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1、新视野大学英语课后练习题翻译和答案未找到目录项。第一单元;vocabularystart again.工人坐在工厂 闲置等待装配线重新开始。2.To some of our problems there was more than one right answer,so we were looking atthe stude nts reasoning as to how they got it and if they could the an swer theyhad.我们的一些问题有一个以上的正确答案, 所以我们看学生推理他们如何得到它, 如果他们能证明他们的答案3.c on sumers

2、 expect to find the brand available at a disco unt and are un pleasa ntly surprised to find a higher price.消费者希望找到品牌 打折出售,找到一个更高的价格感到 不高兴的。4.the Europea n union is made up of 27 n ati ons with distinct cultural,li nguistic and economic roots.欧洲联盟是由27个国家不同的文化,语言和经济根源。5.police found minute traces of b

3、lood on the car seats.警方发现了 微量的血在 汽车座椅。6.despite his promise to elim in ate crony ism,he was ope nly accused of giving governme nt positio ns to friendsand relatives.尽管他承诺消除任人唯亲,他公开 指责政府 的位置给朋友和亲戚7.but i would like to accept his kind offer if he did not to my shari ng theseed with my frien d,mary,wh

4、o was an experie need grower and had a beautiful rock garde n.但我想如果他不反对我和我的朋友分享种子,玛丽愿意接受他的好意,他是一个有经验的种植者和有一个美丽的石头花园。also poses health threat to people livi ng nearby. 来自工厂的污染物继续 污染河流,也对附近居民的健康造成威胁。9.we believe its possible to sustain growth through the use of differe nt kinds of energy that will all

5、ow for lower carbon emissions 我们相信,通过各种不同的能量,将允许 降低碳排放量的使用 持续增长是可能的10.the peole loved her so much that they nicknamed her evita,and long after herdeath,ma ny arge nti nes continue to Worship her.人们非常喜欢她,他们称她为埃维 塔,她死很久以后,很多阿根廷人继续 崇拜她。短文填空have you ever known anyone famous? if so ,you may have found th

6、at are remarkably similar to the rest of us, you may have even heard them object to people saying there is anythingdifferent about them. ”m really just a normal guy ” an actor who hasrecently rocketed into the spotlight, there is,of course,usually a brief period when they actuallyand talk as if ever

7、y one should hear what they have to say, thisperiod,however,does not often last long, they fall back to reality as fast as they hadoriginally risen above it all. what will it feel like to soar to such altitude ,and look down like an eagle from up high on every one else, and what will it feel like to

8、 have flow n so high only to wake from your dream and realize you are only human, some only see the Cruelty inlosing someth ing they had gain ed, they ofte n make desperate attempts to rega in what they lost. often these efforts result in even greater pain, some becomeban Krupt finan cially and emot

9、i on ally. the only real winners are those who are happy to be back on the ground with the rest of us.你认识的人中有著名的?如果是这样的话,你会发现是我们非常相似。你甚至可以听到 他们反对的人说对他们有什么不同。我只是一个普通人 ,抗议演员最近飙升到聚光灯下,有,当然,通常是一个短暂的时期, 他们开始相信他们是他们 崇拜的球迷是伟大的建议。 他们开始穿花哨的衣服,好像每个人都应该听听他们要说些什么 ,然而,这一时期,不会持续太长。他们回到现实,他们 当初超越这一切快。什么会感觉高涨到这样的 高

10、度往下看像一只鹰从高处的人,什么会感觉飞这么高,只有从你的梦中 醒来,意识到你是唯一的人,一些人只看到 残忍的失去他们拥有的东西他们常常绝望的试图夺回他们所失 去的。通常这些努力带来更大的痛苦。一些 破产的财务和感情。只有真正的赢家是那些高兴回来对我们其余的地面。第三单元;Vocabulary1.i prefer to eat vegetables raW,not cooked,because i believe that is better for my health 我喜欢吃生的蔬菜,没有熟,因为我相信这是对我的健康更好2.if convicted of the charge he wou

11、ld face a pris on sentence of six years. 女口果 被判有罪,他将面临六年的监禁。3.any claims for refund or compe nsati on must be made in writing to our head officewithin 28 days退款或赔偿的任何索赔必须在 28天内对我们的总部写作message for Jan or Martha at Jordan office 如果你需要照顾孩子为了参加会议,请 留言给简或玛莎在乔丹办公室通知我们5. the gover nment attaches great impo

12、rta nee to the training of food han dlers and the new food safety act contains specific provisions on this政府高度重视饮食从业人员的培训 和新的食品安全法包含具体 规定6.keep your receipt in case there is someth ing wrong with it and you want to bring itback把你的收据,如果有什么问题,你想把它带回来7.her job in that compa ny was to merely fill the co

13、ntainers and the n labels on them她在公司的工作就是把罐子装满,然后在上面 贴上标签.8.When he realized that one engine was not work ing the pilot altered air traffic con trol. 当他意识到,一个发动机不工作时,飞行员 改变了空中交通管制。9.My garde n is too dry and shady not many pla nts thrive in such environment. 我的花园是太干燥和阴凉没有多少植物 生长在这样的环境。io. this is t

14、o certify .that the holder of this certificate has been awarded top prize in the en glish-speaki ng con test这是为了证明该证书持有人已在英语竞赛中荣获一等奖短文恋空what happe ns in America whe n some one becomes disabled and cannot do the kind of work they did in the past. if some one has bee n injured on the job. they are sup

15、posed to notify the medical worker,who would certify that there was a problem. the n they may receive compe nsati on from the company.if the company provides a pension ,the person may receive money monthly to make up for lost wages. the person who has been disabledat the workplace. this usuallymay a

16、lso take the compa ny to court if safety was neglectedrequired to pay money to the gover nment for a program to take care of people disabled on the prcvisi on in this program requires workplaces where more injuries occur to pay more mon ey.for this reas on compa nies that requires heavy phys

17、ical labor take safety very seriously. most people misu ndersta nd disability in sura nee. they think it is ridiculous that a pers on should get paid without work ing.ln fact this ben efit is usually not eno ugh to cover the rent and other bills of those who receive it. most of the disabled still wa

18、nt time在美国一些人发生事故,他们就不能像以前那样做事。 如果有人在工作中受伤。他们应该 通知医务人员,谁 能保证有一个问题。然后他们会收到补偿从公司公司 提供养老金,人可以每月收到的钱以弥补工资损失。 一个残疾人也可以把公司告上法庭,如果在工作安全被忽略。这通常是在收到付款来解决争议。此外,所有工作场所需要支付钱给政府一个程序来照顾残 .疾人的工作的人。这一规定程序需要更多的伤害 发生时支付更多的钱,因此企业需要繁重的体力劳动中采取 非常重视安全的工作场所。大多数人 误解伤残保险.他们认为这是荒谬的一个人应该获得报酬的工作。事 实上,这种利益通常是不足以覆盖那些收到的租金和 其他费用。

19、大多数残疾人还是要工作,但从伤病 恢复 和其他类型的就业培训需要时间第五单元;Vocabulary1. Employees at humble jobs have to carefully weigh up the employers words and closelywatch their expressi on 员工在卑微的工作需要仔细权衡其雇主的话,密切关注他们的表 达2. In paris,the Eiffel tower closed to the public for four hours after a morning snowfall made it太滑too slippery

20、 to climb在巴黎,埃菲尔铁塔对公众关闭后的一个早晨,降雪使 爬四小时desires后来,儿童,青少年要学会把自己的冲动刹车,要 抑制自己的欲望arbitrary policy经过几个月的 观察我个人可以断定,这是几乎任意的政策type of therapy for a troubled min d. it is crucial for huma ns to find some solit udeincreasingly becoming smaller. and whatever we have we must Share with others. therefore our abil

21、ity to maintain a healthy balanee between socialin teracti on and personal pursuits is being challenged. Inspiration infor ordinary people as well. a healthy adult needs alone time-time to reflecton what is truly important to them. when you are alone,you canstretch out your soul until it fills up th

22、e whole room,and use your freedom,moving at your own pace,however it is importa nt to stay rational do not forget that in order to be a healthy part of others is lives,you must yourself be healthy你怎么花时间,当你孤单的时候 ,你把音乐的声音你可以听听自己的娱乐。你给自己买你能找到坐下一顿最大的牛排。这一直是我的观察,这些活动可以是一个困扰的心灵 治疗的最佳类型。人类发现一些 孤独的生活是至关重要的。

23、他们必须找到一些时间让宇宙 去旋转的没有其他的 中断这个世界的一部分 属于一个人是越来越小。无论我们我们必 须与他人 分享.因此我们维持社会 互动和个人追求健康的平衡受到挑战的能力。灵感在 孤独中商品主要不仅为诗人和哲学家但是对于普通人一样。 一个健康的成年人需要独处的时间去 思考什么是真正重要的东西。当你独自一人的时候,你可以 放飞你的灵魂,让它充满整个房间,用你的自由,你自己的步伐移动,但它是保 持理性不要忘记,为了他人的健康是生活的重要部分,你必须自己是健康的 第七单元Vocabulary1.some medical experts believe the cha nces of an

24、explosive spread of the disease to Europecannot be discounted 些医学专家认为这种疾病的机会迅速蔓延到欧洲不能 打折失偏颇,因为它没有包含足够的平衡的观点and charm to your garden也许种植不同种类 的玫瑰会增加变化和魅力,你的花园是一个 好主意4.rightly or wrongly I judged that the potential risks in doing so were greater tha n any possible ben efit that I could imagi ne无论对或错我判断

25、的 潜在风险,这样做比任何我所能 想到的益处5.Confronted with the evide nee they admitted that of all huma ns Australia ns are the most dista nt from Africa ns gen etieally在证据面前,他们承认,所有人类,澳洲人是最遥远的从 非洲人的基因6.In areas of high unemploym-ent. workers tend to to other parts of the countrywhere more jobs are available 在高失业率地区。工

26、人们往往 迁移到这个国家更多的工作在其他地方7.The people here are said to be descended from the Vikings这里的人都说是 来自维京 人8.With the exception of teaching and nursing .these jobs require little specialized training andfor most a good physical appeara nee is a distinct advantage除了教育和护理之外。这些 工作不需要专门的培训和最良好的外表是一个 明显的优势9.The prob

27、lem , he poin ted out was ,that though many Europea ns had at one time studiedEnglish ,they retained ,only ,a superficial knowledge of the Ianguage 的问题,他指出, 虽然许多欧洲人都在同一时间学习英语,他们保留,只是,语言的 肤浅的知识10.A survey shows that ,women who have maintained and developed an extensive networkof pers onal relati on s

28、hips in middle age are better able to cope with the problems of old age 一项调查显示,那些在中年,维持和发展人际关系的一个 广泛的网络,能够更好地应对老龄问题的女性11. I have read the history and geography of huma n genes by luca cavalla-sforza bu still havesome questi ons, even though the findings seem in gly prove that racesare esse ntially e

29、qualon a gen etic. there are differe nces un expla in ed. it was darw in who firstadvancedthe theory of n atural select ion. his no ti on was that certa in characteristics that help that speciessurvive are selected over gen erati ons by that species. the species does not con sciouslyfruitful members

30、 of that species with the preferred genes gradually become thedominant breed, we may as a species,all haveCOmme need our existe nee in one locati on ,but this was longlong ago .factors such as climate and other survival necessitieshave created needs for evolution. i believe these factors havecontrib

31、uted to races evolving with dfferent attributes. this explai ns the phen ome na such as Asia ns receivi ng better scie nee and math also shedslight on why there are so many excellent athletes from Africa I understand that this is a particularly controversial stateme nt.我已经读了一本书但还是有些问题, 尽管这

32、些发现似乎证明种族本质上是平等的在遗传。有差异的解释。这是达尔文首次 提出自然选择理论。他的观点是,某些特征选择帮助物 种生存在世代的物种。该物种不自觉地做出选择的遗传 倾向。相反的是,物种的存活时间和更富有成效的成员优先的基因逐渐成为 主导品种,我们作为一个物种,都有自己存在在一个位置 开始,但这是很久以前的事情了。如气候和其他生存必需品的因素已经创 建了所需的 进化。我相信这些因素促成了种族不同 属性的演变。这说明如亚洲人收到更好的科学和数学成绩的 现象。这也揭示了为什么有那么多优秀的运动员来自非洲,我明 白这是一个特别 有争议的声明。第八单元Vocabulary1.The spy looked cautiously around and then walked away from the cinema andbribing a seniordisappeared into the dark间

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