 settings 1 Set Netmask 2 Set MTU 3 Set IP Ranges Ent

14、er Keep the current settings: Netmask: MTU: 1500 IP Ranges: - ext-1 settings 19)onfigure default gateway 1 Set Default Gateway Enter Keep current default gateway: Configure default gateway 20)Configure SmartConnect settings 1 SmartConnect Zone Name 2 SmartConnect Service IP Enter Keep current SmartC

15、onnect settings: SmartConnect Zone Name: SmartConnect Service IP: Configure SmartConnect settings 21) Configure DNS settings 1 Domain Name Servers 2 DNS Search List Enter Keep current DNS settings: Domain Name Servers: not set DNS Search List: not setConfigure DNS settings 22) Configure External Sub

16、net 1 Configure ext-1 Enter Finished configuring External SubnetConfigure External Subnet 23)Manage cluster date and time 1 Set timezone 2 Set day and time Enter Keep current date and time: “not set”Modify Date 24) Manage the cluster add node setting 1 Manual join 2 Secure join Enter Keep current ad

17、d node setting: ManualModify Add Node Setting Join mode kept as Manual.25) You have made the following configuration changes: - Cluster name changed from unset to isilon. - Interface int-a netmask changed from unset to - Interface int-a IP ranges have changed from None defined. to - - Encoding infor

18、mation changed from unset to UTF-8 - External network changed.Do you wish to commit these changes yesCommit Changes 系统启动,进入图形界面3.2. 将新节点加入构建好的集群选择加入集群Cluster-Hardware Configuration-add node选择加入集群4. Isilon 后期设置4.1. 增加所需用户和组Cluster-Access Management-Users /GroupsCreate a user用户没有NIS或者LDAP,增加用户wxx(uid=

19、361,group proc, gid=592)和wzz(uid=1000,group proc, gid=592)使用Isilon集群存储上的空间使用ssh登陆到Isilon 集群上,执行如下命令#pw groupadd proc g 592#pw useradd wxx u 361 g proc#pw useradd wzz u 1000 g proc4.2. 设置NFS导出(共享)在WebUI管理界面菜单栏“PROTOCALS”下的“NFS”项中配置export目录/ifs/data,将“Map root users to”设定为wxx,“Assign Groups”设定为proc删除系

20、统默认的/ifs的NFS导出,增加安全性NFS共享设置4.3. 设置CIFS导出(共享)在WebUI管理界面菜单栏“PROTOCALS”下的“Windows Sharing”项中配置add a share目录/ifs/data,将“Map root users to”设定为wxx,“Assign Groups”设定为proc删除系统默认的/ifs的CIFS共享,增加安全性新建Share4.4. 文件系统管理在原有的/ifs/data目录下新建目录data1、data2、data3 点击File System Explorer在data目录下新建data1、data2、data34.5. DNS

21、服务器设定修改要充分发挥SmartConnect功能,需要节点通过DNS连接Isilon 集群的zone名称,以达到不同的节点连接不同的IP地址的目的。启用Isilon 的SmartConnect Advanced功能然后将VIP设定为指定的,并为需要做NFS Failover的地址池(pool)增加Zone名称,为,具体设定如图修改DNS服务器设定1. 修改/etc/,增加一个名为“isilon”的zone,并设定使用设置文件zone isilon in type master; file ;2. 在/var/named下创建文件,设定内容如下$TTL 86400 IN SOA . ( 00

22、 10800 3600 604800 86400 ) IN NS .isilonnfs IN NS isilonvip3. isilonvip IN A 在/etc/中添加forwards指向VIP options directory /var/named/; forwarders ;4. 运行rndc reload命令重新加载named服务的设置4.6. 客户端设置为客户端设置DNS服务器修改/etc/内容,增加如下条目(客户环境的DNS服务器地址为)nameserver 注:如果已经设定了DNS服务器,此步可以省略挂载Isilon 集群假如客户端需要挂载文件系统到/isidata1上,执行

23、如下命令# mount :/ifs/data /isidata1客户端会自动向DNS服务器请求的IP地址,此时DNS会根据Zone的设定向(即之前设定的)请求这个主机的IP地址,SmartConnect Advanced功能就会根据策略将不同的节点浮动IP地址返回给DNS服务器,再由DNS服务器返回给客户端,达到负载均衡的目的5. Isilon 日常维护手册5.1. 关闭节点/集群通过命令行关闭节点/集群1. 打开一个安全的外壳程序(SSH),连接到想要shutting down的节点上2. 在提示符下输入shutdown -p now如果想要对集群进行操作,则执行isi_for_array

24、“shutdown -p now”3. 等待节点保存日志,完成shut down进程。在节点完成shut down时,LED灯熄灭。通过WebAdmin方式Shutting Down集群1. 在“Cluster Management”菜单下点击“Hardware Configuration”,然后点击“Shutdown / Reboot Cluster”2. “Shut down or reboot cluster”将会出现 3. 点击“Reboot”关闭集群并重启,点击“Shut down”停止集群不重启。5.2. 替换硬盘通过命令行的方式替换硬盘1. 在命令提示符下输入isi device

25、s a status d ,系统将显示这个节点所有硬盘的状态。例如:Node 1, OK Bay 1 Lnum 0 HEALTHY SN:GTF402P6GHURDF /dev/da12 Bay 2 Lnum 3 HEALTHY SN:GTF402P6GHWANF /dev/da9 Bay 3 Lnum 6 HEALTHY SN:GTF402P6GHSJHF /dev/da6 Bay 4 Lnum 9 HEALTHY SN:GTF402P6GHUTYF /dev/da3 Bay 5 Lnum 1 HEALTHY SN:GTF402P6GHW71F /dev/da11 Bay 6 Lnum 4

26、HEALTHY SN:GTF402P6GHX8DF /dev/da8 Bay 7 Lnum 7 HEALTHY SN:GTF402P6GHWAZF /dev/da5 Bay 8 Lnum 10 HEALTHY SN:GTF402P6GHX4TF /dev/da2 Bay 9 Lnum 2 REPLACE SN:GTF402P6GHSZBF /dev/da10 Bay 10 Lnum 5 HEALTHY SN:GTF402P6GHWGAF /dev/da7 Bay 11 Lnum 8 HEALTHY SN:GTF402P6GHWAKF /dev/da4 Bay 12 Lnum 11 HEALTH

27、Y SN:GTF402P6GHX11F /dev/da12. 把标记为“REPLACE”的硬盘取下,将备件换上。运行isi devices -a add -d :,在本例子中就是isi devices -a add -d 1:93. 插入的硬盘将被格式化,将出现下列信息:A OneFS-formatted drive was found in bay %d and is being attached to the file system. Wait a few minutes and re-run isi devices to verify that the attach operation

28、completed successfully.通过WebAdmin方式替换硬盘1. 点击“Dashboard-ClusterOverview中“Status”中的节点名称。2. 在“Chassis and drive status”中点中要更换或者损坏的硬盘3. 如果硬盘可以使用,但是需要更换,点选“Smart Fail”,如果硬盘已经损坏,上图看到的对应方格应为灰色,且不需要Smart Fail,直接跳过此步执行下一步4. 将损坏的硬盘取下5. 将备件换上6. 点选“Add”将备件添加到节点里 5.3. 替换电源1. 在节点的后部,检查每一个电源LED灯去确定损坏的电源模块2. 解除扣环,拉出电源3. 插入新的备件,电源LED灯将变成绿色。5.4. 替换电池1. 失效的NVRAM电池自动导致节点切换到只读模式,以及产生警示。2. 在节点的后部,通过检查LED灯来确定失效的电池,失效的电池指示灯是红色。3. 拉起电池底部的扣环,取出电池。4. 系统将发现电池被移除,生成警示。5. 更换备件,校验正常后,LED指示灯将变成绿色。5.5. 长期断电电池电量不足的处理方法如果因为假期等各种原因造成集群长期关机断电,可能会在下一次开机的时候无法写入数据,这是因为Isilon 集群为了保证数据

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