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1、虚拟语气在从句中的用法虚拟语气在从句中用法1.主语从句中用法 (1)在以it为形式主语复合句中,虚拟语气在主语从句中表示建议、要求、 命令等,谓语动词用should be型或be型虚拟式,在美国英语中常用be 型虚拟式。女口:It s natural that she should do so.她这么做是很自然事。It is essential that we should tell her the news我们有必要告诉她这个消息。It is important that we should make full use of our mineral resources 对我们来说,充分利用我

2、国矿产资源是重要。It is strange that the result of the experiment should be unsatisfactory 奇怪是实验结果竟然如此令人不满意。It is desired that we should get everything ready by tonight.希望一切在今晚准备好。It was arranged that Mr Sam should go and help Bettie.他们作了安排,由萨姆先生去帮助贝蒂。 主句谓语为某些动词被动语态,常用在It is (was) desired (suggested, settled

3、, proposed, recommended, requested, decided, etc.) that句型中。meeting.有人建议在下次会上讨论这个问题。It is vital that he should be warned before it is too late在还不太晚时候警告他是非常必要。It has been decided that the sports meet should be postponed till next Friday巳决定运动会延期到下星期五。It was requested that a vote (should) be taken有人要求进行

4、表决。2.在宾语从句中用法(1) wish宾语从句中谓语动词形式1动词过去式表示对现在情况假设。女口:I wish prices would come down我真希望物价会下降。I wish you would stop asking silly questions我希望你不要再问这种愚蠡问题。I wish I knew his address可惜我不知道他地址。I wish we could go with him我们要是能跟他一起去该多好。2h“l+过去分词表示对过去情况假设。女口:I wish I had known it before.我真希望我预先知道这件事。He wishes h

5、e hadn, t been rude to his parents他真希望他没有对父母无礼。She wished that she had stayed at home她想那时要是留在家里就好了。I wish I could have been there yesterday要是我昨天到过那里该多好。would rather等宾语从句中谓语动词形式用 would rather(=would sooner)和 would(just)as soon(=would sooner)等表示愿望,但其宾语从句常用虚拟过去式。如:I would rather you came tomorrow than

6、today.我宁愿你明天来,而不是今天。I could do it myself but I would sooner you did it.我自己也可以做,但我宁愿你去做。I would rather you had told me the truth我倒想你本该把事实真相告诉我。suggest等宾语从句中谓语动词形式 用should +动词原形或只用动词原形that从句,作为demand, order, prepose, request, require, suggest,arrange, insist, command, desire, advocate, maintain, urge,

7、 direct, move, prefer, arrange, recommend 等词宾语。女口:every dmy.专家提议每天至少应该关掉电视一个小时。The board recommended that the company should invest in the new property.董事会建议公司投资新房地产。The committee has given instructions that the manager should fly to New York 委员会巳发出指示,要经理飞往纽约。Secretary of War Edwin M Stanton ordered

8、 that James Van Metre should be released陆军部长埃德温M斯坦顿命令将詹姆斯P范?米特释放。He asked that the arrangements be made to help them finish the work 他要求做好安排,帮他们完成工作。Experiments demand that accurate measurements be made实验要求做到准确计量。She insisted that we take up the matter at the meeting她坚持要求我们在会上谈这个问题。 有些动词,如think, exp

9、ect, believe其否定式宾语从句亦可用 should +动词原形。如1:I never thought he should refuse我万没想到他会拒绝。I had not expected that things should turn out like this我没料到事情结果竟是这样。3.在表语从句中用法虚拟语气也可用在表语从句中。这种从句由th吐(可省略)所引导,其谓 语是should +动词原形。句子主句中主语常常是suggestion, proposal, idea, motion, order, recommendations, plan, impossibility,

10、 possibility 等名词。女口:His suggestion was that everyone should have map他建议是每人发一张地图。My idea is that the electronic device should be tested at once我意见是这一电子器件要立即试验。在主句中作主语名词常见有:advice, aim, desire, idea, insistence, motion, necess 让y, order , plan , proposal , recommendation , regulation , requirement, su

11、ggestion, wish 等 04.虚拟语气在同位语从句中用法当与同位语从句同位是suggestion等表示建议、计划、命令等名词时, 从句谓语动词用should+动词原形,美国英语中常用动词原形。They made the request that the problem should be discussed as soon as possible他们要求尽快讨论这个问题。他命令工作马上开始。The proposal that he (should) be dismissed was supported at the meeting 大会对开除他提议表示了支持。5.虚拟语气在状语从句中

12、用法(1)虚拟语气在让步状语从句中用法 由连接词 whether, if, even if/though, whatever, so ong as 引导 状语从句,其谓语可用虚拟语气,即其谓语用动词原形。女口:Whether the figures be accurate or not, they have to be rechecked. 不管那些数字准确与否,都得重新核对。The earth is powerful magnet and all magnets behave the same whether they be large or small.地球是一个强大磁体,而所有磁体无论大

13、小其作用都是一样。They have decided to build a reservoir, whatever the d辻ficulties may be.他们决心建造一座水库,不管有多少困难。I won,t let you in whoever you may be.无论你是谁我都不让进去。However hard the task may be, we must fulfill it on time.不管任务多么艰巨,我们必须按时完成。If the defendant be found guilty, he shall have the right of appeal.如果被告被判有

14、罪,他有权上诉。 倒装让步状语从句中虚拟语气。女口:Come what may, we will go ahead.不管怎样,我们一定要前进。However hard it may rain, we shall have to go.无论雨多大,我们都得走。(2)虚拟语气在方式状语从句中用法以连接词ms辻引导状语从句(谓语形式与wish后宾语从句相同,be在第一、三人称可用wms或were)o如:You speak as if you had really been there.你说好像你真去过那里。Light often behaves as though it were made of p

15、articles.光性状,常常有点儿像由粒子组成。He spoke to me as if I was (were) deaf.他跟我说话时就好像我是聋子似。(3)虚拟语气在目状语从句中用法以lest, for fear that和in case引出状语从句(谓语多用should加动词原形构成)。如:Batteries should be kept in dry places lest electricity should leak away.电池应放在干燥地方,以免漏电。He handled the instrument with care for fear that it should b

16、e damaged.他小心地弄那仪器,生怕把它弄坏。r 11 keep a seat for you in case you should change your mind.我给你留一个位子,说不定你会改变主意。6.虚拟语气在it is time后定语从句中用法虚拟语气还可用在定语从句中,这种从句常用在it is (high, about) time(that).句型中。定语从句常用虚拟过去式。女口:It is time we started.我们该出发了。It is time we set to work.我们该着手工作了。It is time we left.我们该走了。It is tim

17、e we should leave.我们该走了。It is time I were off.我该走了。It s high time the weather improved.天气真该好起来了。但要注意:位于time之前high起着强调“为时稍晚”作用。在非真实条件句中的用法1.非真实条件句屮谓语动词的形式条件从句结果从句与现在事实相反If I (we,you,he,they)+动词过去式(be的过去式用were)I(we) should.You would. He would .They would+动词原形与过去事实相反 If I (we,you,he,they)+had+过去分词 I(wc

18、) should.You would.He would .They would +havc+动词原形与将来事实可能相反If I (we?yoikhe,thcy)+动词过去式(be的过去式用wcrc)/wcrc to/shouldl(wc) should.You would. He would .They would +动词原形但要注意:美国英语的结果主句,不管什么人称,皆常用WOUldo2.与现在事实相反的非真实条件句虚拟语气用在与现在事实相反条件句中时,条件从句的谓语用动词的过去式(be的过去式 用were),结果主句的谓语用should(第一人称)或would(第二、三人称)+动词原形。如

19、:I am sorry I am very busy now. If I had time, I would certainly come to see you.很抱歉,我很忙。如果有时间,我一定去看你了。If it weren t for their support, we would be m a difficult situation.要不是有他们的支持,我们的处境会很困难。if places were alike, there would be little need for geographers.如果各个地方都一样,就不需要地理学家了。If I were you. I would

20、apply for the job.如果我是你,我会申请那份工作的。What would you do if you knew who broke the glass.要是你知道谁打破了玻厲,你会怎么办?Even if I had the money, I wouldn t buy it.即使我有钱也不会买它。3.与过去事实相反的非真实条件句虎拟语气用在与过去事实相反的条件句中时,条件从句的谓语用had+过去分词,结果主 句的谓语用should(第一人称)或would (第二、三人称)+ have4-过去分词。如:Ifl had taken your advice. I wouldii t h

21、ave made such a mistake.如果当时听了你的话,我就不会犯这样的错误了。If it had not been for your help, I wouldnt hate finished the work so easily.要不是你的帮助,我的工作不会这么容易完成。If we had known the basic principles, we should have controlled the process even better.如果我们知道这些基本原理,我们早就能更好地控制这个工序了。If facts had been collected one week ea

22、rlier, we should have had more time to study them. 假使早一个星期收集事实,我们就有更多的时间研究它们了。The conference wouldnt hate been so successfill if 亡 hadnt made adequate preparation. 如果我们不做充分的准备,会议是不会开得这么成功的。4.与将来事实相反的非真实条件句(1)虚拟语气用在与将来事实相反的条件句中时,条件从句的谓语用动词的过去式(be的 过去式用were) were to或should,结果主句用should(第一人称)或would (第二、三人称) 4-动词原形。女口:

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