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Unit 1 Personal Relationships新编大学英语第二版第一册教案.docx

1、Unit 1 Personal Relationships新编大学英语第二版第一册教案Unit 1 Personal RelationshipsUseful InformationAll of us are involved with personal relationships. Some of these are related to family, some with fellow students or workers, and others of a variety of types. Most of these are happy, positive relationships,

2、but not all of them, though we might wish it were not so.To have a positive relationship a person must invest time and interest in the other people with whom we are associated. We all understand that our feelings and interest in other people depend somewhat on what we have in common, our unique pers

3、onalities, and the associations in which we find ourselves.In most societies good relationships are valued because individuals who have good relationships are happier, more productive workers, and are simply more fun to be with and work with. However, relationships can vary widely on the time and in

4、terest involved. We certainly may prefer those persons with whom we can be “good friends,” “buddies,” or “valued colleagues.” In Western cultures there are several meanings of the word LOVE, which tell us the nature of different personal relationships. These are usually well understood by individual

5、s in these societies, but not necessarily by people who are from different cultures. One meaning of love comes from the Greek word “Eros,” which refers to sensual or sexual relationships between individuals. A second Greek word, “Filios,” refers to filial or family members and their relationships, a

6、nd another word “Patros” refers to the “love of God” or ones relationship to God. In addition, love in the English language may refer to “liking someone or something,” i.e. loving cookies or spring rolls, loving to swim or hike, loving to study, etc. In most societies the highest form of love is tha

7、t relationship between two individuals which is so strong that one will sacrifice his/her life for a loved one or a nation. This occurs both in war and peace, in families and in communities. The policeman who protects the people he is asked to serve is no less a hero when he risks his life than is t

8、he soldier who dies in combat to defend his country or his comrades“Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for a friend.” In the West there is also a “law” or teaching to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul;” a second teaching is similar to this, “you mu

9、st love your neighbor as yourself.” The teaching then continues in defining the neighbor as anyone who is in need of your help. Finally, there is the relationship of friends, both close and distant. It is common for good friends in the West to sign their personal letters or e-mails, “Love,” or “With

10、 all my love” which may mean anything from a casual use of the word love to an expression of deeper love of the sort the Greeks referred to as Eros.It is the responsibility of all persons to establish good, positive relationships with other people, and it is finally the responsibility of people invo

11、lved in the relationship to define rather closely what the nature of their relationship will be. Obviously it would be wrong (illegal as well as boring) to share love of the Eros type with everyone with whom we come in contact, and likewise, it would not be appropriate to form a shallow or casual re

12、lationship with the person we hope to share a life with in marriage. Making friends, and establishing relationships, is one aspect of behavior that can be demanding of time and energy, but the benefits of good relationships are far more valuable than the effort one must make to establish and nurture

13、 them. Part One Preparation1. Different Kinds of Personal RelationshipsSTEP ONE parent childemployer employee clerk customerhusband wifewriter reader driver passengerteacher studenthost guest buyer sellerdoctor patientboyfriend girlfriend performer audienceSTEP TWO Other kinds of personal relationsh

14、ips (including relationships of people in the same group): siblings (sisters and/or brothers), lovers, friends, neighbors, colleagues, schoolmates, classmates, roommates, group members, interviewer and interviewee, lawyer and client, policeman and thief, enemies, rivals, etc.2. Welcome to Our Group!

15、1) Group work is an important activity students are required to do throughout the semester. In the activity students can listen to each other and share each others good ideas and experiences. At the same time interpersonal relationships will develop during the process of working together. Whats more

16、, working in small groups, say, between 3 and 5, students will have more opportunities to improve their listening and speaking skills than they can when the whole class works together. In addition, group work can help practice and develop four key thinking skills: problem solving, decision-making, c

17、ritical thinking and creative thinking.To involve students in this activity each group should have a group leader to help the teacher achieve this goal. Students may change their groups every 5 or 6 weeks so as to be able to know more of their classmates. And they can also take turns being group lea

18、ders.2) The Procedures of Group DiscussionIn an ideal small group discussion, group members are encouraged to contribute their personal opinions or knowledge of a particular issue, support those opinions, discuss differences of opinion within the group, and eventually, report back to the whole class

19、. A small group discussion can be generally divided into the following procedures:i) Forming groups In the first class of small group discussion, the whole class is divided into several groups. How many groups are produced? Whether the groups are student-selected or teacher-selected? Are they gender

20、-mixed or proficiency-mixed? All these will be decided according to the practical situation of the class. For example, how many students there are in the class, what is the purpose of the activity, and so on.ii) IntroductionThe instruction that is given at the beginning is crucial: if the students d

21、o not understand exactly what they have to do, they will be confused and a lot of time will likely be wasted.iii) ProcessesThe teachers job during the activity is to go from group to group, monitor and either contribute or keep out of the way- whichever is likely to be more helpful. If the teacher d

22、oes decide to intervene, his or her contribution may take the form of:- providing approval and support,-helping students who are having difficulty, and-keeping the students using the target language.iv) EndingIf the teacher has set a time limit, then this will help him to terminate the activity whil

23、e the discussion is just about to flag.v) PresentationIf the teacher implicitly leads students to some discussion of the findings of the groups, then he or she may leave enough time for this to take place. Because this progress gives each group a chance to perceive differences and similarities in th

24、eir work, and it provides motivation for further group work; According to Brown (2001), this phase brings the class back together as a whole community of learners and even a very short period of whole- class discussion reminds students that everyone in the room is a member of a team of

25、FeedbackA feedback session usually takes place at the end of the small group discussion. Feedback on the task my take many forms: giving the right solution; evaluating suggestions; or just expressing appreciation of the effort that has been invested.Although all participants in a discussion have the

26、 responsibility to listen and remember some of the contributions, teachers have a special responsibility to retain virtually everything said. They must develop the ability to recall at appropriate times what has been said earlier in order to illustrate points made later.3) Teachers Primary Roles in

27、Group Discussioni) ParticipantIn small group discussion, teachers need to communicate openly and empathically with their students. The teacher opens spaces for students to share and clarifies unfamiliar ways of thinking. Teachers as participants improve the atmosphere in the class and offer their st

28、udents a chance to learn from them.ii) FacilitatorTeachers as facilitators encourage students to participate and make suggestions when students are confused. They make the discussion easier for their students, assist them in finding their own ways to success. Teachers, to be facilitators, must first

29、 of all be real and genuine, discarding masks of superiority and omniscience.iii) CoordinatorIt is the teachers that keep the discussion process flowing smoothly and efficiently. Teachers must aim to coordinate the activities, leading students towards greater communicative ability.iv) Director Just

30、as the theater director plays a pivotal role in sustaining the fiction of a stage drama, so the teacher uses the classroom stage to simulate the real world (Dubin and Olshtain, 1986). v) Consultant /resourceObviously, teachers in the classroom are just like a walking resource center and provide help

31、 where necessary. vi) OrganizerIts the teachers responsibility to help the students to organize the student group discussion and discuss with the students what they are going to talk about, make clear about what their task is, get the activity going, and then organize feedback when it is over. Teach

32、ers are responsible for ensuring that group discussion is satisfactorily organized at a practical level.STEP ONE SampleHello, everyone. Im the leader of Group Beast. You may wonder why our group has such a strange name. Let me explain. If the letter “a” is taken out of “beast,” what word do we have now? Yes, thats “best”. So I believe our group will be the best of all. Now lets take “a,” “s,” and “t” out of the word “beast,” and we have the word “be,” which has exactly the same pronunciation as “bee,” a hard-working

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