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1、学年人教高一英语试题金海龟教育20102011学年上期期中考试高中 英语试题说明:1、本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2、将第I卷的答案代表字母用铅笔涂在答题卡中。不能答在试题卷上。第I卷 (选择题,共105分)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分 )第一节:单项填空( 共小题;每小题分,满分分 ) 从 A.B.C.D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Fireworks the attraction of the festival night. A. added up to B. added up

2、 C. added to D. added22. I thought her kind and generous _ I met her.A. first time B. the first timeC. for the first time D. by the first time23. He asked me _ I would go to Beijing by air the next day.A. that if B. ifC. that whether D. how24. After the long journey, the three of them went back home

3、, _ . A. hungry and tiredly B. hungry and tiredC. hungrily and tiredly D. hungrily and tired 25.Lets send our congratulations to him _ winning the Noble Prize. A. for B. to C. on D. with26. Whoever breaks the law wont escape _.A. being punished B. punishing C. punished D. to be punished27. Only when

4、 he told the truth _ my mistakes.A. I realized B. I had realizedC. had I realized D. did I realize28. We have gathered nearly 100,000 quilts, _ up to half have gone to the flood-hit areas.A. with which B. in whichC. for which D. of which29. The public and the school master stand _ across the street.

5、A. face-to-face B. faced-to-faced C. face to face D. faces-to-faces30. - You dislike Tom, dont you? - _. I just think he is a bit annoying. Thats all.A. Not exactly B. ReallyC. Not a little D.Not at all31. Five hundred yuan a month _ enough to live on. A. is B.are C. is being D. has been 32. Its on

6、the festival occasions _ the family get together _ he misses his late father. A. where; that B. which; when C.when; that D.that; when33. Taxi _ is higher than the bus. A. fee B. fare C. change D. pay34. This young man is very clever; he may be _ Edison. . A. the one B. the other C. another D. one 35

7、. After the death of their mother, the children were _ by an aunt. A. taken care B. cared about C. cared for D. cared of 第二节:完形填空( 共小题;每小题分,满分2分 ) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.President Abraham Lincoln often visited hospitals to talk with wounded soldiers during the Civil War. _36_

8、, doctors pointed out a(n) _37_ soldier who was near _38_ and Lincoln went over to his bedside.“ Is there anything I can do for you?” asked the President.The solider _39_ didnt recognize Lincoln, and with some _40_ he was able to _41_, “Would you please write a letter to my _42_?”A pen and paper wer

9、e _43_ and the President carefully began writing _44_ what the young man was able to say:“ My dearest mom, I was _45_ hurt while doing my _46_ . Im afraid Im not going to _47_ . Dont grieve (伤心)too much for me, please. Kiss Mary and John for me. May God bless you and father.”The solider was too _48_

10、 to continue, so Lincoln _49_ the letter for him and added, “Written for your son by Abraham Lincoln.”The young man asked to see the _50_ and was astonished when he _51_ who had written it. “Are you really the President?” he asked.“Yes, I am.” Lincoln replied quietly. Then he asked if there was anyt

11、hing _52_ he could do. “Would you please _53_ my hand?” the solider asked. “It will help to see me _54_ to the end.”The President took the boys hand in his and spoken warm words of encouragement _55_ death came.36A. SometimeB. OnceC. ThenD. Usually37A. youngB. sillyC. oldD. humorous38A. themB. death

12、C. breakdownD. him39A. fortunatelyB. completelyC. finallyD. obviously40A. strengthB. courageC. effortD. time41A. whisperB. begC. cryD. decide42A. grandmaB. motherC. fatherD. wife43A. providedB. placedC. takenD. collected44A. B. outC. aboutD. down45A. slightlyB. deeplyC. badlyD. hardly46A. planB. dre

13、amC. dutyD. position47A. arriveB. recoverC. succeedD. meet48A. excitedB. confusedC. sadD. weak49A. sentB. readC. passedD. signed50A. bookB. nameC. noteD. handwriting51A. discoveredB. guessedC. rememberedD. read52A. everB. elseC. evenD. also53A. holdB. watchC. carryD. draw54A. inB. offC. throughD. up

14、55A. whenB. sinceC. thoughD. until第三部分:阅读理解(共小题;每小题分,满分分 )阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A A lazy Susan is an addition to a table that is designed to help move food from one person to another while dining. It usually moves the food in a circle when pushed by those at the table. In this way,

15、the food never has to be picked up and passed around. Instead, it remains in place as the lazy Susan turns.A lazy Susan may also be part of a kitchen cabinet(橱柜), which one can spin in order to save space and make finding things easier.Whether on a table or in a cabinet, a lazy Susan can be made of

16、a variety of materialsmost commonly plastic, wood, or glass. It is believed that Thomas Jefferson invented the lazy Susan, though it was referred to as a dumbwaiter(送饭菜的小升降机) at the time. Its said that Jefferson invented the lazy Susan because his daughter complained she was always served last at th

17、e table and as a result never found herself full when dinner had ended. Others believe that Thomas Edison was the inventor, since he invented the turntable for his phonograph(留声机) and later developed it into the lazy Susan.No matter who invented it, it wasnt until 1917 that the term “lazy Susan” was

18、 created as part of an advertisement for the invention. In Britain, however, the term “dumbwaiter” is still used rather than “lazy Susan”. The reason for the name “lazy Susan” remains a mystery. One theory is that it was named after either Jeffersons or Edisons daughter, both of whom were named Susa

19、n.56 From the next we learn that the lazy Susan _.A. is a round table popular among AmericansB. was a famous inventor whose father was JeffersonC. can be used as a cabinet to store food for longD. can be turned to allow dinners to get the food they want57 The text does NOT mention _. A. who invented

20、 the lazy Susan B. why it was called the lazy Susan C. when the lazy Susan was invented D. what the lazy Susan can be made of58 Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the text ? A. The term “lazy Susan” was first used in an advertisement B. The term “lazy Susan” has completely repla

21、ced the term “dumbwaiter” C. Edisons daughter was said to be lazy. D. Susan was Jeffersons youngest daughterBUK wont wait now Bright red post boxes, the Queen and queuing(排队)what do they all have in common? They are all part and parcel(重要部分) of British life. Or so I thought. However, the ability to

22、queue for long periods of time, once believed to be a traditional trait(特点)of the British, is no longer tolerated(忍受) by people in the UK, according to a survey done for British bank Barclays. Once upon a time, queuing was seen as normal. During the Second World War, everyone had to queue up to rece

23、ive their daily ration (配给) of foods. In fact, if you didnt stand up and wait in line with all the others, it was seen as uncivilized (不文明的)。 The famous English double-decker buses (双层公共汽车), with only one entrance, might also help explain why queuing was seen as a part of life. Almost always, there

24、is a queue to get on. But perhaps the British are tired of being pushed past by the Spanish, the Italians or the French as they queue up to get a table at a restaurant. The people of these other European countries have more than one entrance to their buses, which could explain their more relaxed att

25、itude to the queue. Two minutes is now the longest time most Brits are prepared to stand and wait. But could it be that the Internet, which allows us to carry out tasks quickly, is the main reason why British people are no longer prepared to queue? “ Used to buying without delay, customers are even

26、abandoning purchases rather than wait their turn,” says Stuart Neal of Barclaycard. “ Shoppers are also less likely to queue for long if the item they are buying is of low value.” Perhaps I will have to replace “queuing” with “impatience” in my list of things I associate (联系) with the British. By Al

27、ice Philipson59 What can we learn about the tradition of queuing in Britain from the article?A. It was once considered a symbol of a civilized behavior among the British.B. It is what makes Britain different from other European countries.C. It was a product of the slow pace of life in old times.D. I

28、t is a long time tradition as old as the Queen.60. According to the article, the British gradually stopped queuing because _. A. they prefer shopping online to going to the shops B. they follow the example of foreigners in Britain C. the use of the Internet has changed their way of life D. British b

29、uses now have more than one entrance 61. According to the article, the British are less likely to queue when they wait to _.A. get a table in a restaurantB. buy apples in a greengrocersC. pay for low cost shoppingD. get on double-decker buses62. What is the authors main aim in this article?A. To lis

30、t some things that she associates with the British. B. To introduce change in the British way of life.C. To express her approval of changes in the British way of life.D. To complain about the British losing patience. Glynis Davis: I first piled on the pounds when I was in the family way and I couldn

31、t lose them afterwards. Then I joined a slimming club. My target was 140 pounds and I lost 30 pounds in six months. I felt great and people kept saying how good I looked. But Christmas come and I started to slip back into my old eating habits. I told myself Id lose the weight at slimming classes in the New Yearbut it didnt happen. Instead of losing the pounds, I put them on. Id lost wi

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