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本文(高中英语外研版必修3同步练习module 2 第3课时cultural corner含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高中英语外研版必修3同步练习module 2 第3课时cultural corner含答案.docx

1、高中英语外研版必修3同步练习module 2 第3课时cultural corner含答案Module 2 第三课时.根据首字母和汉语提示写出单词1Indians are the first i_(居民)of North America.2Since the government took some measures,the p_(受到污染的)river has been becoming cleaner and cleaner.3Can I e_(交换)pounds for dollars here?4All these goods will be t_(运输)to Shanghai and

2、 then to Africa.5Many c_(慈善团体)sent money to help the refugees(难民)6U_(不巧的是),you were out when we called.7The earthquake left thousands of millions of people h_(无家可归的)8With the expansion of t_(旅游业),thousands of foreigners want to pay a visit to China.9You could find out many s_(相似性)between the twin br

3、others.10Students can develop their intelligence through study as well as e_(娱乐)答案:1.inhabitants2.polluted3.exchange4.transported5.charities6.Unfortunately7.homeless8.tourism9.similarities10.entertainment.完成句子1那时,该国的经济增长率接近于零。At that time,the countrys economic growth rate_zero.2你认为他的计划怎么样?_his plan?

4、3他尽可能快地跑,结果赶上了最后一班车。He ran as fast as he could,and_,he caught the last bus.4你的性格和你哥哥的性格相似。Your character_your brothers.5我们老师说的话对我们来说是重要的。What our teacher said_us.6交通高峰期开车那么快是很危险的。_at rush hours is very dangerous.答案:1.was close to2.How do you a result4is similar important to 6.Driving

5、 so fast.语法填空1The man was_(fortunate)enough to lose his new car.答案:unfortunate句意:那个人把新车丢了,真够倒霉的。fortunate幸运的,根据句子结构和句意可知此处用unfortunate。2Americans eat twice_many vegetables each person today as they did 20 years ago.答案:as考查倍数as many名词as结构。句意:美国人人均吃的蔬菜是二十年前的两倍。3The boy is similar_his uncle in characte

6、r.答案:to句意:这个男孩在性格方面与他的舅舅相似。在某方面与某人相似:be similar to sth.。4He walked_(close)to the window to watch_(close)the suspected man shopping in the street.答案:close; closely句意:他走近窗子,密切监视在街上购物的嫌疑人。walk close to走近;watch closely密切监视。5China began to be open to the outside world in the late 1970s.As_result th

7、ere have been great changes in the country.答案:a句意:中国在20世纪70年代后期开始改革开放。因此,这个国家发生了巨大的变化。as a result因此,符合句意。6Missing the flight means_(wait)for another three hours.答案:waiting句意:错过航班意味着再等三个小时。mean doing.“意味着”。7You will find this map of great_(value)in helping you to get round Beijing.答案:value句意:你会发现这幅地图

8、在帮助你在北京游玩时非常有用。of great valuevery valuable。8He was_as well as hardworking,so he won the first prize in the exam.答案:smart句意:他既聪明又勤奋,所以他在考试中获得了一等奖。smart聪明的,符合句意。9We havent met since we graduated,but we sill_gifts at Christmas with each other.答案:exchange句意:自从毕业后,我们还没有见过面。但是在圣诞节的时候我们仍然会相互交换礼物。exchange交换

9、,互换。10I dont think Mary is angry with you,_?答案:is she“I dont think宾语从句”后面的反问部分与宾语从句一致,而且陈述部分是否定前移现象,所以宾语从句仍认为是否定句,反问部分用“is she”。.完形填空Whenever we hear about“the homeless”,most of us think of the Developing World.But the_1_is that homelessness is everywhere.For example,how many of us would expect to s

10、ee people living on the streets of a_2_country like Germany? Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making_3_for the homeless of Berlin,Germanys capital.They first_4_one long hot summer when most Germans were_5_on holiday.Kurt and his wife stayed at home,made sandwiches,_6_a table in

11、the street and gave food to the homeless. The Mullers soon realised that food and clothing werent_7_.“What these people also need is warmth and_8_,”says Rita.The Mullers didnt_9_to give their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime.Rita_10_there was somebody at home to answe

12、r the phone and their home was always_11_to anyone who couldnt face another night on the street.The couple were soon_12_all their time and money,so Kurt visited food and clothing companies to_13_donations.Today,over thirty companies_14_donate food and other goods to the cause and volunteers help to_

13、15_them to the homeless.The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer_16_new shoes.Kurt and Rita receive no_17_for their hard work.“We feel like parents,”says Rita,“and parents shouldnt_18_money for helping their children.The love we get on the streets is our salary.”Though Rita admits

14、she often gets_19_,she says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having made a_20_in the world.语篇解读:文章讲述一对德国夫妻十几年如一日地对柏林街头的无家可归者提供无私帮助,为他们提供膳食、衣物,甚至将自己的房子对流浪者开放,并且不计回报,他们的善举赢得了社会的广泛支持和赞誉。1A.result BtruthCreason Didea答案:B很多人认为,无家可归者都在发展中国家。事实上,无家可归者无处不在。很显然,描述的是一个客观的事实,所以用

15、truth。result“结果”;reason“原因”;idea“想法,观点”。2A.traditional BdevelopingCtypical Dwealthy答案:D对应上文以及常识可知,发展中国家都是比较贫穷的,而德国是发达国家,所以应该选D,意思是“富裕的”。句意:比如,我们有多少人想到会在一些像德国这样富裕的国家看到人们流落街头呢?traditional“传统的”;developing“发展的”;typical“典型的”。3A.preparations BhousesCmeals Dsuggestions答案:C句意:Kurt Muller和他的妻子Rita花了11年时间为德国首

16、都柏林那些无家可归的人做饭。本段最后一句也有暗示。make meals“做饭”。4A.began BmetCcalled Dleft答案:A句意:当大部分的德国人外出度假时,他们首先开始了一个很长的炎热的夏天。根据下文“他们待在家里为无家可归的人做三明治”和本句中的first看出,是“开始”的意思。meet“遇见”;call“叫”;leave“离开”。这三个词与one long hot summer不搭配。故选A。5A.asleep BaloneCacross Daway答案:Dbe away on holiday“外出度假”。asleep意为“睡着的”,是形容词;alone意为“单独的”,是

17、形容词;across意为“穿过”,作副词或介词。6A.brought up Bset upCput aside Dgave away答案:Bste up a table摆桌子。句意:Kurt 和他妻子待在家里,做三明治,在街上摆一张桌子,给那些无家可归的人提供食物。bring up“抚养”;put aside“储存”;give away“泄露,分发”。7A.enough BnecessaryChelpful Dexpensive答案:A由下文的“What these people also need is warmth and_”可以看出,这里表达的意思是:Muller夫妇意识到仅仅为这些无家

18、可归者提供食物和衣服是不够的,他们还需要温暖和关心。所以选enough“足够的”。8A.fame BfreedomCcourage Dcare答案:Dfame“名誉,名声”;freedom“自由”;courage“勇气”;cares“关心;关爱”。该空要根据连词and和其所连接的“warmth”判断。“温暖”和“关爱”并列,故选D。9A.hesitate Bagree Cpretend Dintend答案:A句意:Muller夫妇毫不犹豫地把他们的电话号码给街上的人们,并告诉他们在任何时候都可以给他们打电话。dont hesitate to do sth.意思是“毫不犹豫做某事”,符合语境。a

19、gree“同意”;pretend“假装”;intend“打算”,都不符合语境。10A.made sense Bfound outCmade sure Dworked out答案:Cmake sure“确保”。这里表达的是这对夫妇为无家可归者服务的真诚。句意:Rita确保家里有人接(无家可归者打来的)电话,并且他们的家门总是为无处过夜的人敞开着。make sense“有意义”;find out“发现”;work out“计算出”。 Bcrowded Cnoisy Dnear答案:Aopen“开着的”;crowded“拥挤的”;noisy“嘈杂的”;near”附近的”。故选A项。1

20、2A.costing BwastingCtaking Dspending答案:D这对夫妇24小时都在为无家可归者服务,很快花完了他们所有的时间和金钱。句中宾语为all their time and money,故用spend,意为“花费”。 for Bask forClook into Dcarry out答案:B由于花完了这对夫妇的所有金钱,因此Kurt拜访一些食品和服装公司,请求他们的捐助。后面的donations也是提示。pay for“为付款”;ask for“请求,要求”;look into“调查”;carry out“执行”。只有B项符合题意。14A.complete

21、ly BcalmlyCregularly Droughly答案:C句意:如今,有三十多家公司定期为之捐赠食物和其他的物品。四个选项中只有regularly“定期地”符合语境。completely“完全地”;calmly“平静地”;roughly“差不多,大致”。15A.advertise Bsell Cdeliver Dlend答案:Cdeliver“传送,交付”。此处指由志愿者把所捐赠的食物和物品分发给无家可归的人。advertise“做广告”;sell“卖”;lend“借给”。16A.donates Bproduces Cdesigns Dcollects答案:A句意:人们还把衣服和钱送给

22、他们,一位制鞋商捐赠新鞋子。故选donate,意思是“捐助”。前面句子有该词的名词形式出现。produce“生产”;design“设计”;collect”收集”。17A.permission BpaymentCdirection Dsupport答案:Bpayment“报酬”。由下文Rita所说的话可知,这里表达的意思是:Kurt和Rita助人的辛勤劳动不求任何回报。permission“允许”;direction“方向”;support“支持”。18A.borrow Braise Csave Dexpect答案:D这里他们把无家可归的人当作自己的孩子,把自己当作他们的父母,而父母不应该希望通

23、过帮助自己的孩子来赚钱。故选D。borrow“借”;raise“筹集”,save“节约”。19A.surprised BexcitedCtired Damused答案:C句意:尽管Rita承认自己经常感到疲劳,但是她愿意继续她的工作。从上文中Kurt和Rita为那些无家可归的人所做的一切可知,他们付出很多,她一定很劳累。根据语境选C项。20A.profit BdifferenceCdecision Drule答案:B他们的行为已经使受助者的生活发生了变化。make a difference“有影响,产生变化”,符合题意。.阅读理解ACanada is a very large country.

24、It is bigger than China.China is the third largest country in the world.Canada is the second largest.It has an area of nearly 10 million square kilometres.Canada has a very long coastline.To the west is the Pacific Ocean.To the east is the Atlantic Ocean.The Arctic Ocean is in the north.There are ve

25、ry many islands off the Pacific coast and off the Arctic coast.The biggest one in the west is Vancouver Island.In the east there is New Foundland,and in the Arctic Ocean the biggest islands are Baffin Island and Victoria Island.(Greenland is not part of Canada.It is a part of Denmark,a country in no

26、rthern Europe.)Canada has a long border with the US in the south.In the northwest Canada borders on the American“State of Alaska”Canada is a northern country.The Arctic Circle(Latitude 16N)passes through the northern part.In the south,half of the border with the US follows line of Latitude 49N.1Whic

27、h of the following statements is TRUE?AThe US is the second largest country in the world.BCanada has nearly 10 million square kilometres.So it is the second largest country on the earth.CChina is as large as Canada and the second largest in the world.DRussia is the second largest country in the worl

28、d.答案:B文章第一段三、四句话已有交代,在面积上加拿大是世界第二大国,中国居第三位。2What ocean is in the north of Canada?AThe Pacific Ocean.BThe Atlantic Ocean.CThe Indian Ocean.DThe Arctic Ocean.答案:D加拿大的北边是北极,所以应该是北冰洋。第一段第九句话已给出答案。3There are many islands in Canada and Vancouver Island is_.Ain the west Bin the eastCin the north Din the so

29、uth答案:A根据第一段倒数第二句话可知,最大的岛温哥华岛在加拿大西边。4Alaska is one of the states of America.It is on the_of Canada.Anortheast BsoutheastCnorthwest Dsouthwest答案:C文章第二段第二句话说加拿大西北部与美国的阿拉斯加州接壤。5Latitude 16N is through_.Athe northern part of CanadaBthe northern part of ChinaCthe northern part of AmericaDthe northern par

30、t of New Foundland答案:A根据第二段倒数第二句话可知北极圈,即北纬16度穿过加拿大的北部。Latitude 16N意为“北纬16度”。BContacts between Japan and the rest of the world have grown a great deal in the twentieth century.In the last thirty years,business contacts between Japan and the West have become very important.Many foreign companies now have offices in Japan and Japanese businessmen do business around the wo

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