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1、SOE审计报告新格式范本审计厅Audit Office of 审 计 报 告Audit Report审报200 号AUDIT REPORT 200 NO. 项目名称:日本国际协力银行贷款项目Project Name: JBIC Loaned Project贷款编号:Loan No.: 项目执行单位:日元贷款项目办公室 Project Entity: Japanese Yen Loan Administration Office 会计年度: 200Accounting Year: 200Contents一、 审计师意见 Auditors Opinion二、 财务报表 Financial Stat

2、ements (一)特别账户报表 Special Account Statement(二)资金进度表 Statement of Financial Progress(三)费用支出报表 Summary Sheet for Payments for Special Account(四)银行账户查询表.Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts 三、 国家法规、贷款协议执行情况和内部控制评价意见Auditors Report on Compliance with the Applicable Provisions of State Laws and Regulations,

3、 the Loan Agreement, and on Internal Control over Financial Reporting一、审计师意见审计师意见省(自治区)日元贷款项目办公室:我们审计了你办管理的200年项目(贷款编号:CP)的特别账户报表、资金进度表、费用支出报表和银行账户查询表等相关财务报表。编制上述财务报表是你办的责任。我们的责任是通过审计对财务报表发表意见。我们的审计是按照国际审计准则和中国国家审计准则进行的。它要求我们计划并实施审计,以合理保证财务报表没有重大误报。审计包括依据账目记录、凭证票据及对已做工作、已获得货物、服务的实际检查进行费用支出报表的核实。我们确信

4、,我们的审计为我们发表的意见提供了合理的基础。我们认为,与费用支出报表相关的凭证票据完整、充分, 可以作为向日本国际协力银行申请回补支付的依据,且上述款项的支出符合贷款协议要求。此外,我们依据银行账户查询表及抽样调查对特别账户至省(自治区)财政厅管理账户的资金流程进行了审计。我们认为特别账户的资金管理妥善,没有任何不合理的错误转账及延迟情况。省(自治区)审计厅200年月日地址:邮政编码:电话:-传真:-I. Auditors OpinionAuditors Opinion To: Japanese Yen Loan Project Administration OfficeWe have au

5、dited the accompanying Special Account Statement, Statement of Financial Progress, Summary Sheet for Payments for Special Account (SOEs) and Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts of the Project under Loan Agreement No. CP for the year 200. These statements are the responsibility of your management. Our

6、 responsibility is to express an opinion on the accompanying financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with the International Auditing Standards and the Government Auditing Standards of the Peoples Republic of China. Those standards require that we plan and perf

7、orm the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the above financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes verifying the SOEs with accounting records, supporting documentation, and physical inspection of work done, or goods and services acquired. We believe that o

8、ur audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.In our opinion, with regard to the SOEs, adequate supporting documentation has been maintained to support claims to the JBIC for reimbursements of expenditures incurred; and which expenditures are eligible for financing under the Loan Agreement.Fu

9、rthermore, we have audited the fund flow from Special Account to the account of the Financial Department of Provinces management based upon the Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts and the samples of account statementsprovided inarandommanner. We have the opinion that the fund of Special Account has b

10、een adequately managed without any unreasonable mistransfer and delay.Audit Office of ,200Add:Postcode:Tel:-Fax: -二、财务报表 (II. Financial Statements)(一)特别账户报表(Special Account Statement)开户人:省(自治区)政府财政厅(或实际开户人的单位名称)Account Name:Financial Department of XX Provincial Government(or Name of Executing Agency

11、)账号:Account No.:贷款协议号:C PL/A No.: C P期间:从2007年1月1日-2007年12月31日Period: From 2007-1-1 to 2007-12-31货币单位:日元(In Yen)收/支日期Date ofTransactions利息Amount ofInterest回补款项的金额Amount ofReplenishment提取款项的金额Amount of Withdrawal账户余额Balancing Amount2006/1/1701/540301/301802102/7301803/6201603/1541564/8100564/27200256

12、5/6781786/12171616/30101717/7521197/271252448/221001449/11697510/2225310/1613018311/15412912/4359412/2744502006/12/31555合计Total635665(二)资金进度表(Statement of Financial Progress)项目名称: 项目Project Name: Project编制单位: 项目执行办公室Executing Agency: Project Steering Office for JBIC Loan资金分类Category (L/A)分类名称Categor

13、y Name贷款协议金额Loan Amount(L/A)当年度支付金额Current Year Progress Amount Disbursed累计支付金额Cumulative Progress Amount Disbursed支付可能余额Remaining Balance Amount Claimable日元Yen日元Yen日元Yen日元YenABuilding Construction and Educational/ Research Equipment 500200350150BPersonnel Training60043553565CContingencies10000100合计

14、金额Total Amount1200635885315注1:只需要填写采用特别账户方式支付的资金分类,“分类名称”按项目贷款协议规定的名称填写。注2:“贷款协议金额”与贷款协议中记载的资金分配额一致。注3:“当年度支付金额”与当年度JBIC的支付额一致。注4:“累计支付金额”与当年度末JBIC的累计支付的额一致。注5:本表内日元金额不包括JBIC的手续费。(三)费用支出报表(Summary Sheet for Payments for Special Account) (Form JBIC-SSP-SOE) 日期: 序号: 费用支出报表SUMMARY SHEET FOR PAYMENTS FO

15、R SPECIAL ACCOUNT项目 (L/A No. C-P) Project (L/A No. C-P)DATE: 1.采购方 Purchaser2.供应方Supplier3.供应方国别Nationality of Supplier4.货物和服务描述Description of Goods&/or Services5.原产国Origin6.支付日期Date of Payment7.合同总金额Total Contract Amount8.支付金额 (JPY) Amount of Payment(JPY)9.支付性质Nature of Payment10.采购方式Method of Proc

16、urement11.符合贷款条件金额Eligible Amount for Financing12.支付比例Disbursement Ratio(F/C: XX%)(L/C: XX%)13.申请支付金额Amount Applied for Financing合计Total下面的签字证明上述的供应方、商品以及/或者服务符合贷款协议。关于第3项的注释 供应方的国籍:供应方注册成立所在国。关于第8的注释 支付金额:如果不用日元,需同时注明支付供应方用货币金额,以及贷款项下从特别账户中支付的兑换后的日元金额和汇率。关于第9的注释 支付性质:首付款,分期付款或最终付款等。关于第10项的注释 采购方式:采

17、取非国际竞争性招标方式采购时,需注明采用原因。 关于第11项的注释 符合贷款条件金额:参考第8项支付金额 - 授权人签字 Authorized Signature(四)银行账户查询表 (Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts)项目名称:项目Project Name: Project填写说明:请人才培养、植树造林(重点风沙区环境治理)的项目实施机构回答以下问题。其他项目(只有项目培训部分采用特别账户、SOE方式,通常不存在省级项目办以外的银行账户的项目)仅回答提问1.即可。With regard to Higher Education Projects, Affor

18、estation Projects, please fill in answers to the following inquiry. Regarding projects other than the above-mentioned (those adopt S/A and SOE method only for training portion), please fill in answers only to the question of 1. 1.请说明省(自治区)级项目实施机构在所属省会城市的商业银行开设的(A)外币(日元)账户(用于接收中国银行特别账户的回补金额)和(B)人民币账户

19、(用于向省内各下级项目办拨款)的开户行名称。(A):(日元账户)(B):(人民币账户)【其他】1.In which bank the related agency has opened bank account at provincial level for (A) receiving yen loan from S/A account (opened in the headquarter of Bank of China) stipulated in L/A and (B) transferring fund to the bank account of each E/A with conv

20、erting yen to RMB. Please fill in the name of the bank concretely. (A)(B)【Others】2.从(A)账户向(B)账户进行转账的时机?(1)回补资金接收当日既进行转账(2)接收次日以后转账(3)计划当日转账,但由于接收时间等原因不能在当日完成,延迟到次日以后转账。【其他】2. When credit transfer is implemented from the above-mentioned (A) account to (B) account? (1)Since credit transfer to (B) acco

21、unt is implemented on the same day after transferring fund to (A) account, there is no case that credit transfer would be carried out in next day. (2)After transferring fund to (A) account, credit transfer is implemented as from the following day. (3)Basically, credit transfer to (B) account is impl

22、emented on the same day after transferring fund to (A) account. However, there is the case that credit transfer would be carried out in the following day if it were late to receive fund. 【Others】3.从(A)账户向(B)账户转账时:(1)1次性将回补的日贷资金的全额兑换成人民币(接收金额转账金额)(2)不一定1次性将回补的日贷资金的全额兑换成人民币(接收金额转账金额)【其他】3. How much is

23、 the amount of fund for transferring from (A)account to (B) account in one time.(1)The full amount of fund that was received in (A) account would be transferred to (B) account with converting yen to RMB in one time.(Received amount = Transferred amount).(2)The full amount of fund would not always be

24、 transferred to (B) account in one time. (Received amount Transfer amount). 【Others】4.日贷资金的最终项目办(造林项目=县级项目办、林场等、人才项目=各研修生派遣大学)为了收支日贷资金所设置的银行账户情况?(1)最终项目办(市、县、林场和各大学等)分别持有各自的账户(2)多个最终项目办共同设置1个银行账户【其他】4. As for the end user of this cash flow (such as prefecture government and/or forest management grou

25、p in case for Afforestation projects, such as university which coordinating trainees for Japan in case for Higher Education projects), how the bank account has been established for receiving fund of this project and paying for the related costs?(1)Each of the end users (such as city government, pref

26、ecture government, forest control group, and university) has had their own bank accounts.(2)Only one bank account has been established and managed for receiving fund and paying cost for some of end users collectively.【Others】5.用于支付项目费用的货币是(造林项目=苗木购买费用,项目参加农民的劳务费等。人才项目=向研修生支付培训费)?(1)人民币(2)日元【其他】5.Whi

27、ch currency is used for the payment of project cost (such as purchasing seedlings and payment for daily allowance to local participants in case of Afforestation Projects, and such as credit transfer for trainees in case of Higher Education Project)?(1)RMB(2)Japanese yen【Others】6.哪个机构对最终日贷资金借款人(造林项目=苗木提供商,项目参加农户。人才项目=研修生)提交的凭证(发票等)进行确认?(1)省级项目办(2)最终项目办(市、县、大学等)【其他】6.Which organization does check evidences (such as receipts ) that were provided by the end users (such as dealers of seedlings and local participants in case of Afforestation Projects, an

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