初三一诊英语试题.docx
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初三一诊英语试题
初三“一诊”英语试题
说明:
:
1、试卷分A、B卷,答题时间120分钟满分150分
2、认真读题,积极思考,你会有一个好成绩,更拥有一份好心情
3、请将题答在答题卡上,自己保存好试题。
A卷(100分)
听力部分(每小题1分,共20分)
一、听对话,选单词
1.
A.
meet
B.
meat
C.
beat
2.
A.
thirty
B.
third
C.
thirteen
3.
A.
Miss
B.
MrWu
C.
MrsWu
4.
A.
sock
B.
shirt
C.
shoes
5.
A.
eat
B.
drink
C.
have
二、听对话,选择正确答案回答所提问题
6.
A.
Inashop
B.
Inanoffice
C.
Inahospital
7.
A.
blouse
B.
sweater
C.
skirt
8.
A.
water
B.
coffee
C.
orangejuice
9.
A.
watchTV
B.
seeafilm
C.
gotothezoo
10.
A.
once
B.
threetimes
C.
twice
三、听问题,根据实际情况回答问题,选择正确答案
11.
A.
I'mlisteningtothemusic
B.
I'mhavingsupper
C.
I'mwriting
12.
A.
Athome
B.
Atschool
C.
Atthecinema
13.
A.
Over2years
B.
Nearly4years
C.
Onlyoneyear
14.
A.
Never
B.
Yes,Ido
C.
No,Ididn’t
15.
A.
Yes,I'mnot
B.
No,I'mnot
C.
Yes,Iam
四、听短文,根据你听到的内容,选择正确答案,将句子补充完整
16.
LinYinglivesonthefloorofabuilding.
A.
third
B.
second
C.
first
17.
Theywere__________athomeoneSundaymorning.
A.
singing
B.
dancing
C.
writing
18.
cameupandknockedatthedoor.
A.
UncleWang
B.
UncleZhang
C.
UncleYang
19.
Becauseheworks________.
A.
atnight
B.
inthemorning
C.
inthedaytime
20.
Theywillgo________.
A.
outside
B.
inside
C.
bothAandB
笔试部分(80分)
一、单项选择(30分)
A)找出与下列各题划线部分意思相同或相近的选项
21.
IsBillin?
A.
athome
B.
atschool
C.
atwork
22.
Thereareover3000studentsinourschool.
A.
manythan
B.
morethan
C.
muchthan
23.
I'mgladtoseeyouagain.
A.
sad
B.
unhappy
C.
pleased
24.
Wehadagoodtimeinsummerholiday.
A.
waregoodat
B.
enjoyedourselves
C.
didwellin
25.
Thatwomanwasverythankful.
A.
grateful
B.
beautiful
C.
careful
B)从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案
26.
You'reright.Iagreeyou.
A.
to
B.
of
C.
with
27.
Thereis______oldtree______frontofthehouse.
A.
a,in
B.
an,in
C.
a,at
28.
Thankyoufor______us.
A.
helping
B.
help
C.
helped
29.
Canyoutellme___________?
A.
Wheredotheycomefrom
B.
Wheretheycomefrom
C.
wheretheycamefrom
30.
I'm____tired____Ican'tmoveanymore.
A.
too…to
B.
so…that
C.
such…that
31.
Shespeaksverysothatwecanhearher_____.
A.
loudly,clearly
B.
loud,clearly
C.
loudly,clear
32.
Tomcan'tspeakFrench.Mikecan't,_______.
A.
either
B.
too
C.
neither
33.
Help______tosomefruit,children.
A.
your
B.
yourself
C.
yourselves
34.
Listen.Somebody_______atthedoor.
A.
areknocking
B.
isknocking
C.
knocked
35.
NeitheryounorI______alittlechild!
A.
are
B.
is
C.
am
36.
Theforestscanstopwaterfrom_______away.
A.
running
B.
ranning
C.
runing
37.
Thegroundmust______inwinter.
A.
isdug
B.
dig
C.
bedug
38.
Arethesetablemade______wood?
A.
from
B.
of
C.
in
39.
Theman____iswearingblackjacketisourheadmaster.
A.
who
B.
which
C.
whom
40.
Someofmyclassmatesareinterested_____BillGates.
A.
at
B.
to
C.
in
41.
Tellthem______makeanynoiseinclass.
A.
tonot
B.
don't
C.
notto
42.
Septemberisthe_____monthofayear.
A.
ninth
B.
nineth
C.
nine
43.
Ourdog,Tearloftenmakesus______.
A.
tolaugh
B.
Laugh
C.
laughing
44.
Howdoyouusuallygotoschool,____bikeor____foot?
A.
onon
B.
onby
C.
byon
45.
What____interestingstoryitis!
A.
The
B.
an
C.
a
46.
Digthehole_______forthetree.
A.
enoughbig
B.
biggerenough
C.
bigenough
47.
It'snoteasy_____learnEnglishwell.
A.
Learnto
B.
tolearn
C.
learn
48.
Yournewbooksareonthose______.
A.
shelves
B.
Shelf
C.
shelfs
49.
English_______bymorethan400millionpeopleastheirfirstlanguage.
A.
isspeak
B.
isspoken
C.
spoken
50.
What'sthismachineusedfor?
--It'susedfor______machines.
A.
make
B.
Made
C.
making
二、选择正确句子,补全对话(5分)
A:
Goodafternoon.(51)madam?
B:
Goodafternoon.I'dliketobuyasweater.
A:
Whatsizedoyouwant?
B:
Size9.
A:
(52)?
B:
Myfavouritecolourisred.
A:
(53)Whataboutorange?
B:
Allright.(54)?
A:
Certainly.Hereyouare.
B:
It'sverynice.Itfitsme,too.(55)?
A:
200yuan.
B:
I'lltakeit.Hereisthem