百天突破高考 3500 必备词汇答案.docx
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Key to Day1
1. aboard, abroad 2. absorbed, absentfrom, absence 3. accent absolutely 4. accepted, accepts.access, accessible 6. account accomplish 7. accurate 8. accounted 9. accident accidentally 10.able, ability
Key to Day2
1. accusedof 2. achieve nothing 3. admirable, admire, achievements 4. action adapt 5. active, activities 6. actors, actresses, adds up to 7. accustomed, addition, addicted 8. address management 9. addressed, add, actual address 10. Actually, acts as
Key to Day3
1. advised, in advance, advice 2. advantage, adventures 3. afraid, afford, affair 4. agree,
agreement S. affected, after all 6. affection, advertisements 7. affairs 8. against 9. agent after,ages 10. Africa, African
Key to Day4
1. were aimed at, in the open air 2. aid, lend your aid 3. are almost alike, alike 4. allow him tostay out, allow smoking 5. airport by air/plane, alone 6. in all; ahead of 7. ahead of time, goahead 8 to be left alone 9. along with, Above all, was sill alive 10. alcohol, up in the air, letalone
Key to Day5
1. had no alternative/choice but to 2. in amazement amazed, amazing 3. a large amountof 4.Although 5. Among, ambassador 6. amounted to, ambition 7. with anger; animals 8. angrywith,angrily 9. amusements amuse 10. is always complaining about
Key to Day6
1. announced .好was annoyed with . . for/at 3. another 4. anxious for 5. Apart from 6. ifanything 7. apologized to; for being absentfrom 8. appealed to 9. is apparent that; apparently 10.was applied to 11. appearance 12. It appears that 13. anyhow 14. have an appetite for
Key to Day7
1. appreciate it. make/fix an appointment 2. architect covers an areaof 3. argueswith,
over/about, arising from 4. was armed with, under arrest 5. arrangements, arrival 6. appointed,approach 7. arrived at a decision, art, gained the approval of 8. arrow, April 9. showed her appreciation, arranged, wheelchair 10. approximately, arithmetic
Key to Day 8
1. was ashamed of, falling asleep 2. ashes, as, sets aside 3. In general/Generally speaking, aspect 4. associated 5. Athletes, attach 6. astonished at Atlantic 7. artist, astronomer, astronomy 8. assistants, atmosphere 9. Asian 10. As long as
Key to Day9
1. aunt, made an attempt to, attached, right away 2. available, avenue 3. author, attractive, Australia 4. audiences attracted 5. attended, attracted/drew our attention 6. aware, awful7. awarded, awoken, average 8. put away, avoid 9. August 10. take a positive attitude towards
Key to Day 10
1.go bad, are bad for, bacteria 2. badminton, bachelor, a bachelor' 3.bleyeed baggage 4. went to the barber’s, a band of rbbe5s Hamtboos 6. ball, backgrounds 7. barrier to understanding 8. keep the balance of nature 9. bargaining with, about over, based on 10. lost his balance, balcony, back and forth
Key to Day11.
1. sun baths, beach 2. baseall, because of 3. Basketball 4. bats, beat 5. on the basis of the beautyof nature 6. on the basis 7. with a beard, as busy as a bee, in bed 8. bearit in mind, basic become of 9. beautiful, battle with, bore a heavy burden, beat 10. batteries bedroom
Key to Day12
1. belonging to 2. of great benefit to / beneficial to 3. made the best of 4. bent his mind to5. belowfreezing point 6. behavior, benefit from 7. holdsa firm belief tries/ does his best, fall behind 8. begged, for, behaved badly 9. came into being, beyond belief 10. on behalf of, To beginwith 11. long before, behind schedule 12. Besides, beside the point
Key to Day13
1. gave a birth to, birthday, bleeding, blow 2. born, by birth, not a little 3. bills, bit by bit,blames, a bit, blue 4. bitten, black and blue, black sheep, to blame 5. Fillin, not, a bit 6.blind, bitter, turn a blind eye to 7. blocks, blown up/bombed, blocked 8. board, board 9.boots, book 10. boring, bored
Key to Day14
1. borrow, lend, kept 2. bother, brake, broke down, bound 3. In brief, from the bottom ofmy heart, make /ear my bread/living 4. bother working, from top to bottom 5. Use your brains/head, boxing match, make a breakthrough 6. broke out, brave, break into, bravery 7.branches 8. broke up, breathless 9. breath, held his breath 10. bridegroom, bride, bright
Key to Day15
1. Britain, British, bring about 2. brought up, carry/bear the burden 3. brother, brunch,builds up his strength 4. burst, burnt into ashes, burnt, burst into tears/burst out crying 5.buried, mind his own business, businessman 6. got on and off, busy in, by the hour, could donothing but 7. By the way, to play 8. By this means, by the end of 9. the last but one 10.bunches of flowers, all by himself, by far
Key to Day16
1. calls on, care about 2. calculating, cares for 3. careful with, no care for, carelessly, careless 4. call on, call at 5. camera, called up 6. candidates, couldn't help calling me up 7.Canadian, Canada 8. captain, the captain 9. in capitals 10. cancer, keep calm
Key to Day17
1. carry out, carry through, carry on with 2. degrees centigrade, Incaseof 3. In no case 4. As is often the case, hold a celebration5. In any case, catch up with6. In celebration of,celebration, celebrities 7. caught me by the arm, catches fire, with caution 8. cause 9. ten horses, ten head of cattle 10. Central, centre
Key to Day18.
1.in the 21st century2. the graduation ceremony, was held3. certain, honest, certain of/about, honesty4. make certain/sure, for certain/sure, certainly, uncertainty5. a chain of meet the challenge of, challenging6. chalk, two pieces/sticks of chalk7. champion,championship8. a chance, take your chance, cheat, by chance, build up your character, a man of good character9. change them for, change, changeable, check up 10. Network chat/Online chatting, cheap, free of charge, in the charge of, cheating, charged with
Key to Day 19
1. cheering on, cheer up 2. Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, The Chinese 3. choose but, made the choice, no choice but 4. Christmas Day, go to church, in the church 5. packs of, cigarette ends6. Under no circumstances, attend class 7. In/Under any circumstances, citizens, cil 8.
circling 9. children, clapped their hands 10. civilization, cheerful
Key to Day 20
1. doing a thorough cleaning, clear up, clarify 2. clerks, clever at, collecting 3.weather,climate 4. cloth, clothing, getting cold, clothes 5. get close to, keep a close watch 6. Everycoin has two sides 7. coffee, coke, coffees 8. by coincidence, off the coast 9. colleagues,cold to, in collision with 10. went to a medical college, At college, collection, clinics
Key to Day 21
1. come about 2. came across, companions, come back to life, came into being mittee, made comments on, commercial competition, came up with 4. committedcrimes,communication 5. In the company of, be compensated 6. Compared with/to7. in competition with 8. common 9. it comes to, communism, communists 10. goodcommand
Key to Day22
1. concentrate my mind on, beyond comprehension 2. As far as l'm concerned, has noconcern with 3. draw/reach/come to/arrive at a conclusion, in good condition, conditions 4. confidence in, confident of 5. come into conflict with 6. confusing, confused 7.congratulated, congratulations 8. connect him to/with 9. in connection with 10. conduct
Key to Day 23
1. In consequence of, under construction 2. Considering, consider sending 3. consistingof, made up of 4. consume, consumption, consumer 5. included, contains 6.content,content 7. On the contrary, continued doing 8. contributed, contributing 9.contributions to 10. out of control/beyond control, lost control of
Key to Day 24
1. it is convenient, at your convenience 2. got into a conversation with/had/held aconversation with, conveying 3. convincing, convinced him of 4. a copy of, at the corner5. around the corner, country(side), counts for nothing 6. count on, have the courage 7. Takeup courage, with courage 8. In the course of, bringing/taking him to court 9. covered 10.cover
Key to Day 25
had crashed2. crazy about, drives me crazy, went crazy3. credit card 4. great credit,does great credit5. crew, was, were6. crossroads, was cross with 7.cut open ,cyclist's, cruel, cured him of8. curious about, cultures, aroused their curiosity 9. custom, customers 10. criminals, customs officers, pass the customs
Key to Day 26
1. dangerous, dared not/didn't dare to, in danger, run the danger of2. dare, dares, in the dark 3. make a dash4. date back to 5. daughter, day by day, date, up to date, damage6. turn a blind eye to7. a great deal, deal with, a great deal of8. deep in debt, turned a deaf ear to, sentenced9. come to/reached/made a decision, decades 10. declared war against
Key to Day 27
1. delighting, on the decrease, increasing by 2. deep in work, deep/far into the night, deep inthought 3. To my delight, deer, defended from, without delay 4. defeated, to a certaindegree 5. delighted, delightful, delight 6. to return, (should)be shut 7. depend on,departing 8. the department store, the English Department 9. dentist, That depends/lt alldepends 10. delicious, beyond description
Key to Day 28
1. Desert, designed, deserves visiting, desire 2. detectives, got/ran into difficulty/trouble,determined, deserted, desperate 3. developed the habit, devoting 4. development,different from 5, dialed 6. keeps a diary, looks up 7. have some difficulty, going on a diet,makes no difference 8. without difficulty 9. differ, differently 10. digging into, digital cameras
Key to Day29
1. in the direction of; 2. directly; 3. directed, direction, direct 4. to the dis advantage of, disagreement, disappointed at, To my disappointment, every advantage has its disadvantage;5. discouraged me from, the disabled, discouraged; 6. made a new discovery of 7. having a discussion, with, about 8. discount, at a 10% discount 9. dirty, dishes, disgusting 10. dish, dish
Key to Day 30
1. within walking distance; 2. distinguish/make