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1、孙犁教学设计中英文版本外教社比赛(中文版本)Unit Six Women, Half the Sky第六单元 妇女,半边天 孙 犁 教案说明第六单元文章内容主题介绍 (Text A) 本单元讲述的是女性励志的故事。女主人公卡洛琳特克从事的职业传统上一直是男人们的天下,在本文中,她谈到自己是怎样干上这一行的,并通过她的成功表明女性应该寻求自身的解放,相信自己,拥有决心、信心并通过坚持不懈的努力,完全可以做到“男人学得会的,女人也学得会。” 整单元授课计划本单元主要包括两篇文章(Text A,Text B),共需四课时,时间安排如下:第一课时:通过播放视频、听说训练激发学生兴趣、导入阅读,整体把握

2、文章大意和结构,培养获取信息的能力和理解能力;对影响理解的必要词汇和表达进行讲解,点拨猜词技巧,提高阅读能力;组织讨论,引导学生进行批判性思考。(本节课教案为第一课时设计)第二课时:完成课文其他细节语言点的学习;对文章内容进行梳理;布置课后阅读Text B;第三课时:用回答问题的方式检查课后阅读情况,对Text B中的背景知识,重点难点进行简单讲解,重申单元主题;布置完成本单元的课后练习;第四课时:检查课后练习;讲解英语表达技巧(如何根据所查信息介绍某位知名人士,在辩论时如何组织语言表达观点);进一步讨论,布置课后把自己的想法写成小作文,并预习第七单元。本节课(第一课时)Text A教学设计U

3、nit Six Women, Half the Sky妇女,半边天文章题目A Woman Can Learn Anything a Man Can男人学得会的,女人也学得会课型第一课时:通过看、听、说导入阅读教学目标1.语言知识:掌握文章大意,段落结构,语法点;学会使用新词汇、句子2.语言技能:掌握一定阅读、表达和辩论技巧;单词发音和语调3.文化意识:了解相关的西方文化背景知识,如著名女性的生平故事等4.学习策略:通过各种途径查找知名女性资料,通过解释和举例等方式论证自己的观点5.情感态度:从文章中得到启发,明白本单元阐明的道理,女性应该寻求自身的解放,拥有决心、信心并通过坚持不懈的努力,最大

4、限度实现人生价值男人学得会的,女人也学得会。难点重点1.文章较长,指导学生通过课前预习、课上速读掌握文章大意和结构2.本文专业生词较多,但对文章整体理解影响不大,培养学生阅读时对生词干扰的容忍度,学会猜测词义3.通过辩论活动,引导学生进行批判性思考教学步骤时间课堂安排设计意图活动方式I. Pre-reading: Listening and Speaking(读前:听说训练,导入主题)【20 min】4m观看视频、回答问题学生通过视频输入了解主题,并在讨论的同时进入话题情景。集体参与8m邀请学生到台前介绍课前自主查到的知名女性生平故事,了解文章背景知识展示预习成果,教师通过示范、提问锻炼学生口

5、语表达能力,引入讨论话题个人展示8m分组讨论: 1) What professions do women usually take? And what about men?2) Do you agree with the saying “a woman can learn anything a man can”? Why? 3) What attitude should women take towards life? 通过引导学生讨论,启发思考、教师总结、导入阅读小组合作II. While-reading (读中:整体把握文章)【15m】5m速读,掌握文章大意和段落结构整体阅读感知各段的主旨

6、大意,强调课前预习作用小组讨论个体展示5m根据内容,回答问题1) What toys did the author like in her childhood? Why does she mention that?2) What does she think of the claim that math and science come more easily to men?3) What does she mean by saying “have selective hearing”?通过关键问题加强理解,培养获取信息能力和理解能力小组讨论4m部分语言知识点讲解语境猜词练习选取影响理解的必要

7、词汇和表达进行讲解(其他细节知识点将在第二课时解决)。集体参与1mStop and think:1. What can we do if we meet new words and do not have time to consult the dictionary?2. How do we work out the meaning of new words?点拨猜词技巧,提升阅读能力。集体参与III. Post-reading: Debate (读后:简单辩论,启发批判性思考) 【10m】9mDebate 辩论:In modern society, which gender is more

8、tired? 现代社会,哪种性别更辛苦?男性:房子、车子、票子女性:家庭、事业引导学生进行批判性思考小组讨论个人抢答1m布置作业:1)课后练习,P168-1732)预习文章其他语法生词知识点等。使用新词汇,巩固学习内容。板书内容目的A Woman Can Learn Anything a Man Can Key words: ContentPre-reading: famous woman introductionWhile-reading: Q&APost-reading: DebateHomeworkIronic shudderDistinguishPremiseIndicationA l

9、eap of faith 呈现教学要点,供学生随时参看。小结和延伸阅读紫色艾丽丝沃克简爱夏洛蒂勃朗特第二性西蒙娜德波伏娃 (English Version) Unit Six Women, Half the Sky第六单元 妇女,半边天 Sun LiIntroductionContent and theme (Text A) Recent history has seen the position of women change dramatically. Carolyn Turk works in a profession that has traditionally been a care

10、er for men. This text tells about how she came to do this and how success just goes to show that a woman can learn anything a man can. Teaching plan for the whole unitThere are two passages in this unit and there will be four teaching periods. First period:Warming up through watching video, presenti

11、ng, discussing, questioning, etc. Helping them to grasp the main idea and structure of the text quickly. Mastering the key language points in Text A and learn how to guess some of the new words with the context. Besides, promote students critical thinking ability.Second period:Finishing the rest of

12、the language points. Begin reading Text B.Third period:Checking on homework;discussing about Text B.Fourth period:Working on after-class activities; introducing knowledge and skills about how to give a brief introduction of a famous figure; explain skills about debating; previewing Unit 7. This is t

13、he teaching plan for the first period. (Text A)Unit Six Women, Half the SkyTitleA Woman Can Learn Anything a Man CanClass typeFirst period: Warming upObjectives1. Language:Grasp the main idea and structure of the text; learn to use some new words and expressions.2. Skills:Promoting reading skills; s

14、hort presentation and debating skills3.Culture:Learn something about the western culture in the field of feminism.4. strategies:Research information of noted women; learn how to express oneself in public with examples.5. Affections:Learn from the author of the text; understand a woman can learn anyt

15、hing a man can with diligence, confidence and perseverance, etc.Difficult & Important points1. Because the text is long, it is helpful to lead students pay attention to previewing and grasping the main idea fast. 2. There are many new words in the text that are not very crucial to the understanding

16、of the text. It is important to help them to guess the meaning of new words without consulting to a dictionary.3. Promoting students critical thinking ability is another key point of this classTeaching StepsTimeActivitiesPurposesI. Pre-reading: Listening and Speaking【20 min】4mWatching video & Answer

17、ingLeading students into the topicWhole class8mStudents presentationsPresentingindividuals8mDiscussion: 1) What professions do women usually take? And what about men?2) Do you agree with the saying “a woman can learn anything a man can”? Why? 3) What attitude should women take towards life? Help stu

18、dents to think, discuss and have a better understanding of the textGroupsII. While-reading【15m】5mFast readingGrasp the main idea and structureGroups5mQ & A1) What toys did the author like in her childhood? Why does she mention that?2) What does she think of the claim that math and science come more

19、easily to men?3) What does she mean by saying “have selective hearing”?Find the key information quicklyGroups4mLanguage points & guess the meaning of new wordsImprove reading abilityWhole class1mStop and think:1. What can we do if we meet new words and do not have time to consult the dictionary?2. H

20、ow do we work out the meaning of new words?。Whole classIII. Post-reading: Debate 【10m】9mDebate:In modern society, which gender is more tired? Promote critical thinking abilityGroups1mhomework:1)excercise,P168-1732)preview new words and expressionsLearn to use new wordsBlackboard designA Woman Can Le

21、arn Anything a Man Can Key words: ContentIronic shudderDistinguishPremiseIndicationA leap of faithPre-reading: famous woman introductionWhile-reading: Q&APost-reading: DebateHomework Summary and Further ReadingThe Color Purple by Alice WalkerJane Eyre by Charlotte BronteThe Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir

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