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1、四六级考试英语作文范文汇编四六级考试英语作文范文汇编四六级考试,英语作文的范文,来咯!不押题的哈一、商业类食品安全话题、物价上升话题、产品质量下滑话题、山寨产品问题范文及论据范文精选:1、 近几年食品安全问题频发,引起人们关注2、 食品安全问题产生的原因3、 你的看法Over the past couple of years, severalcases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. The problem offood security has become a hot button across socie

2、ty. The prevalence of foodinsecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could notafford to ignore.There are a couple of driving forces, Iwould argue, behind this undesirable tides. For one thing, food manufacturesare mostly lack of the sense of responsibility and social moralit

3、y. They focusmore on the economic benefits and then manufacture food with low cost andinferior quality materials but disregard consumers safety or even life. Whats more, this issue can also beattributed to the absence ofstrict supervision from relevant administration department. If they had beenpuni

4、shed because of their malpractice, they would not have produced unsafefood. I think that the punishment for theillegal traders should be more serious, with the increasing of the cost oftheir misdeeds or crimes, they will constrain their illegal behaviors and makethemselves subject to the code of con

5、duct. 论据积累1.山寨产品 cottage products / copycat products 原因:In the first place, cottage product enables people toacquire abundant economic profits with ease because of its low cost. As aresult, quite a few people join this industry and promote copycat product.Whats more, a considerable number ofconsumer

6、s are more inclined to buy copycat products which normally cheaper thangenuine ones. Hence, this kind of consumers purchasing choice also encouragethe prevalence of cottage product. 结论:As far as I amconcerned, Cottage products will disturb the market competition. Moreover,consumers benefits will be

7、impaired if they buy some low quality or evenunsafe copycat products. However, as every coin has two sides, these productsalso have their own merits. For example, consumers, especially those who areunder low financial conditions, tend to have more purchase choices as cottageproducts are comparativel

8、y/ relatively cheaper.2. 产品质量下滑 the quality decline of products 原因In the first place,Quite a few businessmen put the economic interests inthe first place, they tend to use inferior materials,simplifythe production process and shorten the manufacturing time. Thus, it is naturalfor them to overlook th

9、e importance of quality and consumers benefits. Whatsmore the absence of strict supervision and severe punishment on those whoproduce low quality products has also reinforced the trend. 解决措施Firstly,relevant administration departments should spare noefforts to strengthen supervision on the manufactur

10、ing process. Secondly, laws and regulations should be madeand implemented to impose a heavy penalty on those who manufacture fake andinferior products. Only in thisway can we guarantee the quality of products and the interests of consumers/peoples safety.二、文化教育类 1、传统文化流失话题 Fromthe cartoon given abov

11、e, we can observe that there are two people watchingPeking Opera. With the actress performing vividly on the stage, the old man iswatching attentively. However, the young boy does not even cast a glance at theactress and falls asleep. It is obvious that he shows no interest in PekingOpera. Thecartoo

12、n aims at informing us of the phenomenon of the gradual loss oftraditional culture. What exactly contribute to this phenomenon? Reasons can belisted as follows: for one thing, quite a few people, especially youngsters,hold that Chinese traditional culture is out dated and of little use in modernsoci

13、ety. Moreover, cultures from foreign countries have posed a great challengeto the Chinese traditional culture. A large proportion of people have beenattracted by foreign cultures which feature diversity, novelty and richness. Somethingmust be done to reverse this trend. In the first place, a large-s

14、caleeducational campaign should be launched to inform the public of the importanceof traditional culture. Additionally, the public, when fascinated by foreigncultures, should also endeavor to preserve the essence of our own culture. Onlyin this way can we prevent traditional culture from disappearin

15、g and hand downit from generation to generation.2.社会公德缺失,道德滑坡 moral decline/ morality in decline / the decline ofsocial morality原因:For one thing, people today are becoming increasinglyselfish, they are reluctant to do good deeds even when somebody else are inneed. For another, people nowadays are mo

16、stly material-oriented rather thanintellectual-oriented. In other words, when putting material pursuit in thefirst place, they will naturally overlook the significance of social morality. 结论:Social morality is one of the indicators of socialprogress. The society can hardly develophealthily and susta

17、inably if we only focus on material but ignore socialvirtue. It is high time that we should do something to enhance social moralityamong the public. 3.志愿者服务:volunteer work / the spirit of dedication 原因(好处):It is a great pleasure to give those who are in need ahelping hand. By helping others, volunte

18、ers can get intense gratificationand realize their personal value. Moreover, they can gain some work experienceand learn something out of the textbooks. During voluntary activities,volunteers can learn how to deal with some tough problems and how to get alongwith others. 结论:Definitely, volunteer wor

19、k can benefit both the societyand individuals a lot. Fortunately, people from all walks of life join thisactivity and schools, governments and other organizations also spare no effortsto promote the spirit of dedication.3.剽窃现象 plagiarism原因:To start with,Plagiarizing others works seems to be a shortc

20、ut to theacademic success. Quite a few people pursue fame and gain, they have along-cherished dream of achieving academic success overnight./ easilywithout perspiration. Moreover, the absence of rigorous review on the books tobe published has also reinforced the trend. (56words)解决措施Firstly, relevant

21、 administration departments shouldimpose heavy penalty on those who commit plagiarism. Additionally,academics should also bear in mind that the best way lead to the success ofacademics is honesty. Only in this way can we build a positive and healthacademic atmosphere.三、两代关系1、人口老龄化The table chart inf

22、orms of the phenomenon that the aging population is becomingincreasingly severe. What exactly contribute to this phenomenon? Reasons can belisted as follows: for one thing, the authorities have issued some preferentialpolicies to improve senile securitys system, which enables the elders to leada com

23、fortable life. Moreover, with the improvement of living standard, elderlypeople in mounting numbers are placing a high value on health care, thus peoplecan live longer than ever before. Moreover, the phenomenon of aging populationcan also be attributed to the improvement of medical technology, manyo

24、nce-seemingly-incurable diseases could be healed nowadays, which means thatpeople lead a much longer life. The aging of the population is a resultof social progress and economic development. However, This phenomenon willbring about undesirable consequences in the future. By 2035, economists say,ther

25、e will be two retirees for each worker. Thus, the problem of how to dealwith it should be on the agenda.2、啃老族 NEET group/ boomerang child What contribute to this phenomenon?For one thing, most parents are willing to sacrifice themselves because of thedeep love for their children. Unfortunately they

26、neglect to foster theiroffsprings independence so that their children are accustomed to living underthe sponsorship of their parents. In addition, with the employment situationbecoming increasingly severe the youngsters can hardly get well-paid jobs.Hence, it is naturally difficult for them to live

27、by themselves. Last but notleast, the soaring prices of houses andcommodities also force young people to depend on their parents, as their meagersalaries can hardly cover these high-priced products or even daily expenses.四、健康类 Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE Directions : In this part,you

28、are to write within 30 minutes a composition of less than 150 words underthe title of “my Favorite Way of keeping Fit ”Some clues are given below inChinese . Please write your composition clearly on the COMPOSITION SHEET. 保持健康有多种做法 我最喜欢的做法是. Recently,the phenomenon of “sub-health” and ”death from ov

29、erwork” has aroused wideconcern among the public. Definitely, with the growing pace of life and work,people are now under enormous pressures and suffering from the threat of healthproblems. It is high time that we should balance our work and life, slack oursteps and reflect on the true meaning of he

30、alth. Fortunately,people have begun to attach greater importance of physiological well being andcome up with a great variety of ways to keep fit. Some prefers to take outdoorexercises such as hill-climbing, riding, camping, drifting and so forth. No onecan deny the fact that these activities are rel

31、axing and life-enriching. Whilesome maintain that a well-balanced diet plays an indispensable role in keepingfit. Statistics released in certain scientific journals have demonstrated thata balanced-nutritional intake can ,to some degree, prolong ones life span by 5to 8 years. Formy part, keeping fit

32、 is a all-around plan. Firstly, work-life balance lies inthe core of my plan. As the common saying goes, “All work and no play will makejack a dull boy.” overworking is not an efficient way to boost job performance,nor is a good way to keep healthy. Besides, taking exercises regularly is alsobeneficial to our health. In addition, food and nutrition intake is alsoessential. We are made of what we eat, how can one expect to be healthy if weeat unhealthy or even poisonous food? Last but not least, keeping in good moodwill do good to o

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