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1、新概念英语第一册笔记1120新概念英语第一册笔记Lesson 11 Is this your shirt .?一、 单词讲解1、whosepron. 谁的(特殊疑问词)eg. This is our Whose classroom is this?eg. Whose is this classroom?形容词性物主代词是修饰名词的,所以后面必须加名词。eg. This suit is my. (错语)eg. This is my suit. (正确)eg. This suit is mine. (正确)名词性物主代词必须单独使用,后面不再接名词。eg. This s

2、hirt is mine. 名词所有格是在词尾加s。这种形式即具有形容词性,也具有名词性。eg. Whose shirt is this?eg. This is Wendys(作形容词性物主代词来用) skirt.=This is her Whose is this skirt?eg. This skirt is Wends. =This skirt is hers.练习:eg. Your car is red; mine is I have my way, and she has hers.我有我的处事方式,她有她的。whose 引导的特殊疑问句即可用形

3、容词性物主代词回答,也可用名词性物主代词回答。eg. Whose house is this?eg. This is our house. = This house is ours.2、perhapsadv.perhaps=maybe 可能eg. Perhaps it will Perhaps it is his car.3、catchv.接住Catch!2 逮住,捕获catch a thief3 染上(疾病)catch a coldeg. I have caught a bad cold.4、blueadj.蓝色的,忧郁的blue movie 黄色电影 blue-colla

4、r 蓝领工人eg. Dont make my eyes blue. 不要让我愁云满天。5、whiteadj.白色的white-collar 白领(从事办公室工作的人)pink-collar 粉领(从事办公室工作的女士)white book 白皮书 white lie 善意的谎言 white house白宫二、课文讲解名词所有格是在词尾加s。这种形式即具有形容词性,也具有名词性。Is this shirt Tims? (Tims具有名词性= Tims shirt)Is this Tims shirt? (Tims具有形容词性)Tims shirts white. = Tims shirt is

5、white.Here you are. 给对方某东西Can I borrow your pen?Yes, of course. Here you are.指出某物在什么地方 Here it is.单数 Here they are.复数Do you see my coat? Here it is. Where are my keys? Here they are. Lesson 12 Whose is this/that.?一、 单词讲解1、fathern.父亲2、mothern. 母亲 father=Dad mather=Mum parents: father and mothereg. Hi

6、s parents are in Germany.(his parents 复数,故系动词用are)3、blousen.衬衣(女士)2、 Sistern.姐妹eg. I have two sisters.5、brothern.兄弟eg. I have two brothers.6、tien.领带wear a tie 系领带Lesson 13 A new dress.一、 单词讲解1、colourn.颜色(英) color n.颜色(美)what colour is?eg. What colour is Anns hat?eg. What colours Anns cat?what make i

7、s?eg. What make is your watch?what nationality is?eg. What nationnality is she?2、greenadj.绿色的green hand 新手eg. He is a green hand.3、blackadj.黑色的black and blue all over 受伤后全身青一块紫一块的4、comev. 来 go v. 去,加油eg. Come on, lets go swimming. 来吧,我们去游泳。eg. Come on, stop day-dreaming. 得了,拜托,别再做白日梦了。eg. Come on, y

8、oull be fine. 没关系,你会没事的。eg. Come on, come on! 快点,快点!5、upstairsadv. 楼上 downstairs adv. 楼下here、there、home、abroad等都地点副词前不可以加介词。come here 不可以说成 come to here.go here/there/home/abroad6、smartadj.1 漂亮的; 时髦的eg. Lucys blouse is Her hat is very smart2 聪明的; 机灵的eg. She is a smart He is a s

9、mart businesman.同义词分析:clever 聪明的(指理解力);狡猾的bright 聪明的(多指小孩)eg. Your little son is so bright.wise 理性的; 精明的(形容年纪较长者)7、hatn.帽子eg. What colour is Anns hat?8、sameadj.同一的,一样的 different adj.不同的,不一样的9、lovelyadj.可爱的eg. Whose is this lovely hat?eg. Whose lovely hat is this?eg. Its Anns (hat).cute 小孩可爱eg. The b

10、aby is cute.二、课文讲解 祁使句:谓语动词一般用原形,表示请求建议命令等。Come upstairs and see it.Follow me. Shut the door, please! Be careful!Go and buy a new hat.Wait and see.等着瞧。 look、listen等表示动作look at、listen to等表示动作的对象see、hear等表示动作的结果look at the blackboard listen to meLook! I see nothing. nice = goodHe is very nice to me.It

11、s a nice day.Have a nice(= good) time! same常与the 连用表示同一的,相同的the same age the same cityWe live in the same city. That is a lovely hat!Is 要重读表示强调Lesson 14 What colour is your?一、 单词讲解1、casen.箱子briefcase 公文包(软皮的,只可一侧打开的箱子)attache case公文包(硬皮的,上有提手的箱子)suit case 旅行用的装衣服的箱子pack the suit case2、carpetn.地毯rug:

12、a small carpetmat:垫子door mat门垫mouse mat鼠标垫3、dogn.狗love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌= accept my friends as yours颜色的单词What colour is/are sth? It is /They are. in the blackeg. Our account is in the black. 我们的账户里还有钱。 out of the blue = unexpected 出乎意料eg. John came out of the blue. John出乎意料来了。 in black and white

13、以书面形式记录下来,白字黑字eg. I want it in black and white. grey adj. 灰色的;灰白的 grey hair灰白的头发 brown adj. 棕色的 in the red 赤字(反义词in the black)red carpet 红地毯eg. Give him red carpet treatment. 给予他最高待遇。 yellow adj. 黄色的 orange adj. 桔黄色的 n.桔子 purple adj. 紫色的 born in the purple 出身显贵Lesson 15 Your passports, please.一、 单词讲

14、解1、customsn.海关customs duty 海关关税2、officern.官员 office n.办公室in the officecustoms officer 海关关员3、girln.女孩 boy n.男孩eg. That girl is my That boy is my son.4、Danishn.丹麦人/语 adj.丹麦的Denmark n.丹麦eg. My friend is I am from Denmark.5、friendn. 朋友eg. Are they your friends?friendly adj.友好的be

15、friendly to sb 对.友好eg. She is friendly to me. (to介词后面要接宾语)6、Norwegiann.挪威人/语 adj.挪威的Norway n.挪威eg. My friend is I am from Norway.7、passportn.护照8、touristn.旅行者eg. Is she a tourist? Yes, she is. 二、课文讲解语法:可数名词与不可数名词的复数形式。见语法手册第一章名词在单数名词后面在“s”。在以“s” “x” “sh” “ch”结尾的单数名词变复数时,需在单词后面加“es”bus b

16、uses dress dresses以元音字母加“y”结尾的单数名词变复数,我们在词尾加sboy boys 以辅音字母加“y”结尾的单词,需把“y”去掉再加ies fly flies baby babies以o结尾的单数名词变复数时有两种形式:其一是直接在词尾加s; 另一种是在词尾加es.口诀:黑人英雄爱吃土豆西经柿 +esNegro(es) hero(es) potato(es) tomato(es)其它则加sphoto(s)不规则变化man men goose geese foot feet以f 或 fe 结尾的单数名词变成复数,一般把f或fe 变成v 再加es.knife knives词

17、尾发音规则:清清浊浊清辅音+s浊辅音/元音+z以清辅音t结尾的单词,加s,则ts以浊辅音d结尾的单词,加s,则dz特别发音:词尾发音s z 3 t d3 +izgive/show sb sthGive/Show me your passports.Lesson 16 Are you ?一、 单词讲解1、Russiann.俄罗斯人,俄语 adj. 俄罗斯的Russia n. 俄罗斯eg. My friend is Where are you from?eg. I am from Russia.2、Dutchn.荷兰人 adj. 荷兰的Holland n.荷兰eg. My

18、friend is I am from Holland.3、thesepron.这些(this的复数) those pron.那些(that的复数)eg. Are these our cases? Yes, they are. Lesson 17 How do you do?一、 单词讲解1、employeen.雇员employer n.雇主employ v.雇佣 employ sb.employment n. 就业 unemployment n.失业-ee 一般指动作的承受者,被动者-er 一般指施动者,主动者interview v. 采访; 面试interviewee

19、n. 被面试者,被采访者interviewer n. 面试者,采访者.2、hard-workingadj.勤奋的 lazy adj.懒惰的eg. Miss Smith is a hard-working employee. Smith小姐是一个勤奋的雇员。hard work n. 艰苦的工作(hard是adj. work是n.)eg. That is hard work. 那是一项艰苦的工作。(注意work当工作讲时是不可数名词因此前面不能加“a”)work hard v. 努力工作(work是v. hard是adv.)eg. We work hard. 我们努力工作。3、sales reps

20、推销员 sales rep (单数形式)rep = representative n. 代表sales n. 销售sales representative 销售人员,销售代表 sales person 销售人员salesman 男销售员 saleswoman 女销售员4、mann. 男人 (单数) 人类 menwoman n.女人 women5、officen. 办公室in the office 在办公室里office block 办公大楼office boy/girl 勤杂工office assistant 勤杂人员officer 官员6、assistantn.助手,助理assistant

21、of the manager 经理助理assist v. 援助二、课文讲解who 引导的特殊疑问句who 引导的含有系动词的特殊疑问句的句型为:主要是询问人的姓名和身份who is + 单数名词? who are + 复数名词?Who is that fat man? He is our headmaster.Who are they? They are my parents.Come and meet our employees, Mr. Richards. 祈使句用来表示建议,命令,叮嘱等。(省略主语):You come and meet our employees.this is 用来介

22、绍他人How do you do? 在正式场合下第一次见面时用语。回答也是:How do you do? How are you? 朋友或相识的人之间见面时的询问身体状况的问候语。 I am fine. / I am well.What are their jobs?/ What is her job?Lesson 18 What are their jobs?Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty.一、 单词讲解1、mattern. 事情eg. Whats the matter? 怎么了?(用来询问发生了什么事)eg. Whats wrong?Whats the matter

23、 with+人?/Whats wrong with+人? 怎么了?eg. Whats the matter with your brother? 你的兄弟怎么了?eg. It doesnt matter! 没事,没关系!常用在回复sorry这句话中Sorry! Im sorry! - It doesnt matter!eg. It matters. 有关系。eg. Does it matter? 有关系吗?行吗?2、childrenn. 孩子们(复) child (单数)eg. Whose child is this?eg. This is her Whose is thi

24、s child?eg. This child is hers.3、tiredadj.累的,疲乏的eg. Im tired. 我累了。tire out :completely tired 筋疲力尽了tireless adj.不知疲倦的less 是形容词后缀,具有否定意义。a tireless worker 不知疲倦的工人4、thirstyadj. 渴的eg. We are tired and thirsty.5、sit down坐下 stand up 站起来6、rightadj.1)好的,可以eg. Lets go upstairs and see my new blouse. -All rig

25、 I fell off the stairs. -Are you all right? -Yes, I am.2)右边,右边的 left 左边,左边的on the right/ left3)正确的eg. Thats right. 对,没错(wrong)7、ice cream冰淇淋two ice creams 两只冰淇淋二、课文讲解there be 结构: There be. 某地有某物There is + n. (可数单数名词或不可数名词)+介词短语(状语)There are + n. (可数复数名词)+介词短语(状语)There is a tie in the box. 在盒子里

26、面有一条领带。(a tie可数名词单数)There are two shirts on the bed. 在床上有两件衬衫。(two shirts 复数名词)There is some water on the desk. 在桌子上有一些水。(water 不可数名词) 我们说如果一个句子中有be的形式存在,那么这个句子的疑问或否定形式都在be 本身变化。比如说疑问句,我们就把系动词提前,否定句,我们就在系动词后面加not.There is a tie in the box.Is there a tie in the box?Yes, there is. No, there isntThere

27、is some/isnt any water on the desk.Is there any water on the desk? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.(some 和any 都表示“一些“,some一般用在肯定句中,any 用在疑问句或否定句中。)介词(后面加名词):in 在里面in the box / in the office/ in the roomon 在上面on the desk/ on the book/ on the floorTwo ice creams, please.=Give me two ice creams, please.L

28、esson 20 Look at them.一、 单词讲解1、big1) adj. 外形比较大eg. There is a big box on the floor. 地板上有一个大箱子。2)adj. 抽象的大eg. Deng Xiaoping is a big man. 邓小平是一个伟大的人物。2、smalladj.体积小 little adj.(感情色彩)小a small room a little girl (带有喜欢,喜爱之情)3、open1) adj. 开着的eg. The shop is open. 商店开业了。2)v. 开,打开open the door 打开门4、shut1)a

29、dj. 关着的 = closedeg. The door is The door is shut.2)v. 关上= closeshut the doorclose the dooreg. Shut up! 闭嘴5、light1)adj. 轻的eg. The box is so light that I can lift it by myself. 这个箱子真是太轻了,我一个人就能把它提起来。a light sleeper 睡觉比较浅的人light punishment 比较轻的处罚2)n. 灯turn on the light 开灯turn off the light 关灯6、heavyadj. 重的eg. Is the desk heavy?heavy smoker 吸烟比较多的人heavy drinker 喝酒比较多的人heavy hearted 心事重重的人,伤心的7、longadj. 长的 short adj. 短的8、shoen.鞋 shoes9、grandfather/grandmothergrandfather/grandmother n.祖父母,外祖父母grandson/granddaughter n.孙子/女,外孙子/女10、trousersn.裤子(复数)

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