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1、高三一模英语试题2018届中山市华侨中学高三第一次模拟考试英语试题考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分 (2017.8.28 )第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。In spiri ng young minds!TOKNOW Magaz ineis a big hit in the world of children publishing, bringing aWhat s inside?unique comb in ati on of challe nging ideas and good fun to

2、young fans every month.What is so special about TOKNOW magazine?discover WOt TOKNOe feethamat thkeaps cominWounidsitoo haod nbe ade? or promotions in side in stead it is jam-packed with serious ideas.TOKNOWbok makes evidiepcesho Wdeas t attractivooandnaccessb!e socpandencommecaTc become invo Ived in

3、 adva need con cepts and eve门饰册 Bophy(哲学and they will soonEvery month the magaz ine in troduces afresh new topic with articles, experime ntshousands of teachers and pare nts knowKNOd 0謫陥6削如$ to make- the magaz inealso explores philosophy and wellbeing to make sure young readers have a bala need take

4、gC?(ir(!)iueh the letterbox everymon th? The first magaz ine with your gift message will arrive in time for the special day.SUBSCRIBE NOW Annual Subscripti onEurope 妊5Rest of World 65 Annual Subscription with Gift PackIncludes a Mammoth Map, a passport Puzzle Booklet, and SubscriptionEurope 爲0 Rest

5、of World 70Refund Policy the subscription can be cancelled within 28 days and you can get your money back.1. Why is TOKNOW a special magazine?A. It entertains young parents.B. It provides serious advertisements.C. It publishes popular science fictions.D. It combines fun with complex concepts.2. What

6、 does TOKNOW offer its readers?A. Online courses.B. Articles on new topics.C. Lectures on a balanced life.D. Reports on scientific discoveries.3. How much should you pay if you make a 12-month subscription to TOKNOW with gift pack from China?One of my won derful memories is about a Christmas gift. U

7、n like other gifts, itcame without wrap.On September 11th, 1958, Mum gave birth to Richard. After she brought him homefrom hospital, she put him in my lap, say in g. I promised you a gift, and here it hon or! I turned four a month earlier and none of my friends had such a baby doll oftheir own

8、. I played with it day and ni ght. I sang to it. I told it stories. I told it over and over how much I loved it!One morning, however, I found its bed empty. My doll was gon e! I cried for it. Mum wept and told me that the poor little thing had been sent to a hospital. It had a fever. For several day

9、s, I heard Mum and Dad whisperi ng such words as hopeless, pitiful, and dying, which sounded ominous .Christmas was coming. Don t expect any presents this year. Dad said, pointing at the socks I hung in the living room. If your baby brother lives, thatll be Christmas eno ugh. As he spoke, his were e

10、yes filled with tears. Id n ever see n him cry before.The phone rang early on Christmas morning. Dad jumped out of bed to an swer it.From my bedroom, I heard him say. What? Hes all right? He hung up and shouted upstairs. The hospital said we can bring Richard home! Tha nk God. I heard Mum cry.From t

11、he upstairs win dow, I watched my pare nts rush out to the car. I had n eversee n them so happy. And I was also full of joy. What a won derful day! My baby dollwould be home. I ran dow nstairs. My socks still hung there flat. But I knew they were not empty; they were filled with love!4. What happene

12、d to the author on September 11, 1958?A. He got a baby brother B. He got a Christmas giftC. He became four years old D. He received a doll5. What does the underlined word “ ominous ” in Paragraph 3 probably mea?nA. impossible. B. boring C. difficult D. fearful6. Which word can best describe the feel

13、ing of the father when Christmas was coming?A. excitement. B. happiness.C. sadness. D. disappointment.7. What is the passage mainly about?A. A sad Christmas day B. Life with a lovely babyC. A special Christmas gift. D. Memories of a happy familyCMinutes after the last movie ended yesterday at the Pl

14、aza Theater, employees were busy sweeping up popcorns and gathering coke cups. It was a scene that had been repeated many times in the theater 7s5 -year history. This time, however, the cleanup was a little different. As one group of workers carried out the rubbish, another group began removing seat

15、s and other theater equipment in preparation for the building s end.The film classic The Last Picture Show was the last movie shown in the old theater. Though the movie is 30 years old, most of the 250 seats were filled with teary-eyedaudience wanting to say good-bye to the old building. Theater own

16、er Ed Bradford said he chose the movie because it seemed appropriate. The movie is set in a small town where the only movie theater is preparing to close down.Bradford said that large modern theaters in the city made it impossible for thePlaza to compete. He added that the theater s location was als

17、o a reason. “This usedto be the center of town, ”he said. “Now the area is mostly office buildings and warehouses. ”Last week some city officials suggested the city might be interested in turning theold theater into a museum and public meeting place. However, these plans were abandoned because of fi

18、nancial problems. Bradford sold the building and land to a local development firm, which plans to build a shopping complex on the land where the theater is located.The theater audience said good-bye as Bradford locked the doors for the last time.After 75 years the Plaza Theater has shown its last mo

19、vie. The theater will be missed.8. In what way was yesterday s cleanup at the Plaza special?A. It made room for new equipment.B. It signaled the closedown of the theater.C. It was done with the help of the audience.D. It marked the 75th anniversary of the theater.9. Why was The Last Picture Show put

20、 on?A. It was an all-time classic.B. It was about the history of the town.C. The audience requested it.D. The theater owner found it suitable.10. What will probably happen to the building?A. It will be repaired.B. It will be turned into a museum.C. It will be knocked down.D. It will be sold to the c

21、ity government.11. What can we infer about the audience?A. They are disappointed with Bradford.B. They are sad to part with the old theater.C. They are supportive of the city officials.D. They are eager to have a shopping center.DCalifornia Condor s Shocking RecoveryCalifornia condors are North Amer

22、ica s largest birds, with wing -length of up to 3 meters. In the 1980s, electrical lines and lead poisoning( 铅中毒 ) nearly drove them todying out. Now, electric shock training and medical treatment are helping to rescue these big birds.In the late 1980s, the last few condors were taken from the wild,

23、 and there arenow more than 150 flying over California and nearby Arizona, Utah and Baja in Mexico.just don t see the power lines,电死 ) if they touch two lines atsays Bruce Rideout of San Diego Zoo. Their wings can bridge the gap between lines, resulting in electrocution( once.So scientists have come

24、 up with a shocking idea. Tall poles, placed in large training areas, teach the birds to stay clear of electrical lines by giving them a painful but undeadly electric shock. Before the training was introduced, 66% of set-freed condors died of electrocution. This has now dropped to 18%.Lead poisoning

25、 has proved more difficult to deal with. When condors eat deadbodies of other animals containing lead, they absorb large quantities of lead. This affects their nervous systems and ability to produce baby birds, and can lead to kidney( 肾 ) failures and death. So condors with high levels of lead are s

26、ent to Los Angeles Zoo, where they are treated with calcium EDTA, a chemical that removes lead from the blood over several days. This work is starting to pay off. The annual death rate for adult condors has dropped from 38% in 2000 to 5.4% in 2011.Rideout s team thinks that the California condors av

27、erage survival time in the wildis now just under eight years. “ Although these measures are not effective forever, theyare vital for now, ” he says. “ They are truly good birds thawt aoreth every effort we put into recovering them. ”12. California condors attract researchers interest because they .A

28、. are active at nightB. had to be bred in the wildC. are found in CaliforniaD. almost died out in the 1980s13. Researchers have found electrical lines are A. blocking condors journey homeB. big killers of California condorsC. rest places for condors at nightD. used to keep condors away14. According

29、to Paragraph 5, lead poisoning A. makes condors too nervous to flyB. has little effect on condors kidneysC. can hardly be gotten rid of from condors bloodD. makes it difficult for condors to produce baby birds15. The passage shows that .A. the average survival time of condors is satisfactoryB. Rideo

30、ut s research interest lies in electric engineeringC. the efforts to protect condors have brought good resultsD. researchers have found the final answers to the problem第二节 (共5小题,每小题 2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为 多余选项。The Science of Risk-Seek ingSometimes we decide that a little unn e

31、cessary dan ger is worth it because whe nwe weigh the risk and the reward, the risk seems worth tak ing. 16 Some of usenjoy activities that would surprise and scare the rest of us. Why? Experts say it may have to do with how our brains work.The reas on why any of us take any risks at all might have

32、to do with early huma ns. Risk-takers were better at hunting, fighting, or exploring. 17 As the quality of risk-taking was passed from one generation to the next, humans ended up with a sense of adve nture and a tolera nee for risk.So why aren t we all jumping out of airplanes then? Well, even 200,000 years ago, too much risk-taking could get one ki

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