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1、高考英语知识归纳复习42019-2020年高考英语知识归纳复习4 自助式复习板块 知识搜索 1.难忘的 (adj.)_ 2.颤抖 (v.)_ 3.楼梯 ( n. )_ 4.打动,击打 (v.)_ 5.抓住,夺取 (v.)_ 6.拽,拖拽 (v.)_ 7.前进,提前 (v. n.)_ 8.挽救 (v.)_ 9.最后,终于 ( adv. )_ 10.灾难 ( n. )_ 11.恐吓 (v.)_ 12.摧毁 (v.)_ 13.最后期限 (n.)_ 14.民族的 (v.)_ 15.流动 (adj.)_ 16.机会 ( n. )_ 17.经纪人 ( n. )_ 18.庙 (n.)_ 19.吃惊,害怕 (

2、 n. )_ 20.主办 (v.)_ 答案:1.unforgettable2.shake3.stair4.strike5.seize6.drag7.advance8.rescue 9.finally10.disaster 11.scare 12.destroy13.deadline 14.national 15.flow16.opportunity17.agent18.temple19.fright B. 短语 21.站立起来 _ _ _ _ 22.发生 _ _ 23.抓住机会 _ _ _ 24.把往上拽 _ _ _ 25.通过,经受 _ _ 26.旅行社代理人 _ _ 27.

3、在度假 _ _ _ 28.难忘的经历 _ _ 29.紧紧抓住 _ _ _ _ 30.靠墙生长 _ _ _ _ 31.即将来临 _ _ _ 32.害怕得颤抖起来 _ _ 33.遭遇地震 _ _ _ _ _ 34.把树砍倒 _ _ _ 35.烧毁 _ _ 答案:21.get on ones feet22.take place23.seize the opportunity24.pull.up 25.go agent27.on the vacation28.unforgettable experiences 29.hold on to sth.30 grow aga

4、inst the wall31.around the corner32.shake with fear caught in an earthquake34.cut down trees 35.burn downC. 句型 36. A storm is ing. A storm is_ _ _ . 37. He had experienced the two world wars. He had _ _the two world wars. 38. An earthquake hit Tangshan in 1976. An earthquake_ Tangshan in 1976.

5、 答案:36.around the corner37.gone through38. struck D. 语法 39. The man stood in front of a house; the windows of the house were broken. _. 40. He came late again; this made his teacher angry. _. 答案:39. The man stood in front of a house whose windows were broken. 40. He came late again, which made his h

6、ead teacher angry. 重难聚焦 重点单词 要点1before 【例题】(xx全国,39)Several days had gone by _I realized the painting was missing. A. asB. beforeC. sinceD. when 解析:句意是“好几天过去了,我才意识到画不见了”。根据句意、时态先排除C项;as, when表示两者同时发生所以排除A、D项。 答案:B 归纳与迁移 (1)在以前(指时间) I will e back before 9 oclock. 我将在9点前回来。 His uncle left for Shanghai

7、 the day before yesterday. 前天他叔叔动身去上海了。 (2)在以前(指位置) She sat just before me. 她就坐在我前面。 (3)连词: 作连词时有很多种译法,要根据上下文来译成合适的汉语。 She arrived before I expected. 我想不到她到得那么早。 It will be long before we meet again. 我们要很久才能再见面。 要点2marry 【例题】They _for about twenty years. A. have got married B. have been married C. g

8、ot married D. became married 解析:A、C、D三项表瞬间动作,不和表持续一段时间的时间状语连用。 答案:B 归纳与迁移 (1) marry young/early/late结婚早/结婚迟 Not until 35 did Tom get married, that is, he married late. 直到35岁汤姆才结婚,也就是说,他晚婚。 (2) marry sb. 和某人结婚/嫁给某人 marry sb. to sb. 把嫁给某人 They didnt want to marry their daughter to that poor young man.

9、 他们不想把他们的女儿嫁给那个穷小子。 (3) be married (to sb. )(表状态) How long has they been married? 他们结婚多久了? (4) get married (to sb. ) (表动作) When did they get married? 要点3struggle 【例题】The revolutionaries struggled_ the freedom of all people. A. with B. against C. to D. for 解析:句意是“革命者为所有人的自由而斗争”。 答案:D 归纳与迁移 (1)struggl

10、e with/against“为反对而战”“与作斗争”。 Political leaders fought against slavery. 政治家们反对奴隶制。 struggle for“为争取而斗争”“因为而打架”。 The slaves fought for freedom. 奴隶们为自由而战。 struggle with“同作战”“同(一起并肩)作战”。 They fought with the Italians against France in the last war. 在最后一场战役中,他们和意大利人一起并肩作战抵抗法国人。 要点4advance 【例题】When he was

11、 at college,he was interested in and good at _mathematics. A. high B. advanced C. further D. developed 解析:advanced mathematics“高等数学”。 答案:B 归纳与迁移 (1) v. 提前;前进,进展 Advance a deadline by one week. 把最后期限提前一星期。 The soldiers are advancing towards the front. 士兵们向前线推进。 (2) n. 前进,进展,进步,预付 China is making an i

12、mportant advance in space science. 中国在空间科学上取得重大进展。 (3)advanced ( adj. )先进的,高深的 Some of our products have reached advanced world level. 我们有些产品达到了世界先进水平。 (4)相关短语: in advance提前 in advance of在前面 重点短语 要点1pull up 【例题】He_ his car at the road side. A. pulled in B. pulled out C. pulled up D. pulled down 解析:p

13、ull in(列车)进站;pull out 出站;put down拆除,拉下;pull up拉上,打(车)。 答案:C 归纳与迁移 (1)( vt. )拔出;拆下,从固定的位置移开;拔出(树桩),勒住,刹车 They pulled up the sign. 他们把标志拔了出来。 The driver pulled up (his car) at the gate of the school. 驾驶员把车停在了校门口。 (2)(马、马车、车)停止 The car pulled up on the parking lot outside the station. 车停在了车站外的停车场。 要点2g

14、et on ones feet 【例题】The wounded soldier struggled his feet with great efforts at last. A. to B. by C. up to D. on 解析:“挣扎着站起来”要用struggle to ones feet。 答案:A 归纳与迁移 rise to ones feet站立起来 get on ones feet 站立起来 struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站立起来 要点3on fire 【例题】Look,the house is_ ? A. catching fire B. on fire C

15、. setting fire D. under fire 解析:首先排除A、C两项,因为房子着火是一种状态,不是一个动作;under fire受到枪炮猛烈攻击,受到严厉批评。 答案:B 归纳与迁移 (1)make a fire生火 (2)set fire to something纵火烧 必背句型 要点1every time/each time 引导的状语从句 【例题】_ he saw that broken window,the little boy would feel guilty. A. As B. The moment C. When D. Every time 解析:本题是考查名词短

16、语作连词的用法。A表示两个同时发生的动作;B 表示“一就”,相当于“as soon as”;相比较而言,D意思最好:每次看到那个打破的窗户,那个小男孩就感到愧疚。 答案:D 归纳与迁移 (1)every time/each time/any time/the first time可用作从属连词,引出时间状语从句,意思分别是:每一次就/任何时间都/第一次就。 You are wele to visit our school any time you like. 你任何时候到我们学校来参观我们都欢迎。 (2)the year/the month/the day/the autumn/the wee

17、k/the second/the moment/the winter/the spring后接从句。 He asked to be sent to the front the day he got married. 他结婚的当天就要求被派到前线去。 He left Europe the year World War broke out. 二战爆发的当年他就离开了欧洲。 Mary got married the summer she graduated from college. 玛丽大学毕业的那个夏天就结婚了。 要点2非限制性定语从句 【例题】 He was late again, _made

18、 his headmaster angry. A. that B. which C. this D. what 解析:首先排除D,不能作定语从句的先行词;如果在横线前加and,则A、C项也可以,另外在非限制性定语从句中,如果先行词是事物或一件事时,引导词只用which。 答案:B归纳与迁移 关系代词“that”和“which”的用法: 只用“that”的情况: (1)先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时; (2)先行词为等不定代词时; (3)先行词同时是人和物并列时; (4)先行词在主句中作表语时。 只用“which”的情况: (1)引导非限制性定语从句; (2)引导词直接放在介词后作宾语时。2

19、019-2020年高考英语知识归纳复习5 自助式复习板块 知识搜索 1.银子 (n.)_ 2.英雄,男主角 (n.)_ 3.场面,布景 (n.)_ 4.法律 (n.)_ 5.事业,生涯 (n.)_ 6.戏剧 (n.)_ 7.角色 (n.)_ 8.女演员 (n.)_ 9.和平,安宁 (n.)_ 10.选择 (n.)_ 11.学位 (n.)_ 12.导演 (n.)_ 13.剧本,手稿 (n.)_ 14.学院 (n.)_ 15.演播室,摄影棚 (n.)_ 16.生物,动物 (n.)_ 17.成年人 (n.)_ 18.后续 (n.)_ 19.残忍,残酷 (n.)_ 20.行业,产业 (n.)_ 21.

20、欠,感激,归功于 (n.)_ 22.接受,认可 (v.)_ 23.决定,决心 (v.)_ 24.加快 (v.)_ 25.现场的 (adj.)_ 答案:1.silver2.hero3.scene4.law5.career6.drama7.role8.actress9.peace 12.director 18.follow up19.cruelty20.industry21.owe22.accept 23.determine B.

21、 短语 26.成功,起飞 _ _ 27.对高度评价 _ _ _ 28.正在播出的 _ _ _ 29.追赶 _ _ 30.把某人监禁起来 _ _ _ 31.小学 _ _ 32.误入歧途 _ _ 33.银幕 _ _ 34.把归功于 _ _ 35.总共,总之 _ _ 36.担当一个角色 _ _ _ 37.外部空间 _ _ 38.和交朋友 _ _ _ 39.代替某人 _ _ _ 40.以全速 _ _ _ 答案:26.take off27.think highly of 28.on the after30.lock sb. up 31.primary school32.go wron

22、g33.silver screen34.owe roles in 37.outer space38.make friends with39.take ones place full speed C. 句型 41. He was warmly praised for his spirit of bravery. He was_ _ _ for his spirit of bravery. 42. I hadnt enough money to buy a radio at that time. I _ _ _ _a radio at that t

23、ime. 43. He has determined to settle down in Hainan after he gets married. He has to settle down in Hainan after he gets married. 答案:41.thought highly of42.couldnt afford to buy43.made up his mind D. 语法 44. He showed me around the factory _he once worked. 45. He showed me around the factory _he once worked in. 46. The reason _he explained to us for his being late is unbelievable. 47. The reason_ he came late is reasonable. 48. I will never forget the days _we worked together. 49. I will never forget the days_ we spent together.

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