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1、建筑常用英语一、 问候和介绍(36句) GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTIONS 1 How do you do? 你好吗?(初次见面) 2 How are you? 你好吗?(日常见面) 3 Fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢。 4 I am very well, Thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。 5 Good morning Mr.Jack. 早安,贾克先生。 6 Good afternoon Miss Mary. 午安,玛利小姐。 7 Good evening DrJohn. 晚安,约翰博士。 8 Very pleased to meet you, you are

2、 welcome. 见到你很高兴,欢迎你。 9 I am very glad to see you. 我很高兴见到你。 10 Welcome to China. 欢迎你到中国来。 11 Welcome to our job site. 欢迎你到我们工地来。 12 For our friendship and cooperation , I wish we shall have a friendly cooperation in coming days. 祝愿友谊与合作,希望今后友好共事。 13 Let us work together for our common job. 让我们为共同的事业

3、一起工作吧! 14 Happy New year! 新年快乐! 15 Happy Spring Festival! 春节快乐! 16 Merry Christmas! 圣诞节愉快! 17 Congratulations to your National Day! 祝贺你们的国庆节! 18 Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐! 19 Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Li Han. 请允许我介绍自己,我的名字叫李汉。 20 Please allow me to introduce a fellow of mine, Mr._

4、. 请允许我给你介绍一位我的同事,某先生。 21 I am a manager. (project manager, resident construction manager, construction superintendent, controller staff member, engineer, technician, economist, supervisor, foreman, worker) 我是经理。(项目经理、驻工地总代表、工地主任、管理员、职员、工程师、技术员、经济员、检查员、工长、工人)。 22 I work in the Chemical Engineering Co

5、nstruction Company.(Construction Department, Inspection Section). 我在化工建设公司(施工部、检查科)工作。 23 My technical specialty is civil engineering.(chemical engineering, process, mechanical equipment ,electrical, instrumentation, piping, welding, furnace building, corrosion prevention, thermal-insulation, heatin

6、g-ven-tilation, quality control). 我的技术专业是土建工程。(化工工程、工艺、机械设备、电气、仪表、管道、焊接、筑炉、防腐、保温、采暖通风、质量管理)。 24 What is your speciality? 你的专业是什么? 25 I am a mechanician(electrician, Pipelayer, welder, carpenter, turner, blacksmith, builder, erector, riveter, rigger, concrete worker, engine-driver, repair worker). 我是

7、一个机械钳工。(电工、管工、焊工、木工、车工、铁工、建筑工人、安装工人、铆工、起重工、混凝土工、司机、修理工)。 26 What is your nationality? Are you American?(English, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Romanian). 你是什么国籍的?你是美国人吗?(英国人、日本人、德国人、法国人、意大利人、罗马尼亚人)。 27 What is your name? 你的名字叫什么? 28 Can I have your name, please? 请问你的名字? 29 Which department do y

8、ou belong to? 你在那家公司工作? 30 Which department do you belong to? 你属于那个部门? 31 Kindly give us your advice, please. 请多指教。 32 Thanks for your direction. 感谢你的指导。 33 Good-bye. 再见。 34 See you again. 再见。 35 See you later. 回头见。 36 See you tomorrow. 明天见。二、 交谈语言(24句) TALKING ABOUT LANGUAGES 37 Do you speak Englis

9、h? 你能讲英语吗? 38 Let us talk English? 让我们用英语交谈吧! 39 can speak English only a little, do you understand me ? 我只能说一点英语,你能听懂吗? 40 Excuse me ,Sometimes I make mistakes when I speak English. 请原谅,我讲英语有时会说错。 41 Speak slowly, please. I intend to learn to speak English. 请讲慢一点,我想学着讲一点英语。 42 I am very sorry. I ca

10、n not speak English very well, but I can read document in English. 我很抱歉,我的英语说得不好,但我能看懂英文资料。 43 Please write down the English words of this for us. 请用英文字写出来给我们看。 44 Write this word in English, please. 请将这字写出英文来。 45 I can not understand you, say it again, please. 我不懂你讲的,请再说一遍。 46 Do you know how we sh

11、ould express the idea in English? 你可知道我们应该如何用英文表达这个意思? 47 What does this word mean? 这字是什么意思? 48 We should like to have an interpreter, let us call him. 我们应该找一个翻译来。 49 Is my pronunciation correct? 我的发音对吗? 50 I have trouble with pronunciation. 我在发音上有困难。三、 日期和时间(20句) DATES AND TIMES 61 What month is th

12、is? 现在是几月份? 62 This is January.(February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December). 现在是元月份。(二月、三月、四月、五月、六月、七月、八月、九月、十月、十一月、十二月)。 63 What day is today? 今天是星期几? 64 Today is Sunday.(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday). 今天是星期日。(一、二、三、四、五、六) 65 Wh

13、at is the date today? 今天是几号? 66 Today is April sixth, nineteen eighty-two. 今天是一九八二年四月六日。 67 What time is it? 现在几点钟? 68 It is six oclock. 现在是六点钟。 69 It is seven past nine. 现在是九点过七分。 70 It is a few minutes after three. 现在是三点过几分。 71 It is a quarter to ten. 现在是十点差一刻。 72 Will you be here at eight oclock

14、tomorrow? 请你明天八点钟到这里来,行吗? 73 We shall come at half past seven, when will you come? 我们七点半钟来,你什么时间来? 74 We shall be on time, I hope. 我希望我们将按时到达。 75 We get to work at seven thirty every morning and finish working at eleven thirty before noon.(a.m.) 我们每天早上七点三十分开始工作,到十一点三十分结束工作。(午前) 76 We work from two u

15、ntil six oclock afternoon (p.m.) every day. 我们每天下午从两点到六点工作。(下午) 77 We have breakfast at seven. 我们七点钟早餐。 78 We have dinner at eleven forty-five. 我们十一点四十五分进午餐。 79 We have supper at six afternoon. 我们下午六点进晚餐。 80 We have a day of rest on Sunday every week . 我们每周星期日休息。四、 天气和环境(20句) WEATHER AND ENAVIRONMEN

16、T 81 It is very fine today, the weather is suitable for our work. 今天天气很好,适合我们工作。 82 It is not at all a nice day. It will get colder. 天气一点也不好,要变冷起来。 83 We can not continue the outdoor work, because it is raining (sleeting) now. 因为现在下雨(雨雪),我们不能继续在室外工作。 84 It is going to snow (hail) tomorrow, some meas

17、ures must be taken to prevent freezing. 明天将下雪(冰雹),为预防冰冻必须采取一些措施。 85 The lifting work on site will be compelled to stop, owing to the strong wind.(a dense fog ). 由于强风(浓雾),现场起重吊装工作将被迫停止。 86 We have a nap (interval) after lunch in hot season. 热天午餐后,我们有一个午睡(中休)时间。 87 The weather is warm (cold) and sunny

18、 (cloudy) here. 这里气候温和(寒冷),阳光充沛(阴天多云)。 88 What is the weather forecast for today? 今天天气预报怎样? 89 The weatherman says,:the highest temperature during the day will be twenty one degrees centigrade(21). 天气预报员说:今天白天最高气温为摄氏温度二十一度。 90 The temperature will drop to five above (below) zero tonight. 今晚温度将降到零上(下

19、)五度。 91 It is spring (summer, autumn, winter) time now. 现场是春天。(夏、 秋、 冬) 92 This road leads to the factory.(Post Office, Telegraph Office, Telephone Booth, Travel Agency, Custom House, Bank , Hotel, Restaurant, Department Store, Book Store, Hospital, Theatre , Park). 这条路通到工厂。(邮局、电报局、电话间、旅行社、海关、银行、酒店、

20、餐厅、百货商店、书店、医院、戏院、公园)。 93 There is an equipment in front of the building.(behind the water tower, under the pipe rack, on the floor, inside the steel structure, in the workshop). 在建筑物前面(在水塔后面、在管廊下面、在地面上、在钢结构里面、在车间内)有一台设备。 94 Our construction site is north (south, east, west) of Nanjing, near the Chan

21、gjiang River.(Yantze River、 yellow River). 我们的工地在南京以北(南、东、西),靠近长江。(扬子江、黄河) 95 It is about twenty-five kilometers (miles) from here to Lanzhou. 这里离兰州约二十五公里。(哩) 96 It is only a short way, turn left(right) at the next cross street ,and then go straight on. 离这里只有一小段路,到下一个十字路口向左(右)拐,然后一直向前走就到。 97 It is v

22、ery convenient from here to Shanghai.(Beijing, Tianjing, Guangzhou , Suzhou). 这里到上海(北京、 天津、 广州、 苏州)很方便。 98 You can get there by train.(airplane, ship, bus) 你可以乘火车(飞机、 轮船、 公共汽车)去。九、 公用工程 UTILITY 209、Public utilities are carefully regulated here. 公用事业在这里受到仔细的管理。 210、The pressure maintained in the wate

23、r main is two kilogram per square centimeter. 自来水总管里的水压保持为2公斤/平方厘米。 211、The water has been treated (softened),but it is not drinkable water. 这水经过处理(软化),但不是饮用水。 212、The common service voltage of electric power in our country is 220/380 volt. 我国普通供电电压为220/380伏。 213、There is a switch board (control pan

24、el, distribution box) mounted on the wall. 在墙上装有一个开关板(控制盘、配电箱)。 214、We have an emergency-standby electric generator with a capacity of 300 kilowatts. 我们有一台三百千瓦的事故备用发电机。 215、The substation equipped with a transformer of 500 KVA is at the south of the plant. 在工程的南边有一座装有五百千伏安变电器的变电站。 216、The pressure o

25、f the compressed air at the work site is about 7kg/cm2. 工地用压缩空气的气压约为7公斤/平方厘米。 217、There is a steam heating system (air conditioning system ) in the work-shop. 这车间里装有一个蒸汽加热系统(空气调节系统)。 218、The Post Office is in Renmin Street, it is open from 7.a.m till midnight. 邮局在人民路,从上午7点一直开到半夜。 219、You can send th

26、e letter by airmail (regular mail, registered mail). 你可以邮寄航空信(平信、挂号信)。 220、You may telephone me at ten oclock, my telephone number is 4907(four nine 0-seven). 你可以在十点中给我打一个电话,我的电话号码是4907。 221、Here is the telephone directory. 这是电话号码本。 222、The telegraphic (cable, telex) address of the guest house is 60

27、80. 招待所的电报(海底电报、用户电报)挂号是6080。 223、You may contact the receptionist if you want to make a long distance call (to make overseas call, to send a overseas telegram). 如果你要打长途电话(海外电话、国际电报),可以与服务员联系。 224、The cargo vessel (passenger ship) docked at wharf number 5 yesterday afternoon. 货船(客轮)昨天下午停泊在5号码头。 225、

28、There is a freeway (main highway) from here to Nanjing. 从这里到南京有一条高速公路(主要公路)。 226、There is a limousine service to the Friendship Hotel every day. 每天有开往友谊宾馆的交通车服务。 227、The quickest way to get there is to take a airplane(taxi, subway, train, bus). 228、You can make your travel arrangement in any branch

29、of the CITS or CAAC. 你可以在中国国际旅行社或中国民航总局的任何分理处办理旅行安排。 CITS-China International Travel Service 中国国际旅行社 CAAC-General Administration of Civil Aviation of China 中国民用航空总局十、 施工现场 ON CONSTRUCTION SITE 229、Welcome to our construction site. 230、Glad to have you here. 231、Our job site(施工现场) is over there/here.

30、 232、It is very simple and crude here. Do not mind, please. 这里很简陋,别介意。 233、Come in, please. Be quick. Just a minute, please. Take care. 234、I am a site engineer (director, workshop head, chief of section, foreman, worker, staff member). 工地工程师(厂长、车间主任、班组长、领工、工人、职员) 235、May I introduce our chief engin

31、eer to you. (总工程师) 236、Mr.Wang is responsible for this task. 负责这项工作任务 237、I am in charge of this section. 我负责这个工段。 238、Here is our engineering office (drawing office, control room, laboratory, meeting room, common room, rest room). 这是我们的工程技术办公室(绘图室、调度室、实验室、会议室、座谈室、休息室) 239、Sit down, please. Let us have a rest. 240、Have some tea (cold drink, ice-sucker 冰棒). 241、I have some thing(question) to ask of you. 242、Would you please tell us something about this? 243、Thanks for your kindness. 感谢费心! Thanks for your help. 244、T

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