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1、中考阅读理解专题复习教学设计中考阅读理解专题复习教学设计中考英语阅读理解专题复习教学设计一、教学目标:1、知识与技能目标:1)了解中考阅读理解题的特点。2)掌握简单有效的四种阅读策略和解题策略,以提高答题正确率。3)通过大量的训练实践引导学生观察,思考,归纳,运用,帮助他们熟练并能有效地运用各种策略,锻炼思维及实践操作能力。 2、情感态度与价值观: 帮助学生形成正确清晰的解题思路,掌握有效的技巧,让学生在课堂上通过亲身体验各种解题技巧的形成和运用,得到思维的锻炼。让学生逐步地从“了解策略掌握策略熟练运用策略”发展,帮助学生实现从“学读”到“会读”再到“乐读”的转变,培养学生自主学习的能力,并有

2、效提高英语成绩。二、教学重难点:1、掌握阅读理解解题的四种阅读策略和解题策略。2、各种策略在实践中的熟练运用。三、教学对象分析: 之前学生对阅读理解题的特点不太了解,解题方法也不太明确,因此答题正确率不高。甚至有的学生做阅读理解题就瞎蒙,完全碰运气,往往在这种题型中失分率较高。四、教学方法语篇整体阅读教学法 五、教学辅助手段:多媒体六、教学过程Step 1:介绍中考命题原则,命题形式和特点,分析中考命题趋势。命题原则:根据英语课程标准对阅读理解五级的目标部分描述如下:1、能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料;2、能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义3、能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的

3、发展和可能的结局;4、能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息;5、能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系;6、除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到15万词以上命题形式和特点:1、命题形式 历年来我省英语中考阅读理解题均分为A,B两部分。A部分为单选类题型,B部分为七选五,即根据短文内容,从方框中的七个选项中,选出五个还原到文章中,使短文意思通顺,结构完整。这种题型更侧重考察学生对文章中各句子之间的逻辑关系和对文章脉络结构的理解。2、命题特点 (1)体裁与题材2010年中考阅读理解试题分类体裁题材A部分A篇应用文旅行和参观B篇记叙文人物介绍C篇议论文绿色时装D篇说明文睡眠B部分记叙文生活习俗2011


5、通过介绍和分析,激发了学生的学习兴趣,引导学生观察思考,从而进一步介绍和训练各种阅读策略和解题策略。Step 2: 介绍和训练四种阅读策略介绍四种阅读策略常见的阅读策略有:略读(skimming):快速将材料读一遍,了解文章大义。找读(scanning):根据所要寻找的信息,有选择地阅读。目的是掌握细节内容,快速获取有效信息。词意猜测(word-guessing):根据上下文,常识或构词法猜测文中单词或短语的意思。 推理判断(inferring):根据语篇知识,上下文及常识等理解文章隐含之意;利用注释,归纳等逻辑手段,借助图表等对文章各种语言信息和非语言信息作出适当的推理和判断。设计意图:在课

6、堂教学中,教师结合教学内容对学生进行不同的阅读策略指导,让学生在完成学习任务的过程中练习,巩固使用策略。学生对英语阅读的兴趣及水平都会增强。在课堂教学中渗透阅读策略训练是提高学生自主学习能力的有效途径。 Step 3: 介绍中考考察项目及相应解题策略,并让学生分小组合作学习,讨论。考察项目及解题策略 (1)细节题。在中考阅读理解中,大部分题目属于细节理解题,旨在考查考生对某个具体事实或某个具体情节,或对某个特定的细节是否理解,有的答案可从所提供的阅读材料中直接找出;有的答案是短文中某个句子或经过改写的句子;有的则需要结合上下文提供的信息进行简单的分析,概括,甚至计算,最后得出正确答案。例如:(

7、10年江西中考)B篇In 1975,Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the top of Mount Everest in the Himalaya Mountains, the highest mountain in the world at 29,035 feet.Junko was born in 1939 and grew up in a small town in Japan. During her childhood, she was thin and weak. At age 10, Junko went on a scho

8、ol trip. The students climbed two mountains, and Junko loved it. She could climb in her own time and ability.After Junko graduated from university in 1962, she joined several climbing clubs. But they had mostly men members. Some refused to climb with a woman. In 1965, Junko married a well-known Japa

9、nese climber. Over the years, they climbed all the highest mountains of Japan. Meanwhile Junko started a womans climbing club. By 1972, she was chosen to lead a team of women to climb Mount Everest. It took three years for the 15 women to train and raise money for their climb.Finally in 1975, the te

10、am went to climb the mountain. They found nine guides to help them climb up the mountain. Everything went well until the morning of May 4. Suddenly a huge amount of snow and ice fell on them. One guide saved Junko. She rushed to help others. Everyone was alive but they had injuries, including Junko.

11、 However, the team decided to continue their climb. About two weeks later, on May 16, Junko reached the top of Mount Everest. Later she said,“I cant understand why men make all this fuss(过于关注) about Everest - its only a mountain.”69. When Junko was 10, she _. A. didnt like sports or games B. often w

12、ent on school trips C. realized that she loved to climb D. climbed mountains by herself70. In 1972, Junko _. A. started a womans climbing club B. trained 15 women for their climb C. raised enough money for a climb to Mount Everest D. became a leader of a woman team to climb Mount Everest71. During t

13、heir climb to Mount Everest, Junko and her team _. A. got little help from the guides B. went on climbing after they had injuries C. had to stop climbing because of their injuries答案:DDB(2)词汇句意题。考查内容多为名词、动词、词组甚至句子。英语中很多单词和词组在不同的语言环境中有着不同的内涵,掌握大量单词和习语是重要的,但语言是活的东西,做这类题时,考生应尽可能通过上下文猜测词义,即利用所熟悉的词或短语和上下文

14、已知的部分来进行合理推理,有时还需要依据常识和经验。例如:(10年江西中考)D篇About one in three Americans has a problem with sleep. Many of these people cannot fall asleep. The name of this problem is insomnia. Some people say, “I didnt sleep all night.” But thats not really true. They may sleep lightly and wake up several times. In th

15、e morning, they only remember the times they were awake(醒着), so they think they were awake all night.This is not a new problem. Many famous people in history had insomnia. Some of these people had special ideas to make them sleep. Benjamin Franklin had four beds. He moved from one to the other to fa

16、ll asleep. Mark Twain had a different way. He lay on his side across the end of the bed! 78. What does “insomnia” mean in this passage?A. No sleep. B. Bad sleep. C. Slow sleep. D. Sleep with many dreams.答案:A(3)推断题。推断性考题旨在考查学生透过表面的文字信息,对某些深层次情节经过分析、综合、归纳,作出合乎逻辑的推理。这类题的答案通常不在文章中明确表现出来,要求考生在全面理解文章的基础上,

17、推断文章的潜在含义,找出结论。例如:(10年江西中考)C篇Green fashion is about making (and wearing) clothes that are good for humans, animals, and the Earth. In the past, green fashion made people think of ugly clothes. But today, green fashion is different. It is about looking good and caring about the Earth and other people

18、. You can have interesting clothes and be green. 74. Today, green fashion is _. A. the same as it was in the past B. making people work harder C. more popular and interesting D. mostly popular with famous persons 答案:C(4)主旨题。即考查考生对文章的主题,标题、中心思想的理解程度及辨别主要信息和次要信息的能力。主题思想是文章的核心。能否抓住文章的主题思想,是考生阅读能力的重要体现。

19、要准确地抓住文章的主题思想,就要十分留意文章的主题句(Topic Sentence)。有的文章一开始就亮出主题,全文随着主题而展开。有的文章则需要学生善于抓住文中具有概括性的信息,从上下文连贯的意思来理解全文,看作者主要谈的是什么,透过文字叙述的过程来归纳主题,再从选择项中找出最符合表达主题思想的选项。有些干扰项,从局部看也许不算错,但从全局看却又片面。这类干扰项与正确答案之差,其实是局部与全局之差。要指导考生在做题时不要被局部现象迷惑,而忽略了文章的整体思想。例如:(10年江西中考)B篇72. What does the author mainly want to tell us? A. M

20、ountain climbing is dangerous. B. Women can do the same things as men. C. Junko was the greatest climber in the world.D. Junko had a very hard time before she succeeded. 答案:C(5)七选五题型。主要考查学生把握文章结构及对上下文逻辑推理的能力,突出考查学生的语篇理解和对文章各段,各句之间的逻辑关系的理解能力。文章选材侧重一些夹叙夹议的文章,简单的说明文,人物介绍等,词数为200-250之间,题目设置前后一定有线索可寻。例如:

21、 (10年江西中考)In Thailand, people do not eat with chopsticks, like in China, Japan, and Korea. They use spoons and forks. 81_. Most food is already cut. If you need to cut things, use the side of your spoon first and then use your fork. 82_. If you are right-handed, keep the spoon in your right hand and

22、 the fork in your left hand. 83_. The rice is not on the same plate with the other food. It is not necessary to finish all your rice or all your food. It is good to leave a little on your plate. If you eat anything, it means you want more.84_. The host(主人) will ask you two or three times if you want

23、 more food. It is the same with whatever you are drinking. During the meal, never empty your cup or glass. When it is less than half full, your host or neighbor will fill it again.85_. Always refill(再加满) your neighbors glass. This means that you must keep an eye on your neighbors glass all through t

24、he meal.A. They never use knivesB. Never fill your own glassC. People always offer you more foodD. Remember to fill your bowl in timeE. People often eat from the same bowlF. The spoon is more important than the forkG. People usually have rice in a different bowl 学生小组合作进行篇章阅读训练A Ron is ten years old.

25、 He loves to watch TV. But for one full year he did not watch TV at all. What was the reason Rons parents said they would give him $ 600 if he didnt watch TV for a year. Rons parents thought he watched too much TV. One day his mother saw a news- paper story about a boy who didnt watch TV for a year.

26、 She showed the story to Ron. Ron liked the idea. He turned off the TV right away, and said, “It doesnt bother me not to watch TV. I just want the money.” At first, Rons parents were very happy. Ron read books and newspapers, played outside, played computer games, and played cards with his mother. B

27、ut after some time, he got bored(厌烦). Every morning, he asked his parents, “What are we doing tonight” Sometimes his mother and father wished he would watch TV just for one evening. Ron always said, “No, it would cost me money!” Finally the year was over. Then Ron stared watching his favourite TV sh

28、ows all day long again. Ron got the money from his parents. What does he plan to do with the $ 600 “I want to buy myself a TV set!” he said. 1. Ron didnt watch TV for one year because _.(细节题)A. he wanted the money B. watching TV too much is badC. he wanted to study harderD. he wanted to learn from t

29、he boy2. “It doesnt bother me not to watch TV” means “Its _ to watch TV”.(词汇句意题)A. waste time B. important for meC. not useful D. not important for me3. Ron thought _ for him to read and play all the time.(推断题)A. it was great fun B. it was no funC. it was enjoyable D. it was good4. Rons last words w

30、ould _ his parents.(推断题)A. pleaseB. frightenC. surpriseD. excite5. The best title for the story is _.(主旨题)A. A Funny Story B. A Year without TVC. A Good Boy D. Buying a TV Set Keys: ADBCBBIts so beautiful outside that spending the day in the office would be very boring.So why not take the vacations(

31、假期)off A new survey(调查)found that 31of U.S workers dont always take all of their vacation days.Americans have 12 vacation days on average(平均)each year,but they give back an average of 3 vacation days each year. So why dont they use up their vacation days?Some say they would rather get money back for their unused days;some busy workers say they just

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