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1、冯菊xin设计课摘要 高三练习讲评课(如东信息卷)信息技术给我国教育事业的发展带来巨大的挑战和机遇。信息技术在教学中的应用引起了教学内容、教学方法、教学组织形式等方面的变化,必将导致教学思想和观念以及教学体制在一定程度上的变化。本案例就借助信息技术进行教学作一些尝试。教学设计理念 1、运用任务型语言教学模式,训练培养学生对语言的综合运用,实现目标,感受成功,教学进度整体把握,教学形式不拘一格。 2、课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,教师起到指导的作用。 3、在教学中,突出交际性,注重语言的实用性,要进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 4、课后访谈

2、调查,做到提优补差。 5、正视个体差异,倡导分类教学,过程评价结合结果评价。学情分析 一方面,高三年龄段的学生对周围的事物较为敏感,有自己的观点和看法,他们不拘于所做练习的答案,而是从原有的题目总结考点和解题方法,所以我会以学生为主体尽量做到让学生回答。讨论。和归纳做题方法,最后还要反思;另一方面,学生对错题辩论很感兴趣,因此我会给大量的机会让他们表明错题解题思路以及给予必要的反驳,激发学生兴趣与课堂气氛。最后利用信息技术提供教学资源,要求学生用英语表达自己的看法。最突出的特点是让学生尝试“自主学习,主动思考,乐于协作,勇于创新”。用网络资源使学生学习活动多元化。人机互动师生互动生生互动。 教

3、学内容分析 (一)试卷分析本节课要讲的试卷从整体上把握不难,但是在一些细节上很有考题水准,需要引起学生的重视,所以在一些考点上不能忽略,会加以适当的拓长展。这样让学生形成一定的知识体系,为高考相应的知识储备。本课是以任务的形式完成,翻译,选择题,和阅读理解题。任务量适当,这就必须上课环节要紧凑,设计应合理。当快则快,当慢则慢。(二)教学重点难点 (1)重点:1.注重翻译能力,为英语学习和作文做准备。2.提炼知识点, 培养语言素养. 3.培养阅读能力及解题技巧.(2)难点:1.阅读技能的训练;2.解题方法的使用.(确立依据:阅读在整个英语教育体系和高考中都占有重要比例,阅读能力的提高不是一朝一夕

4、事。再高明的老师也不可能把自己的阅读能力传授给学生。学生阅读能力的提高只能在老师的指导下通过实践训练获得.)三维教学目标 (一)知识技能 通过本课的学习使学生能够正确把握翻译句子与选择题的做题能力.在阅读中体会并初步掌握生词、词组 句型 的用法 ,及阅读专练.(二)情感态度 激发学生小组合作以及学习兴趣. 鼓励学生打破“我不行”的心理暗示让意念统领身体走出一条完美的道路 (三)学习策略(能力目标) 1.认知策略: 通过翻译句子让学生掌握一种翻译句子的能力. 通过阅读能力的培养及训练,让学生做阅读有一套方法,紊不乱.2.调控策略: 通过阅读训练让学生了解到阅读过程中与很多阅读障碍,不可求全责备,

5、调整心态和注意力 ,通过读懂细节,推断隐含内容,要掌握大意。获取所需信息。 依据:在新课程理念要求老师传授给学生阅读方法,读阅读进行整体教学,而不在局限于单词句型的传统教授。在学生现实阅读当中很多学生过分地方注意力放在生词上面,而不注意阅读方法的培养,反映在考试中为遇到一片生词较多的语篇就丧失了阅读的信心。 3.交际策略: 通过小组讨论解决问题的交际活动提高用英语交际的能力。4.资源策略: 让学生了解做过的练习资料一样是学习的重要途径。 (四)文化意识: 了解西方文化关知识,加深对文化差异的了解。 (教学目标的确立依据:本课是练习课,阅读是英语教学的重点,也算是难点,同时根据英语标对学生能力的

6、要求,本课教学以知识讲练为主,同时兼顾听说能力的培养,另外根据练习内容和特点把德育教育渗透到教学当中去。)教法分析 教学方法 :问答法(question and answer) 讨论法(discussion) 辩论法(debate)任务教学法 (task-based method)教具教学手段: Multi-media computer; OHP(overhead projector); PowerPoint多媒体辅助教学 (依据:根据本课特点以教材为本,传统教学手段和现代多媒体教学手段相结合,恰当合理呈现本课内容。) 学法指导 注重知识点的归纳,认真解读考点,利用多媒体有机结合具体练习,拓展

7、知识网络,形成知识储备.阅读是一种积极主动地吸收、思考、理解、接受信息和反馈信息的过程,也是一种复杂的智力活动。对练习进行讨论,使学生进行发散性、创造性思维。通过这节课教学,学生已初步建立了阅读的基本技能-Skimming(略读)和Scanning(查读),教师引导学生结合语境,采用推测、查阅或询问等方法进行学习和猜词专练习得的方法。具体教学步骤(Teaching procedures:) Teaching planning Teaching Aims: 1.Improve Ssability of solving three tasks. Task1. Translation Task2.

8、Checking the choices Task3. Reading comprehension 2. Help Ss improve the ability of concluding the approaches of problems.Emotional Aims: 1. Aware Ss to help with each other. 2. Help Ss build up great qualities like confidence, good spirit in studying and so on. Teaching key points: 1. Language focu

9、s 2. Reading skills 3. The approaches of solving mistakesTeaching ways: 1. Work in groups 2.Ask - answer activity 3. Practice and concludeTeaching procedures:Step 1 Translate some sentences.(高考必背句型) 5XX搜索:/18cf5f2eb4daa58da0114ae8.html(主要是利用其资源挑选出5句重点句型。句子的来源有一定的科学性和合理性。)Let Ss write down sentences

10、on the blackboard before class (pay attention to spelling) and let other Ss check the answers. At last, let all Ss pick out and underling important parts in each paragraph. Some sentences: 1I think it has helped widen our knowledge/horizons and improved our English.2In short,I think music can make o

11、ur lives more colorful and interesting.3. It was not until he came back that I left for Qingdao.4. Not only can music education enrich our knowledge, but also it reduces our pressure.5. But the most important is that people should be made aware of the importance of animal protection.Conclude: They a

12、re very useful in English studying and must keep them in mind. We can use them in composition.目的及依据:本环节通过翻译句子,改正句子,找出重点旨在让学生明白重点句在高考中的重要性,且利用活动调节学生情绪及课堂气氛.同时展示一些句子让学生讨论,让学生找出高考考点,以此法导入,引起学生对环节的关注,培养学生总结考点的能力。以上述问题引发讨论。Step 2 Check the choices. Give some fallible choices, let them discuss in groups t

13、o solve the questions. If you are wrong or right, please give your explanations for them. Then ask Ss answer them and others can complete them. At last conclude the style of questions and some ways to solve it (Let Ss conclude it, Teacher give guidance)Reading over Ss homework, I find some fallible(

14、易错的)choices. 821. 23. 27 33 34 Pick out key points from sentences with your partner and read them. I show some points on the screen and write some important parts on the blackboard.Key phrases and sentence pattern (Read them freely and try to remember them. 2)23could have done/should have done24Get

15、over25The work based on the consensus26Be worthy of sth27Its no use/good doing sth30Out speak(直言的)/rid of 31Other than /among other things( 除了 )33In the red 34Its said that that was all that that boy had said。35Not only+(半倒装)but also+陈述句语序As we solve questions, we will do some practices which link e

16、ach question.设计依据及目的:本部分根据学生的认知规律而设计,首先让学生借助错题讨论方式,其次,让学生找出知识点归纳总结,由浅入深 由感性认识到理性思考了解练习中常考点,为以后考试做准备.同时利用多媒体呈现知识要点便于学生系统认识,另一方面呈现一个找错任务活动以此来激发学生求知欲望,进行小组活动做到生生活动,体现学生是学习的主体。 Step3 Consolidate the key points. 7XX搜索:/8448f20716fc700abb68fc7d.html( 利用其资源,查找出大量的相关颜色表达的内涵,以此能扩大学生的眼界,增加学生的知识容量。)A (Guess an

17、d translate)1.赤字 in the red2.有结余/有盈余 in the black3.妒忌 green with jealousy/envy4.高兴 tickled pink/delighted5.沮丧 feel blue6.善意谎言 a white lie7.能手 green handB (Choose and give ways of doing it and give the style of the sentences.)XX搜索:/bbac23edaeaad1f346933f87.html1. News came from the head quarter of th

18、e UN _China had suggested to protect the environment was strongly favored by. (同位语从句后置) A. which B. what C. that D. that what2. The question is _he said doesnt correspond to what he did. A. that what B. what C which D. that3. 据说他说的是要遵守规则. (Translation) Its said that what he said was to obey the rule

19、s.C (Choose and give the usage of one, it, that.)XX搜索:-9267-4e44-be98-49cf09818776 (下载相关课件资源, 选取重点讲解, 让学生形成一定的理论知识建构,最后加以针对性的巩固练习。让学生观看幻灯片,这样使的学生在理解知识上循序渐进,且有依据可寻。)1.Visiting the acropolis this summer was an unforgettable moment, _ I will treasure.A. One B. that C. it D. what 2. The climate here is

20、like _ of New York.3. -Do you have my pen, Mary? -Yes, I have_ right here.Conclude: pay attention to the key points and the ways to solve the problems.设计依据及目的:做到有讲有练,及时巩固形成学生能力,培养学生解题能力及归纳总结,同时让学生参加活动培养兴趣与自信心. 链接一些相关练习题,大大增加了课堂容量,让学生及时巩固所学知识,培养学生解题的能力。Step4. Analyze the reading comprehensionA. Tell

21、me the train of your thought for dong it. 2XX搜索:/ebb23806de80d4d8d15a4fe3.html课前认真阅读信息资源,为学生梳理做阅读理解的方法。1. 先看问题,再读文章:带着问题阅读短文,确定主攻方向,特别要注意首尾段和首尾句。2. 细读全文,认真推敲:针对题目的要求,细心阅读与试题有的词汇、句子或段落,要特别留心一些信息词。3. 复读全文,验证答案:在选出全部答后 应将答案带入问题中重读全文。B. Check the questions and analyze them. 61. What is the style?2. Give

22、 the main idea.C. Pick out the key points from them. 4(Analyze the sentences and the usage of them, let Ss express them and read them )1. Be dressed up (para.1 A)2. She warned him that if his pipe ever stopped smoking, he would fall down and become just a pipe of sticks again. (para9. A.)3. He tells

23、 the parents that they can be proud, because they have excellent sons and daughters who have done their best. (Step5. How to do words and sentences comprehension efficiently? 8XX搜索:/q4.htm?sp=1166 -.html#documentinfo(首先利用第一个信息资源进行词义猜测的方法指导。这些方法来自多个专家的全方位的解读,有一定的借鉴作用。其次利用第二个找出最近六年高考真题中相关真题让学生巩固练习。真题考

24、点具有一定的代表性和可利用性。)设计依据及目的:让学生互相合作,小组讨论,推选代表说出自己的见解,既锻炼学生的合作精神,又使英语的交际功能最佳发挥;个别学生可进行即兴演讲,进行口语和胆量的训练。词义猜测型-解题要领 Lets use them into practice同义法实战演练Question: The underlined word “exploits” is closest in meaning to _.A. journeys B. researches C. adventures D. operations(07浙江A) The following year, he met Jo

25、hn and was hired as an instructor at Johns School of Adventure in Scotland, where he learned about Johns cold-water exploits. Greatly interested, Sam read all he could about North Pole(波兰) explorers and adventures, then decided that this would be his future.反义法实战演练Question: Which of the following is

26、 closest in meaning to the underlined word “illiterate”?A. repeat B. reiterated C. uneducated D. sickMost women in Ghana the educated and illiterate, the urban and rural, the young and old work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers. Their reputation for e

27、conomic independence, self-reliance, and hard work is well known and well deserved.释义法实战演练Question: The underlined word “daunting” most probably means _. A. discouraging B. interesting C. creative D. unbearable When Mary landed her first teaching job, she faced the daunting task of creating a music

28、program with almost no money for equipment or supplies in a climate where standard-based learning was the focus and music just provided a break for students and teachers. 情景推断法实战演练Question: The underlined word “Enraged” may probably mean_.A. to be made angry B. to be made surprised C. to be made dep

29、ressed D. to be made happyOne night the wind howled loudly in from offshore. He rushed next door to the hired hands sleeping room to wake him up. But the little man rolled over in bed and said firmly, “No sir.” Enraged by the response, the man wanted to fire him on the spot.Conclude: remember them a

30、nd put these ways into practice.设计依据及目的:呈现实战演练题目,专讲专练,让学生充分利用网络教学资源,进行大量的训练。高三学生应该注重归纳一定的解题方法,让学生在练中学会体会,做到在做题中有的方矢.Step5. What have we learned? 21. Up to now, we have finished tasks. We know we should strengthen the understanding and the analysis of the sentences.2. You should enrich your vocabular

31、y and reading comprehension.Come on!设计依据及目的: 回顾全课形成自己的能力,培养表达能力.利用多媒体呈现内容形成知识建构。便于学生记忆。Step6. Homework 11. Go back this period and remember the usages of key points.2. Underline important words and sentences in reading B 3. Have a dictation in groups and complete reading comprehension A. B. C. D. in Rudong papers(如东信息卷). (The ways to check it: 1.Give a daily report about them.2. question and answer.)设计依据及目的:具体可操作,考虑重难点,目标明确,注重学生能力的培养.展示检查方法,做到细节提醒,有助于学生准备。Blackboard design 设计依据及目的:注重知识重点突出,知识连贯,记忆快捷,形成结构网络, 易学生习得。 高三练习讲评Task1 M

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