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1、Unit7TheSea学案5北师大版必修3类别课标要点重点单词1. vi.参加 2. vt.评估,评价3 n. 符号,记号 4. vt. 说服,劝服5 adv. 最终,终于 6. v. 禁止7 adv. 完全 8. vt. 对付9 vt. 讲演,演示 10. n. 折扣,减价11 evi.& vt. 度量(大小,长短等),测量 12. vi. 逃脱,逃跑13 vt. 辨认出 14. n. 辩论,争论15 vt. 安排,准备 16. vi. 道歉17 vt. 使污染 18. adj. 有才智的,理解力强的19 adj. 有活力的 20. vt. 吸引participateevaluatesign

2、persuadeeventuallybanaltogetherhandlepresentdiscountmasure escaperecognizedebatearrangeapologise polluteintelligent energeticattract常用短语1. 起航 2. 寻找,寻求3 注意 4. _- 突然,忽然5 根据,依照 6. 陷入麻烦,陷入困境7 谋生 8. 从那时起9 在边缘 10. 朝的方向set_sailin_search_ofwatch_out all_at_once according_to get_into_trouble make_a_living fr

3、om_then_on on_the_edge_of in_the_direction_of 典型句式1.Leif followed Biarnis directions and sailed to is believed to be the coast of presentday Canada.赖伊夫按照比阿尼的指示,航行到了被认为是目前加拿大海岸的地方。2I tried to my brother ,but he was terrified and stayed in the heavy boat.我努力使我哥哥明白这一点,但他十分恐惧,呆坐在笨重的木船里。3Some time after

4、I left the boat, my brother it,it sank into the bottom of the whirlpool.在我离船不久,船带着我哥哥沉入了漩涡中。4 the supplies for the long journeys,the ships carried gold.除了漫长旅途所需的物资外,船上还装有金5It may seem strange,but at that moment, we were on the edge of the whirlpool,I felt calmer than when we were moving towards it.看

5、起来像是有点怪,就在我们靠近漩涡边缘的那一刻,我的心情比向它驶近时更平静。whatmake understandwithinIn addition to when persuade vt.劝说;说服persuade do sth.persuade sb.into doing sth.劝说某人做某事persuade sb.out of sth.说服某人放弃某事persuade sb.of sth.cause believe sth.使(某人)相信(某事物)It was difficult to persuade Louise to change her mind.要说服路

6、易丝改变主意是很难的事。We finally persuaded Tim into coming with us.我们最后说服蒂姆与我们一起去。We are persuaded of the justice of her case.我们确信对她案件的审理是公正的。suggest,advise与persuade用法比较:(1)suggest v作“建议”讲时,常见结构有:suggest sth.建议某事suggest doing sth.建议做某事suggest ones doing sth.建议某人做某事suggest that sb.(should) do sth.建议某人做某事;作“预示”

7、讲时,构成句型suggest sth.和suggest that clause (不用虚拟语气)。(2)advise v建议,忠告,构成句型:advise do sth./advise doing sth./advise that sb.(should)do sth.。(3)persuade v说服,构成短语persuade do sth.说服某人做某事,等于persuade sb.into doing sth.。1.用表“建议”的词填空:(1)I_my father to give up smoking,but he didnt listen to me.(2)He

8、finally_them to sing for free.(3)I_he help his brother with the farm work while he is free.(4)His pale face_that he is in poor health.(5)My_is that the meeting (should) be put off till next Monday.(6)When shall we start off?I_ tomorrow morning.(7)Can you_me what to do next?【答案】(1)advised(2)persuaded

9、(3)suggest/advise(4)suggests(5)suggestion(6)suggest/advise(7)advisedirection n方向;说明;指导directions for use用法说明in all directionsin every direction (向)四面八方in the direction of向方向under the direction of sb.在某人的指导下Follow the directions on the packet.按照封套上的用法说明去做。Stones were flying about in every direction.石

10、头朝四面八方乱飞。She drove off in the direction of London.她驱车朝伦敦方向驶去。read the directions for看的说明书direct some place引导某人去某地indirect speech间接引语The road sign will direct you to the city.路标会给你指明去这个城市的路。2.The investigation was carried out_a senior police officer.Ain the direction ofBunder direction ofCunder

11、 the direction of Din direction of【解析】句意为“调查是在一名高级警官的指导下进行的”。无B、D两种表达法。【答案】C3(2009年湖北卷)Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request_a question.Ain search of Bin the form ofCin need of Din the direction of【解析】句意为:如果你以问题的形式提出要求,那么会显得更有礼貌。in search of寻找,寻求;in the form of以形式;in need of (in want of

12、)需要;in the direction of朝着方向。【答案】Bevery adj.每隔every two daysevery second dayevery other day每隔一天every few years每隔几年every four metres每隔四米Take the medicine every six hours.每6小时吃一次药。He comes to see his uncle every third week.他每三个星期来看望他叔叔一次。Write on every other line.请隔行写。every day每天every now and then时常;不时

13、地;偶尔We go to our hometown every now and then.我们偶尔回家乡一次。4._along the street,there is a bus stop.AEach few miles BEach a few milesCEvery a few miles DEvery few miles【解析】表示“每隔”要用every few。【答案】Dparticipate vi.参加;分享;分担participate in参加participate with sth.与某人分担某事participate in sth.with sb.同某人参与某事par

14、ticipant n参加者;共享者participation n参与;分担,共享She participated with her friend in his sufferings.她分担了朋友的痛苦。Lian Zhan participated in 2007 Ancestor Worshipping Ceremony.连战参加了2007年的(黄帝故里)拜祖大典。participate,take part in,join与attend用法比较:(1)participate“参与”,侧重指参加某一项活动。(2)take part in“参加”,侧重参加者持积极态度并在其中起一定作用。(3)jo

15、in“参加”,侧重于成为其中一员。(4)attend“参加”“出席”,不强调参加者在活动中的作用。When did you join the Youth League?你何时加入了共青团?5.完成句子Now more and more people_(积极参加) the mass sports meeting.【答案】are actively participating inapologise vi.道歉apologise to sb.for (doing) sth.因(做)某事向某人道歉say sorry to sb.for (doing) sth.You should apologise

16、to your teacher for coming late.你应为你的迟到向老师道歉。apology n道歉;辩白make an apology to sb.for sth.因(做)某事向某人道歉accept/refuse an/ones apology接受/拒绝某人的道歉express ones apologies表示歉意demand a public apology要求公开道歉a written apology书面道歉He made an apology for breaking the glass.他为打碎了杯子道歉。6.The headmaster told the boy_the

17、 angry teacher,but he refused to.Ato apologise Bapologise toCto apologise for Dto apologise to【答案】Dremind vt.提醒,使想起sb.remind sb.of sth.某人提醒某人某事sb.remind do sth.某人提醒某人做某事sb./sth.remind sb.that clause某人(事)提醒某人某事sth./sb.remind sb.of sth./sb.某事(人)使某人想起某事(人)Remind me to write to Mother.请提醒我给母亲写信。Th

18、e sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.看到时钟使我想到我迟到了。This hotel reminds me of the one we stayed in last year.这家旅馆使我想起我们去年住过的那一家。recall sth.回忆;回想remember sb./sth.记住,想起I still remember what you told me.我仍然记得你对我说过的话。7.Travellers_that they should bring their ID cards with them.Ahave reminded Ba

19、re remindedCwere reminding Dhad been reminded【解析】句中travellers同remind之间存在被动关系,常说“remind sb.宾语从句”,意为“提醒某人某事”,其被动式应为 reminded宾语从句。【答案】Bsurvive vi.幸存下来,生存下来;vt.比活得长;挺过;幸存;幸免于survive sb.比某人活得长survive sth.经历某事后还活着;幸免于survive on靠存活下来survive from以存活下来;流传下来survive sb.比某人活得长survive sth.经历某事后还活着;幸免于survi

20、ve on靠存活下来survive from以存活下来;流传下来 survival n幸存,残存survivor n幸存者,生还者Now they have no hopes of survival.现在他们没有生存的希望了。8.Theres little chance that mankind would_a nuclear war.Aremain BendureCmaintain Dsurvive【答案】Dpresent vt.讲演,演示,给予,赠送,提出;n.现在,目前;礼物,赠品;adj.出席的,在场的;现在的,目前的(1)present sb.with sth./present st

21、h.(to sb.)把交给;颁发;授予present sb.把某人介绍、引见给某人present sth./ sth.展现,显示,表现(2)at the present timeat presentnow目前,现在(3)be present at.出席On his retirement,colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs.在他退休之际,同事们送给他一套高尔夫球杆。The company has decided it must present a more modern image.公司已决定,必须展现出更加现

22、代的形象。He had the honour of being presented to the Governor.他有幸被介绍给州长。How many people were present at the meeting?有多少人出席了会议?present作为形容词作定语,放于所修饰词之后,意为“出席的”;放于所修饰词之前,意为“现在的,目前的”。There were many old men present.有许多老人出席。The present international situation is excellent.当前国际形势一片大好。9.All the people_at the

23、party were his supporters.Apresent BthankfulCinterested Dimportant【答案】Arecognize v认出;确认;承认;认定recognize ones voice辨认出声音recognize sb./ be.认出是;承认是be recognized as 被公认为是承认是承认是The tune was recognized as the one from the musical.那曲子被听出是取自音乐剧。They recognized him to be a gr

24、eat leader.他们承认他是位伟大的领袖。He didnt recognize that he had made a big mistake.他不承认自己犯下了大错。He is accepted as a wise leader.大家承认他是位英明的领导者。recognize,know与realize用法比较:(1)recognize意思是“辨认出”,侧重于认识到事物的性质、作用或辨认出人的外貌,为非延续性动词;强调“认出”的动作时,不能接表示一段时间的状语。(2)know意思是“认识,熟悉,知道”,侧重于掌握于胸,表示状态,为延续性动词,可以接表示一段时间的状语。(3)realize是

25、及物动词,意为“意识到,实现(理想、梦想等)”。I suddenly recognized Jenny in the crowd of people.在拥挤的人群里我突然认出了珍妮。I have known him since we were very small.在很小的时候我就认识他。She realized that he had been lying.她明白了他一直在说谎。10.用recognize,know与realize正确形式填空:(1)One of the processes of growing up is being able to_and overcome our fea

26、rs.(2)When he_what happened,he felt very sorry.(3)She has changed so much that her friends couldnt_her.(4)I_him by sight,but not to talk to.【答案】(1)recognize(2)realized(3)recognize(4)knowattract vt.吸引;引诱 attract sb./把某人/物吸引到be attracted to对有兴趣/好感attract sb.s attention/interest/criticism吸引/引来某人

27、的注意/兴趣/批评The APEC meeting and the costume worn by the heads attracted the media.亚太地区经济会议及首脑们的着装吸引了媒体的关注。attraction nU 吸引;吸引力;C 吸引人的事物attractive adj.有魅力的;有吸引力的;引人注目的have attraction for对有吸引力be an attraction to sb.对来说很吸引人be attractive to对有吸引力The chance to “earn while you learn” is one of the main attra

28、ctions of this job.可以边学习边挣钱是这份工作的一个主要吸引人的地方。The elephants are the chief attraction at the circus.大象是马戏团里很具吸引力的动物。11.完成句子(1)_(首先吸引我的) was her sense of humour.(2)She tried to_(引起服务员的注意)(3)Buckingham Palace_(是重要的旅游胜地)(4)City life_(我不感兴趣)【答案】(1)What first attracted me(2)attract the attention of the waiter(3)is a major tourist attraction(4)holds little attraction for meterrify vt.使恐怖;恐吓terrify sb.into doing sth.吓得某人做某事be terrified of.害怕terrify sb.吓唬某人terrified adj.感到惊恐的,害怕的terrifying adj.令人恐惧的terrible adj.可怕的;恐怖的;极坏的terribly adv.极端地,非常terror n恐惧,恐怖Heights terrify me!我一登高就怕得要死!Im terrified

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