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1、英语单词记忆方法思维导图法八英语单词记忆方法思维导图法(八)说明:本资料包括五个部分的内容即:第一部分 概念呈现,利用“图”与“文”先建立第一印象。第二部分 单词资料库,包括单词的基本资料、单词例句、相关单词补充、有趣信息补给等内容。第三部分 思维导图串连,第一层是大主题(Unit),之后是当前单元的小主题。延伸出去的30条线段,每一条线段都有一个单词,即:大主题小主题单词。第四部分 阶段性的小测试,巩固记忆。第五部分 参考答案。目录:Theme 8 Country 国家 Unit 1 System 制度 Unit 2 Military 军队 Unit 3 Money 钱 Unit 4 Cul

2、ture 文化 Unit 5 History 历史 Unit 6 Economy 经济Answer KeyTheme 8 Country 国家Unit 1 System 制度1system/sistm/n. 系统,体系;制度I dont know how to use this complicated system. 我不知道该怎么 使用这套复杂的系统。2government/vnmnt/n. 政府;治理;政治He is a student of government. 他是政治系的学生。hold important jobs in government 在政府里有重要的工作(职 位)Chin

3、ese government 中国政府3commonwealth/kmnwel/n. 共和国;联邦The British Commonwealth agreed to make a pact with this country.英联邦同意和这个国家订约。Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦(澳洲)4parliament/p:lmnt/n. 议会,国会Parliament wont be in session again until after New Year. 国会将等 到新年后才会再次进入会期。Houses of Parliament 英国国会大厦parliam

4、entary procedure 会议程序5capital/capital/n. 资本,资金;首都Tokyo is the capital of Japan. 东京是日本的首都。capital letters 大写字母the capital city 首都6alderman/:ldmn/n. 市府参事,市议员The alderman was respected by the citizens. 这位市议员受到市民 的敬重。Alderman Smith 史密斯市议员7represent/reprizent/vt. 描绘;代表;象征This picture represents a scene a

5、t King Arthurs court. 这幅画描绘了 亚瑟王法庭的一个场面。8issue/isju:/n. 问题;发行 vt. 发行,签发The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力 图在这个问题上保持低姿态。issue a passport/visa 核发护照签证9enact/inkt/vt. 制定(法律);扮演(角色)Several bills were enacted at the end of this session of Parliament. 几 项法案在这届国会的会议结束时被颁布。to e

6、nact a law 颁布法令10ordinance/:dnns/n. 法令,条规Everyone should obey the governments ordinance. 每个人都必须遵 守这条政府法令。arbitration ordinance 仲裁法条11royal/ril/adj. 王的;皇家的The royal family consists of the king and queen and their relative. 王 族家庭由国王、王后以及他们的亲属组成。royal highness 皇室亲属间的称呼12realm/relm/n. 王国,国土;领域The diplom

7、at made outstanding contributions in the realm of foreign affairs. 该名外交官在外交领域上做出了卓越贡献。a realm of imagination or fantasy 仙境,幻境想象或幻想的王国13castle/k:sl/n. 城堡;巨大建筑物A spirit haunts the castle. 幽灵常出没于古堡。the Magic Castle 神秘城堡the Sleeping Beauty Castle 睡美人城堡Castle In The Sky 天空之城(宫崎骏动画)14palace/plis/n. 宫,宫殿Th

8、e doors of the palace were made of beaten gold. 宫殿的门由金箔 做成。the Childrens Palace 少年宫the Workers Palace of Culture 工人文化宫15queen/kwi:n/n. 女王;王后She was the queen of society then. 那时她是社交女王。England has a queen now. 英国现在女王在位。The young king has a pretty queen. 年轻的国王有个美丽的王妃。16velvet/velvit/n. 丝绒,天鹅绒The queen

9、 assumed a velvet robe. 王后穿了一件天鹅绒长袍。red velvet cake 红丝绒蛋糕 velvet curtain 绒质窗帘,亦指舞台上的大红绒质布帘17confer/knf:/ vt. 授予The Queen conferred knighthood on several distinguished men. 女王 将爵士头衔授予几位杰出人士。【同】grant, award, present18king/ki/n. 国王,君主The lion is called the king of beasts. 狮子号称百兽之王。the King of Belgium 比

10、利时国王I am the king of the world. 我是世界之王。19judgment/ddmnt/n. 意见;审判;判断We are waiting for Gods dreadful judgment. 我们在等待上帝令人 生畏的审判。judgment day 审判日poor judgment 判断失误20liege/li:d/n. 君主,王侯My liege! 君王陛下!liege homage 宣誓效忠liege man 臣民21prostrate/prstret/vt. 拜倒,使俯卧,使屈服They prostrated themselves before the kin

11、g. 他们拜倒在国王的脚 下。22princess/prinses/n. 公主,王妃The kind dwarf asked the little princess to have dinner with him. 善 良的小矮人邀请小公主和他一起吃晚饭。23empress/emprs/n. 皇后;女皇帝The empress asked her son to marry the princess of the neighboring kingdom. 皇后要求儿子娶邻国的公主。the Empress Dowager 皇太后Empress Wu 女皇武则天24emperor/empr/n. 皇

12、帝The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier. 皇上授予这勇敢 的士兵头衔。Japanese Emperor 日本天皇25formal/f:ml/adj. 正式的;礼仪上的We were invited to a formal luncheon. 我们被邀参加一次正式的午 宴。【同】official【反】informal26prince/prins/n. 王子,亲王The witch charmed the prince. 女巫对王子施了魔法。prince charming 白马王子梦中情人The Little Prince 小王子27

13、charity/triti/n. 施舍;慈善事业This charity aims to help people to help themselves. 这一慈善团体 的宗旨是帮助人们实现自助。charity ball 募款舞会28sovereign/svrin/n. 君主 adj. 统治的A sultan is a sovereign ruler of certain Muslim countries. 苏丹是某 些穆斯林国家的最高统治者。【同】ruling, royal, imperial29monarch/mnk/n. 君主,最高统治者The monarch is head of sta

14、te. 君主是国家的元首。【同】king, emperor, crowned headMonarch Butterfly 帝王斑蝶30majesty/mdisti/n. 威严,尊严;陛下The queen was seated on the throne in all her majesty. 女王威严地 坐在王座上。Your majesty! 国王陛下!PracticePart . 填空1Scientists put more and more focus on the environment .2The gorgeous was built with gold.3An unknown en

15、terprise donated one million dollars to the .4The of China is Beijing.5The criminals wait for the jury to pronounce .6The announces a new policy for the homeless.Part . 寻词游戏1.system2.alderman3.enact4.liege5.sovereign6.majesty7.royal8.realm9.castle10.queen11.velvet12.kingUnit 2 Military 军队1military/m

16、ilitri/adj. 军事的;军人的There used to be a military base in the region. 这地区过去有个军事 基地。military service 兵役military camp 军营2army/:mi/n. 军队Gibson is in the army. 吉普森服役于陆军。field army 野战军serve in the army 服兵役3navy/neivi/n. 海军They enlisted five hundred recruits for the navy. 他们为海军招募了 五百名新兵。Our navy is made up o

17、f all our warships. 我们的海军是由我们所有 的战舰组成。The small country has no navy. 那个小国没有海军。4soldier/suld/n. 士兵,战士How long has your brother been a soldier? 你的哥哥当了多久的 兵?unknown soldiers 无名烈士become a soldier 成为一名战士5sailor/seil/n. 水手,海员,水兵My father was a sailor, and Im going to be one, too. 我父亲以前是 水手,而我也打算当水手。The ol

18、d sailor had worked on many ships. 那个老船员在许多船上 工作过。The men in our navy are called sailors if they are not officers. 海军 里不是官员就是海军士兵。6rank/rk/n. 排社会阶层 vi. 列为This tennis player anks third in the world. 这位网球运动员排名世 界第三。rank and file 一般成员,一般大众7general/denrl/adj. 总的;一般的 n. 将军Napoleon was a great general. 拿破

19、仑是一位伟大的将领。general idea 总的思想,概念get a general idea 了解大意(基本思想)8officer/fis/n. 军官The officers live here and the enlisted men over there. 军官住在这 里,士兵住在那里。a police officer 警官public officers 公务员9enlist/inlist/vi. (使)入伍从军,征募He enlisted when he was 18. 他18岁时入伍。【同】join10rifle/raifl/n. 步枪,来福枪Get a rifle that sh

20、oots straight. 找一只射得准的步枪来。air rifle 气枪rifle salute 持枪礼11bayonet/benit/n. (枪上的)刺刀The soldiers bayoneted their way out. 士兵们用刺刀杀出一条血 路。at the point of a bayonet 以武力胁迫【同】blade, knife, dagger12prevent/privent/vt. 预防,防止;阻止Props were used to prevent the roof collapsing. 用了一些支柱以防 屋顶塌落。Nothing can prevent he

21、r from singing. 没什么能阻止她唱歌。prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事13invasion/invein/n. 入侵,侵略;侵犯They are determined to resist invasion. 他们决定抵抗入侵。invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私权culture invasion 文化侵略14campaign/kmpein/n. 战役;运动The new managing director will act as spearhead of the campaign. 新 上任的常务董事将在这场运动中挂帅。15def

22、ense/difens/n. 防卫,防卫物The shooting was in pure self-defense. 开枪纯粹是为了自卫。the Ministry of Defense 国防部(美)defense attorney 辩护律师16defend/difend/vt. 保卫,防守We shall defend our city, whatever the cost may be. 不管代价如 何,我们要捍卫我们的城市。We shall defend our motherland. 我们将保卫我们祖国。defend the town 保护这座城市17weapon/wepn/n. 武器

23、,兵器This weapon fires anti-aircraft missiles. 这种武器是发射防空导弹 的。chemical weapon 生化武器18artillery/:tilri/n. 大炮,炮兵Heavy artillery fire caused great losses. 重炮轰击造成了很大损 失。【同】cannonartillery shells 炮弹19ammunition/mjunin/ n. 军火,弹药The soldiers expended all their ammunition in that fight. 士兵在那场 战斗中用尽了所有的弹药。ammuni

24、tion wagon 弹药车20gunpowder/gnpad/n. 黑色火药;有烟火药Gunpowder is an explosive. 火药是一种爆炸物。sit on a barrel of gunpowder 提心吊胆Gunpowder Tea 珠茶21enemy/enimi/n. 敌人;仇敌Dont make an enemy of him. 不要与他为敌。have many enemies 树敌无数22invade/inveid/vt. 入侵,侵略;侵袭The Normans invaded England in 1066. 诺曼人于西元1066年入侵 英国。【同】raid, oc

25、cupy, encroach23attack/tk/vt. vi. n. 攻击,进攻The enemy attacked us at night. 敌人在夜里向我们进攻。heart attack 心脏病发作 under attack 受到攻击(抨击),遭到破坏24battle/btl/vi. 战斗 n. 战斗;战役The sailors battled with the winds and waves. 水手们与风浪搏斗。in battle 在战斗中lose the battle 战败25ship/ip/n. 轮船The ship was due to sail the following m

26、orning. 这艘船预计在第二 天早上起航。sailing ship 大帆船pirate ship 海盗船26boat/but/n. 小船,艇;渔船Dont miss the boat. 不要错失良机。take a boat for sw. 乘船去某地go to somewhere. by boat 乘船去某地boat neck tops 船领上衣27harbor/h:b /n. 港;避难所 vt. 包庇,隐匿The bombers made a sudden strike on theharbor. 轰炸机对港口进行 了一次突然袭击。Pearl Harbor 珍珠港natural harb

27、or 天然港28wound/wu:nd/n. 创伤;伤口 vt. 使受伤The wound is healing fast. 伤口愈合得很快。have a head wound 头受伤You should have washed the wound. 你应该清洗伤口。29capture/kpt/vt. 捕获,俘获;夺得The police have not captured the mugger yet. 警方还没有捕获那个 行凶抢劫者。【同】arrest, catch, trap【反】release, lose30prisoner/prizn/n. 囚犯The prisoner escape

28、d by digging an underground tunnel. 囚犯挖了一 条地道逃跑了。keep a prisoner in sw. 在某地坐牢PracticePart . 填空1After graduating from college, Ray served in the .2The repented and asked forgiveness from the victim.3The attack on Pearl happened in 1941.4The enemy the small island and took control of its army.5Its ill

29、egal to carry in Beijing.6We often see a war of words between two parties in the election .Part . 字谜游戏1. 轮船2. 战役3. 军队4. 军官5. 阶级A.水手B.小船C.攻击D.捕获E.海军Unit 3 Money 钱1cash/k/n. 现金,现款We give a 10 percent discount for cash. 现金付款享受九折优惠。cash card 提款卡cash payment 付现2coin/kin/n. 硬币,钱币He put a coin into the insertion slot.

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