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外研版必修五Module 4Carnival导学案精编版.docx

1、外研版必修五Module 4 Carnival导学案精编版Module 4 Carnival话题导入 Easter is a movable festival celebrated on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25.We dont know exactly how this festival came into being.Some believed that it honored Easter,the goddess of spring time and sunrise.Her name comes from the word “east”,

2、where the sun rises.Every spring,northern European people celebrated the Festival of Easter to honor the awakening of new life in nature.Later,Christians(基督教) related the rising of the sun to the Resurrection of Christ(耶稣的复活) and to their own spiritual(精神的) rebirth. On Easter,eggs are painted with b

3、right colors to represent the sunlight of spring.They use these eggs to take part in Easter egg rolling contests or give them to others as gifts.The Easter bunny is another representative of this festival.The Easter bunny came for preChristian(公元前的) times.The rabbit,a very fertile(多产的) animal,was a

4、natural symbol of new life.Nowadays,children enjoy eating candy bunnies and listening to the stories about the Easter bunny,who brings Easter eggs in a fancy basket.根据上文完成下列各题1.Easter is celebrated on .2.What does the underlined word “it”(Paragraph 1)refer to?(no more than 5 words)3.Whats the best t

5、itle for the passage Period OneIntroduction & Reading and Vocabulary基础自测I重点单词1. _ adj.基督教的 _ n.基督耶稣2. _vt.掩藏;躲藏 _adj.隐藏的;潜在的3. _n.混乱;杂乱 _vt. 使困惑 _adj. 感到困惑的_adj.令人困惑的4. _vt.延长 _ n.延长5._vi.假装6._ n.记忆 _ vt.记忆7. _ vt.复兴;再兴起;再流行_ n.复活8. _ n.魔力;魅力_ n.魔法师重点短语1. _ 出现2. _ 装扮;打扮3. _ 玩得愉快4. _ 结束5. _ 连续地6. _秘密

6、地7. _追溯到(某个时候)8. _把某人投入监狱9. _去掉;剥落10. _ 把看作 佳句积累1._ carnival,and you will think of crowds,costumes,and confusion.想到狂欢节,你就会想到拥挤的人群,节日的服装和混乱的场景。2._,however,the carnival period was extended,so that it began just after Christmas.然而,随着时间的推移,狂欢节的时间被延长了,这样它就正好在圣诞节以后开始。3.For weeks on end people walked round

7、 the streets wearing masks,_接连几个星期,人们戴着面具走街串巷,为所欲为而不会被认出来。4.Many crimes _.很多罪行都逃脱了惩处。5.Their use was limited by laws,_ dates back to the fourteenth century.它们(面具)的使用受到法律的限制,最早可追溯到14世纪。课文预读I课文阅读理解1.Where did carnival begin?A.Latin America. B.Europe. C.America. D.Britain.2.When did carnival start in E

8、urope?A.After Easter. B.Before Easter.C.The whole winter. D.The last day of winter.3.Which one is TRUE about the carnival in Venice?A.It is the most famous carnival in Europe.B.It lasts for one day.C.It lasts for one week.D.People can eat and drink but they can not wear their masks.4.Why were masks

9、banned in Venice?A.Because masks were not welcomed by the ordinary people.B.Because masks were not welcomed by the rich and famous people.C.Because people who wore masks usually carried firearms.D.Because it may cause many crimes which were hard to punish.5.What is the key to the carnival in Venice?

10、A.Music and movement.B.Music and dance.C.It can attract many foreigners.D.The mystery of the mask.课文缩写 Carnival,which comes from two Latin words,1._(mean) “no more meat”,is connected with crowds,costumes and confusion.The sounds and sights change from one country to 2. _ but the excitement is the sa

11、me everywhere.It began in Europe.People saw 3. _as a last chance to have fun at the end of the winter season.Having fun meant 4. _ (eat),drinking,and dressing up.The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice.For weeks on end people walked around the streets wearing masks,doing 5._they wanted with

12、out being recognised.Many crimes went unpunished.So the use of masks was limited by laws,the first of 6._dates back to the 14th century.At the end of the 18th century,masks were banned 7._(complete).But in 8. _late 1970s,the tradition 9._(revive) by students.Today,carnival in Venice is celebrated fo

13、r five days in February.As you wander through the streets,you see thousands of masks.However,nobody takes them 10._,otherwise,the magic is lost.重点单词1. If you wear this,it hides your face and your feelings.如果你戴上它,它会藏住你的脸和表情。归纳拓展:hide vt.掩藏;躲藏;隐瞒hide把藏在hide sth.from sb.瞒着某人某事hide

14、away藏起来hiding place隐藏处;藏身地语境助记:(1)They tried to hide the bad news from their old father.他们试图不让他们的老父亲知道这条坏消息。(2)The soldiers were warned to remain hidden and not to expose themselves.士兵们受到警告要隐藏好,不能暴露自己。题组训练:(1)The young lady tried to_(掩饰她的感情).(2)单句改错I found the child hiding behind the sofa. _2.Ordina

15、ry people could pretend to be rich and important,while famous people could have romantic adventures in secret.普通人可以装成阔佬和要人,而名人也可以偷偷地体验浪漫奇遇。归纳拓展:pretend vi.假装;装扮pretend to do sth.假装要干某事pretend to be doing sth.假装正在干某事pretend to have done sth.假装干了某事pretend to beadj./n.假装是pretend (to sb.) that.(向某人)谎称语境

16、助记:(1)We should never pretend _we dont know.我们决不应当不懂装懂。(2)He pretended_the truth.他假装已经知道了真相。(3)He pretended _ to us.他假装对我们很友好。(4)We pretended that nothing had happened.我们假装什么事情也没发生。题组训练:(1)My son pretended to_ (睡着了)when I came in.(2)用所给词的适当形式填空Dont pretend _(understand) when you dont.These people ne

17、ver pretend_(modest) and they just tell others what they think.He pretended_(know) the answer to the problem already.When the teacher came in,all the students pretended _(do) their homework.3.Finally,when Venice became part of the Austrian empire,at the end of the eighteenth century,masks were banne

18、d completely,and carnival became just a memory.最后,在18世纪末,当威尼斯成为奥地利帝国的一部分时,面具被完全禁止了,狂欢节变成了一种记忆。 归纳拓展:memory n.记忆;记忆力from memory凭记忆in memory of为了纪念have a good/bad/poor memory记忆力好/坏memorize vt.记忆语境助记:(1)_the hero,they held the party.为纪念这位英雄,他们举办了这个聚会。(2)Jane _ and has vivid memories of her grandparents

19、.珍妮的记忆力很好,依然清晰地记得她的祖父母。(3)I _ this poem.我花了很长时间来记住这首诗。题组训练:(1)The pianist played the whole piece through_ (凭记忆).(2)When we visited my old home,the photos brought back lots of good_(memory). 4.As you wander through the streets,you see thousands of maskselegant or frightening,sad or amusing,traditiona

20、l or modernbut you have no idea what the faces behind them look like.当你漫步在街上,你能看到成千上万的面具高雅的或可怕的,忧伤的或有趣的,传统的或时尚的但你并不知道面具后面的那张面孔长得怎样。归纳拓展: wander vi.漫步;闲逛;偏离(正道);走失;漂泊;走神 wander about/around徘徊,流浪易混辨析:wander,wonder(1)wander指身体上的游荡、漫步或精神上的走神、心不在焉。作名词意为“闲逛;徘徊”。(2)wonder指“对感到好奇”,因而想知道,琢磨。作名词意为“奇观”。语境助记:(1

21、)Im sorry,my mind _.What did you say?对不起,我有点儿走神。刚才你说什么?(2)The child wandered off and got lost.那个孩子走散后迷路了。(3)Ill just _ the mall for half an hour.我要在商场闲逛半个小时。(4)_what to do next.我在想下一步做什么。题组训练:用wander,wonder填空(1)I _ if you can help me out of the difficulty.(2)Im sorry.You _ too far from the subject.(

22、3)I _ about his honesty.短语与句式1.The original Venice carnival came to an end about 200 years ago.大约200年前,最早的威尼斯狂欢节结束了。归纳拓展: come to an end完结使某事停止/结束 make (both) ends meet收支平衡 at the end of.在的尽头/最后 in the end最后;终于 end up结束;告终语境助记:(1)Be patient.His speech will come to an end.耐心点,他的演讲就要结束了。(2)The UN is t

23、o put an end to the dispute between the two countries.联合国将要结束这两国之间的争端。(3)You should learn to save and make ends meet.你应该学会节约,做到收支平衡。题组训练:(1)I wonder how I can_ (使他们停止纷争).(2)The people who love peace do think that it is time the violent conflicts in Syria came to _ end.2.Think of carnival,and you thi

24、nk of crowds,costumes,and confusion.想到狂欢节,你自然就会想起拥挤的人群,节日的服饰及混乱的场景。归纳拓展:这是一个“祈使句and陈述句”结构的句子。两个分句之间含有条件和结果的关系,可以转换为:If you think of carnival,youll think of crowds,costumes,and confusion.“祈使句and陈述句”句型的三种变化形式:(1)祈使句破折号陈述句(2)名词词组and陈述句(3)祈使句or (else)陈述句语境助记:(1)_,_progress.努力学习,你就会取得进步。(2)_,_ my work.再有

25、两个小时,我将会完成工作。(3)Watch your step,_ else you might fall into the water.留神脚下,不然你会掉进水里的。题组训练:(1)Hurry up,_ (要不然你就迟到了).(2)_(再努力些),and youll succeed.(3) _(search) the website of the Fire Department in your city,and you will learn a lot about firefighting. _(search) the website of the Fire Department in yo

26、ur city,you will learn a lot about firefighting.(4)Give me a chance,_Ill give you a wonderful surprise.(2014天津,1,改编)3.Having fun meant eating,drinking,and dressing up.尽情地享乐意味着吃、喝和盛装打扮。归纳拓展:dress up装扮;打扮be/get dressed in穿着dress sb.up as.把某人装扮成dress up (in) sth.穿上盛装;化妆,打扮易混辨析:dress,have on,put on,wear

27、,in(1)dress可指穿衣服的动作,用作不及物动词时表示穿好衣服;用作及物动词时后接人,表示给某人穿衣服。被动形式be dressed in指某人在某种场合穿什么样的衣服。(2)have on意思是“穿着;戴着”,指穿的状态,后接衣服、帽子、鞋子等能穿戴的东西。但不用于被动语态,也没有进行时。(3)put on意思是“穿;戴”,指穿的动作,后接穿、戴的东西,反义词为take off。(4)wear意思是“穿着;戴着”,指穿的状态,后接穿戴的东西。(5)in表示穿着,后接衣服,也可接颜色,除作定语外,可与be动词连用,作表语。语境助记:(1)We are supposed to _ as m

28、ovie characters for the party.What a novel idea!我们在晚会上要装扮得像电影中的角色,这是一个多么新奇的主意啊!(2)She _ the children in their best clothes.她给孩子们穿上了最漂亮的衣服。(3)She_a red jacket _.她穿着件红夹克。(4)Hurry up!_ your coat!快点!把外套穿上!题组训练:(1)用dress,have on,put on,wear,in的适当形式填空Yesterday she_a beautiful coat.The mother_her baby and then went to work.He_his coat and went out.The girl _ red is our monitor.He is _ a new coat today.(2)She didnt dress _ and wen

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