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1、新版七年级英语下练习题M1 Module 1Lost and foundUnit 1自主梳理,厚积薄发。一、 重点词汇拓展1. 钱包_ 2. 橡皮擦 _3. 谁的_ 4. 发现;找到_5. 失物招领箱_ _ _ _6. 我的(东西) _7. 你(们)的(东西)_8. 她的(东西)_ 9. 从现在开始_ _ _10.移动电话_ _二、根据汉语意思,完成句子1. 欢迎回到学校。_ back _ school.2. 这些蜡笔是你的吗。Are _ crayons _?3. 这是谁的手表?_ watch is this?我认为是它是Tom的。I _ its _.4. 请小心看好自己的物品。Please

2、_ _ _ your things.5. 让我看一看你的护照。 _ _ _ your passport.6. 从今以后我们必须好好学习。We must study hard _ _ _7. 这有一些很好的手套。 _ _ some nice gloves.重点难点,一网打尽。三、 根据句意及首字母提示写单词1. Dad givess me a new baseball g_2. I lose my w_ so I dont have any money now.3. Be c_! The car is coming.4. Tony takes some photos with a new c_5

3、. Thank you! You are. w_6. W_ do you like apples? Because they are delicious.7.Tom goes to school in a h_.四、 用所给单词的正确形式填空1. Your ruler is longer than_(my)2. What are they doing?They _(play) basketball.3. There are many things in the_(lose) and_(find) box.4. _(who) bag is this?Its _(she).5. Lingling

4、likes_(do) housework.五、选择句子,补全对话A. Where does she live? B. Does she speak English?C. Whats her name?D. Does she have any brothers or sisters? E. Wheres she from?A: I s that your new pen pal?B: Yes,it is.A: 1 B: Her name is Maria.A: 2 B: Shes from Canada.A: 3 B: She lives in Toronto.A: 4 B: Yes, she

5、does. She has two brothers and sisters.A: 5 B: Yes. She speaks English. 举一反三,一显身手。六、 听力(听短文,选择正确答案)1. Sam comes from _A. China. B. England.C. Australia2. Where does he live? _A. Sydney B. TorontoC. Tokyo3. What languages does Sam speak? _A. English B. FrenchC. A and B4. whats Jennys favorite sport?

6、_A. Volleyball B.TennisC. Basketball5. Which sentence(句子) is NOT true?_A. Lisa is Sams sister. B. Lisa cant play the guitar,but she can play the piano and sing.C. Sam and Jenny like different sports.七、 阅读理解If you travel to some towns in India,you will be lucky enough to be waited on by guides(向导)mon

7、keys. These monkeys are always ready to help you. When you are hungry,you only have to point at your own stomach and they will show you to a restaurant. If you are tired,you put your hands behind your head and the monkeys will take you to a hotel. Do not feel surprised(惊奇),when they put their hands

8、in front of you after they have helped you. They just hope you can give them a little money as a tip(小费). After you have given them the money,they will wave their hands to say goodbye.Believe it or not,these monkeys are graduates(毕业生) of the School for Monkeys in India. They were trained(训练) there f

9、or one year. These monkey students are not the only ones in the world. Some monkeys are now being trained as nurses in an American medical college. These monkeys,after they have graduated from the school,will look after patients who are ill in the bed and help get the things they need from their hom

10、es.1. What do the monkeys do in some town in India?A. They speak English.B. They wait for your food.C. They work as guides.D. They welcome you.2. How can the monkeys tell where you want to go and what you want to do?A. They can understand what you say.B. A guide tells them what to do.C. They know th

11、e way people speak.D. They can guess from your body language.3. Where are these monkeys from?A. From a mountain.B. From a special school for monkeys.C. From a medical college.D. From some mens homes.4. What are some monkeys trained for in America?A. To help all the people in a hospital.B. To cook me

12、als for the patients.C. To look after patients who cant get out of bed.D. To help patients cross the road. Unit 2自主梳理,厚积薄发。一、 重点词汇拓展1. 机场;航空港 _2. 百 _ 3. 千 _4. 几百;成百上千_ _5. 飞机_ 6. 奇怪的_7. 寻找_ 8. 香肠_二、 根据提示完成变化第一人称第二人称第三人称人称代词Iyouhesheit形容词性物主代词myhisher名词性物主代词yoursits三、 用所给词的正确形式填空1. Mike often _(play)

13、 football.2. _ you _(like) Chinese food or Western food?3. My English_(teach) is an old American.4. I feel very bored.What about _(see) a film at the cinema?5. Jerry _(not do) his homework at noon6. There _(be) a pen and two boos on the desk.重点难点,一网打尽。四、 完成句子1. 当人们旅行时经常丢东西。People often _ things when

14、 theyre traveling.2. 大明很匆忙地区上学。Daming goes to school _ _ _.3. 成百上千的人们来到这里。_ _ people come here. 4. 你正在寻找你的手机吗?。Are you _ _ your mobile phone?5. 图书馆就在邮局的旁边。The library is _ _ the post office.6. 这就是我努力工作的原因 _ _ I work so hard.五、 填写适当的单词,补全对话1. A: _ you see my watch ? B: No, I dont. Isnt it on your tab

15、le ? A: Oh, _,here it is.2. A: Can you come to my party ? B: _ party ? A: Jims birthday party. B: _ _ is it ? A: At 7:00 in the evening.3. A: I _ find my phone ,can you help me ? B: Yes, _ a moment. A: OK.六、完型填空Mike is an Englishman. He lives in a 1 building in the 2 London. There are eighteen floor

16、s in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He 3 a lift (电梯)to go up and down. He works very hard. He 4 to work early. Every day he leaves his 5 and walks to the lift. He gets into the lift. It 6 him down to the first floor. He gets out of the lift. Then he walks to 7 bus stop. The bus st

17、op is in front of a station. It is about two hundred meters from 8 home. Usually, he catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes 9 . He works in a factory about ten 10 from his home. His work starts at half past eight, and finishes at a quarter to five. He gets back home at half past5.

18、1. A. tall B. shot C. small D. large 2. A. country B. town C. city D. village 3. A. makes B. uses C. does D. mends 4. A. begins B. wants C. runs D. goes 5. A. home B. building C. office D. room 6. A. costs B. spends C. takes D. brings 7. A. an B.a C. the D. / 8. A.his B. he C. him D.himself 9.

19、plane B. by train C. on foot D. by air 10. A.meters B. kilometers C. minutes D. hours 举一反三,一显身手。七、 根据提示写寻物启事和招领启事1. John Smith 丢了一个黑色钱包,他的电话是3725683。Lost:2. Helen Green 拾到了一个手机,她的电话是6452355Found:八、 阅读理解Sydney is the largest city in Australia. People call it “New York in the Southern Hemisphere(南半球)”

20、People in Sydney call themselves Sydneysiders(悉尼人,悉尼居民). More than thirty thousand native(本土的) people in Australia live in Sydney and people call them aborigines(原居民). In the late 1700s,most of the people in Sydney were British.The city has many famous places. The Sydney Opera House is one of the mo

21、st famous buildings in the world. It has about 1,000 rooms. The Sydney Tower is another place to visit. It is 304.8 meters high. On the tower,people can see the whole city of Sydney.Because Sydney is in the Southern Hemisphere,its season is opposite to (相反的) that in the Northern Hemisphere. The cold

22、est month of the year in Sydney is July. People here seldom(很少) see snow,but it snows sometimes.1. Sydney is _ in Australia.A. the biggest cityB. the second largest cityC. the smallest cityD. the second smallest city2. We call the native people in Australia _.A. Sydneysiders B. aboriginesC. Australi

23、ans D. British3. In the late 1700s,most of the people in Sydney were _.A. New Yorks B. AmericansC. British D. native people4. Which of the following sentences is not RIGHT?A. Sydney is in the Northern Hemisphere.B. The Sydney Opera House has about 1,000 rooms.C. On the Sydney Tower,people can see th

24、e whole Sydney.D. Sydney is a good place to visit.5. When it is summer in China,it is _ in Sydney.A. winter B. autumnC. summer D. springUnit 3自主梳理,厚积薄发。一、重点词汇拓展1. 手套_ 2. 钱包_3. 谁的_ 4. 仔细的_5. 你(们)的(东西)_6. 她的(东西)_ 7. 从现在开始_ _ _8.匆忙地 _ _ _9. 几百;成百上千_ _10. 寻找_ _二、 选词填空 your mine its hers whose 1._ crayon

25、 is this?Its Mikes2.The book is not_. Is it yours?Yes,thank you,3.Are these_ gloves,Daming?No,they arent4. Whatt the cat called? _name is Mimi5. Is this the girls bag?No,its not _.重点难点,一网打尽。三、 句型转换1. Jim comes from USA.(就画线部分提问)_ _ Jim _ from?2. This is my schoolcard.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_this _ schoolca

26、rd?_,it _.3. She is a nurse(对画线部分提问)_ _ she _?4. The camera is Tonys (对画线部分提问)_ camera is this?5. They are cleaning the room.(就划线部分提问)_ _ they _?四、 用所给的词的正确形式写句子1.Let _( I ) have a try please.2.What are you going _(do) this weekend?.3.There _(be) a party this weekend.4.How many _ (child) can you see

27、?5._(hundred) of people were killedin the earthquake (地震).举一反三,一显身手。五、 完形填空Great weather! It is 1 and hot all day. We 2 to a beautiful beach. We have great fun 3 in the water. In the afternoon, we also go 4 . On the way, I find a little boy 5 in the corner. He is 6 . I help 7 find his father. That makes me 8 very happy. I dont have 9 money 10 _ a taxi. So I walk back to the hotel. 1. A. wind B. cloud C. sunny D.rainy2. A. go B. D.are3. A. play B. played C. playing D.palys4. A.

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