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晨读Section 68.docx

1、晨读Section 68Section 6 Tourism CuisineUseful Expressions 实用表达(1015句左右,由易至难排列)1.What would you like to have tonight?今晚您要吃点什么?2. What kind of cuisine do you have in your diningroom?你们的餐厅有什么菜系?3. Its divided into eight big cuisines,or say,eight styles,such as Cantonese food,Beijing food,Sichuan food,etc

2、. 中国菜分成八大菜系,或者说八种风味。如广东菜、北京菜、四川菜等等。4. Is there any difference between Cantonese food and Beijing food?广东菜和北京菜有什么不同呢?5. Contonese food is lighter while Beijing food is heavy and spicy.广东菜清淡适口,而北京菜则味重香浓。6. Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot.四川菜大都麻辣浓香。7. So whats your recommendation for me?那么你给我推荐几道

3、菜吧。8. .Are you ready to order?想好点什么菜了吗?9.What soup would you like to have,Mr and Mrs Green?格林先生,格林太太,您要什么汤?10.Would you like the steak well done or rare?您喜欢牛排煎得透一点,还是略生一点?11.What would you like for dessert?要什么甜食呢?12. Would you care for something to drink?您要点什么饮料吗?13. Thank you for coming. Hope to se

4、e you again soon!(谢谢光临,请再惠顾!)Situational Dialogue 情景对话(两段,10个回合左右/200单词)怎样询问当地饮食:A: Where can I enjoy the best local food?我在哪儿能吃到本地最好的美食?B: There is a very good seafood restaurant around here.这儿附近就有一家非常不错的海鲜餐厅。A: Is there a Chinese restaurant around here?这儿附近有没有中国餐厅?B: Theres one across the street.对

5、街有一家。就餐:WAITER: Hello, my names John. Ill be your waiter this evening.Can I get you anything from the bar for starters?DEREK: No thanks.What we really need is a booster chair for our daughter. Do you have one?WAITER: Yes, of course. The hostess should have brought you one. Just a moment.WAITER: Our

6、special tonight is Duck Chambord,which is roast duck served in a raspberry sauce with fresh rasperries.Its also served with wild rice and a medley of vegetables.That is 17.95 and it comes with soup or salad.SANDY: What is your soup of the day?WAITER: Our soup of the day is French onion.SANDY: The du

7、ck sounds good. One of us should have it.DEREK: Alright, you order the duck.SANDY: Fine.DEREK: She will have the duck, and I will have the filet mignon.WAITER: How would you like your filet mignon, sir? Rare, medium rare, or well-done?DEREK: Medium rare.WAITER: And would you like soup or salad with

8、your meals?SANDY: I want salad.DEREK: Ill have the soup. French onion, yes?WAITER: Yes, thats right. Its very good. I recommend it.SANDY: Our daughter will share some of our meal with us.Could you bring an extra plate for her?WAITER: Of course, Maam. I will also bring your sourdough bread in just a

9、moment.SANDY: Our bread?WAITER: Yes, we serve it at all tables.SANDY: Good. Thank you.服务生:您好,我叫约翰,今晚由我为您服务。我可以为您从吧台拿些开胃菜了吗?迪瑞克:不用了,谢谢。我女儿需要一把高脚椅,你们有吗?服务生:当然有,女服务员应该要拿给你们的,请稍等。服务生:今晚的特餐是法式烤鸭,配上新鲜的莓子酱菰米和青菜。价格是十七美元九五美分,附有汤或沙拉。仙蒂:今天是什么汤?服务生:今天是法式洋葱汤。仙蒂:烤鸭听起来不错,我们其中一个人点好了。迪瑞克:好的,那么你点烤鸭。仙蒂:好。迪瑞克:她要烤鸭,我要腓力

10、牛排。服务生:要几分熟呢?五分熟?八分熟?还是全熟?迪瑞克:八分熟。服务生:附餐要汤还是沙拉?仙蒂:我要沙拉。迪瑞克:我要汤,是法式洋葱汤吗?服务生:是的,很美味的,我强力推荐。仙蒂:我女儿要和我们共用一份餐,可以另外给她一个餐盘吗?服务生:当然可以,等会我把小餐包一起送来。仙蒂:餐包?服务生:是的,每桌都有附赠的。仙蒂:好的,谢谢。Related knowledge 相关知识短文欣赏(200词以内,技巧、礼仪或任何其它与该单元主题相关的小短文或节选段落均可)Ai Wo Wo (Glutinous Rice Ball) Introduction: Ai Wo Wo, or glutinous

11、rice ball, is made of glutinous rice or millet with sweet filling, first appeared in the Yuan Dynasty, and were well received by the imperial families in the Ming, Dynasty. Now it is one of Beijings snacks loved by local people.Where to try it? Huguosi Snack Bar Address: 93#, Huguosi Street, Xicheng

12、 District Tel: +86 10 6618 1705 Beijing Nanlaishun Restaurant Address: 12#, Nancaiyuan, Xuanwu District, Beijing Tel: +86 10 63547846 Haiwanju Restaurant (Headquarters) Address: 11#, Zengguang Road, Haidian District Tel: +86 10 8837 4993 How to cook it? Ingredient: Polished glutinous rice, sesame, s

13、ugar, rice flour, haw jelly cake Preparation: Soak polished glutinous rice in water for 4 hours or more. Steam the soaked rice on the steamer and cool it. Steam the rice flour 15 minutes. Stir-fry sesame and pound. Mix the sesame with sugar and beat. Roll the rice into a bar. Cut the rice bar in to

14、parts. Roll the rice ball in the flour and press it thin. Fill the sesame filing into the rice ball. Roll the rice ball in the flour again. Cut haw jelly cake into small pieces and place one on a rice ball. 传说清乾隆平息了大、小和卓叛乱后,把新疆的一个维吾尔族首领的妻子抢到宫中作他的妃子,也就是香妃。 香妃被抢到北京后,日夜茶饭不思,乾隆急坏了,传旨给御膳房,说:如果谁能做出香妃爱吃的东西

15、,不但升官,还赏银千两。这一来御厨们大显身手,使出了看家本领,山珍海味,风味名吃,做了数千样,但香妃连看也不看。乾隆只好下旨叫白帽营的人给香妃做家乡吃食送进宫。 话分两头说,香妃的丈夫自香妃被抢进宫后,也跋山涉水从新疆来到北京,藏身在白帽营里,想方设法打听香妃的下落。当他听说皇帝下旨让白帽营的人做一样最好吃的东西送进宫去给香妃吃,觉得这是个联系的好机会。于是就做了一盘他家祖传的自制点心江米团子,香妃见到这江米团子,就会知道是她丈夫来了。 江米团子送到宫中,太监问这食物的名字,他想自己姓艾买提,于是就叫它艾窝窝。宫女把艾窝窝端到香妃面前,香妃一见,睛睛一亮,知道丈夫来了,便强打精神,夹起一个,轻

16、轻咬了一口。 乾隆听说香妃吃东西了,高兴得什么似的。下旨让白帽营的艾买提天天做艾窝窝送进宫来。从此,艾买提就天天做艾窝窝送进宫来,艾窝窝也就出了名。后来又流传到了民间。Inspirational Quotes 名言警句(一句,30词以内)You have to believe in yourself. Thats the secret of success. 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。Charles Chaplin卓别林Section 7 Dealing with the ComplaintsUseful Expressions 实用表达(1015句左右,由易至难排列)1. Can yo

17、u change the room for me? Its too noisy 能给我换个房间吗?这儿太吵了。2. My wife was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made我妻子被运送行李的电梯发出的嘈杂声弄醒了几次。3. She said it was too much for her她说这使她难以忍受。4Im awfully sorry,sir非常对不起,先生。5I do apologize我向您道歉。6No problem,sir没问题,先生。7Well manage it,but we dont

18、have any spare room today我们会尽力办到,但是今天我们没有空余房间。8Could you wait till tomorrow?等到明天好吗?9I hope well be able to enjoy our stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep我希望明天晚上我们能呆在一套安静的房间里睡个好觉。10And if there is anything more you need, please let us know如果还需要别的什么东西,请告诉我们。11The light in this

19、 room is too dim这房间里的灯光太暗了。12Please get me a brighter one请给我换个亮的。13Certainly,sirIll be back right away好的,先生,我马上就回来。14The room is too cold for meI feel rather cold when I sleep这房间太冷了,我睡觉时感到很冷。Situational Dialogue 情景对话(两段,10个回合左右/200单词)如何抱怨饭店服务不周A: Can you tell me whats wrong, sir? 您能告诉我有什么不妥吗,先生?B: T

20、he service is too slow and the dishes are served cold.服务速度太慢了,菜都凉了。A: I see. Ill report to the manager.我明白了。我会向经理汇报的。A: Is everything to your satisfaction?您对饭菜满意吗?B: Yes, all the food was delicious except that there is too much salt in the soup.是的,除了汤太咸之外,所有事物都不错。A: Im so sorry for that. Ill take it

21、 to the kitchen and get you another one, if you like.真对不起,如果您愿意,我拿到厨房再给您换一下。(A guest(B) wants to change a room. He goes to the assistant manager(A).)(一位顾客(B)想换房间,他去找助理经理(A)A:Good morning,sir. What can I do for you? 早晨好!有什么可以帮忙的吗?B: Im Bell. Im in Room 908. Can you change the room for me?Its too nois

22、y. My wife was woken up several times by the noise the luggage elevator made. She said it was too much for her. 我是贝尔。我住在908房间。你可以给我换个房间吗?外面实在是太吵了。我妻子被行李电梯的声音弄醒了好几次。她说她受不了了。A:Im awfully sorry,sir. I do apologize. Room 908 is at the end of the corridor. Its possible that the noise is heard early in th

23、e morning when all is quiet. 哦,我真的很抱歉,先生。向您致歉。908房间在走廊的尽头。清早的时候太静了,可能会听到噪音。B: Anyhow,IM like to change our room.不管怎么样,我还是想换个房间。 A:No problem,sir. Well manage it,but we dont have any spare room today. Could you wait till tomorrow?The American Education Delegation will be leaving tomorrow morning. The

24、rell be some rooms for you to choose from. 没问题,先生。我们会想办法的,但恐怕我们今天没有空房了。您可以等到明天吗?美国教育代表团明早就要离开了。那时您就可以挑选房间了。B:All right. I hope we,11 be able to enjoy our stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep. 好的。我希望我们明晚能够安静地度过,并睡个好觉。 A:Be sure. And if there is anything more you need,please l

25、et us know.一定。如果还有什么需要的话,告诉我就好了。B:OK. 好的。Related knowledge 相关知识短文欣赏(200词以内,技巧、礼仪或任何其它与该单元主题相关的小短文或节选段落均可)英文常见的投诉解决表述方式处理投诉时的常用客套话 1、我们当尽力而为,但我很难给您保证什么。 (well try our best ,but I cannot guarantee anything.) 2、非常抱歉我们不能对此事负责,你应该把贵重物品寄存在接待处。 (I must say that we cannot be held responsible. you should hav

26、e deposited valuables with the reception.) 3、相信服务员并不是有意无礼,他只是可能没有听懂您的意思。 (Im sure the waiter didnt mean to be rude. perhaps he didnt understand you correctly.) 4、很抱歉,先生(小姐)。我想这里面可能有点误会。 (Im sorry sir, there must be some misunderstanding.) 5、很抱歉,但情况已是如此,请坐一会儿,我尽快为您作安排。 (Im terribly sorry. but that is

27、 the situation. Please take a seat. Ill soon have something arranged for you.) 6、先生,感谢您为我们提供这些情况,我立即去了解。 (Thank you for telling us about it, Ill look into the matter at once.) 7、先生很抱歉,我将尽快地解决这个问题。 (Sorry, sir , Ill solve the problem for you as soon as possible.) 8、恐怕您误会了我的意思,我能解释一下吗? (Im afraid you

28、have misunderstood what I said. Perhaps I can explain again.) 9、对于我的粗心大意我非常抱歉。 (Im awfully sorry for my carelessness.) 10、先生请别激动,让我来想办法。 (lease sir ,if you calm yourself, Ill try to help you.) 11、很抱歉,我们此刻不能答应您。我们明天给您回音。 We are sorry, we cannot promise you now. Tomorrow we shall let you know. 回决客人的不合

29、理要求 1、对不起,这件事我也无能为力。 I am sorry, it is beyond my power to do this. 2、很抱歉,我们不能办您所要求的事。 We feel sorry we cannot be able to do what you ask for. 3、我们无法同意您的要求,实在对不起。 Indeed, we regret very much for not being able to comply with your request. 4、我希望能够替您办那件事,但我办不到。 I wish I could render you that service, b

30、ut I couldnt. 5、我不得不拒绝您,因为这样是违反我们酒店规定的。 I must refuse to meet your request, as it is against our hotels regulation. 6、我不得不拒绝您,因为这样做会有损于我们酒店的声誉。 I must refuse to do as you wish, otherwise it will give harm to our hotels reputation. 7、很抱歉,但是这件事的确是违反我们宾馆规定的。 (Excuse me, but I should say its against our hotel regulations.) 8、您所做的事说明您是一个行为不端正的人。 What your have done shows that your are a man with bad behavior. 9、我们无法满足您的要求,我国的外汇管理条例不允许这样做;It cannot be done, as the foreign exchange control regulations of t

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