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1、magoosh错题without so much as。甚至于不Oct 25, 2013 onWithout so muchhold forth on 滔滔不绝地说 提供Jan 22, 2014 onMany imagine philosophy apparelledrepast rpst基本释义n. 就餐,饮食vi. 就餐;设宴umbrage mbrd基本释义n. 不快,生气;树荫;怀疑dander dndn. 头皮屑(等于dandruff);怒气;(苏格兰)闲逛;(英)颤抖vi. 说话语无伦次;闲逛Jan 22, 2014 onThe Olympic Cycling Teamreprisa

2、ln. 报复(行为);报复性劫掠retaliation, revengeJan 22, 2014 onHoping for a freshpastoral pst()r()ladj. 牧师的;牧人的;田园生活的;乡村的n. 牧歌;田园诗;田园景色同近义词n. 牧师的;牧人的;田园生活的;乡村的ministerial, ecclesiasticaln. 牧歌;田园诗;田园景色eclogue, idyllJan 22, 2014 onUnlike many poetswayward wewdadj. 任性的;不规则的;刚愎的n. 任性的;不规则的;刚愎的abnormal, self-partial

3、persnickety psnktadj. 爱挑剔的;要求极度精确的;难应付的同近义词n. 爱挑剔的;要求极度精确的;难应付的critical, curiousJan 22, 2014 onMeticulous to a faultjingoismparanoia ,prn基本释义n. 心理 偏执狂,内科 妄想狂agitation dte()n基本释义n. 激动;搅动;煽动;烦乱cupidity kjupdt基本释义n. 贪心,贪婪restiveness restivnis基本释义n. 难以驾御;倔强Jan 22, 2014 onRevolutions do little toa tiny s

4、ubset of the population 与 the majority 相对dismissvt. 解散;解雇;开除;让.离开;不予理会、不予考虑vi. 解散dismiss as基本释义认为而辞退:;认为而不予考虑:Jan 22, 2014 onYet another creationsubservientsubversiveJan 22, 2014 onBy nature she wasembodiment mbdmnt基本释义n. 体现;化身;具体化Jan 22, 2014 onBrutus is often heldto no avail基本释义无效,完全无用entreaty ntr

5、it; en-基本释义n. 恳求;乞求earnest entreaty 热切的恳求importune ,mptjun基本释义vi. 强求;胡搅蛮缠vt. 强求;一再向某人要求Jan 22, 2014 onThe citizens movementdesperately desprtladv. 拼命地;绝望地;极度地ingratiating means trying desperately to win the affection of othersfawning, while slightly different from ingratiating, captures the college

6、graduates attempts to win the affection of others through excessive flatteryJan 22, 2014 onAs the job fairdiffidence means lacking confidence. It is not supported by the context.Jan 22, 2014 onFor the time beingsteel for 作好思想准备以balked at 回避Jan 23, 2014 onWith the critics waitingbelabor blebvt. 痛打;抨击

7、;过度说明;反复讨论Jan 23, 2014 onThe judges closing remarksgalling gladj. 难堪的;使烦恼的;擦伤人的bracing bres 想启用英文朗读功能吗?请先安装flash插件!详细adj. 令人振奋的;凉爽的n. 支撑;支柱;背带v. 绷紧,顶住(brace的现在分词形式)Jan 23, 2014 onThere is nothing moretrope trpn. 比喻;修辞;转义anodyne ndann. 药 止痛剂;起安慰作用的事物adj. 止痛的;安慰人的;平淡无奇的Jan 23, 2014 onIn regards tomave

8、rickspugilistsdoyennesconsiglieripotentatesJan 24, 2014 onMany high-tech CEOscloak any venalityhindsight是后见之明,不是先见之明!Jan 25, 2014 onHad the committee anyas such同样地;本身;就其本身而论Jan 25, 2014 onThe conception of timepurity does not denote speed(B) celerity, a very difficult word, means speed, swiftness(C)

9、 fecklessness is idleness(D) semblance means outward appearance. Does not match context(E) deliberations means to do something carefully and slowly(F) swiftness means speedJan 25, 2014 onWhen sketching, Pablo Picassodicey das 想启用英文朗读功能吗?请先安装flash插件!详细n. (Dicey)人名;(英)戴西adj. 不确定的;冒险性的;认命的;危险的Jan 25, 2

10、014 onStranded north of thesparse is the opposite of dense(B) eradicated means wiped out(C) innumerable means a great number(D) immutable means cannot be changed(E) legion means great in number(F) thoroughgoing means absolute, which is not the same as having a great number ofJan 26, 2014 onOnce acro

11、ss the Western plainshardwired引申义可以泛指那些不可改变的东西,尤其指个人的口味和需要不可改变。比如:Are We Hardwired for God?(我们对神的信仰还坚定吗?)Jan 26, 2014 onThe idea thatto dithering is to delay in making a decision(D) prevarication is the act of speaking evasively as to avoid telling the truthJan 26, 2014 onRequiring split-second deci

12、sions罐頭片語(canned phrases)platitudes are canned phrasesrecrimination r,krmne()nn. 反责,反控;揭丑Jan 26, 2014 onSmall talk abounds with(B) simpering means wearing a childish grin(C) snide means insulting, usually in an indirect way. The sentence contains a direct insult, going so far. which shows that somet

13、imes his insults were not so direct(D) affable means friendly(E) provocative means causing irritation. This answer could work, but provocative has no similar pair amongst the answer choices(F) derogative means insultingJan 26, 2014 onThe poet, snubbedPassed Over详细网络释义错失提升机缘Jan 27, 2014 onThough she

14、had spentvirtually 事实上untouched 没有改变的,未经修饰的fauna 动物tough going 难走pristine 原始的Jan 27, 2014 onWhile the dense brushIt ill behooves A to do BA不应该做B(A并非理应做B)A做B是不理智的It behooves A to B.A 应该做BJan 27, 2014 onIt ill behooves theweather time 经受住时间的考验withstand time 同上sustain blow 殴打 injury 伤害 或其他painful 的事情,我

15、们suffer through them, 但是没有survive them,只是承受,但无法经“受住这些的考验”Jan 27, 2014 onChopin the pianistasceticism和austerity 禁欲insulation 狭隘renounce 放弃权利renounce all worldly pleasures 放弃所有世俗的喜乐Jan 27, 2014 onSaintliness has becomea polymath is a person who is learned in many fieldsa rationalist is a person who fo

16、llows reason. Does not entail mastery of many fieldsa fabulist is one who makes up storiesJan 27, 2014 onThe days of thesnap at 厉声说querulous 喋喋不休的whine 抱怨 牢骚petulant 暴躁任性的Jan 27, 2014 onAs soon as hisinscrutable 高深莫测的神秘的 不可理解的harken back to (the days) 回溯到Jan 27, 2014 onThe popularization of sciencen

17、emesis 对手elusive 难懂的anticipate 抢先 预期prate 唠叨laborious 勤勉的delicate 纤弱的,易碎的 精美的“bashful, insolent; chaste, lustful; prating, silent; laborious, delicate; knowing, ignorant”chaste 纯洁的Jan 27, 2014 onMontaignes pursuit ofdissimulate 伪装 掩饰camouflage 伪装Jan 27, 2014 onMontaignes pursuit ofcrucialuntowardpro

18、pitioustorridinclementpredictable至关重要的倔强的吉祥狂热的恶劣可预测的Jan 30, 2014 onWhile the aviatorssurliness s:linis 详细n. 不和蔼;粗鲁;险恶的天气;乖戾Jan 30, 2014 onIt was not outA knack for _, it can be argued, allows one access to a whole range of careers, many of which require one to forsake direct, honest speech.forsakeJa

19、n 30, 2014 onA knack for itglibimpertinentobligingobsequiousdeferentialJan 31, 2014 onWhile she was unfailinglycrony chumJan 31, 2014 onCorrupted by handshakesunscrupulous nskrupjls 详细adj. 肆无忌惮的;寡廉鲜耻的;不讲道德的unforthcoming nfkm 详细adj. 不愿响应的Jan 31, 2014 onThough the accounting firmharried hrid 详细adj. 被掠

20、夺的;受折磨的v. 烦扰;掠夺;强使前进(harry的过去分词)besieged means to be surrounded and harassed(E) disbarred means to be excludedfetedfete fet 详细n. 祭祀;庆祝;节日;游乐会vt. 宴请;招待Jan 31, 2014 onBy a swarm of tabloid reporters,anything but详细根本不,决不Jan 31, 2014 onMany claim that(D) splendor captures wealth and grandeur that is in

21、stark relief to the poverty(E) temerity, meaning lack of caution, does not fit in context(F) opulence is a great show of wealth and luxuryabject poverty huddled at its baseJan 31, 2014 onThe hill was markedfrom which anything fresh has been wrung dry byTrue, to the classically trained ear, Haydns ea

22、rly works can often seem _, a mishmash of motifs from which anything fresh has been wrung dry by subsequent composers to the ears of Haydns contemporaries, however, Haydns music was _.Jan 31, 2014 onTrue, to the classicallydiminish strain负担,滥用,尽力,拉紧 underscore下划线,强调 tax使负重担 bolster trounce痛打 严责ail a

23、iling 生病的,不舒服的Jan 31, 2014 onThe increased number enteringMartha was _ those whom she had only met a few times, expressing her misgivings with folded arms and furrowed brow.wary of haughty towards smitten with inarticulate towards conciliatory of suspicious ofJan 31, 2014 onMartha was those whomlow-

24、tiered employeesJan 31, 2014 onManagers who categorically squelchaltitude 海拔latitude 纬度Jan 31, 2014 onPeople associate global warmingbewildered nonplussed 困惑的Jan 31, 2014 onIn the last few decadescement 水泥 粘合剂 巩固 加强Jan 31, 2014 onWhether the writersSurely more _ than his predecessor, M nonetheless s

25、hould not be expected to display unbounded magnanimity, especially to those subordinates whose actions clearly run afoul of propriety.magnanimity慷慨 subordinates下属 run afoul of propriety不遵守礼节的Jan 31, 2014 onSurely more thanThat (the psychopharmacological journal had already published the findings of

26、the clinicians experiment) rendered moot any prior misgivings (she had) regarding the validity of her control group.rendered moot any prior misgivings 对moot表示疑虑? mootJan 31, 2014 onThat the psychopharmacological journalNotwithstanding虽然 her tendency to _ when journalists questions blatantly公然地 pried

27、 into刺探 her personal life, the senator always spoke directly and candidly on issues relating to her public role.句型可借鉴 Notwithstanding As tendency to B when (that),A always do sth.尽管A有做B的倾向,A还是做了C(与B相反的事)cower bristle 发怒 毛发直立 speak evasively闪烁其词 vacillate 犹豫不决 prevaricate 闪烁其词 elaborate 详细描述Jan 31, 2

28、014 onNotwithstanding her tendencypublic altercations 公开的争吵 altercationJan 31, 2014 onThe marriage betweenThe critics were so _ in their _ that Scheinhauer, a librettist known to become squeamish易生气的 after a light smattering少数 of applause, retreated from public view.Blank (i)merciless 残忍的,没有慈悲心的fuls

29、ome 过度的,过分的opaque 不透明的Blank (ii)praisecondemnation 谴责derision 嘲笑Feb 1, 2014 onThe critics were sochic 时髦 别致 elegant 讲究的 unpretentious 不铺张的,含蓄的Feb 1, 2014 onThe neighborhood French Bistroplebeian 平民cosmopolitan 四海一家的 世界各地都有的东西Feb 2, 2014 onThomas Chippendale, the 17thcontrive 设法做到 图谋decrepit 衰老的,破旧的Feb 2, 2014 onUnlike the performancesrile up 激怒round up和corral 有搜集,收集,围捕的意思Feb 2, 2014 onThe plucky election campaignsacer

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