初中英语黑体单词和白体单词外研社.docx
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初中英语黑体单词和白体单词外研社
初中英语黑体单词和白体单词
abit
acoupleof
afew
agoodtime
alistof
alot
alotof
anumberof
apairof
able
about
about
aboveall
abroad
absent
accept
accident
accommodation
ache
achieve
across
act
action
activity
actor
add
addto
address
advantage
adventure
advertisement
advice
advise
afraid
Africa
African
afterall
again
against
age
ago
agree
air
airline
airplane
airport
airport
airway
alive
all
allover
allthetime
allthetime
alltheyearround
alltogether
allow
almost
along
alongside
already
also
also
although
altitude
always
amazing
America
American
among
amount
ancient
angry
animal
answer
any
anyone
anything
anyway
anywhere
appear
application
appointment
April
area
army
around
around
arrange
arrive
art
article
as
asaresult
asfaras
assoonas
aswell
aswellas
as...as
Asia
Asian
ask
askfor
asleep
astronaut
at
at
atatime
atfirst
athome
atleast
atthatmoment
attheageof
atthebeginningof
atthebottomof
attheendof
atthemoment
atwork
attention
audience
August
aunt
Australia
Australian
Austrian
autumn
avoid
awake
away
awful
baby
back
back
background
bad
badly
ballet
bamboo
ban
band
bank
baseball
basic
basket
basketball
bathroom
battery
beableto
beafraidtodo
beborn
begoodat
beinterestedin
bemadeupof
beach
bear
beat
beat
beautiful
beauty
because
become
bedroom
bee
beef
before
begin
behave
behaviour
behind
Belgian
believe
belong
below
beside
best
better
between
beyond
bicycle
billion
biology
birthday
bit
bite
blackboard
blind
block
blood
board
boat
body
bookshop
boring
born
borrow
boss
both
bottle
bottom
bowl
box
brave
bread
break
break
breakfast
breath
breathe
bridge
bright
bright
brilliant
bring
British
brown
build
building
burn
busstop
business
busy
button
buy
by
byhand
bytheway
call
call
camel
camera
camp
can
canada
Canadian
cancer
candy
capital
captain
car
card
care
care
carefully
carelessly
carrot
carry
cassette
catch
category
cause
cause
cave
cd
cd-rom
ceiling
celebrate
celebration
cell
center
centigrade
century
ceremony
certain
chain
chairman
chalk
chance
changeinto
character
character
chat
cheap
check
check
cheer
cheerful
cheers
cheese
chemistry
chess
chest
chicken
chocolate
choose
chopstick
Christmas
church
cigarette
cinema
city
clap
class
classmate
clean
clean
clear
clear
clear
clearly
clever
click
climate
climb
clock
close
close
close
cloth
clothes
cloud
cloudy
club
coach
coach
coast
coffee
coke
collect
collection
college
color
come
comeon
comeout
comeup
comfortable
committee
common
communicate
communication
company
competition
composer
composition
concert
congratulation
connect
continue
conversation
cook
cook
cooker
cookie
cool
cool
cool
copy
corner
correct
cost
cotton
count
count
countdown
country
countryside
couple
course
course
cousin
cow
create
crime
cross
crowd
cru
culture
custom
customer
cut
cycle
damage
dance
danger
dangerous
dark
date
daughter
day
daybyday
dead
dear
debate
December
decide
decision
decorate
decoration
deep
defeat
degree
delicious
dentist
departure
departurelounge
depend
depend
describe
desert
destroy
detail
develop
dialogue
diary
dictionary
die
die
diet
diet
difference
different
difficult
digital
dinner
director
dirty
disappear
discover
discuss
disease
dish
distance
distance
doharmto
dosomecleaning
dosomeshopping
dosomesightseeing
doctor
doll
dollar
don’tmentionit.
download
downstairs
dr
dragon
dragondance
dream
dream
dress
dress
drink
drive
drop
dropin
dropoutofschool
drug
drum
dry
dry
dull
dumpling
during
each
eachother
early
earth
earth
east
easy
edge
educate
education
effect
effort
eighteen
eighty
either
either...or...
elder
electricity
elephant
eleven
else
email
emperor
empty
encourage
end
ending
energetic
energy
engineer
England
English
english
enjoy
enjoyyourself
enjoyable
enough
enter
entry
environment
environmental
especially
Europe
European
even
eventhough
evening
event
ever
eversince
every
everybody
everyday
everyone
everything
everywhere
exam
example
excellent
except
excited
exciting
excuse
exercise
expect
expensive
experience
experience
experiment
expert
explain
explore
express
express
expression
extra
face
face
facetoface
fact
factory
fair
fair
fall
fall
fallasleep
falloff
false
familiar
family
famous
fan
fan
fantastic
faraway
farm
farthest
fast
fault
favor
favourite
favourite
February
feed
feel
feellike
feeling
ferry
festival
fetch
fever
few
field
fifteen
fifth
fifty
fight
fill
fillin
film
final
finally
findout
finger
finish
fireworks
first
first
firstofall
fish
fit
fit
fix
flag
flash
flat
flight
flight
floor
flu
folk
for
forexample
foreign
foreigner
forest
forget
forgive
forgotten
fork
form
forty-six
forward
fourteen
free
freedom
freezing
fresh
Friday
fridge
friendly
friendship
from
fromtimetotime
front
fruit
fuel
full
fun
funeral
funny
future
game
garden
gate
gentleman
geography
german
gesture
get
get
getoff
getonwellwith
getoutof
getreadyfor
gettogether
getup
getwarm
get(from...)to...
gift
gift
giraffe
give
giveone’slifeto
giveup
glad
glass
glasses
glove
goaway
goback
gocycle
goforaride
gohome
gooff
goout
goshopping
gosightseeing
gothrough
gotocollege
goal
gold
golder
goodnight
government
grade
graduate
grammar
gran
grandchild
granddaughter
grandfather
grandma
grandmother
grandpa
grandparent
grape
grass
great
greet
greeting
grey
ground
group
grow
growup
guard
guess
guest
guide
guitar
gym
gymnastics
habit
hair
haircut
half
hall
ham
hamburger
hand
handbag
handwriting
hang
happen
hard
hard
hardly
hardware
harm
hate
have
have
havealookat
haveapicnic
haveawordwith
havegot
haveon
headteacher
headline
health
healthy
hear
hearabout
hearof
heart
heat
heaven
heavyrain
height
helicopter
help
helpout
helpsb.withsomething.
her
here
hero
hide
high
hill
him
history
hit
hold
hold
holdtheline
hole
holiday
hometown
honest
hope
hopeless
horse
hospital
host
hot
hotdog
hotel
hour
house
housework
however
however
huge
human
hungry
hurry
hurryup
hurt
husband
icecream
idea
if
ill
illness
imagine
immediately
importance
important
impossible
improve
infact
infrontof
inone’sopinion
inplaceof
intheend
inthefuture
intheopenair
include
increase
India
Indian
industry
influence
information
ink
inside
instead
insteadof
instruction
instrument
interest
interest
interesting
international
internet
interview
introduce
introduction
introduction
invent
invention
invite
island
Italian
its
jacket
January
Japanese
jeans
job
join
join
joke
journey
juice
July
jump
jump
June
jungle
just
just
keepto
key
keyboard
kill
kilometer
kind
kindness
kitchen
knee
knife
knock
know
knowledge
lab
labor
laborday
lady
lake
lamb
land
language
lantern
last
last
late
later
latest
laugh
law
lazy
lead
leada...life
leadtheway
leaf
learn
least
leave
left
lemonade
lend
lessandless
lesson
let
let’s=letus
level
library
lie
life
light
light
light
line
lion
list
listenup
literature
litter
little
live
liveon
lively
livingroon
London
lonely
long
lookafter
lookaround
lookat
lookdown
lookforwardto
lookoutfor
lookthrough
lose
lot
lotsof
loud
loudly
lounge
love
lovely
low
luck
luckily
lucky
lunch
machine
mad
magazine
magic
main
mainly
make
makeadifferenceto
makefriendswith
makeprogress
manager
many
march
mark
market
marry
master
match
match
match
material
maths
matter
matter
may
maybe
meal
mean
meaning
medal
medical
medicine
medicine
meet
meeting
melon
memory
mend
mention
menu
mess
message
metal
meter
middle
might
milk
millionsof
minute
miss
miss
miss
mistake
model
model
modern
Monday
monitor
monkey
month
more
more
morethan
most
mountain
mouse
move
movement
movie
Mrs
museum
music
musical
must
myself
name
national
natural
nature
naughty
near
nearly
necessary
need
neighborhood
neither
nervous
network
never
news
newspaper
newspaper
next
next
nice
night
nineteen
ninety
no
nomatter
noone
nobody
nod
noise
noisy
none
noodle
noon
normal
north
northwest
not...anymore
not...atall
notebook
nothing
notice
November
number
nurse
o’clock
obey
ocean
Oceania
Oceanian
October
ofcourse
off
off
offer
office
officer
often
Olympic
omorderto
onearth
onholiday
onone’sown
ontheedgeof
ontheleft/right
once
once
onceuponatime
one
oneday
onion
only
onto
open
open
opera
operate
operation
opinion
opposite
or
orange
orange
orbit
orchestra
order
ordinary
organize
other
other
ours
ourselves
out
outside
over
over
over
overthere
overcoat
owe
own
own
owner
paint
painting
pair
palace
pancake
panda
paper
papercut
pardon
parent
park
part
partner
party
party
pass
passage
passenger
passport
past
past
path
patience
pay
payattentionto
payback
pe
peace
peaceful
peach
people
percent
perfect
perhaps
period
person
personal
persuade
phone
phone
photo
photographer
physical
physics
piano
pick
pickup
pickup
picnic
picture
piece
pilot
pink
pity
place
place
plan
plan
plane
planet
plant
plastic
plate
play
play
playwith
pla