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1、新版新目标七年纪下册单元最全知识点讲解unit5678Unit 5*固定搭配1.letssee-shallwe?2.letus-willyou?3.favoriteanimals最喜欢的动物4.get lost 迷路5.kindofinteresting有点有趣6.SouthAfrica南非7.befrom/ comefrom来自8.whynot+v原形9.walkontwolegs用两条腿走10.alldayand allnight整天11.likesthalot非常喜欢12.blackandwhite黑白相间13.cut down 砍倒14.morethanonce不止一次15.theot

2、hertwoanimals另两个动物16.oneof+名词复数+v单数17.akindofbooks一种书 (great) danger 处于危险之中19.asymbolofgoodluck好运的象征20.playsoccerormusic踢球播放音乐21.drawwell画得好22.forgettodo/forgetdoing23.getlost迷路24.agoodplacetodosth做事好地方25.aplacewithfoodandwater26.ingreatdanger处于危险27.cutdown砍倒28.bemadeof什么制成29.ThaiElephantDay大象节

3、30.importanceinThailand泰国重要性*用法集萃1. Lets see the pandas first. 【考点】祈使句Let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事。表示建议,命令,要求。肯定回答: OK / All right / Yes, lets否定回答: Sorry, I wont.2. Why do you want to see the lions? Because theyre cute.【考点】由why提问的问句,要用because来回答。 kind of + adj. = a little = a bit 有点,稍微a kind of 一种 all kin

4、ds of = different kinds of 各种各样的 3. What animals do you like? What other animals do you like?【考点】 other(1) 用作形容词,意为“其他的,另外的”,修饰复数名词。Can you see other girls? 你能看见其他的女孩吗?(2) 用作代词, 通常指两个中的“另一个”。“one the other”一个另一个4. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass.【考点】 play with sb. 和某人一起玩耍 friend n.

5、friendly adj.友好的 make friends 交朋友 be friendly to sb. = be kind to sb. 对某人友好 be friendly with sb. 和某人关系友好 5. Isnt he cute? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. (注意对答语的翻译)【考点】 否定疑问句。表示“难道不吗”。 答语,形式上与一般疑问句的答语是一样的。 Yes 翻译成“不”,No 翻译成“是”。6. like 用法聚焦 (1) 动词: like+名词/代词,意为喜欢某人或某物。 like to do sth. 意为(偶尔或具体地)喜欢做某事。 li

6、ke doing sth. 意为(经常或习惯地)喜欢做某事。 like sb. to do sth.意为喜欢某人做某事。 would like to do sth. (=want to do sth.)意为 想要做某事。 would like sb. to do sth.意为想要某人做某事。(2) 介词: be like, look like后接名词或代词作宾语,意为像;跟一样。 feel like后接V?鄄ing形式、代词或名词,意为想要做某事。(3)常见句型: How do you like.?What do you think of.?你认为怎么样?Would you like +to

7、do sth.?意为你想要吗?7. east , west, south , north n.东西南北 + ern 变成形容词eastern, western, southern, northern adj.8. 名词+ly =形容词friendly 友好的 motherly 母亲般的 lovely 可爱的形容词+ly =副词beautiful = beautifully 漂亮地 careful = carefully 细心地9. another,onethe other,others = other + cn,the others区别: another (三者或以上)另一个 onethe o

8、ther (二者中)一个另一个others = other +复数名词(没有范围)另一些the others = the other + 复数名词(有一定范围)另一些10. during(介词)在期间during the day 在白天(期间) during the vacation 在假期(期间)11. relax vt. 使放松(后接 “人”作宾语) relaxed adj. 放松的relax oneself (作动词时后常接人做宾语) 12. 在文章中表达时,because的句子不能单独使用。注意: Because不能和so连用,因为它们都是连词,引导的都是从句。 too, also(副

9、词)也,either(副词)也不位置用法13. (be) in danger 面临危险-(be) out of danger 脱离危.险14. made几种不同用法: made of 表示“由 制造” ,能看出原材料 made from “由 制造” ,不能看出原材料 made in 表示“在哪里制造” ( )1. Thanks _ your letter and the photos. A. to B. of C. for D. with ( )2._ you _ the story book now? A. Do, read B. Are, read C. Is, reading D. A

10、re, reading ( )3.Who is he waiting _? Jenny. A. for B. with C. out D. on ( )4._ is your father? He is at school. A. what B. How C. When D. Where ( )5.Your idea _ good. A. see B. sound C. hears D. sounds ( )6.Im talking _ him _ the English contest. Awith,about B. about, with C. with, to D. to, below

11、( )7.Here _ some books on the desk. A. are B. is C. have D. has ( )8._ the third photo, I_ at a mall. A. On, shop B. On, shopping C. In, am shopping D. In, am shoping Unit 6 Im watching TV.*固定搭配1.dooneshomework2.talkonthephone打电话交谈3.gotothemovies去看电影4.Thatsoundsgood.那听起来不错5.TVshow电视节目6.atsixoclock在六

12、点钟7.waitforsb/sth等侯某人/某物8.thanksforsth谢谢某物9.thanksfordoingsth谢谢做了某事10.someof+代词宾格11.inthefirst/ next/lastphoto12. atthepool在游泳池13.bewithsb与某人一起14.whataboutdoingsth.提建议15. Notmuch=Nothingmuch16.befree空闲的17.joinsb.forsth./doingsth.18.livewithsb.和某人住在一起19.family家人(复数) 家庭(单数)看上去像21.anyothe

13、r+可数名词单数22.misssb.想念某人23.aphotoofsbsfamily24. studyforsth.为而学习*用法集萃 1. watch look see read区别:watch 观看,看 watch TV watch a football game see 看见(看的结果) I can see the bird in the tree.look 看(看的动作) Please look at the 阅读,读书,读报 She is reading a story.2. all 、 also 、often 、never 等副词应该放在be动词,情

14、态动词及助动词之后,行为动词之前。He never stop talking. I often get up at six.Lions also come from South Africa.3. thanks for sth 谢谢某物 Thanks for your letter.thanks for doing sth 谢谢做了某事 Thanks for joining us.4.What+be+主语+doing? 正在做什么? 主语be+doing 正在做某事。 例: what are you doing? Im doing my homework. 5.现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正


16、,swimswimming,shopshopping putputting现在进行时的构成1)肯定句:主语+am/is/are+doing+其他+时状.2)否定句:主语+am/is/are+not+doing+其他+时状.3)一般疑问句:Am/Is/Are+主语+doing+其他+时状?4)肯定回答:Yes,主语+am/is/are否定回答:No,主语+amnot/isnt/arent5)现在进行时特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词+is/am/are+主语+现在分词+其他?一单项选择:(每小题1分,满分15分)() B.

17、towatch C.watching D.watched()2.-Whattimedoesshegetup?-She_upat6:10am.A.isgetting B.gets C.toget D.get()3.-WhatcanTonydo?-Hecan_theguitar.A.isplaying B.playing C.plays B.studies C.isstudy D.isstudying()5.-_youwatchingTV?-Yes,I_.A.Do,do B.Can,can C.Are,a

18、m D.Are,do()6.Look!Dave_onthephone. A.talks B.aretalking D.istalking()7.-_Marycleaningherroom?-No,sheis_.A.Does,playsthecomputergames B.Can,playthecomputergamesC.Is,playingcomputergames D.Does,playingcomputergames()8.Lets_tothemoviesnow.That_great.A.going,sounding B.go,sounds C.go,sound D.goi

19、ng,issounding()9.Myfather_young.A.islooking B.look C.looks D.lookingUnit 7 Its raining!短语归纳1.Howistheweather.?天气怎么样?=Whatstheweatherlike.?在下雨be+adjberainytoday是雨天3.talkabouttheweatherwithfriends4.playcomputergames玩电脑游戏5.watchTV看电视6.atthepark=inthepark在公园7.soundlike听起来像8.haveagoo


21、mmervacation暑假24.studyhard努力学习25.beonvacation在度假26.writetosb.给某人写信27.nextmonth下个月28.talkonthephone通过电话交谈29.forthreehours三个小时30.takeaphoto照相31.speaktosb.给某人谈话给某人回电话33.intherainyweather在雨天 用法集萃1 构词知识:1) 名词后缀:-er,如,singer 2)形容词后缀: -ful 如,beautiful -or,如 actor -ing 如,boring -ing, 如 meeting

22、-ous 如,dangerous -tion 如 direction -ly 如, friendly4)在国家名词后加-ian,-an, -n表示其国家的人。如,Egypt埃及Egyptian埃及人Europe欧洲European欧洲人Canada加拿大Canadian加拿大人Italy意大利Italian意大利人Australia澳大利亚Australian澳大利亚人America美国American美国人2 Until的用法:until 和 till的意义相同,都有“直到”,“直到才的意思1) 介词,后面接表时间的名词或短语 We are back until/till 3 oclock.

23、2) 连词,until和till引导时间状语从句 Go along this road until you see the park3现在进行时态特殊用法1) 现在进行时表示目前这一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。而说话时并不一定正在进行。Is Tom working hard this term?汤姆这学期学习用功吗?They are working on the farm these days.这些日子他们在农场劳动。2) 表示往返或位置转移的动词,如come,go,leave, stay, start, arrive等现在进行时,可以表示将来的时间状语,如tomorrow, next week, next year等连用。

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