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1、江苏英语七年级下知识Unit One知识点:1. If引导的条件状语从句,表示如果.,当主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时.I wont go there with you if it rains tomorrow.Have a good rest if you are tired.You must see the doctor if you are ill.2. It is +形容词+that 从句(表达对某事的看法)It is wonderful that we can have dinner on the 91st floor in Shanghai World Financial Ce

2、nter.3. It is +形容词+带to 的动词不定式 表达对某事的看法It is terrible to have dinner in this restaurant.4. take sb. to some place 将某人带到某地5. in + 一段时间”的结构有两种含义(1) 表示“在一段时间以内”,句子常用一般现在时或一般过去时。There was once an artist. He could draw a beautiful horse in five minutes. (2)表示“在一段时间之后”,句子常用一般将来式What will you be like in 20

3、years time? 20年后你将长成什么样子?句型与短语:1. be famous/known for sth. 因为.而著名e.g. Shanghai is famous/known for its night views.2. be famous/known as sth. 作为.而著名e.g. Shanghai is famous/known as the “Shopping Paradise”3. one of +adj.(最高级)+n.(复数)Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world.4. decide to do st

4、h. 决定做某事 Decide not to do sth. 决定不做某事 Make a decision 做出决定5. take part in 参加活动6. join 参加或加入某种组织或团体7. design 名词 计划设计图样 动词 设计画图样8. go sightseeing 去观光9. in the center of . 位于.的中部10. in the south of. 位于.的南部11. on Chongming Island 位于崇明岛上12. get on with 进展13. therefore 因此,所以14. district 地区,区域16. Meglev= m

5、agnetic levitation 磁悬浮列车17. a huge open area 大型的开放式区域18. a downtown shopping plaza 市中心的购物中心19. a cruise ship 载客长途航行的游轮20. think of 想出21. tour - tourist science - scientist type - typist cycle- cyclistdentist -artist22. design - designer23. Make some suggestions/Make some advice/Give sb. some advice/

6、Take ones advice24. suggest sb. do sth.25. north-northeast - east - southeast -south - southwest - west - northwest - north 26. Peoples Square 人民广场Yu Garden 豫园Suzhou Creek 苏州河The Bund 外滩Shanghai Grand Theatre 上海大剧院Shanghai Botanical Gardens 上海植物园Oriental Pearl TV Tower 东方明珠电视塔Century Park 世纪公园Shangh

7、ai Science and Technology Museum 上海科技馆Shanghai Wild Animal Park 上海野生动物园Dongping National Forest Park 东平国家森林公园Sheshan State Resort 佘山国家旅游度假区Grand Gateway Plaza 港汇广场27. in the centre/south/.of Shanghai 在上海的中/南/.部28. Therefore, it is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year t

8、o shop!所以,每年有许多游客来上海购物也就不足为奇了。29. There are many bridges and tunnels, so it is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi. 众多的桥梁和隧道使浦东和浦西之间的交通往返变的很方便。句中的it是指to travel between Pudong and Puxi.Unit two知识点1. 电话用语(1) 电话用语中使用 This is . 和 Is that .?来表示“我是.”和“你是.”?May I speak to. 表示“我能与.通话?”如果表示接电话的是本人,则

9、回答:This is speaking.(或直接说Speaking)(2)电话途中需中断一会儿,或者接电话的不是本人,则用: Hold on. 别挂或 Ill be back in a moment. 我一会儿就回来2. So. I.(我也.) Neither . I.(我也不.)e.g. She is going to have a rest tomorrow.So am I.They would not go to the shopping mall.Neither would I.3. 指路用语(1) Turn left /right (向左/右转) Turn left/right in

10、to. (向左/右转到.路)(2) Walk along . (沿着.路走)(3) You will find. on your left/right 你就会看到.在你的左/右边句型与短语1. be full of 表示充满了.(强调一种状态)This jar is full of beans.2. be filled with 表示充满了.(强调填满这个动作)This bottle is filled with water.(Someone has filled this bottle with water.)3. take a look 看一看4. film guide 电影指南5. ve

11、ry much 非常, 常放在句末用来修饰句中的动词I like funny films very much.6. action film 动作片 cartoon 卡通片 love story 爱情电影7. in space 在太空中,在宇宙中There are many different kinds of stars in space.8. in the space 在.空间里We can put nothing in the space between two desks.9. miss 错过 Hurry up, or you will miss the early bus.miss 想

12、念 I miss you very much.10. far away 遥远11. pay for 为.付钱12. sb. fill sth. with sth. 某人将某物充满某物13. keep a record of 记下,有.记录14. explorer 探险者15. travel through space 环游宇宙16. ahead of 在前17. The earth is getting very small. 地球变小了. It is getting dark. 天变黑了.Unit three 知识点1 Since 从.以来;自从Since 只用于时间前,意指从那时起,它常常

13、和现在完成时连用。 也可接一个表示时间点的时间状语从句。He has worked for us ever since he left school.It has been two years since I last saw Tom.2 For 用来表示一段时间如for six years 六年之久,for two months 有两个月 He has worked here for a year.3 现在完成时的基本结构是:have/has + 动词的过去分词表示某个动作发生的起点在过去,这个动作一直持续到现在,并还可能持续下去。这样的句子通常会加上for 或since 引起的时间状语。注

14、意:现在完成时结构中的动词需使用持续性动词,而不可使用短暂性动词。I have been in the club for three years.4 be used for doing 被用来.5 key 是一个多义词:作为名词,有如下含义,如(1)钥匙 He put the key in the lock and turned it.(2)关键;要诀 The key to the whole thing was his jealous.(3)答案 Do you know the key to the problem?(4)(计算机或打字机的)键 Press the key to enter

15、the information.作为形容词,意为“关键的”,如:He is a key witness in this case.句型与短语1 in charge of 负责掌管2 cotton fields 棉田3 sports field 运动场4 tell the time 报时5 wedding ring 结婚戒指6 ear rings 耳环7 key ring 钥匙圈8 cable car 缆车9 have a good time 过得愉快Unit four知识点1Would you like to come? 你们一起去吗?Ill come to see you tomorrow.

16、 我明天去看你.注意 英语中表示主语到对方那边去,有时不用go而用come.2.Do you like the jeans with the yellow belt or the ones with the blue belt? 你喜欢配黄色皮带的牛仔裤呢,还是配蓝色皮带的(牛仔裤)?3.small 小号 medium 中号 large 大号4.Sorry,we dont have them in your size. 对不起,我们没有你穿的尺码.5.It is size medium. 这是中号6.Whats your size? 你的尺码是多少?7.Do you have .in my s

17、ize? 有没有我的尺寸?1.try on the jeans 试穿牛仔裤 my size 我的尺寸3.over there 在那边4.the jeans with blue belt 配蓝色皮带的牛仔裤5.changing room 试衣间6.many different shops 许多不同的商店7.need a pair of new jeans 需要一条新的牛仔裤 sth. for sb. 给某人买9.need to do 需要做 the shopping center 在购物中心11.a pair of jeans a pair of trousers

18、a pair of pantsA pair of shorts a pair of glasses a pair of shoesA pair of scissors a pair of socks a pair of stockings Unit4知识点1.Would you like to come?你们一起去吗?请注意,英文中表示主语到对方那边去,有时不用go而用come,又如:Ill come to see you tomorrow.我明天去看你。2.I meed to buy a computer book for your dad and a pair of shoes for m

19、yself.我要给你们爸爸买一本电脑书,给我自己买一双鞋。3.Well go to Girls Fashion and Cool clothes.我们要去“少女时装店”和“裤装店”看看。注意此句中Girls Fashion和Cool Clothes都是商店的名称。此处cool作形容词,意为“酷的”。4.Alice,do you like thw jeans with the yellow belt or the ones with the blue belt?艾丽斯,你喜欢配黄色皮带的牛仔裤呢,还是配蓝色皮带的(牛仔裤)?I like the ones with the blue belt.我

20、喜欢配蓝色皮带的(牛仔裤)。这是一组选择疑问句的问答句,问句用or连接供选择的两个对象,回答时不用Yes或No。注意句中的ones指代jeans,所以要用复数形式。5.购物用语Excuse me. Can I try on the pair of jeans with the blue belt, please?劳驾,我可以试穿一下这条配蓝色皮带的牛仔裤吗?Certainly. The changing rooms are over there.当然可以。试衣间在那边。Do you have them in my size? I wear medium.你们有我(穿)的尺码吗?我穿中号。小号(

21、small)、中号(medium)、大号(large)的缩写为S、M、L。Sorry, we dont have them in your size.对不起,我们没有你穿的尺码。6.the with the 注意,在with后面一定要加the7.看见look、listen等词要用现在进行式 sb. Sth.=buy sth. for sb.为买9.由两部分组成的衣饰或用品常借于量词a pair of来表达其数量 e.g:.a pair of jeans a pair of trousers a pair of pants a pair of shorts a pair of glas

22、ses a pair of shoes a pair of scissors a pair of socks a pair of stockings10.with的用法 with表示“带有”,在本单元中描述衣物的特征。 e.g. the dress with the blue spots(带蓝色圆点的裙子) the T-shirt with the V-neck(带V字领的体恤衫)11.尺寸的表达 (1)表示衣物的尺寸,可用size small/medium/large(小/中/大号) e.g. Its size medium. (2)如果想问多方尺寸,可用:Whats your size?

23、如果想问有没有自己的尺寸,可用:Do you have in my size? (3)试穿衣物用try sth. on,如:Would you like to try on the jeans first?12.客观真理不受主句时态影响Unit51.What can we learn from others?我们可以向他人学习什么?I hope other people can learn from you.我希望其他人能像你们俩学习。在这两个句子中,others与other people同义。2.Long ago, there was a poor farmer called Fred.很久

24、以前,有一个贫穷的农民叫做弗雷德。在6BUnit5中学习了(be)poor at,其中,poor意为“不擅长的”。本句中的poor意为“贫穷的”。3.Id like to give you three wishes.我想满足你的三个愿望。 句中的wish作名词,意为“心愿;愿望”。4.Although were old, we work in the fields every dsy.虽然我们老了,但是还能够每天在田里劳动。 Although意为“虽然”,注意不能和but连用。这句话也可以说成:Were old,but we work in the fields every day.5.You

25、 dont earn much.你们挣钱不多。6.I wish you happiness and health forever.我祝你们永远快乐健康。 句中的wish作动词,意为“祝;祝愿”7.Were going to vote for model students.我们要投票选举模范学生。 句中的model作名词,意为“模范”。在6BUnit4中学了making a model,model作名词,意为“模型”。 at each other对对方笑9.tell the differences between说出和的不同之处 different from和不同11.k

26、eep sb. healthy=stay healthy保持健康 in good health: healthy健康 in poor health: unhealthy不健康 busy with sth. / be busy doing sth忙于做某事 sb. do sth. / help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事 pleased with对感到满意17.rain hard=rain heavily雨下得很大18.heavy rain 大雨 of+最高级+名词复数20.nearly=almost几乎

27、oto=so.that22.hard work 努力,勤奋23.although的用法 although作为连词使用表示“虽然”,but作为连词使用表示“但是”,在英语中,连词作用是连接两个分句,因此一个句子中只能出现一个连词,也就是说although与but不能同时使用。 e.g. Although Im poor, Im very healthy. Im poor, but Im very healthy, 注意,although也可被写作:Though24.smile的用法 (1)smile作动词用,常用作smile at sb./sth.表示“对微笑” e.g. Tom is smil

28、ing at his dog. smile作为名词表示微笑 e.g. There is a big smile on Toms face.25.learn from 向学习 e.g. I learned a lot from my farther. You can learn a great deal just from watching other players. learn of/about sth. 表示“听到;得知;熟悉” e.g. I learned of her arrival from a close for 投票赞成 vote against 投

29、票反对 e.g. Did you vote for or against her? sb. with the house workHelp sb. doing sth.28.give(s) it up 例:Give up Maths finish it off 例:Finish off (the milk)29. 让步状语从句:Although. Sb. .although.30. be late for class Be late for is +adj.+for sb. to do sth.(形式主语) (主语)32.suggest sb. (shou

30、ld) do sth. on the phone 在电话中沟通 Listen to .over radio Watch the news on TV34. be full of Be field with 35. join the league 入团 Join the Party 入党 Join the army 参军36Be in the league 成为团员Be a league member 成为团员 Be a soldier 成为士兵37. 例: He was too young yo go to school. .so.that. 例;He was so young that he couldnt go to school. .not.+ 反义词+enough to.例:He was not old enough for him to go to school.

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