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1、汽轮机英语词汇中英汽轮发电机: 汽轮机、蒸汽涡轮: 背压、反压力:I Power station电站1. power station电站2. power plant电站,发电设备3. utility电力部门4.independent power producer (IPP)独立发电项目,独立发电站5.nuclear power station核电站6. thermal power station火电站7. fossil (fired) power plant化石燃料电站,常规火电站8. combined heat power (CHP) plant热电联供机组9. steam power pl

2、ant蒸汽电站,蒸汽发电设备10. cogeneration power station热电联供电站11. coal fired power plant燃煤电站12. oil fired power plant燃油电站13. gas filed power plant燃气电站14. LNG power plant (liquefied natural gas)燃液化天然气电站15. BoP (balance of plant)电站辅机16. I&C (instrumentation and control)仪表和控制系统II Turbine透平,涡轮17. Turbine透平,涡轮18. st

3、eam turbine汽轮机19. gas turbine燃气轮机20. nuclear turbine核电汽轮机21. fossil turbine火电汽轮机22. industrial turbine工业透平23. cogeneration turbine热电联供透平24. condensing turbine凝汽式汽轮机25. back pressure turbine背压式汽轮机26. extraction turbine抽汽式汽轮机27. extraction condensing turbine抽汽凝汽式汽轮机28. single-extraction turbine单抽汽轮机29

4、. double-extraction turbine双抽汽轮机30. mechanical drive turbine机械驱动汽轮机31. HP (IP, LP) turbine高(中、低)压缸32. sub-critical pressure turbine亚临界汽轮机33. super-critical pressure (SC) turbine 超临界汽轮机34. ultra-super critical (USC) pressure turbine超朝临界汽轮机35. BFPT (boiler feed pump turbine)给水泵汽轮机36. steam turbine wit

5、h air-cooled condenser(air cooled steam turbine)空冷汽轮机37. reheat turbine再热汽轮机 38. double-reheat turbine二次再热汽轮机39. wet steam turbine湿蒸汽汽轮机 40. saturated steam turbine饱和蒸汽汽轮机41. full-speed turbine全速汽轮机42. half-speed turbine半速汽轮机43. tandem compound turbine单轴汽轮机 44. cross compound turbine双轴汽轮机45. super (

6、over)-high pressure turbine过高压汽轮机46. impulse (type) turbine冲动式汽轮机47. reaction (type) turbine反动式汽轮机48. axial flow turbine轴流透平49. radial flow turbine径流透平 50. turbine with axial condenser轴向排汽汽轮机51. turbine with horizontal joint带有水平中分面的汽轮机52. turbine with vertical joint带有垂直中分面的汽轮机53. double flow turbine

7、两排汽汽轮机54. triple flow turbine三排汽汽轮机56. single-casing turbine单缸汽轮机57. double-casing turbine双缸汽轮机58. turbine proper汽轮机本体59. oil turbine 油透平60. hydraulic turbine水轮机61. marine steam turbine船用汽轮机62. aeroderivative gas turbine航改式燃气轮机63. stationary steam turbine电站汽轮机64. auxiliary turbine辅助透平III Rotary part

8、s回转件65. rotor转子66. rigid rotor刚性转子67. flexible rotor挠性转子68. solid (forged) rotor (monobloc rotor)整锻转子69. welded rotor焊接转子70. (hollow) drum (type) rotor鼓型转子71. built-up rotor组装转子72. rotor without center bore无中心孔转子73. HP-LP integrated rotor高/低压一体化转子74. shafting (shaft)轴系75. HP (IP, LP) rotor高(中、低)压转子7

9、6. thrust collar推力盘77. journal轴颈78. section of rotor转子区段 79. (first, second ) critical speed一阶(二阶)临界转速80. extension shaft (spacer)中间轴,延伸段81. coupling联轴节82. flexible coupling挠性联轴节83. rigid coupling刚性联轴节84. semi-flexible coupling半挠性联轴节85. half coupling联轴节半部86. integral (forged) coupling整体(锻制)联轴节87. sh

10、runk-on coupling红套联轴节88. spigot(rabbet)止口89. disk (disc) 叶轮90. rim (steeple)轮缘(枞树型叶根槽)91. hub轮毂92. body(web)轮体93. T (fir tree-type ) groove T型(枞树型)叶根槽94. balance hole (plane, weight, plug)平衡孔(平衡平面,平衡配重,平衡旋塞)95. keyway键槽96. disk of constant stress (conical profile)等强度(锥形)叶轮97. disk of constant thickn

11、ess等厚度叶轮98. shrunk-on disk红套叶轮99. blade叶片100. moving (rotating, rotor) blade动叶101. bucket 动叶102. straight (tapered, twisted) blade直叶片(变截面叶片,扭曲叶片)103. last stage (last but one, penultimate) blade末级叶轮(次末级叶片)104. last (locking , gate) blade (piece)末叶片(锁紧叶片,锁紧件)105. free-stand blade自由叶片106. integral shr

12、oud blade整体围带叶轮107. triple-pin blade三联叶片 108. bow blade马刀型叶片109. compound lean blade复合弯扭叶片110. concave (pressure) side内弧(压力侧)111. convex (suction) side 背弧(负压侧)112. tenon铆钉头113. leading (inlet) edge 进汽边114. trailing (outlet, exit) edge出汽边115. blade wake叶片尾流116. convergent-divergent channel (CD passag

13、e)缩张通道117. brazed (stellite) shield钎焊(斯太立)防蚀片118. lacing hole拉筋孔119. profile (section of blade)叶型,型线部分(叶片截面)120. reaction(degree)反动度121. cascade叶栅122. blade root叶根123. (three teeth, straight, curved ) fir- tree (blade) root(三齿直线/弧形)枞树型叶根 124. ( five finger) fork type (blade) root(五叉)插入式叶根,叉型叶根125. t

14、ee (T-type) root T型叶根126. inverted-T (blade) root倒T型叶根127. straddle-type (blade) root 外包叶根128. straddle inverted T-root 外包倒T型叶根129. dovetail root (serrated root)燕尾型(齿型)叶根130. lacing (tie) wire 拉筋131. (lacing) lug (stub) 拉筋凸台132. loose lacing wire松拉筋133. tubular lacing wire管状拉筋134. shroud (band,cover

15、)围带135. whole circle packed (continuously connected) shroud 整圈连接围带136. integral shroud整体围带137. snubber整体围带138. gauging (throat)喉节比(喉部)139. pitch diameter节径,平均直径140. top diameter(叶片)顶部直径IV. Stationary parts静止件141. casing (cylinder)汽缸,缸体142. outer casing外缸143. inner casing内缸144. single-shell casing单层缸

16、145. double-shell casing双层缸146. cover (upper half)上半部147. base (lower half)下半部148. horizontal (split) joint水平中分面149. (massive) flange(厚)法兰150. (casing) bore(汽缸)洼窝151.fastener (bolt, nut, stud, dowel)紧固件(螺栓、螺母、螺柱、定位销)152. vertical flange垂直法兰153. tightness气密性154. inlet进口155. exhaust排汽口156. exhaust hoo

17、d 排汽缸157. guide plate导流板158. diffuser扩压管159. flange bolt hole法兰螺栓孔160. shrunk-on ring红套箍环161. combined HP-IP casing高中压合缸162. thermal shield (baffle)挡热板163. single (double) flow HP turbine单流(双流)高压缸164. flow path (steam path)通流部分 support system滑键系统166. lug ( foot, pawl)猫爪167. thermal insulat

18、ion保温设施168. enclosure (lagging)罩壳(外壳)169. diaphragm隔板170. blade ring ( diaphragm carrier)叶片持环,隔板套171. outer (inner) ring (of diaphragm)(隔板)外环(内环,隔板体)172. stationary (stator, guide ,nozzle) blade静叶,导叶,喷嘴173. vane (partition) 静叶174. cast-in (welded-in) diaphragm铸造(焊接)隔板 rotary diaphragm回转隔板175. nozzle

19、 block (chest)喷嘴组(喷嘴室)176. diaphragm deflection隔板挠度177. bearing housing (pedestal)轴承箱178. front bearing housing (standard) 前轴承箱179. rear bearing housing 后轴承箱180. floor(-type) bearing落地式轴承181. bearing轴承182. journal (radial) bearing支持轴承(径向轴承)183. thrust ( axial) bearing推力轴承(轴向轴承)184. tilting pad beari

20、ng可倾瓦轴承185. Kingsburg type thrust bearing金斯布里推力轴承186. Babbitt (white metal, bearing metal)巴氏合金187. bearing bush轴承壳体188. bearing body轴承体189. bearing pad轴瓦190. bearing cover (cap) 轴承上半191. 360bearing整圆轴承192. elliptical bearing椭圆轴承193. three wedge bearing三油楔轴承194. self-aligning bearing自找中轴承195. sleeve

21、bearing套筒式轴承196. sliding bearing滑动轴承197. (oil) pocket (wedge)油袋(油楔)198. oil film油膜199. oil (film) whip油膜振荡200. setting pad (segment)安装瓦块201. working pad (segment)工作瓦块202. oil ring (oil deflector)挡油环203. oil film stiffness油膜刚度204. armored thermocouple铠装式热电偶V. Main Valves主要阀门205. Main (HP) stop valve

22、(MSV)主汽阀206. control (governing) valve (CV, GV)调节阀207. reheat (IP) stop valve(RSV)再热主汽阀208. intercept valve再热调节阀209. Combined main stop/governing valve联合式主汽/调节阀210. butterfly valve蝶阀211. piloted (pre-inlet) valve预启阀212. fast valve快速动作阀213. check (non-return) valve逆止阀214. solenoid valve电磁阀215. motor

23、driven (operated) valve电动阀216.drain valve疏水阀217. diaphragm valve (atmospheric)膜片阀(大气阀)218. relief (exhaust) valve释放阀(放汽阀)219. safety valve安全阀220. extraction valve 抽汽阀221. stop valve截止阀222. flap valve翻板阀223. gate valve闸阀224. steam chest蒸汽室 225. (valve) stem阀杆226. (valve) disk (plug)阀碟227. (valve ) se

24、at阀座228. (valve) bonnet (cover)阀帽(阀盖) 229. valve casing (chest)阀壳230. (valve) travel (stroke)阀门行程231. cross over (cross under)连通管232. anti-jamming(stick) test防卡涩试验VI. Various systems各种系统(1) Control system (control and protection system)调节系统(调节保安系统)233. Electro-hydraulic control system电液调节系统234. hydr

25、o-mechanical control system液压调节系统235. DEH (digital electro-hydraulic control system)数字式电液调节系统236. electro-hydraulic converter电液转换器237. trip跳闸,脱扣238. actuator执行机构 239. servomotor油动机240. pilot (slide, spool) valve滑阀241. piston活塞242. piston rod活塞杆243. (oil) cylinder油缸244. (oil) window油口(窗)245. overlap覆

26、盖度246. emergency governor危急遮断器247. speed governor 调速器248. MSV servomotor 主汽阀油动机249. spring support操纵座250. centrifugal stop bolt撞击子251. LVDT (linear variable differential transformer)线性阀位传感器252. safety test box安全试验盒253. relay继电器,继动器254. relay valve继动滑阀 255. axial displacement indicator (transducer)轴向

27、位移指示器(传感器)256. overspeed protection超速保护257. differential expansion detector (transducer)差胀检出器(传感器)258 lever杠杆259. (cam type) steam distribution device凸轮式排汽机构260. throttle governing节流调节 261. nozzle governing喷嘴调节262. partial admission (degree)部分进汽(度) 263.full arc admission全周进汽264. governing (control)

28、stage (Curtis stage) 调节级(复速级)(2) Oil system油系统265. Main oil reservoir (tank)主油箱266. turbine oil透平油267. fire-resistant fluid抗燃油268. lube (lubrication ) oil润滑油269. HP control fluid高压控制油270. pressure (feed) line (pipe)供油管道271. return (relief) line (pipe) 回油管道273. nested pipe (pipe in pipe)system套管式274.

29、 demister除油雾器275. fan风机276. mist separator 油污分离器277. oil purifier净油装置,油净化器278. oil filter滤油器279. oil cooler 冷油器280. overflow valve溢流阀281. oil vapour油雾,油气282. main oil pump( shaft driven)主油泵283. impeller(主油泵)叶轮284. switch-over (change-over)切换(3) Gland system汽封系统285. Labyrinth gland 拉别林汽封,迷宫式汽封286. gl

30、and housing (casing)汽封体287. gland segment汽封弧段288. gland (sealing) ring 汽封环289. gland strip (comb)汽封片(齿)290. brush sealing刷子汽封291. leaf sealing薄叶汽封292. diaphragm gland隔板汽封293. gland over shroud (tip gland)围带汽封294. shaft gland轴封295. gland steam condenser (cooler)汽封冷却器296. spring-back sealing回弹式汽封297. gland leak-off 漏汽298. glan

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