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Lesson 7 Everyday Use for Your Grandmama.docx

1、Lesson 7 Everyday Use for Your GrandmamaLesson 7 Everyday Use for Your GrandmamaI. Language Study(I) New Words 1. alcove lkuvn. an alcove is a small area in a room which is formed by one part of a wall being built further back than the rest of the wall. a partially enclosed extension of a room, ofte

2、n occupied by a bed or by seats, 凹室 2. armpit n. the hollow place under the arm at the shoulder腋下,腋窝 3. awe: Awe is the feeling of respect and amazement that you have when you are faced with sth. wonderful, frightening or completely unknown.4. barley n. a cereal grass (Hordeum vulgare and related sp

3、ecies)with dense,bearded spikes of flowers,each made up of three singleseeded spikelets大麦 5. blaze v. to burn with a bright flame猛烈地燃烧A wood fire was blazing, but there was no other light in the room.When the firemen arrived the whole building was blazing 消防队员到达时,整座建筑物正在熊熊燃烧着。n. the sudden sharp sho

4、oting up of a flame, a very bright fire火焰,火光;大火,火灾The fire burned slowly at first, but soon burst into a blaze.Five people died in the blaze. 6. boar b: n. pl 不变或是boars male wild pig公野猪7. bracelet breislit n. an ornamental band or chain worn about the wrist or arm手镯 -let: (with ns forming ns) little

5、, unimportant, minor 小,不重要的,次要的booklet buklit n. think book usually in paper covers 小册子piglet piglit n. young pig 小猪starlet sta:lit n. (sometimes derog) young actress who hopes to become a film star but is not yet very well known. 尚未如愿成名的年轻女演员,准明星8. centerpiece n. an ornament,a bowl of flowers,etcfo

6、r the center of a table; anything artistic can be used as a centerpiece放在桌子中央的装饰品(如花瓶等) 9. checkerberry n. Am. the edible, red, berrylike fruit of the wintergreen美平铺白珠树的果实(植鹿蹄草或果实, 蔓虎刺之一种)10. chitlins n. p1. the small intestines of pigs, used for food复(猪等的)小肠(供食用) 11. churn t:n n. a container in whi

7、ch milk is moved about violently until it becomes butter , Am.E a large metal container in which milk is stored or carried from the farm搅乳器(用以搅拌牛乳而制成黄油) 12. clabber klb n. to form into curds, cause to thicken浓而变酸的牛奶curd k:d n. 炼乳(牛奶发酵而形成的稠而软的物质,可制奶酪)13. collard kld n. a kind of kale whose coarse lea

8、ves are borne in tufts羽衣甘蓝 kale: type of cabbage with curly leaves 羽衣甘蓝tuft tft n. bunch of hair, feathers, grass, etc, growing or held together at the base (在底部丛生的或聚集的)一束毛发,一簇羽毛,一丛草等(羽衣甘蓝,二年生草本,为食用甘蓝(卷心菜、包菜)的园艺变种。栽培一年植株形成莲座状叶丛,经冬季低温,于翌年开花、结实。总状花序顶生,花期4-5月,虫媒花,果实为角果,扁圆形,种子圆球形,褐色,千粒重4克左右。 园艺品种形态多样,按高

9、度可分高型和矮型;按叶的形态分皱叶、不皱叶及深裂叶品种;按颜色,边缘叶有翠绿色、深绿色、灰绿色、黄绿色,中心叶则有纯白、淡黄、肉色、玫瑰红、紫红等品种。)14. compose: (1) write (music, opera, etc) 写,创作(乐曲,歌剧等)She began to compose songs at an early age. (2) (not in continuous tenses) form, constitute 构成,组成(3) to make (esp. oneself) calm, quiet, etc.使(自己或某事物)安定,平静,镇静,冷静Jean wa

10、s nervous at first but soon composed herself.15. cower kauv. to bend low and draw back as from fear, pain, shame, cold etc. (因畏惧或痛苦)蜷缩,退缩He cowered away / back as she raised her hand to hit him. 16. confront knfrnt v. confront sb with sb / sth: to face boldly or threateningly, encounter 使某人面对或正视令人不快

11、、令人头疼等的人或事物They confronted the prisoner with his accusers. 他们让犯人与原告对质。When confronted with the evidence of her guilt, she confessed. 她面对罪证供认不讳。I was confronted with the task of designing and building the new system.If a problem, task, or difficulty confronts you, or you are confronted with it, it is

12、 sth. that you cannot avoid and must deal with17. court k:t v. If a man courts a woman, he pays a lot of attention to her because he wants to marry her.向女子求爱或求婚He had been courting Jane for six months. 18. cute adj. Am. Colloq. pretty or attractive, esp. in a delicate or dainty way 美口 漂亮的,俏的,迷人的;逗人喜

13、爱的 19. dasher: a devise having blades for agitating a liquid or semisolid猛冲者, (奶油)搅拌器20. dimwit n. slanga stupid person; simpleton俚蠢人,笨蛋,傻子 dim: faint, not bright wit: intelligence, wisdomdimwitted adj. stupidsimpleton simpltn n. person who is foolish, easily deceived or not very intelligent 傻瓜,笨蛋,易

14、受骗的人21. dingy dindi: dirty-colored; not bright or clean; grimy昏暗的,不明亮的;不干净的;无光泽的;弄脏了的A building or place that is dingy is rather dark and depressing and does not seem to have been well looked after.This is the dingiest street of the town.Clothes, curtains, etc. that are dingy are dirty or faded. 22.

15、 dishpan dipn n. 洗碗碟23. doctrine dktrin n. (any of a) set of beliefs held by a church, political party, group of scientists, etc 教条,主义,学说,信条Catholic doctrines 天主教教义 Marxist doctrine 马克思的学说doctrinal adj. (attrib) doctrinal controversy 有关教义的论争 doctrinal approach 教条式的方法24. dope dup n. (sl) harmful drug

16、 (eg hashish); narcotic 毒品,麻醉剂A dope-addict 吸毒成瘾者(2) stupid person 笨蛋,蠢货Youve got the picture upside-down, you dope!dopey adj. colloq. showing dullness of the mind or feelings caused or as if caused by alcohol or a drug, sleepy and unable to think clearly, stupid 口 (感觉)迟钝的;似受到麻醉的;迷迷糊糊的;昏昏沉沉的;愚蠢的;呆傻的

17、 25. earring n. usu. p1. an ornament worn on the ear 常用复数耳环,耳饰 26. elm elm n. 榆树,榆木This bench is made of elm.27. flannel flnl n. a soft, lightweight, loosely woven woolen cloth with a slightly napped surface法兰绒 flannels n. mens trousers made of flannel 法兰绒男裤28. flashy: over-ornamented, unpleasantly

18、big, bright, etc. and perhaps not of good quality华丽而俗气的,炫耀的Something that is flashy is so smart, bright and expensive that you find it unpleasant and perhaps vulgar a flashy sports car / cheap flashy clothes29. furtive f:tiv adj. stealthy, If sb. is furtive, he / she behaves as if he / she wants to

19、keep sth. secret or hidden 偷偷摸摸的,鬼鬼祟祟的They suddenly looked furtive when I got into the room.I watched him furtively pencil a note and slip it between the pages.A woman with furtive look sidled up to me and asked furtively whether I had / wanted receipts.Furtive means doing or acting in a stealthy ma

20、nner and generally suggests a reprehensible objective. Sly means skillful at trickery or deceit.30. greens: green leafy vegetables eaten cooked or raw31. good-naturedly: naturally kind, ready to help, to forgive, not to be angryA person or animal that is good-natured is naturally friendly and does n

21、ot easily get angry.a good-natured policeman 32. groove: a long narrow path or track made in a surface, esp. to guide the movement of sth.纹(道);纹槽The cupboard door slides open along the groove it fits into.33. hangdog adj. attrib (of sbs look) sly and ashamned, as if guilty (指人的外表)(似因负疚)躲躲闪闪的,鬼鬼祟祟的hi

22、s hangdog expression 他那羞愧的表情Here in the text the word describes the marks in wavy patterns on the clay ground left by the broom.Here in the text, the word “rifle” means to look thorough to see what to take, and indicates that Dee was trying to find sth. she did not deserve.34. hog hg n. (1) a pig, e

23、sp. a fat one for eating(2)selfish or greedy person 自私的或贪婪的人(3) go the whole hog: do sth thoroughly or completely 彻底地或完全第做某事They painted the kitchen and then decided to go the whole hog and redecorate the other rooms as well. 35. homely: (of people, faces, etc.) not good-looking or handsome; plain u

24、nattractive (指人外貌)不好看的,相貌平平的If someone is homely, they are not very attractive to look at; used in Am.E.36. hook v. (1) attack with the horns,as a bull;gore(牛等以角)抵破,抵伤 (2) to catch with or as if with a hookto hook a fish / a rich husbandhooknose n. 鹰钩鼻子37. kink kik n. sharp twist in sth that is norm

25、ally straight, eg a wire, rope, pipe, hair, etc 扭结(如铁丝,绳索,管子,毛发等)(2) (fig usu derog) mental or moral peculiarity 乖僻,奇想Hes got a few kinks in his personality, if you ask me. 我认为他的个性有些怪癖。kinky adj. (1) full of kinks; tightly curled, esp. of hair (尤指头发)绞缠的;纽结的;弯曲的 (2) (derog) bizarre or abnormal, esp i

26、n sexual behaviour 变态的,不正常的(esp 性行为)Theres lots of straight sex in the film, but nothing kinky. 38. lavender lvnd adj. (1) plants with sweet-smelling pale purple flowers 薰衣草(开淡紫色花,味香);(2) pale-purple淡紫色的 39. limousine limuzi: n. any large luxurious sedan, esp. one driven by a chauffeur and with a gl

27、ass partition separating the driver and the passengers. A car is any kind of automobile (配有司机的)高级轿车A limousine is a large and very comfortable car, esp. one with a glass screen between the front and back seats. Limousines are usually driven by a chauffeur oucf: sedan sidn / saloonslu:n is a car with

28、 seats for four or more people, a fixed roof, and a boot (the space at the back of the car, covered by a lid, in which you carry things such luggage, shopping or tools) that is separate from the seating part of the car轿子,轿车convertible knv:tbl n. a car with a soft roof that can be folded down or remo

29、ved折篷汽车sports car: a low usu. open car with room for only 2 people for traveling with high power and speed跑车coupe ku:pei a car with a fixed roof, a sloping back, two doors and seats for four people(斜背双门)汽车station wagon (Am E) / estate car (Br.E) a car which has a long body with a door at the back en

30、d and space behind the back seats客货两用车;旅行轿车40. limp adj. 1acking or having lost stiffness; flaccid, drooping, wilted, etc. 柔软的 41. lizard n. any of several types of(usu.) small creatures which are reptiles with a rough skin, 4 legs, and a long tail蜥蜴 42. loud: (derog) (of colors, behavior, etc) attr

31、acting attention by being unpleasantly colorful(指行为,颜色等)引人注目的,刺眼的That dress is a bit loud (ie gaudy), isnt it?His manner is too loud. 他那样子太招摇了。43. lye lai n. any strongly alkaline substance,usually sodium or potassium hydroxide,used in cleaning,making soap,etc碱液 44. make-believe n. a state of pretending or the things which are pretended; pretense;feigning假装;虚假She lives in a make-believe world / a world of make-believe.Dont be afraid of monster - the storys only make-believe.The little girl made believe she was a princess. 45. nave neiv n. long central part of a church, where the congrega

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