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1、山东省滕州市第五中学届高三模拟考试英语试题及答案山东省滕州市第五中学2015届高三4月模拟考试英语试题第卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分)第一节:听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每一小题你有10秒的时间回答有关小题和下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1When does the plane take off? AAt 18:15 BAt 8:15 CAt 8:502What are the speakers doing? APlaying a game BListening to t

2、heir teacher CDoing an experiment3Where did the conversation most probably take place? AAt home BAt a restaurant CAt a cinema4What does the woman say about the term paper? AShe spent a week typing it BShe will deal with it next week CShe still hasnt finished it5What can we learn from this conversati

3、on? ATom is surprised at the womans call BTom complains about the womans call CTom feels sorry that hes missed the womans party第二节:(共15小题,总分225分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,每一小题5秒的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6Where is Ben?AIn the kitch

4、en BAt school CIn the park7What will the children do in the afternoon?AHelp set the table BHave a party CDo their homework第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8What is the relationship between the man and Jeff?ANeighbors BBrothers CClassmates.9Why does Shane insist on adopting an eagle?AHe loves eagles BEagles are in dan

5、ger CIts easy to keep an eagle.10What does Nadine prefer?AA leopard BA polar bear CA parrot听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11Where does the man want to go?ATo a lecture BTo a concert CTo a movie.12What is the problem with taking the shuttle bus?AThe bus doesnt go directly to the Music BuildingBThe bus goes slowly

6、to the Music Building.CThe bus will not come for a while.13What does the man finally decide to do?AWalk BWait for the bus CThink of another plan.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14Compared to June ,what has changed in July in Wonderland? AThere are more adventurous expeditions BThe price of tickets is lower CThere

7、are more games for little kids15Where can the visitiors have a dancing lesson with the instructors? AParty Castle BParents Castle CBingo Hall16What can we learn from the conversation? AAll vistors will go on an exciting trip deep down to a big volcano BThere is no place for parents who want to get s

8、ome rest CIt is June now and the man cant wait to go to the Wonderland听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17How many people took part in the swimming activity? AAbout 300 BAbout 3,000 CAbout 30,00018Who organized the swimming activity? ALocal authoritiesBGuangzhou tourism agencyCGuangzhou sports center19What can we k

9、now from the 62-year-old swimmer? AThe Pearl River isnt as clean as it was several years before BThe Pearl River was very clean when he was a child CHe often goes swimming in the Preal River20When was the last mass crossing of the river held? AIn the 1960s BIn the 1970s CIn the 1980s第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,

10、满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21The manager refused to have his daughter in his department_ showing favor to herAin need of Bbecause of Cfor fear of Dregardless of 22There have been frequent railway accidents in China recently, and that is people are concernedAwhat Bw

11、her Chow Dthat23Many great artists were not famous in their own time, and people only started to _ them many years laterAremind Bappreciate Cinspire Dassist24With all his family, friends and money gone, he felt _ hopeless and killed himselfAhardly Bluckily Csincerely Dtotally25 I dont want to move t

12、o that cityIt is heavily polluted 一 Pollution is commonThe city here is _Anot less clean Bno clean Cno less clean Dno cleaner26I will never forget such a beautiful village _ I spent my childhood there with my grandparentsAwhere Bthat Cin which Dbecause27 Id like a bike which well Will this one_? Ari

13、des; do Brides; work Cis ridden; do Dis ridden; work28China and the United States held their first strategic dialogue on August 1 and _ to increase co-poeration and constructive relationsAagreed Bwould agree Chave agreed Dhad agreed29The comments the expert made stock market bothered Bill greatly, h

14、im sleepless all nightAto be concerning; made Bconcerning; makingCconcerned; made Dbe concerned; which made30I know you didnt do well in the recent exams but dont let failures _ you _ trying harderAput; off Bfail; in Ctake; away Dcut; back 31Can you imagine such a boy _ the US FBI find out the world

15、s most wanted cyber(网络的) criminal?Awould have helped Bcould have helped Cshould have helped Dmight have helped 32It is clear that _ little money the invention will bring them can hardly support so large _ companyA/ ; a Ba; a Cthe ; a Dthe; /33Its reported that Wu Qilong and Liu Shishi showed their m

16、arriage _ to their fans on their microblogAcompromise Bcertificate Cidentity Dsettlement34Did your mother have a professional career, or did she work at home? Actually, she did _When we were young, she stayed at homeLater, she went back to school and became a teacherAboth Bneither Ceither Dnone35 My

17、 uncle is a famous writer What kind of book is he writing?AThank heavens for that BMind your own businessCHe must be DYou dont say第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 In the 9th grade I was assigned a “Life Project”We had to 36 a person whom we hoped to be like

18、 later in life and give an oral presentiation to the classI wanted to 37 entertainment lawyer Many students really didnt want to do it 38 , I felt this was a way to open 39 to places I dreamed ofI looked in the yellow newspapers and wrote down various 40 of entertainment lawyersI called each of the

19、numbers, but no one 41 to my messagesI 42 asked people if they knew someone I could interviewStill no help As weeks grew I became 43 of trying, until I looked on the internet and came across a big time law firm called the Beverly HillsI called and asked 44 I could possibly interview the entertainmen

20、t lawyerThe assistant told me the man was busy and didnt want to be 45 by my little school projectI was discouraged by this 46 I tried again anyway, and left the entertainment lawyer a message He called back! He told me that he would be honored to be interviewedI was very 47 I learned a lot of diffe

21、rent things and 48 the information to my classmatesMy teacher told me to keep in 49 with himI didAnd he did a big 50 at my school to all of the 11th and 12th grade studentsThis was a 51 of my hard work and determination to get a big time lawyer who I thought wouldnt give me the time of day To this d

22、ay in 2014 he always tells me that if I need 52 I could call himeven a letter of recommendationhe said he would be 53 to write oneI will never forget how that simple “Life Project” opened so many doors and gave me the 54 to get out of my comfort zoneDetermination and courage are the 55 I learned fro

23、m this project36Adescribe Binterview Ccommunicate Dimagine37Aturn Bbecome Crealize Dget38ATherefore BBesides CHowever DOtherwise39Acareers Bcauses Cdoors Dsubjects40Aaddresses Bnumbers Cnames Dambitions41Areferred Bobjected Cstuck Dresponded42Aeventually Bconstantly Crarely Dgradually43Aashamed Bafr

24、aid Ctired Daware44Awhy Bwhether Cwhen Dwhere45Aintroduced Bbothered Cbore Dprevented 46Acomment Bcontent Cregulation Dsuggestion47Aembarrassed Bpuzzled Cexcited Dexhausted48Aexplained Brecited Creturned Dreported 49Acontact Bcontract Cconversation Dcontribution50Aprearation Bpresentation Cperforman

25、ce Dprogram51Acongratulation Bconstruction Cceremony Dcelebration 52Aanything Beverything Cnothing Dsomething53Asatified Bsorry Cprepared Dintersted54Aopportunity Bdirection Cmethod Dsolution55Apromises Bprices Cconclusions Dvalues第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡

26、上将该项涂黑。AMalka and Shaindle are sistersAlthough they live an hours drive from each other and dont see each other often, they are in touchMalka has a large familyShaindle, however, has had difficulty having childrenMalka had just given birth to another son Shaindle , married there years and still chil

27、dless, was receiving fertility(生育) treatmentsInvolved with work , doctors visits, and medical treats, she was unable to make the trip to visit her sister after she had given birthMalka knew her sisters problem and was quite understandingShaindle and her husband Feivel would be at the haptismal (洗礼)c

28、eremony,of courseOn the day of the haptism , Shaindle and Feivel arrived early, earlier than Malka and her familyMalkas mother-in-law, Yehudit, was already at the hall“Hello,” said Shaindle cheerfully, never thinking what was about to happenYehudit turned to her angrily and said, “What a selfish sis

29、ter you are! Never once did you see fit to visit Makla this entire week! No wonder you have no children!”Shaindle went into shock at her wordsShe turned away, her eyes filled with tearsThe accusation had cut Shaindle like a knifeShe was psychologically bleedingPoor Shaindle couldnt calm downIt took

30、a while before she could regain her calmnessShe couldnt look at Yehudit; it was just too painful for her to do soThe minute the words had escaped Yehudits month, she knew she had crossed a red lineShe had stepped on very raw toes and felt regretted for her words but it was too lateHer attempts to apologize were ineffectiveThe ce

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